The ZehuiGit Record Tii£ KueoitD publishing go.. Zeb lion, N. C. Pub' : "hod evcrv Friday by G. W. Mitchel’, Own .*r. SUB*SCRIPTION PRICE: Ofto Year $1.50 . SJ* Months bO j Three Months 50 Advertising Rates Furnished on Application. Address all communications to The Record Publishing Company, Zebulon, C„ RECORD TELEPHONE NO. 27 Entered as second-class mail matter June 26, 1925, at the Postoffice, at Zebulon, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1878. ’ , FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1925 !.! -k? - , - ■■ TUBERCULOSIS CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE It is stated that the Christmas seal sale for the benefit of those suffer ing with the groat white plague—' Tuberculosis, will start just after Thanksgiving is over. Mrs. J. D. j Davis is chairman of the committee 1 on sale of tuberculosis Christmas seals this year for Zebulon. It is j hoped that the good people of our town will buy these seals readily, as the proceeds are for the benefit of i tuberculosis patients. Wake county is now caring for three or four patients who are suf fering from this dreaded disease, at the San-'+orium. It is stated that Beals will go on sale today, and it is earnestly hoped that all our busi ness men will use the seals freely every letter and package sent out. The more you buy, the more money will be made for a good cause. Re member that “an unnourished child of today is a tuberculosis patient of tomorrow.” Lend the cause a helping hand by purchasing the seals from those who will call on you in the next few days. It is a cause that i 3 worthy of our individual attention. Every time you buy a seal you help some one in some way. DECIDE ON SCHEDULE OF VIRGINIA LEAGUE Norfolk, Va., Nov. 21. —Directors] of the Virginia League, meeting here tonight, decided to open the playing season next year on April 12 and to close on September 15, and provide for the playing of double-headers each Saturday. W. G. Bramh; m was re-elected president for a term of five years. wi m - «. m, wnrawaw.«.-as - n/.xancx* ■: *r Rif TJi If! .ead ~Keadlii UNTIL DECEMBER 23RD WE WILL GIVE COUPONS FOR EVERY DOLLAR PAID E TO US FOR PARTS AND LABOR {\ Fhc Coupons will be -u:.rue-red and on the 23rd off December ai r O’CLOCK the one holding the Lucky ij lNui-i; r Will receive $10.:;9 in GOLD. The one lin’d lug the secord Lucky Number will receive i $5.00 in GOLD. BRING US YOUR WORK AND GET THE BESTS SERVICE YOU EVER HAI) AND FOR j LESS MONEY WE DO ALL KIND OF AUTO REPAIRING, BATTERY WORK ANI) ACYTELINE WELDING Come to See Us and Get Our Prices on Any Work You Have. Yours For Better Service, B. & M. MOTOR CO. Located in the Mitchel! Motor Co. Building. ■ m >■ in —* Great Bargains You are Invited to Come and Select for Yourself. Everything in the Store has Been Placed for QUICK SELLING - If yon wiy.come to pjy store you will r iavfe frdirf 25' WSfrPet Ceht * New Goods Now on Display A. Di Antone DON’T FAIL TO ATTEND Shamburger-Piopm (3o®s WAK EI.ON SCHOOL GET F RIG FUND! If current reports arc true. Wake-1 lon school will soon have anothi r large building added to her many large and commodious ! uildings. The 1 school is growing in le ps and bounds ; and the people of our section see the need of more room for the already i crowded condit ons. ! Notwithstanding, Wakelon school • is one ot the largest in any section of North Carolina, it is growing so lust that the need or larger build ings is nect ssary, and Old Dame Ku mar has it that Wakelon school will have funds to the amount of $55,- UOU to put up other buddings for the accommodation of her already large student body. It was learned a few days ago that at a meeting held in Raleigh by the County Commissioners and the Board of Education in making the apportion of the school funds, Wakelon school received funds to the amount $55,000 for Thaking permanent im provements. We have not learned just how the funds \Vill be used, but it is an assured fact that another large build ing will be erected. NEWS FROM PINE RIDGE Miss Winnie Coxe spent the week end with her neonle in Zebu’on. Mossrs W. J. Mitchell and T. E. Hinnant wore business visitors to i Raleigh Friday. ! Mr. and Mrs W. M. Pearce visited Rocky Mount Thursday. Miss Delilah Cheaves visited her parents at Bunn last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Williams, of I Zebulon, spent Sunday in our section. | The ladies of the Woman’s Mission-, ary Society met at the home of Mrs. W. J. Perrv last Thursday night to! make a quilt which they will presenTl to the Thomasville orphanage as a Thanksgiving offering . Mr. W. J. Perry visited Louisburg Saturday. | Miss Daisy Caldwell, our home demonstration agent, met with the woman’s community club last Wed nesday at the school building. After all business was attended, hot tea and nabiscocs was served. The ladies of the community are making a quilt for the purpose of making money for the school. They are going to sell numbers for it and the person holding the'lucky number will get the quilt. Everybody come to our musical concert next Friday night and see the quilt, also buy some num bers and get a good supper. HOPKINS CHAPEL NEWS i We cordially invite the people of I our community to be at church Sat urday night November 28, as New | Hope Christian Endeavor Society will I bring a grand program for all to j enjoy. “Come one and all.” See “Come Out of The Kitchen” on December 11 in Wakelon School Auditorium. • THE ZEBULON RECORD. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1»25 \ LEftf IN THE RECORD OFFICE— TURNIPS FOR SALE—SEE C. B. Fountain pen. Owner can get same ~, , , : ~ • i „*:<•!• , . , l. i i rgs, hast Horton Street, mn>u by identifying pen and paying for, , ’ this ad. If". N- C. • 1 MONEYVO lA’hUi On Either Long or Short Terms. Reasonable to Suit Borrowers’ Con venience. Call and Let us Explain. FIRE LIFE BURGLARY INSURANCE ACCIDENT AND HEALTH BONDS LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE TORNADO WIND STORM PLATE GLASS HAIL HUNT&BRANTLEY It Is Up to You to Win! Once in the Life of Everyone Comes the Moment When ..the Decision is Made W hich Robs of Success—or Leads on to Fortune THE RECORD’S “Everybody Win” Auto and Cash prize campaign is bringing the decisive moment to many—to you. It is putting it squarely up to you as to whether or not you intend to make use o o P“ portunities in order to succeed in life, or whether you are going to ignore the chances of sere y P " ing in a few weeks of spare-time effort to such an immense extent that it may equal the ordinary sa g years. You can win tbe Chrysler Touring Car. The $200.00 in Gold, or one ot the two $75.00 P . or you can participate in the liberal cash commissions # P al d all non-prize winners. Act now, w 1 s • J. tions are at their absolute peak of vote value, and winning will be easily. For votes alone decide the \ in this campaign. Remember, it costs nothing to enter • Your nomination gives you 5,000 votes aid i y $9.00 club you obtain gives you, besides the regular vote san extra credit of 100,000 votes. ou 8 the best possibilities this offer has for you and yet pre tend to be ambitious to succeed in life. Ihe ime come to make the devision —Yes or No; fortune or fail ure - It is is up to you. WAKE UP AND GET BUSY. ™ FILLIN NOMINATION BLANK INCORNER OF PAGE SECOND GRAND CAHTAL PRIZE FREE lst PRIZE $200.00 in Gold—Given to the person receiv ing the second highest number of votes after 1926 CHRYSLER TOURING CAR ha s been awarded. VALUE $1,130.00 THIRD GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE FREE light now an entirely new candidate cm assume the leadership with just a few . „ , , . i.v. wV nVinrr j good subscription?. Only two six year subscriptions would count 600,000 votes; if $ G 3.00 in GOifl Gi\en O ti. pyl sO.l X CCcl . l.lg I tdken from NEW subscribers they would count 900,000 votes. Vertify this by glunc- third highest number Oi VOtSS ill district ing * the votes published i„ this issue. l after car W been awarded. Consider what your spare time the next few weeks-may mean to you. Make up . . . B your mind to participate in the Record S2OOO gift distribution. A little earnest effort $75.00 in Gold —Given to the person receiving \ now is better than all the regrets and “wish I hads” after it is too late. If you are |U; rr l rmmher of votes ill district alive, if you have the least sptrk of business, the ’east ambition to better yourself lne lnirCi m gnebt numoei Oi 'OLOb 111 uiawici, financially and add to your income, get in your name. Show a little action and make tWO ilttcr Car lias been awarded, more money in your spare the next few weeks than most people make in a year, j You’ll never again in this section have such an opportunity, we’ll wager you that never NOTE: The car .and the $200.00 prize will be again wii any paper offer such rewards. awarded to the two contsetants having the You can make this one of the most pleasant days of your life by entering your highest number of VOteS regardless of dis name to compete for these wonderful prizes. Get busy now and let The Record make P ® you the most remarkable present you ever received. triCt. —— Schedule of Votes and Subscription Price of The Zebulon Record ■■ ■ ii ■ i i 1 years $1.50 lO,OOO 1 year $1.50 8,000 1 vear $1.50 6,000 1 year $1.50 3,000 2 years $3.00 ....30,000 2 years $3.00 _ 24,000 2 years $3.00 18,000 2 years $3.00 15,000 3 years $4.50 60,000 3 years $4.50 50,000 3 years $4.50 40,00 3 years $4.50.....30,000 APTIX/T? 4 years $6.00 90,000 4 years $6.00. ..75,000 4 years $6.00 60,000 4 years $6.00_.....45,000 ▼? v/AVAYXjXVO 5 years $7,50 120,000 5 years $7.60 .100,000 5 years $7.50 80,000 5 years $7.50 60,000 6 years $9.00 200,000 6 years .160,000 6 years $9.00... 125,000 6 years $9.00 .....90,000 PffcflM FOR lVf ORF 1 The a^ ove schedule of votes, which is on a declining basis, will positively not be raised during AW/V/IYX X v/XV ifXv/XXU the campaign. A special ballot, good for 100,000 fcxira votes wilt be issued on every “club” of $9.00 worth. No subscriptions will be accented for loon than one vear nor more than six years from any contestant. I Subscription Price Anywhere in U. S., $1.50 Per Year | MAKE THIS CAMPAIGN PAY YOU FOR A YEAR’S SALRY NOMINATION BLANK ON THE ZEBULON RECORD CIRCULATION CAMPAIGN GOOD FOR 5,000 VOTES I hereby enter and caaI.S.OQQ csediftp for Klee (Mr. or Mrs.) 4 ; 5 U As a candidate in THE RECORD Circulation Cmaif*. . V/JA Town —. — l;* \ 1 Signed Address * ... VOTE—Only one nomination blank accepted for each candidate. FOR SALE—r- COTTON SLED I cleaner and engine, practically! new; run one reason, having] moved froih th s section, I de- 1 sire to sell. For information, call J at Record office. rIkST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Good for 20,000 Extra Votes Accompanied by the nomination blank, and your first subscription this coupon will start you in the race for the magnificient Zebulon Record gifts with a grand total of more than 35,000 (if new 60,000) votes. This coupon may be used only once and is valid only when accompanied by a subscription remittance. Name of Subscriber • Contestant’s Name Amount Enclosed This coupon will count 20,000 free votes when returned on the Campaign Manager, together with the first subscription you obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, and the subscription must be for a period of one year or longer. The 20,000 free votes are In ADDITION to the number given on the subscription, as per the reg ular vote schedule. T- ■ ■ ' ' ' In The ZEBULON RECORD Circulation Campaign . GOOD FOR 100 VOTES If turned In to the Campaign Manager on-or before < r December 5 ; ** ' 1 " \\ ii j | -**«•»!**. ■*- : m ■ v ‘ Name —*?*. ..ZA—.. ■■■ Address T —- ~ - —t Must be neatly trimmed and tied together— Do Not Roll j Do you konw that by the applica tion of elbow grease many an old j piece of furniture can be made beauti- T ~~ '