Wakefield News .Alices Jennie Bartlett anti Sabra Garriss of Wilson, are spending a while with Mrs. T. C. Pippin. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bunn were Ra leigh visitors Tuesday. Miss Lou O'ive, of Cary visited Miss Jane Hoyle last week. Miss Nefiie Lee of Wilmington. X. C., spent last week with Misses Car rie and Elizabeth Wood. Mrs. Marvin Winstead of Durham, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. K P. Jones a part of last week. Charles Winstead sjKnt the week end in Durham. Henry Lee Bridges visited his bro ther, A. S. Bridges last week. Alma Doris Jones and Elizabeth Pearce are visiting Mrs. Jack Jones in Greensboro, N. C. The families of Mr. and Mrs. Bill I Honeycutt, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Ballard Fer rell, all enjoyed a chicken barbecue supper at Mr. Ferrell’s on last Friday j night. * •> I Mrs. E. H. Bunn and Mrs. H. C. j Mitchell attended the Jones’ reunion at Mr. Dolly Jones Sunday. Misses Marie and Vivian Joyner spent part of last week with relatives near Nashville Miss Alma Joyner is spending the week with Mrs. Sam Watson, at: Knightdale. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bunn, Mrs. R. ; P. Jones and daughter, Frances visit- 1 ed relatives in Angier, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Winstead, of Greensboro, spent the wek-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Winstead. Mrs. Aldridge of Durham visited friends here Sunday. Misses Carrie and Elizabeth Wood have returned from a visit with their grandparents, at Archer Lodge. Miss Violet Andrews is spending some time with relatives In Burling ton. Miss Lala Williams is visiting rel atives at New Hope. Mr. C. H. Chamblee was a visitor to Brunswick County last week. Miss Lina Kimball of Wilson, and Cornelia, of Raleigh, are spending their vacation with their mother, Mrs.) Mamie Kimball. The Philathea class of Wakefield church held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. S. H. Hoyle, on Fri day night, Aug. 12. After a business discussion, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. C. H. Chamblee, who had charge of a very interesting and ( helpful program. Each member was asked to give a poem or a song. The social hour was j greatly enjoyed by all. The hostess served ice cream and cakes. PlilGE j ■ Miss Margaret Griffin spent last; week-end in Pearce with Miss Doro-J thy Baker. Durwnnl Perry and Mi- Edna Earl Ferry of Spring Hope were visitors here Sunday. Mr. end Mrs. R. C. Pearce and fam ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. S White of Burlington B ” 'r‘ the week-end with Elmo Dean of Cedar Rock. Mr . Martha Perry is visiting her daughter, Mrs. N. B. Lewis of Mid dlesex. f^li!inaryjingies| , 2 'irginia Sshson* ♦ : 07ic n.'i.m »ho says hr allf aaaaaaary .In the (Hat fle fooWjfe ,j Iniaintenan.iji «r SaaJWr teeth. ■ 'Hie MMm of tpet* i« laid he fora birth ae that It la neces- Corinth News ■■ o— ■ a Mr. Ellis and family of Newport 1 News spent a few days last week with Mrs, Ellis’ sister, Mrs. J. A. Hin • j’nant. Abbie Johnson and son of S. C., • spent Friday with his brother, Mel j vin Johnson. Mrs. Gladys Broadwell of Rich ‘ 1 mond, Va., spent part of last week with Mr. L. A. Hocutt and family. • We are sorry to report that Cleu • i Adcock is slightly worse. Misses Margaret and Violet Ray of near Raleigh enjoyed an ice-cream | supper given by Mrs. Violet Bradshaw with whom they spent last week. | Those present were Ola Wall, Wilbert J Bradshaw’, Elton Corbett, Lawrence I Wilder, Thomas Fowler and Misses 1 Erdene and Kirvin Corbett. Maude Wilder, Alice Pope and Krama Ho cutt. | Miss Rosa Ixdgh Glover of Emit is 1 spending this week with her aunt, i Mrs. Earl Moody. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thommasson announce the birth of a son August j 13. Mother and son are doing nicely. UNION CHAPEL j Those attending church services i Sunday listened to a very good ser i mon. We wish more would come to | church. Our revival meeting will be i gin the 4th Sunday night in Sept, j The services will be conducted by Mr. 1 Alf Parrish. Mrs. Lou Medlin enjoyed the sing ing and prayer services very much Sunday. She is old and confined to her bed. Mr. Floyd Rhodes and family of Durham spent Sunday with his bro ther, Mr. Burl Rhodes. Mrs. Wilma Carroll of Wendell and her four children spent part of last week with her aunt, Mrs. J*. W. Oak ley. Ep Oakley and two sisters, Lalia and Katherine are spending this week wuth their uncle, Mr. J. W. Oakley. Mr. Charlie Hodge and son of Hop- ! kins Chapel spent Sunday with Mrs. ' B. B. Richards. Mr. Arkell Phillips and family spent : Sunday with Mrs. Phillips sister, Mrs. Ranie Watson, of Neuse. Mr. Arkell Phillips gave a pig bar becue dinner Saturday p. m. at his • home in honor of his mother, Mrs. Martha Phillips, age 77. His wife, : ('Ti- Lena Weathers before her mar-1 riage to Mr. Phillips) 39 years old; j ! His sister, Mrs. Page Perry 40. Those j jr: “ -mling w’ere the near relatives of both Mr. and Mrs. Phillips. 141 in j cited, consisting of chidren, grand !children and great grand children, parents, grand parents, and great grand parents. Mr. Dennis Jones, age j 8 4. the great grand father and Mrs. !.)•!■<. Martha Phillips 77 were both in ; good health. The good things to eat iwere brought by the connecting fami jlics. Everyone had a nice time and thank Mr. Phillips. I Ontario is the second l argest pro ps,ce in Canada and extends more I than 1,000 miles, tri m c , ’ to west, i! i Algonquin Park, in 1, Province of , j Ontario covers an area of over 2,- . j 700 square miles and c stains over 1 1.500 lakes and rivers. sary that the expectant mother) should have plenty or calcium in her system both for the sake of the child and to preservo her own teeth. Children need plenty of cal-} elum in the diet If their teeth are to develop properly. MPfh Qt this is secured In milk bnl thare are foods that contain this essential mineral. t’ure calcluru njjnsphate, such as is used in seM-Hping of prelcavooed flour, ftlt Settees addl-. tlonal cahdutn Into the dietary, a* w.ii as phosphorus, another im portant mineral that many of usj are apt to he short of and which* is necessary for strong, straight,* healthy hones. Ev. ry piece of| cake, biscuit, cooky or waffle made I with self-rlslnc floor, then, means ! Just that additional protection for ' hones and teeth. A good cooky recipe is a*follows: Chocolats Drop Cookie*. V 4 cup butter it gum , 1 tbttSn) JfJf ' iJ 2 “qu*r*» choeo- Vi rtut | 1 «SK Oreaat fat Jtdd gradually t ’ i * sic ore, i t h and the b: ”.r; .ho I i;:**- ,/fj\ has no regard for ! hl* .<" jBJ the ultimate pros- j I turners and his ' •- 'community \.T' jggL wPHI yery quick!y 1 41 &mk\ demned by t e common sense of Meivin A. Traylor th o i a t tert an( ] w p] ultimately destroy not merely his ow i reputation but also bring about the downfall of his community. In other words, the prosperity of a bank is founded upon the prosperity of the community and country iu which It Is situated. .% ... « Banker in Strategic Position The banker ha? always held a stra tegic. position in jf-e business world, and obviously the first requisite neces sary is that the banker shall be honest. 1 do not mean with “honest” merely that he should be honest to the extent that he would not embezzle funds or swindle his customers and clients. The li mesty to which I refer must be of a much higher and greater type. He must be willing to forego mo mentary advantages because In the !long run the specific action may bring jiarm to his customers or possibly to business generally. ... t Sentiment in BusineM Sentiment in business? Yes, there Is nothing else. What is it that prompts agitation for reforms in every avenue of life? Why is It we are Interested In better agriculture, better roads, better schools, better community life? It Is sentiment; It is affection; It is pride; it is sense of duty. It is faith, confidence, hope, the intangible that forms the very woof a: d warp of modern business, and no where in so large a degree Is this true as in banking, and In no sphere of banking to so great an extent aa In the country bank. | Truly the work of the oountry hank er touches the life of the community at every point, from the wedding chanoel to the cemetery, and at no point does it touch so lightly as at that of cold-blooded business consideration. It Is sentiment from the opening hour, until the closing hour, and many hours* when no banking can be done. »> Fowler’s Bridge Miss Vera Ray sp nt Saturday night with her sister. Mrs. Leon Fowler. Miss Reba Perry spent th“ week-end with Mrs. VVilmer Ferry. Mildred Perry visited Vivian Perry Friday night. Misses Olivia Duke and Kathleen Brannan spent the week-end with Mrs. E. K. Pearce. Miss Pauline Perry spent Saturday I night with Bonnie Bell Bunn. Mrs. W. A. Perry spun; Sunday I with Mrs. I.ozey Baker. I Mrs. Marvin Horten returned from the hospital Tuesday. Several people visited Mrs. J. R. Jackson Sunday. Mr. George Duke went to Moore’s J ond Tuesday. Rogers Cross Roads Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Kemp visited >er mother, Mrs. Short Strickland of Stony Hill section Sunday. The Willing Helping club met j Thursday p. m. They changed their meeting day from Tuesday through the tobacco season. Mrs. Noah Stallings of Lee’s Chapel section spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. M. B. Lewis. Miss Lyda Hinton of Hales Chapel was the week-end guest of Misses Gora and Grace Lewis. Mrs. W. G. Kemp was seriously ill Sunday. She is better now. Mrs. Ceberan Rittenbury spent ! Wednesday with Mrs. A. D. Driver, i Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kemp an i nounce the birth of a grand-daughter, jat their home Aug 10. Mrs. M. B. Lewis spent Friday with | her sister, Mrs. F. V. Lewis of Mid ! dlesex. NATIONAL MAGIC SKIN HEALER Guaranteed to cure all skin diseas es such as tetter, ring worm, iteh, poison oak and exzema —Tooth craam that prevents and cures pyorrhea. Also Cleaner for Furniture MRS. EFFIE HEATER, Box 74, Cary, N. C. —For Sale by— MRS. S. M. FINCH Sale of Real Estate for Taxes—Continued from Page Six Jones Lelar Hodge 28 1-2 acres W. E. Hodge Ld. 14.76 Jones Paul J. 40 acres Robinson Ld. 25.04 Jones R. H. 3 lots Barbee St. 1.23 Jones Thos. 1 lot Gill Ave., 8.61 Jones U. G. 26 acres High Ld., 25 10-100 Ral. and Louisburg Rd. - * 51. 8£ Jones Wm. M. 50 acres Buffaloe Ck. 32.21 I>assiter Alice 70 3-4 New Road 44.04 Marriott C. A. 133 acres C. F. Marriott Est. 38.90 Marriott Lena F. 40 1-5 acres C. F. Marriott Est. 62.84 Merritt Alex 28 acres Chamblee Ld., 14 6 10 acres Moccasin Ck., 2 lots Barbee St. . 46.25 Merritt and Todd 1 lot Barbee St. 24.60 Mial Jim 42 acres Horton Ld.. 5 acres Tarboro Rd. 38.89 Mingia T. H. 1 lot Whitley Ave., 14.30 ; Mitchell P. G. 2 lots Barbee St. 2.46 Morgan Bruce D. 1 lot Oak St. 14.60 Morgan Charlie H. 3 1-4 acres Whitley Ld., 1 lot Curnegay St., 1 lot J. M. White 1 lot Gill St., 1 lot Barbee St. 26.39 Morgan F. M. 25 acres new Road, 40 acres Earp land 44.68 Morgan Sophronia 40 acres Hill Ld. 27.06 Morgan Sid Est. 15 acres*Little River 12.30 Morgan Tom 41 1-2 acres Little River 31.56 Pace J. W. 0. 34 1-2 acres Chamblee Ld., 1 lot Bar bee St. ... ._ .. ----- 27.51 Pace J. W. O. and A. H. 1 lot Barbee St., 2 lots Barbee St. 19.68 Pace Wm. T. 34 1-2 acres Chamblee Ld. 26.12 Parks Peyton 1 lot Barbee St. - 11.07 Paschal W’illiam 1 lot Whitley St. 1-23 | Patton Ella 1 lot Barbee St. - ■- 12.30 Pearce Marcella 60 acres Raleigh and Wilson Rd. 22.14 Ferry Aaron 14 acres Fagan Perry Ld. 5.98 Perry Annie 14 acres Fagan Perry Ld. 9.23 Perry Berry 164 1-5 acres Shadrock Ld., 125 acres Buffaloe Cr., 85 acres Tarboro Rd., 72 acres I Medlin Ld., 212.31; Perry Billie Est. 44 1-2 acres Horton Ld., 54 acres Jessie Bunch, 5 acres Wesley Jones, 25 acres A. E. Liles 7! > J* Perry Cleveland 1 lot Gill Ave. ---—— X Perry Coleman 92 1-2 acres Hominy Cr.. 104 1-2 acres Hominy Cr., 36 cares Rocky Branch 92.92 Perry Clary J. 19 acres Horton Ld., 5 1-2 acres Mary Ferrell - - 9-23 Perry Elnora Aldonia and Raymond 28 1-2 acre 3 W .E. Hodge Perry Silas 88 1-2 acres Bunch Ld. Perry Willie 9 acres Bettie Rogers Ld - Pretty D. P. 1 lot Wakefield Price Mary A. 2 48-100 acres Berry Young Ld. 1.50 Pulley Jim, 1-2 acre Wakefield _ .. Rhodes Annie 5 acres Chamblee Ld. Richardson James 14 acres Wakefield 00.00 Richardson J. T. 8 lots Barbee St. Richardson R. L. 1 lot Wakefield £.92 Richardson Robt. T. 1 lot North St , Robertson J. G. 7 1-2 acres High Ld - Rogers Bettie P. Adms. 14 acres Fagan Perry Ld. 10.99 Rogers Bettie P. Adams 14 acres Fagan Perry Ld. 1d.99 Rogers Buddie 19 1-4 acres Ruffin Ferrell Ld— 13.07 Rogers Maude P. 7 1-4 acres Bettie Rogers Ld. - 2.46 THINCiS™ DO | li Subscribe for fbe Record. 4 g Read fbe Record. ® | Advertise in the Record. g rTUNE IN P, M. Goodyear Radio Program HIMMI trade • •our thin risky tires N for new $ K/. ■ . I GOODYEAR 1 I * ALL- WE AT F yl pT ■ GOOD LSF I 17 J At Eve Proof i 4.4«-2 i *3: S' lubel I *4 ■ Tub I / ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ fi » , Rogers Waiter 92 1 2 icres Little River 49.45 Rogers Walter C. 14 4-10 Dorsey Perry Ld. 14.22 Rogers Walter C. 14 8-10 acres Dorsey Perry Ld. 14.22 Rogers W. Henry _. a eli ».d - .28 Simmons D. E. 4 lots Horton St 10.46 1 Smith Ivey 26 acres W. E. Hodge I Smith Jack 5 1-2 acres Jack Smith Ld. 3.08 Smith Lonzo 6 acres Jack Smith Ld. 3.08 I Smith Maggie 7 acres Dorsey Perry Ld. 2.46 Smith Morris 49 acres H-gh Ld. 45.76 Thomas Allen Est. 1 lot Wakefield, 3 lots Gill Ave. 6.15 Todd Gao. W. 1 lot Gill Ave. 8.00 Todd M. D. Est. 79 1-2 acres N. S. RR 55.30 Toms C M. 1 lot Barbee St. —J- 23 . Vick Sam 1 lot Barbee St. 9-23 , Weaver Gus 32 acres Vick Ld., 1 1-4 acres \ lek Ld. ”-75 Weaver Lee 3-4 acres Wakefield, 1 lot Wakefield .92 Whitlev Claude 43 71-100 acres Moccasin Cr., 34 1-8 Ral. and Tarboro Rd., 12 64-100 acres Moc casin Cr., 1 lot Barbee St. 56.11 Whitlev David 12 acres Finch 13 - Whitley T. W. Est. 36 acres W. 11. Chamblee. 2 lot's Barbee St. 29-52 W’iggins A. H. 2 lots Barbee St. l -3 Wiggins flinton 1 lot Barbee St. I -3 Williams Ernest 24 3-16 acres Strickland Ld., 50 acres Richardson Ld., 1 lot Barbee St. 54.00 Williams Ernest V’. 1 lot Whitley St. 5.13 Wright Earle 4 1-2 acres C. Wright Ld. 7.31 Wright Henry 5 1-2 acres C. Wright Ld. 5.0 S I Wright Minnie Est. 4 5-9 acres Ral. and Wilson Rd. 2.46 I Yarborough Carrie 3 1-4 acres J. M. Whitley Ixl. 6.15 Young W. M. 80 acres Middle Prong 20.03 i Wright Wm. L. 9 acres C. Wright Ld. 9.00 additional colored J Perrv Lula 21 3-4 acres Bettie Perry Ld. 6.60 I Perry Robt. Est 6 5-8 acres Fagan Perry 3.69 I Whitley William 1 lot B-14-L-24 Barbee St. - 4.92 CORPORATIONS Mien Bros. Inc., 1 lot Arendell Ave 9.23 Com. Not. Bk. 3 lots John Taylor Ld - 4.92 Federal Oil Co. 1 lot Wendell Rd. 42.34 Federal Land Bank 79 1-2 acres N. S. R.R. 55.3a Massey Bros. 2 lots 42-43 Vance St., 1 lot B-14 Barbee St., 1 lot 50-B-14 Barbee St., 1 lot Farmers Warehouse - 2.6.05 Mizelle Motor Co. 2 lots Vance St. _ -- 69 - 4 * Rockv Mount Ins. and Realty Co. 150 acres M. C. Wall Ld. . —r 92 ’ 2a Zebulon Banking & Tr. Co. 85 acres Little River Farm, 10 1-2 acres Little River Farm, 11 44-100 Broughton Ld.. 23 acres M. S. Chamblee Place, 13 lots Barbee St., 1 lot Aren dell Ave., 1 lot W. Arendell Ave., 1 lot Gannon Ave., I lot Sycamore St.. 1 Horton St., 1 lot Wake Tobacco Co., 1 lot White St. 38 *’ 9 r I Zebulon Banking & Tr. Co. 1 lot D. E. Sims Prop. 2.2# Zebulon Supply Co. 25 acres Earpsboro 1 lot Pack Lot. 4 lots 1-48-32, 2 lots B-32 2 lots B-34 1 lot 39813 1 lot Arendell Ave.,, 1 lot W. D. Evans - 80