Personal Mention" Mr. a-j Mrs. Frank L. Fitts of Enfield were guests i. *r th” week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Pitts. Miss Irene i’itts, a daugoter of the visitors and a member of the faculty of Wakelon, was also a guest in the home of her uncle during her parents’ visit . Don’t forget tin* supper at the Wo man's club put on by the ladies of the M. E. Church tonight from <5:80 to 8:00. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Herring were called to Forest City la*t week to attend the funeral *f Mrs. Herring's brother, Mr. Max Smith. Mr. H. E. Mann, agent at the rail way station, is moving his family here. They will occupy tie house on Gannon Avenue where the former agent lived. James StuuM Finch has recovered from an illness of several days. Misses Ruby Temples and Inez Pitts are home from N. \V. for the spring holidays. Miss Melba Chamblee i ine last Friday from St. Marys to spend spring holidays at home. Mr. Lawrence Tracy ha gone to Chicago to take a special three months course in radio. Mrs. Tracy lias ta ken a room at Mrs. J. B. Outlaw’s during her husband’: absence. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lewis are mov ing into the house formerly ocupied by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tracy. Mr. I). D. Chamblee has been won deling v.-hat to do with a counterfeit Tiftv-cunt piece which some one paid' him. He has decided to melt it in order that it may be thoroughly dis posed of. Master Van Shamburger is reco vering from a tonsil operation on last Saturday. Mr. M. E. Shamburger has return ed to Richmond after spending a few days here with his family . Mrs. Phillip Massey was ill last week. Mi-s. Abner Bnker substituted for Mrs. Massey at Union Level school. C 1. Geo. C. Simms and Mrs. Simms have moved to Zebulon and have ta ken rooms at Mrs. J. B. Outlaw’s. Miss Erveane Massey is home from N. ('. C. W. for the holidays Miss Doris Horton is home for the spring - holidays She spent last, week end in Oxford, the guest of Miss Ken non Taylor, a class mate at N. C. C. W. Miss Sophia L. Hart of Goldsboro left f .■ her home on Tuesday, after a visit in the home of her nephew, i Mr. John Norwood. The friends of Mrs. J. Sid Perry of! Durham will be glad to know that she-1 is back t her home, much improved J by a stay in a Balt - ’more hospital. Mrs. C. E. Flovers was hostess to: the members of Dr. Flowers’ family' last Sunday. Mrs. Charles Daniels and children, ( Barbara, and Ches. Jr., have return ed to their home in Boston after a visit to relatives here. The other daughter. Dorothy, went to resume her studio- at Randolph- Macon Col lege. t . B. Kudins. .;r., was taken to Re< hospital for an operation for appen dici: t Saturday. He is recover ing rapidly, which is good news to his friends. Mr. Jethro Stell is building another shop to replace the one which was recently destroyed by fire. He is us ing the ami; site. Mi . k E. Brantley of Buffalo, New York, had the misfortune to break her arm two weeks ago. Her many friends in and around Zebulon will be dad to know that -he is doing as well as could he expected. E. O. Daniel, Jr., has been elected vice-president for next year of the student body at the University of N. C. Both E. C. Daniel. Jr., and J. K Barrow. Jr., made the honor roll foi the quarter .just ended at < hapel Hih Revs. A. A. Pippin and R. H. Her ring attended a son - 'd meeGng of the Tar River Association at Henderson Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gill have taken rooms in the home of Mrs. R. F Brantley. Messrs. T. M. Conn and S. G. Flowers have returned from a busi ness trip to Baltimore. A Bladder Physic Is a medicine that works on the; bladder as castor oil on the bowels. Drives out impurities and excess acids that cuse irritation which results in CTcttnc: up nisrhs, freqtuent d®s'rc kurnng. lex pains and backache. Get a 25c test box of BU-KETS, (5 <rr. Tablets) the pleasant bladder physic from any drug-gist. After four days if not relieved go back and get your money. You will feel better after this cleansing and you get your reg ular sleep. Sold bv— CITIZENS DRUG CO. 1 HOPKINS CHAPEL r We were glad to see Mr. ami Mrs. . E 1 ii So li r- out at church Sunday afternoon, also their daughf. r, Ze mera . Irs. Donald Stallings. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rodgers, Oscar Ro igci , and Tass Straughan all of Raleigh were church visitors Sunday. Miss Thelma Bunn, Mrs Jessie Bunn attended the association at Rolesville Tuesday of this w'eek, Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Perry were greet in., hi lends in this community, ;Sunday, j I Wakefield News Mrs. D. S. Joyner is able to b< up : i:i. after an extended Mines*, hr;. W. J. Perry is ::t Foquay visiting her daughter, Mrs. It. Bullock, and a new grand daughter. Misses Jane Hoyle and Ethelyn * f,r •- n are home from N. (’. C. W. for ii:ig holidays. Mrs. W. L. Poo! has returned to R leigh after a visit to her mother, ■Jr.-. Ben Baker. Miss Frances Jones is visiting her i.-i t, Mr . Edwards, at Pinetops. M r . W. J'. Perry has been confined to his homo fo' ■, few’ days by i'lnes*. The Mi Jonaiy Society of the Bap- 1 ti-'t church me mi Monday afternoon | in the T'irilatlie.i room. Mrs. C. H. chamblee led the devotional service. Tesdames It. B. Richardson, L. J. C over. K. P. Leonard. W. A. Joyner. •md T. (’. Pippin discussed women missionaries ns “Heroines of the Cross." which vva- the days topic. A > hort business session was presid< d over by the presrdent, Mrs. D. D. Chamblee, w lu> also had charge of the program The Wakefield Philathea clars met on Wednesday night at he home of Mrs. T. C. Pippin, with E. H. Bunn presiding. Mrs. Pippin led the devo tional ser.'icy after which Mrs. A. S. R ,- ir!ges took charge of the prog ram, and gave a review of an article mi the Home. She was followed by Mrs. Wilson of the Wakelon faculty, who told of homes in Brazil, giving nmo i -rsonal experience as illustra tion. Mrs. Pippin sang a solo, aecom pan i ii by Miss Ruflfalop. During the social hour Mrsdame* Hoyle nd Jovner amused those pres ent with a short program of stunts and contests, after which the hostess served ice cream and cake. Corinth Items I We Invo Sunday sehol every Sun y morning at 10:00 o’clock and rnvcr-meetir.g every Sunday night : 7:30 o’clock. Every one is welcome, "lease come. The intermediate class ■ as won the attendance banner three nsecutive times. A class from our Sunday school at tended the vocal at Friendship F. W. j Baptist church Sun 'ay. • .> iss Margaret i) vis of Emit was ,it ; n ■ Miss Marie Hinton I night. j Mi. Fhc Whitley of Burlington ailed ( M's* Neva Smith Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Hermit Bissett, and son of Philadelphia were the week rndgm ■' f P'ssett’s parent* I Mr. a; 1 ’ 7 T Bissett. Mr. f ’ T’o-i-Jer of Emit called! on Mi- ' ram•> Hocutt Sunday *'•' ! ning. ATr 1 ' Ti, pett and Miss Myrtle 1 r.-rrih Osh rne V/ildor. M’<- Genoa W- id ird Mr. iToxvard Davis ■rd M Edith Au-lev and O rg B< lie V n, pf-fpodod the vocal Sunday. ATr. A. A. f i erh and Mr. and Mrs. ha.- ind-'finitel r olon'ied his week •nd visit a: his brother’s Mr. H. S. Denton. We a’ ' 'ad to welcome to our ; community the family of Mr. Joe ’ifh. formerly of Benson. We ai s • .t- report that Mr. R. r - L. Wall is ret very ill. We hope for ]-iim n cr opcD' tp? '>V^W. The infant ffavghter f Air. and M-<\ W :, liam r :r l r,- buried a* 4 h. eh”’•eh >tar’- 'fondav astern - n. Our '"r thy goes out to the 1 revived. T tie v-'r-r' ia Oree-ch is speedilv rei-overinv f - n diplitheria A*r. Al. G. Mann, secretary and treasurer of V. C. Gotten Grown I association, vm - the speaker at the regular rnont'-' ■ nv Gng of the farm-1 , ors club Mondev night. Hi: subject! was “Making Farming Profitable.” He advocated ; ’i l selection, improved Us, proper fertilization, imnioved. sr>ed. better --ultivation, impr •v*-d j ! marketing methods and eating bread j from onr own barns, meat from our own pastures cm making our money I crops clean surpluses, as a means o f . bringing permanent prosperitv to N.|< |f. farmers. His speech was heartily. ! enjoyed by all present. THE RECORD, Zebulon, Wake A *hi«h>, N. ( april «. 1932. 1 HALES CHAPEL A number of our people attended lire vocal union at friendship Sunday '■> E . r., on , a joyed the singing o> tn. uineiet choirs. -Mr. aiu. Airs. \\. il. Price -pent the vie! 1 .in the home of An. and Mrs. lie r, 1 m ('■ i ( n. .1:. -nd Mrs. Zeb Corbett and Mr and Mrs. W. E. Bunn were Raleigh visitors Friday. Miss Maggie Horton of near Wi-u dell spent th< week-end with Katy , Corbett. | feet's < very one be present at S. S. |on bu.iday morning. If you stay j j- a ay, will miss you. V. a; sorry to note that Mrs. i Henry Strickland continue.- ill. Mr. and Mrs. Alvir Bunn, Mr. and' j Mrs. Braxton Chamblee, Mr. Gradon I Bunn und Miss Je.-sie Leigh Chamblee 1 aid the capital city a visit Friday, j Miss Lottie Tippett of Friendship; jient la. week with her son. Mr. A.) L. Tippett. Mr. VV. E. Bunn, Mr. Johnnie Hil-j Hard and Misses Nancy Hinton and Mabel Price, with their pastor, Rev. J T. B. Davis, attended a special meet j ing of the Johnston County Associa tion :.t Selma Tuesday. Mi's. S. W. Creech and Miss E. J. Creech shopped in Goldsboro lastly ■ pi • 1 l hursoay. ' - UNION HOPE A.'i.i, •>U»AUU t y .win' > Ojf > v-* *l• ’ • 4 ~ vi j *vUii a .iitOm.oiia.’. » ihHoih uit | .\u„v Hi (u.r auuuay scuuu*. o. V./. dim uaU£ilUH' :lli . .it?, »»l uuv J1 Willi v-oiii . oolt, .ui. l/uie Con-’. nu. anu .in,-. -vtuu/.u Lli.i.i 01 I Auiley s]icnt luai Meek will Mn>. | uean sjatiiti', .vn . i>. i,. iviunscy. Ails. C. i>. vv niuey was a visitor j nl tiii V- kOfc; i I'lLl'bUiij. Mi. ajl'6. j. iiowuitl jbumi ut /-k Ulull \vlie VlbUOlb m OUi bciiiUii.V e.'Ui All itwj A_K ii Oi i liOt ti)€ i el iVliss ulema l eiij buuUay. Ails. J. L. Bunn was a visitor in tn« ; iionie of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j . b. Whitley, monuay. irti. b C CYtrickaiiii motored to Nasii vibe rridaj on business. Aims bila Brantley spent Saturday j night Mini her unc , air. G. A. Brant-1 ley. Air. Dorsey Strickland rtteniieiil preacning at Samaria Sunday muni | ning. Mrs. L. C. Strickland Mas a visitor j " tn the home of her sisters, Misses : hcatis and Hattie Brantley Sunday! a i ternoon. We are glad to knoM that the sick j i m our community are improving. ( Mr. und Mrs. ivoy Strick.aud spent j v Saturday night with Mr. ana Mrs. .VI. t . Brewer. Mrs. Miley Denton of Rocky ( l'osi- I spent last Sunday in our section. j t Miss liattic Brantley and Mrs. L. | ■(. Strickland were vi tors in Hoik;. ' b I c mss section Monday afternoon. «. . B- rry Brantley ol Wilson >pent ! !:;st V. dm day in our neighborhood Miss Reba Brantley was a visitor in' Durham last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Brant ley announces the I irth of a s >n born | Monday, April 4th.. 1932. Mothm jan d?on aie doing fine. rieaoaiiL Hill News Mr. ni Mrs. C,.irlie Hawking pent bed tint ■v. i'h . Ir. and Vlrs. J. !'. Stafnes Saturday night. We are giad to report Mi.*: Hazel Oakley home from hospital ai d still improving. Mrs O. AY. Thorne and Mrs. Nora ( Eddins called at th- home of Mr. H. ;^i H. Hood Saturday afternoon. Mrs. W. XL Gay spent Monday nighs | ith Mrs. .John Gay. Mr. and Mrs. Talmage Yancey vi- 1 [sited Mr*. Pattie Horton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Pearce called. . t Mr. R 'g«-s- Privette’s and Mr.' . -i Phillips Sunday. and Ai>-... L. 1.. Browning, Miss j ’a ..fchardsop. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. j _ I” >d, Mr. and M -s. E. E. Hood, called! oi T. a - . Purvcar’s Sunday afternoon. Miss Ruthie Pearce visited at Mrs. Helen Clark’s Sunday. Air. and Airs. Curl Taylor, Lucille | Fi '• ir. II iiip. and Phedie Chalk were pbasant visitor at Mr. O. N. Phillips Sunday. ~~ Miss Mary Alice Hood, Mrs. W. M. Itood and Mrs. H. H. Hood were Ral-1 meh visitors ’asf Friday. Banker Given Four Month* R. S. Travis, pros: font of the We! ! ~ d -i Bark and Trust Company, v.’hichj closed last December ha* been srntene- 1 ed to four months in jail by Judge i Clayton Moore. | MRS. CAM PEN HOSTESS ’ FOR SALE ” The Wednesday Afternoon flub . . . , , It'! .(A\Y , . . , . , ~ ~ ~ Garden peas and butterheuna, both * Ijllir m ' thi ec! with Mrs. W. C. Cam ' . „„ ... ~ . pinto and bush, 20c per lb. Cabbage „ p< 1 at her home on Gannon Avenue. f< ( ir Fmwr-Ws mw! til , ... , . i co 1 lard and okra, 5c per oz. * ruiierdlS dIHJ .All In addition to the regular members ~ , , /v ..... Also canned goods: Soup-mixtures, IltCaMOns of the dub, Mesdames Moser, Wilson , v _~,. . ... , and Gregory of the Wakelon faculty. 25< ’ P " r qt: ** rden ''“**■ ,Rr " ENDELL FLORIST we e special guest-. peaches and pears, 20c per qt.; toma-J MRS. II F. TI NNFI.L tees, 15c per qt Show-chow and rel- Phone 36 icl rea w ibl r priced. WMM M KMENT LOST The P.-T. A. of Wakeon will meet ONE BENCH lifts :| KEYS IN on next Tuesday afternon at .'1:00 Bhi-k > r -’ .’ Return To o’clock. There will be no grade mo READ THE ZEIII LON RECORD \fj [ 11( Flowers r Leave At thers’ m ( ting that day. j Record Office, Business And Professional DIRECTORY TO OUR READERS THE PROFESSIONS AND BUSINESS CONCERNS OF ZEBULON Listed Below, Make It Possible For The RECORD to Givelts Readers The News \nd Things Os ] \- terest That Happen Each Week. If You Patronize Them, You Make it Possible For Us To Give You A Bigger And Better Paper. When In Need Os Their Services, Call On Them. Remember Them And Us. STEADMAN STORES CO. The place of belter quality and cheap er pricer- -163 flays each year. Eat WASEO flour, .uni smile and smile. CARO L I N A POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY Investigate Our Combination Rate for Lighting, Heating and Cooking Service. THE M-SYSTEM STORE “Saves for the nation” Our prices lead, others follow, Fresh meats. Fancy and staple groceries GROCERIES W. B. Bunn and Co. Wholesale. ,1. H. Bunn —Retail. Quality for less. BAKER AND IUKTJTT Groceries Feeds Dry Goods “Where you buy more for less.” HORSE SHOEING AND REPAIR WORK In front of Center Brick Warehouse G. D. Winstead V th M. T. Debnam for a number of S. G. FLOWERS AND CO. everything t< wear f«r men, women , id chi! .: i . A. D. ANTONE Everything to wear from head t* foot. The place for vna ing by saving SATiSKYS Sells it for less. ZEBULON SUPPLY CO. We feed and clothe the family and Furnish the home. Funeral Directors. T. A KEMP & SON Gr >c ries Dry G mds Funeral Directors THE F. I). FINCH CO. Ve supply tin famier — Feeds--Fertilizers- Implements We solicit vour patronage. j M. H. ALFORD Heavy and Fancy Groeeries Happy Feeds Aeruss P. R. Below Depot. I ZEBULON CLEANING WORKS Cleaning. pressing, altering W rk Guar: nice 1. Will (- ill for* arid deliver. J. L. STEEL Dry Cleaning, Cash. Suits 25c i Overcoats, 25c; Dresses, 50. up; Clonks, 36c up. Phone 2fi. LITTLE RIVER ICE CO. Quality and Service. Phone 74 DEBNAM HARDWARE COMPANY Everything in hardware. Lowe Brothers paints ard varnishes. Prices to lit the times. J. & M. CHEVROLET CO. Chcvrolets—new and used cars. Factory Truint d Mechanics HORTON SERVICE STATION Texaco Gas and Oils. Greasing—Wasihng Polishing , lHione 9107. Heal service with a smil. SHELL GAS G : ll and Strickland Cars washed, greased, polished All service guarantee*! STANDARD SERVICE STATION Gas, oils, greasing. At la res and tubes. G F. Lane. Manager. SEXTON AND MI7ELLE Insurance- All Kinds. CITIZEN’S INSURANCE AGENCY Everything in Insurance THE PAGE TRL'ST CO. Bank Building THE RECORD AGENCY Insurance -all kinds. Real Estate. Rentals I). I). Ci a abler. 11-;img< : J-wcrd Bu i g ZEBULON DRUG CO. Drugs. Drinks, School Supplies "laming Time—See us for seed Field and Garden CITIZENS DRUG CO. i Everything in | Drugs, Drinks, Toilet Goods DAWSON SERVICE STA.j ; HERMAN * WHITLEY, Proprietor. That Good Gulf - Gas and Oils ' What your car needs, we have it Washing—Polishing—Greasing. DR. J. F. (’OUTRANE DENTIST ilobi 11 son Building Offiei 11 9-12■80, 1:30-5 DR. L. M. MASSEY DENTIST Phone 82, Office *»ve < ebulon Drug Store. Hours: 9 a.m * ■ * p.m. DR. ( HAS. E. FLOWERS Physician and Surgeon Office iirs. 8:2(1 10 a.m , I 8 p.m. Phones: Office v n. 70; ' Mo. 91 Back of Citizen’s Drug Store DR. G. S BARBEE Physician and Surgeon Office Hr-.: 8:30 10 a.m 1-3 p.m. Phones: Office No. 5(5; No. 59. Office over Zeh'tlon D “tore. I I dr. f. c. McDowell ■ i Physician and Miigcon ! Office Hours: 911 a.m. 3-6 p.m. Office Phone 58; Res. 94. IRBY I). GILL \t'.o- - ne and f.oun elm at Law Ph ni 117 Zebuhin, N. C. L. TASSEY Attonu at Law. (tf T ic( .-I 'iL.- < , ! * -1 tiding. S. L FERE BEE If I’trac: Building and Repair. Roof work a specialty. ■ * MASSEY BROTHERS Everything to build ihing. BUFFALOS SODA SHO Me-' - : r '.* ■ .... '• 1 . Stationer ■n<ik- Sandwiches Drinks Corbett’s BAitiiEK SHOP Haircuts- 25 Cents Shav-s ]sc; Shine* sic Mein Street Zebu lon, N. C. FISHING CLUB > (Taylor’s Mill) Best fishing 20 boats Season tickets Picnics invited On eld 91, 2 miles Middlesex, 5 from Zebulon _ WF ATI! ERS ELEC TRI» SHOE SHOP C. H. F.-jdins. Manager. Sheas We trapply nil theif neeils. If it’s leather, we repair it. Don’t hey i*ew; let us make it new.

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