5 - -. fc Y*'\l{^ : '*’• ' ’' $> ' J „’ " fc£‘'% v ' >*Hlr “* . ,^^jf J ‘ - j «» Mf# «|sSPil P»pd HW a *UdP S?!§i JsmM §p|§ W&M lay' m fcr' 3 .>*» '»’W s’. «• •'•45;. ;& *&i(!rh£i tiffaiEm < ; rS»>. a g BreaMa^rcv s * s-s«k;■* WWIP SMI H'HI RgKßißSgra32re ! a^g B ••^:/ ■.’3T'*'*gg*Pg?a»jag^^ « IWe are going to Give Away Absolutely FREE, one $60.00 | Kitchen Cabinet, one $65.00 Lamp, one SIO.OO Rocking l Chair „to the holder of the lucky Tickets. ■ ?*r&T?t terami'm'maf.v nr rmmir nrwirmF e imre : irT^ 4 — nwk.wfj-',.ia—mejw»».awiifl-iiafc3»MCi.Tafw)ii.nrME.3»—a———aw—i— .« •-*-•••■••■ ■ • j t ■ f ifT , r*^-' Jt; ■ *■*-• •*■»- ----- - - ■ . (.* i- s fi • "' r ~ | si C »s, ai 10 OVlodt I |: ticket lor evry bash |* | j p9p9 Ip ’ ‘ i« x I. , . sh -ifl® jin j 1 ice will 'have a six- ■ J . _ x h i . i» 1 kfi J i s | year -old eiiild to ■4 turndnre Depart- I* l s‘fe'Silr I dll}-. .. ~ . 1 h a ment, starting No- h G | tickets and Oso I . _ ii 1 fc • :: "' J Wiii*® I |1 lls I vember 1, and ran- : j one:-: I: ..J; Xnra- I j ning nnCl l>e«'ii!- j: ?. ; ; . i.,i , u ; „.;n «3 lx**-** 09 5t I r>r.•»*■• •" ?;J . « • I •; * M a ££• ‘I; get ihe Prizes. | a SZ "iv'l„;-- ' i’.JSL'-lSSEiiSSc.Sir'l? ’. .?»> »•■’ --«-3»»ii,inFr ~~ - - w.« >- TnTTjMTMIi j Nevet before have yon had an opportunity to buy furniture so Cheap j j and also stand a chance of the $135.0d worth of prizes, which we will I l give away Abslutely Free . I Now, start rigk and remember every dollar you spend in our Furniture Department | entitles you to a ticket, which gives you a chance at these wonderful prizes. J = Ask For Your Tickets ■ —■■ . z 8 “The House of Better Values” | ZEBULON SUPPLY CO.| 7rmiT o> T ' FPtnA v f\PTOPrT> on 199.^