The News and Observer will be served at your d. or on Sunday morn inc:. See me at Postoffice, and give me your name so you will tret the paper promptly without worry to you. Z. W. Chamblee. W ‘ ,TCH • MAKING ngi J repairing \ : y ' JEWELRY 01 \LL "N (l , Come to Vftjy See .Me BRITTS Jewelry Store ZEBULON, N. C. I T ] I Professional Cards ( I A. R. HOUSE ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Old Citizens Bank ZEBULON, N. C. Dr. J. B. Outlaw PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office in Zebulon Drug Co. Building Dr. L. M. Massey DENTIST PHONE NO. 82 Office in New Zebulon Drug Co. Building. Hours: 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. REPAIRING, ALTERING, PRESSING AND DYEING AU TOM OBILE TOPS and CURTAINS REPAIRED NEW TOPS OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE J. L.STELL ZEBULON, N. C. MONEY TO LOAN Farmers on Long Term AVAILABLE NOW. FIRE, LIGHTNING, WIND AND HAIL INSURANCE D. D. Chanmblee, I WAKEFIELD, N. C. I 1 FOR FRESH MEATS AND Fancy Groceries PHONE 88 Quick Service and Prompt Attention School Tablets, Pencils, Etc. A. C. DAWSON Dr. J. F. Coltrane Dentist Robertson Building ZEBULON, N. C. OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 to 12:30—1:30 to 5:00 J I / -•- * I ' DR. J. C. MANN Dr. J. C. Mann, the well known Eye-sight Specialist, will be at his office in the building with Dr. * Barbee and Dr. Flowers, in Zcbu- Un, N. C„ every second Tuesday in each month. Glasses fitted that are correct. Headaches relieved when csused by eye strain. Chil dren and young people’s eyes given expert attention. His next visit here will be NOVEMBER 10 1925 Colored Column i ' (By J. A. Gvc him, School Nev • ( . , :i ' tor) : :c Parent-Teacher ' '? ‘Vakel-m colored -h0..! h.d their , :;h , i‘tir .• '!iv ne*l m >ft trr . f’oni a*- follow: Nur' i, West East' ..: I Seu'h. N ithem of Zebulon ■ love food singing we are going to! gi .i* them a music tr -it soon. You j will be notified ldcr when it is going J (•) be given. W; tch for the notice, j CONFEDERATE VETER\NS ARE TO GET INC REASE o I Fade gh, Nov. 12.- - he Confederate! 0 f North Ca >!in i. when | .ny receive their neat ivn. i ch :T j .1 : i*, |> : re f Fi;! - •, will fil’d deyr ago, in nanouneing the i” m veterans .■ u i their wi.i >v. ; v. ill receive. Fit-si class veteran a w.P receive • 9200, second dais, 9185 lie si-id.l Fn-t class veteran’s widows will] receive checks for the sum of $209 j while fourth class widows of veterans •'-■ill get checks for SIOO. Nearly; all of the pensioners are in the fourth j class. Last year veterans of this] class received $l2O arid the widows j the same amount. The annual appropriation for Con- j federate pensions Mr. Durham ex- i plained is $1,000,000 plus any unex- 1 pc-ndcd balance of the former year. | The last legislature divided the j amount equally between veterans and widows. I There will be about 3,200 soldiers on the pension list this year. Mr. Durham said, 729 having been drop ped during the year, a great majority] of these by deaths and 294 names I having been added during the year. > There have been 688 widows, dropped from the pension roll, and, 1,077 names of widows added to the j roll. There will be about 5,300 v’id- j ovvs on the pension rolls for the year, ] Mr. Durham stated. RILEYS NEWS , j Mrs. W. E. Harris and children i wont to Louisburg Saturday on busi-; ness. Miss Evelyn Johnson spent Satur- ] day night with Bettie Florence and , Margaret Harirs. ' j Miss Hazel Baker took dinner with Marjorie and Frankie Mae Richards. Sunday. After they had enjoyed a nice dinner they got with a crowd of boys’ and girls’ and enjoyed the afternoon very much by going to ride. I Miss Vallie Inscore, one of the Riley teachers spent the week-end at Wake Forest with relatives. Mr. Candy Frazier left Monday for Richmond, where he will be for sev eral days taking a barber course. j Mr. Winston Pearce, from Raleigh, called to see Miss Majorie Richards Saturday night. There will be a plate party and musical at Riley school, Thursday night, November 26, 1925, for the benefit of the church. UNCONSCIOUS 21 DAYS BUT NOW RECOVERING After being unconscious for three weeks, Whitmell Davis, grandson of Captain T. W. Davis, of Raleigh, re gained consciousness in Johns Hop kins Hospital, Baltimore according to information received. Young Davis was injured in an automobile accident at a grade cross ing near Hendersonville three weeks ago. His injuries at first were re gard as fatal but attending physi cians now believe that he will re cover. He is the son of Dr. T. W. Davis, of Winston-Salem. I Great Game Chapel Hill, Nov. 15.—The Carolina line played a great game Saturday when the University downed Davidson and established its claim to the cham pionship of the State, in the opinion of the Carolina student body. FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Good for 20,000 Extra Votes Accompanied by the nomination blank, and your first subscription this coupon will start you in the race for the magnificient Zebulon Record gifts with a grand total of more than 35,000 (if new 60,000) votes. This coupon may be used only once and is valid only when accompanied by a subscription remittance. Name of Subscriber Contestant’s Name Amount Enclosed This coupon will count 20,000 free votes when returned on the Campaign Manager, together with the first subscription you obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, and the subscription must be for a period of one year or longer. The 20,000 free votes are In ADDITION to the number given on the subscription, as per the reg ular vote schedule. MONEY TO LOAN On Either Long or Short Terms. Reasonable to Suit Borrowers’ Con venience. Call and Let us Explain. FIRE LIFE BURGLARY INSURANCE ACCIDENT AND HEALTH BONDS LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE TORNADO WIND STORM PLATE GLASS HAIL HUNT& BRANTLEY I PICKLING INDI \u<> CROWING IN STATE Ant” liar of coacc- • are now con-1 | tracti.i.c vi ’i ■ •• • io North Caro- r j iiaa f->r cu-.u.abacs. oahb..jje tnma-; j tot--. f - ' : r’ ling, it is 5 -ntedi j out by 'ho St; te Department of Agri- I culturefi through the Division of Msr-' bets. ! An Oh : o comnamy, during the sen ■ 'll Ilf 192'"., ; i >•' planted nd • 0 in >• 1 *.c d. Th. - gros lonrnce iv.-civ- • fr- a this aerugoj \ H.C of ' n 'k . gro-n pi. Tie-. ” r.n nvci’i *ls 1.1 h. is to the . acre. The na hi | : ;.nt of thin com imy ir, r*t Wil. 1 tan, with assent• i bling riations r.c C ;t!c Jlayno and i\. •, -saw. The acrca - s grown under j tlu , contracts w ri in New Hanover. ' : ■ dor, iJujifln a: i -1. ■ "ii c untie:. A Mount Olivo pickling company 'confines its operations to Wayne and I started business in 1925. This com -1 Viiny has contracted for 35 acres. | the average yield being about 100 j bushels to the acre. Initial results, i proved highly satisfactory. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION] I j Plans for holding the 1926 session ■of the State Sunday School Conven- I tion in two sections, one in the East \ ern and one in the Western part of the State, were outlined a few days ago at a meeting of the Executive 1 Committee of the North Carolina i Sunday School Association. The Western Section of the Convention wil be held in Hickory on Monday, Tues- j day and Wednesday, May 3, 4 and 5; i I the Eastern section, in New Bern,| I Friday Saturday and Sunday, May 7,1 ] 8 and 9. j The pastors and superintendents in ■these two cities had held meetings i and extended invitations for these j j Conventions. The invitations from! ] the pastors and superintendents had ; been endorsed by the Mayors, Cham j bers of Commerce, Rotary Clubs, and ; I Kiwanis Club. The invitations were] ] accepted by the State Executive Com i mittee. 1 The committee appointed to have charge of the arrangement of the 1 programs is J. B. Ivey, President of the North Carolina Sunday School As- : sociation; L. W. Clark, Chairman of the Executive Committee; E. B. Crow ] | Treasurer; and D. W. Sims, General ! Superintendent. Working with this committee will be the four Regional 1 Presidents, as follows: R. B. Peters, Jr., Tarboro; Dr. John B. Wright,! Raleigh; Dr. C. M. Van Poole, Salis bury; Thomas P. Pruitt, Hickory. ! Among other important actions ] taken by the State Executive Com -1 mittee was the appointment of a com- I mittee to work up a big delegation from North Carolina to the Inter national Sunday School Convention I which is to be held in Birmingham, Alabama, April 12 to 19, 1926. This J will probably be one of the largest religious gatherings ever held in the South. There will be representatives , from practically every State in the ■ Union, from the Provinces of Canada, Cuba, Mexico, and visiting represen tatives from a number of foreign , countries. From the office of the International Council of Religious ! Education under whose auspices the Convention will be held, comes the in , formation that President Cooledge will be one of the speakers. , FOR SALE— COTTON SEED j cleaner and engine, practically j new; run one season, having moved from th 3 section, I de- I sire to sell. For information, call j at Record office. LEFT IN THE RECORD OFFICE— Fountain pen. Owner can get same by identifying pen and paying for this ad. TURNIPS FOR SALE—SEE C. B. Eddings, East Horton Street, Zebu lon, N. C. Ct i li.i'i"!' REACHES 11s in guilford Cr nslviro, Nov. I*s. —ThT* c; v • in iXN'ord county lus reach 9 u h prop rtions that ?oin< held fel lm. ' the c;-urt caiemi r which Clerk . r ( urt . .1 \V. ; We h'?,ve In stock a few Ceek E .eves we f rr "j (Vi! j- fyfl /. 71. ' | {i z\ i isj J .y ij ip O 'ir O iL J.. i, .V ’V ~fJ' 9 9 | ! | Utter gradfes in proportion Heating Stoves, $2.49 up. j Shot Guns to close cut. Just a few left. ! A GENERAL STOCK HARDWARE, j Paints, Crockery, etc. Make it a habit of coming into our store. It will pay you. Zebulon Hardware Co. Great Bargains You are Invited to Come and Select for Yourself. Everything in the Store has Been Placed for QUICK SELLING If you will come to my store you will save from 25 to 30 Per Cent. New Goods Now on Display A. I). Antone I Disc Harrows | Stalk Cutters 1 Spike Harrows I Sow your Oats 1 and Rye now I We carry a full line of 1 Farm Implements! N. B. 1 Finch & Co. I Zebulon, N. C Just Received Several numbers in Ladies’ Novelties, such as Satins, Patent and Velvets, in low, Cuban and French Heels. OUR PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT Ackerman’s $ Store j C had , r-'pared fur trial of cases , if: ■ court : t n term beginning Mi : . The clerk wa: c :np. I! ■ I to 1.- !■ N;-. urday. What made •■ tier worse it was the i ■ • ,:<'t that Clerk Gant over fr ir a Ks-i-vice as 'clerk, with 67 <•:,'minal cases. will