PILOT NEWS ITEMS 8y One among the greatest revivals Ljever held here closed Tuesday night. fmWe can never exprss our appreciation Klto our pastor, Rev A. A. Pippin of I £ Wakefield, ar.d Itev. Fredrick N. Day, Winston-Salem, for the splendid they rendered us during our days revival. Services were good Atl.e entire meeting. Th re v ere ms ny ■conversions made. Same were young, lv.hile others were mothers, fathers land grandfathers, who stepped out and 1 1 gave their hearts to God . Ij There were forty-one baptized last [ Sunday morning. Several were re ] j stored back to church and several | came by letter. With this vision of a N great service let us all pause for a ■ moment arid think —then conclude EjS that more good work can be accom- i H plished. We have others who haven’t j m y e t come. We have several organiza [■tions in our church namely : R. Y. P. j ■ u.; Y. W. A.; G. A. and Sunbeam ! ' I Clubs. Some for the old and some | [ I for the young. We have as fine, and 3 pure specimen of woman and man -3 hood in some of our girls and boys as R any community ever witnessed. So 2 now we should put forth a greater 1 effort to assist in clearing the com 2[munity of the menace by training our selves to obey the laws of God. 1 hen H when we reach our ripe old age we . HI may draw near our chairs and par-1 Liiiakc of the feast of blessings God has rS given us as a reward for our service. ■ People will notice our B. Y. P. U. H has been changed from Sunday a. m. I I to Sunday night 7:80, because the I I nights are longer and the mothers can 22 attend more. We want is many as B will, old and young to come in time to 31 join us in our prayer service which K| will be held at seven o’clock just before H B. Y. P. U. Th.* men will meet in H their Baraca class room and the ladies I in their Philathea class room. Beginning the* following su>*k y 1 night for a while wo ,v ! l moo! 2 rate and I h< n ask v bo;ug trained r.ll I will meet i i iui'*h auditorium. .Wo FH need you—co and take a pa. v t. Jiv 2f 4tho -a prayer eervie**: we h ti: c ■ complish groat work. We w: v nt to I also make our B. Y. P. U. so inti i'- ll esting when us to ootv.e again. PUaBOI’T 2,3.'.0 REGISTER AT STATE UNIVERSITY Chapel Hill, Sept. IS.—The formal opening of the one hundred and thirty third year of the University of North Carolina was held Friday at 10 o’clock . with exercises in Memorial Hail where |. President Chase addressed the stu ■ dent body. Formal registration ended Thurs | ’ day although tardy arrivals will be 2 ’ coming in for several days. Regis tration figures were not available'to night, but an unofficial estimate was placed at twenty-three hundred, with a freshman class of some eight hun dred. College night exercises were held Fridas night, when the student body 18 was addressed by President Chase of V > the university; by E. P. Broadhurst J of Gi'eensboro, representing the gen ii eral alumni association and by S. G. H Chappell, president of the student • body. These exercisess were preceded n by a tug of war between the sopho- B meres and fresh men. “What are you taking for your ■ cold?” “I haven’t received any offers yet.” F— II IHTTIIiIIBI ■ lir l TmrmUTII mm\lt *\M\ 9I i I Al!n-iV Pat*!ny I I*lllloll is I HFIIM Furnace frlfl A New type furnace that |j set? above tine floor and will do the work of two ( or three ordinary stoves. . *Y Furnace Heat at low cost! Heats the healthful way by moist air circulation and is kept clean as easily as a piece of furniture. . . Vitreous porcelain enamel finish in several colors. Don’t fail to step by and see a furnace made to look like a piece of furniture and to be installed above the floor. Massey Brothers | *' 'JI HER BITS TAKEN BY INSURANCE MEN; Most people consider insurance a g"‘id thing because of the protection it gives in case of death loss of health cr property. Wise business men in sure th'kr property against losses by fire, Pghtning, wind -forms, floods,: hail, etc. It is customary even for musicians to insure their v< ices, arms, hands or fingers against accidents tiiat might rob them of their livehood. Pad. rewski a few years ago insured each of his fingers for SIO,OOO. In ur. nee on the bow hand of Jan Ku lulik cost him 51,500 a year. Motion picture produces often take out big policies on their stars players especially on dangerous roles. A film a few years ago carried $700,000 in : uranec. Baseball managers also in j sure the lives and limbs, of their stars, j Beside regular insurance there is j i great deal of freak insurance writ j ten mainly by Lloyds of England, j | They stand ready to insure even al most every conceivable contingency. They stand ready to insure even elec tion bets. It has been said that they will insure a house on fire betting that the firemen wil lbe on the job before it is destroyed. Frank in surance is no more of a guess or a gamble than standard insurance is. j | The odds are figured with uncanny j exactness and strange risks taken pays well in the aggregate. If he wishes a farmer may insure his crop .-gainst damage by frost, hail, wind rain or drought. At the time of the police strike in Boston a few years ago Lloyds wrote more than $8,000,- 001) of riot insurance in a single day. ! Th‘*y :ir" prepared to insure ner vous heads of families against the 1 birth of twins or triplets providing: j ;he family is satisfactory. Lloyds . I mice insured • : -lined baboon. When .ho mimal up and died the company 1 ; re,aptly paid Live insurance. A young man applied for insurance 1 lguiriot getting m mod. Finduighkn *; ;v heir to a c ni.-ad a a ulc estate con ' j :: ku .1 on his la . mining ;pLn/ e f . i j v years, the Lloyds rejected his i application. No one with a fore sight can deny l < but that insurance is a good invert, meni. A few suggestions will help 'to rave money oil fire insurance, No ■■■]>>. ufanegcoinpnpy wdirin.-ure a build ing if there is a-terracotta sir metal fine; so don’t use them they are too I dangerous. A flue built with brick •, on edge will cost extra $5 per SI,OOO i yearly. If all chimneys and flues are : built from the ground there is a ■ i discount of 10 per cent oil dwelling . and contents. Shingle roof carries the highest rate:-:. Metal composition and slate roofing carrier the same ■ rates. Lightning rods do not make . your insurance any cheaper. The cheapest fire insurance is vvrit i ten by the County Mutals, their rates i ! average less than one half o'd line . Jcompmies on same property. The I Mutuals are county associations. They 1 are now carrying over $35,000,000 in * suranee in North Caroline. The rates ■ ; verage $5 pel" thousand yearly for : 1 fire, wind, lightning and tornado. '1 he . Federal Land Banks and Joint Stocks , Banks accept the security of the t Mutals. 1 D. D. CIIAMRLEE. I Customer—“Do you really think ‘ sardines ire healthy?” Grocer —“Well, madam, I never ’ ( heard one complaint.” THE ZEBULON RECORD FAMILY REUNION Mrs. Lucy Alford had a reunion on September 15. She was 72 years old. She is the, mother of 14 children and a I v,* e pre.-ent. The oldest son, Mallie, is the father of 11 children. Mr-. Alford has 102 grandchildren,* 15 dead an dB7 living and 82 present.: She has Id great grand children living and 15 were present. Some .. T her friends were present also to help enjoy the dinner. There was plenty to eat and much left. Rev. S. J. Betts was present and asked the blessing and enjoyed the occasion. May God bless the family and en able them all to meet next September 15, 1027, and enjoy the meeting even better thin they did this one. WILL SNOOT TO KILL Exasperated by continued mail robberies, Postmaster General New has more effectively armed his 22,- 500 railway mail clerks and ordered them to shoot to kill. The decision to adopt drastic meas ures came after a check-up revealed that fourteen major mail robberies ffit /". J V» '.'fr-i.~*'-9& <•".<*» •■ / » .4 H L Gasoline Mileage’ CJoiitest :""| Ilosv' .Far Will Ifmir JForci Ihiii Oil • 1 One {ialii.ua of Ciasolhae? 9 • J On Saturday, October 2nd, at 1 o’clock P. M„ we hill hold a preleyainary mile- 1 age Contest. The whiners in this contest will be eligible to enter the final S contest to be held in Raleigh, N. C., Thursday, October 7th. |j Prizes In This Preliminary Contest Will Be As Follows: S Ist, Prize for open car One set Genuine Ford Batteries if Ist, Prize for dosed car One set Genuien Ford Batteries. I 2nd, Prize for open car One set Genuine Ford Bumpers, m 2nd, Prize closed car One set Genuine Ford Bumpers, gl Prizes in the Final Contest to be Held in Raleigh, Oct. 7 I Ist, Prize for open car SIOO.OO in ( ash Eg Ist, Prize for closed car SIOO.OO in Cash H 2nd, Prize for open car $50.00 in Gash 2nd, Prize for closed car $50.00 in Cash H Rules For Contest I All cars shall be standard 1926 modeels with no extra equipment. B No one connected with any Ford Dealership or any employe of any dealer fi shall be allowed to enter. H All gas tanks, gas lines and carburators shall be drained and one gallon of Eg gasoline placed in the tank and tank and hood sealed by the Judges of the |j contest. .✓ > II REGISTER AT ONCE IF YOU WISH TO ENTER THE CONTEST 1 Mizelle Motor Company I Authorized Dealers I Lincoln Ford Fordson 1 ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA I during the list fiscal year had caus ed the loss of $1,108,540, of which about one-half has been recovered. A recent $135,000 robbery near Chi cago was the immediate cause for the new order. It will be recalled that at the time of the prevalence of mail robberies in ' 1021 United States Marines were de tailed to duty in gurrding the mails for several months. Should the post al clerks be unable to cope with the ] situation, it is intimated that the Marines will be called into action again. Long penitentiary sentences have been meted out to *ls convicted mail robbers in the past two years, but the criminal element appears to be undeterred by this fact. The only protection which may be afforded the mails appears to be through making every mail ctir a fort, manned by brave men with orders to shoot to kill. That is just what the Post Os ! fiee Department means to do. | “I’m a father!” cried young Jones as he burst into the office. “So’s your old man,” replied the 1 boss. ‘‘Get to work.”—Jack-o-Lant v ern. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE YOU JUST TRY IT A hen is not supposed to have Much common sense or tact. Yet every time six* lays an egg She cackles forth the fact. A rooster hasn’t got a lot Os intellect to show, i But none the less most roosters have Enough good sense to crow. The mule, the most despised of beast Has a persistent way Os letting folks know he's around By his insistent bray. V The busy little bees they buzz, Bulls bellow and cows moo, The watchdogs bark, the ganders quack, And doves ind pigeons coo, The percock spreads his tail and squawks, Pigs squeal, and robins sing, i And even serpents know enough, To hiss before they sting. But man, the greatest masterpiece That nature could devise, Will oft on stop and hesitate Before he’ll advertise. The codfish lays a million eggs, While the helpful hen lays one; But the codfish does not cackle To inform us what she’s done. And so we scorn thecodfish coy, While the helpful lan we prize; Which indicates to thoughtful minds IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE. Timely Tips Sprinkle salt over the matting on grass rugs before sweeping. Equal portions of water and am monia will remove varnish from furniture. Bacon sandwiches tire delicious in the packed lunch yet so often unthought of. The colored oilcloth doilies are practical for summer breakfast apd luncheons. Pure soap and cheesecloth are best for removing finger marks from doorknobs. Black coffee containing a tea spoonful of lemon juice will often cure a blinding headache. Detroit is taking a bootlegger cen sus. Wonder what she’ll do if she finds there are too many.