THE RECORD is Y< ur Paper—Are Yible. We are glad to see every committee and every officer working hard to build up the class. LIGHTNING WON’T HIT MAN WHEN HE’S DOWN “Lightening is a gentleman and observes the rules of the Marquis j of Queensbury—it won’t strike a man ! when he’s down,” according to elec- ’ trical engineers who have experimen- |' ted with man-made lightning. c The possibilities are that a man ' standing directly under a storm 1 cloud would be struck fifteen times in one hundred strokes, while a man 1 flat on the ground would be struck only once in a hundred strokes, they say. Two million volts of electricity ’ having characteristics of lightning I have been made by the engineers, for 1 experimental purposes. Lightning has a voltage of 100,000,000 or about ' one million times the voltage of a (house lighting circuit. A bolt of light- 1 n:zg represents enough energy to drive an automobile five miles or to j * operate a toaster for one day, the ex- i' periments have disclosed. There was an increase of more than j 6 per cent in the number of local and 1 long distance calls made last year in j ? the state of South Carolina. ' I THE RECORD! Will Print Your Community News f Zebulon To Make Ef fort To Surpass All Years t i Business Men Behind | The Market With Solid Front “Zebulon will have the best tobacco ! market the town has ever had,” was the remark of one of Zebulon’s busi ness men Tuesday. “The business men of the town are back of the warehousmen and they ' are going to see that the market is ' well advertised and that the townspeo ple will show the farmers that they will do everything they can to help get good prices on this market. “We have been promised the best buyers, and we have a good auctioneer —one that will stay with a pile of tobacco until it brings its full value. “Mr. F. A. Cheatham, one of the best tobacco men in North Carolina, he will have charge of the farm>- ers warehouse. Mr. Cheatham will do his part. Every person in the Yopngs ville tobacco district that grows to bacco knows Mr. Cheatham, and’ yotx will find the Franklin tobacco farm ers coming to Zebulon from the Youngsville section by the scores. For they know that Mr. Cheatham will see that they get the besfc prices obtain able.” “Then, again, every one in this sec tion knows R. M. Sanford. He is a man that works hard for his farmer friends. He knows every tobacco farmer wrthin fifty miles of Zebulon, and every one that has sold tobacco at a warehouse where Mr. Sanford is in charge, knows that he will do the BEST for them. Mr. Sanford never gets tired of working. He goes from early morning to late at night, and he believes in talking “tobacco.” He loves the work and he has his whole heart in the business. His past years in the business stands out as a monu ment to him. The Stephen Bros.—R. B. and M. D. Stephens, are men that can be de pended on. When they tell you they tell you they will do a thing, they will go the limit to fulfill their prom ise. They have promised to make the Wiggs warehouse one of the best sell j big houses in Eastern Carolina. These men are men of experience in the t<>- ; bacco business and they have a rop that is env.eii t>> uoaeco men all over North Carolina. The farmer that carries his tobacco to the Wiggs warehouse this year will be pleased and will return home satisfied. The above was given out by one of Zebulon s best business men, and he knows all of these tobacco men. He knows the farmers also, end he be lieves that the farmer who sells on the Zebulon market this season will he better pleased than any year since Zebulon had a tobacco market. STRICK LAND REUNION At their home near Emit, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Strickland celebrated their birthday most happily with a hed of friends and relatives, who came ear ly and stayed late to enjoy the oc casion with them. The crowd ran well over the fortieth mark. A splen did dinner was served out in the grove in picnic style. The table was loaded with the best eatables to be found in the country. Ice cream and sherbit was served in the afternoon. The youngsters especially enjoyed the games that were selected. Those present with families at the happy gathering were as followers: Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Strickland, Mir. and Mrs. J. O. Hinton, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hinton, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jjinon, Mrs. D. E. Wilder, Mr. and ilj--- J. Penny, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lewlfe, and Mrs. E. 11. Narron, Mrs. M. E. NJurnn, Miss Mary N. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Bennet Strickland, Miss Golia John son, Mrs. Sarah Bell and little Miss Rudeene Bell.