THE RECORD is Your Paper—Are You its Friend? VOLUME I. NO. 7. OUR CITIZENS GO TO MEETING IN WiLSON ON ROAD MATTER Meet With Chamber of Commerce of that Town Regarding Road No. 91 Raleigh is Neutral In Road Controversy, It is Said A delegation of prominent citizens of Zebulon attended a meeting in the chamber of commerce rooms at Wil son, July 24, and earnestly requested the highway to Raleigh through the town of Zebulon, presenting maps to show that the road could be built to Zebulon at a saving of $200,000 in the cost of construction and at the same time would tie up the towns of Bailey, Middlesex, as well as Zebulon and Wendell and make the route to Raleigh only a half mile farther than ht present. Engineer Gladiing, of Wilson, had been engaged by the Zebulon people to make a tentative survey of the route and he reported that while he had not covered the route in detail he was satisfied that there would be a saving of two railroad crossings and a bridge over one of the creeks en route. Quite a number of Wilsonians made talks, and at the conclusion of the matter the general consensus of opin ion was that the State Highway Com mission should have all the informa tion necessary about both routes and therefore favored a survey of both routes in order to give it the informa tion. A resolution to this effect was passed. A vote of thanks was given the people of Zebulon for having come to Wilson and presented the matter to the -hamber of commerce. RALEIGH IS NEUTRAL IN ROAI) CONTROVERSITY The Raleigh Chamber of Commerce is taking no sides in the efforts of Wendell and Zebulon to have the link between Routes 90 and 91 which is provided for in the proposed $1,300,- 000 bond issue run through one or the other towns. J. W. Bailey, chairman of the roads committee of the cham ber of commerce, stated Monday night that this question is not likely to be settled until after the bond is sue is voted and that then it will have to be settled by the engineers of the State Highway Commission. A delegation of Zebulon citizens last week attended a meeting of the Chamber of Commrc in Wilson and urgd the Wilson organization to favor the road through Zebulon. We under stand that Wilson people endorsed the proposed route, as set out by the Zebu’on delegation. Mr. J. W. Bailey so vs that the chamber of commerce at Wilson did not commit itself. We think that Mr. Bailey is wrong in his statement, as we are informed by re liable sources that the chamber at Wilson did endorse the route by Zebu lon. The link between the two routes will provide a hard surfaced road from Raleigh to Wilson. Meeting Wednesday in the Sir Wal ter Hotel, the Roads Loan Committee of the Raleigh ChamUer om Com merce, decided to present the question of a loan from Wake county to the Highway Commission before the County Commissioners Tuesday morn ing, August 4. A large delegations of citizens of Zebulon went to Nashville 1 hursday afternoon in the interest highway 91. We go to press on Thursday evening, and it will be impossible for us carry a story of this meeting. Hear of no rush for the vacant lead ership of the third party. REPRESENTING FOUR COUNTIES—WAKE, JOHNSTON, NASH and FRANKLIN TOBACCO CROP IS 85 PER CENT GONE Estimate of Red Cross of Damage in Storm Area Damage by the hail to crops in Wake, Franklin and Nash counties as a result of a severe storm about a week ago, will average 85 per cent of the tobacco crop of farmers in the sec tion vissited by the storm, according to P. L. Hutchins, Nation r. •*" 4» <*■' EMPLOYE OWNERSHIP A newspaper story tells about a car hop worker who for many years spent his money as fast as he earned it. fn course of time he got a little wife, built a little home and added a little family—which just about used up his increased earnings. '1 he telephone co nut ny for which lie then worked, talked him into saving through an easy payment stock invest ment in the corporation—he became an employe-owner. Today he is one of the thousands of smaller stockholders whose earning:-; from his investment will hell) give the children a better education. Thou- :.Js like him own stock in the telephone and other public util?, ties—f, jo r crs, clerks, housewives, business en, all becoming e.npio’.e and customer owners.