Control Blue Mold Then- is no definite means for ab solute control but the losses may be reduced through the following practic es. Place the plant bed in a warm, welldrained area and sow seed a’ va>ing intervals so as to have plants developin'- at different times. l>o not transplant iijieled plants. Leave the e in tlu bed and apply from one to three i unds of nitrate of soda a bout twice a week to each 100 square yards of bed. Keep the plants well watered and wait until they have de veloped r, u leaf foliage .nd a root system la-fore transplanting. It may he that the mills of the gods ...i 'iy be. m e they get paid for overtime. Union Hope .News We are very sorry our school is being closed for a part or ail ot this week owing to the sickness of both teacher and scholars,there is a lot oi sickness in this community at present and new ones are being taken most every day. It is said to be the flu. We understand that our head teach er, Mr. J. Howard Bunn, of Zebulon is confined to his bed and that there is fear that pneumonia will develop. Wc hope this will not occur and Mr Bunn will be back with us again soon. Mr. and Mrs. David Massey are the proud parents of a 8 1-2 pound boy. born Dec. 21st. Randolph Brantley was taken to the Hospital Monday night for an opera tion for appendicitis. Wo are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Strickland, who have re cently moved into our neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Brantley have just finished working their 1982 crop of tobacco, They have about 1200 pounds of fairly good tobacco to sell. Probably they will go on a cash basis for awhile. Bethany News Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis announce the birth of a son, Charles Ashley Jan. 3. M>s. S. H. Jones is improving after being ill for several days. There is plenty of moving in our community. Mr. R. W. ’1 homas and .jack Vaughn and family are coming to the place at which Mr. Carpenter lived. P. P. Pleasant is coming back to the S. I. Davis’ place. The following are going out of our neighborhood: L. B. Maye and N. H. MsCullers. Flat Rock News Mi ssos Hazel and Helen Roberts spent part ot last week with Miss Viola Williams, of Louisburg. Mrs Arlton Young spent a few days of la 1 v.< k with her brother and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison. Misse. L mise and Mae Roberts spent, part ol ast 1 uesday with Mrs. T. P. Williams of Louisburgh. Misse- Clara and Josephine Holden and Mr. Marsh Wiggins called to see Miss Hazel Roberts la. t Wednes day night. Mr. and Mrs. James were visitors , Rnlei.h last Saturday. PERSONAL To late for publication the week that it happened the Keeord, received the news that James h cin Pulley was hurt !>y falling on a toy wagon while playing in the yard at Mr. «ohn Clark's. Nine stitches were taken in a out on the child’s leg. Little Lovaine and Tureniella Wil liams c. ish to thank friends in Zebulon for the Chridm . box sent these Cecil Stroud, of Kinston, was in town 'll ' ridav ot last week, look ing ; Her mu 1 property be owns here. Mr. and Mrs Ervin Cherry and little s >n. Richard, of Stokes, spent a part of the holidays with Mrs. (ber ry’s parents. Mr. and Mis. John Broughton, and dbor relatives in thD community. Miss Coressa- Eberhart, former Wakelon tiacher, now teaching at Knightdale, was in town on Tuesday night to attend the Wakelon-Garner basket-ball game. Announcement has been made "1 the marriage, o’ Dec. 27. of IJnwood Finch and Miss fuanita Sewell. The ceremony was p i formed in Erwin by Rev. N. B Johnson of the local Methodist Church. The bride has lot some time made her home in Zebulon at the home of er uncle. Curtis God frey. The bridegroom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Finch, with whom the young couple are now' mak ing their home. Their many friends wish happiness for them. Will Wiggs, Jr., who has been in the northern states for a good while enjoyed the Christmas holidays at home here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wiggs. “Will Jr.” is look ing well. Paul Yeargin. a former Wakelon student, writes from Long Island, New York, asking that the RECORD be sent him, at his new address. Paul and his voice will he long remembered in this section. Hopkin’s Chapel Sunday School every Sunday 2 o’ clock p. m. Church Ist and 3rd Sun day 3 o’clock p. m. Pastor Rev. Par rish, Zebulon. N. C. Mr. W. F. Richards is at Duke Hospital Durham, when last news was received he was better we are thankful. Mrs. W. I. Hopkin? is taking treat ment for better health, at Mary Elizabeth Hospital, Raleigh, We wish for her success. Hoyle L. Bunn returned from Dur ham, Tuesday of last week. He was visiting Brothers, Relatives und Friends, _ , , ~ , Sad sad, t • : our friend J. Howard Bunn Saturday A. M. remains were committed to the arth Sunday P. M. in the almost new grave yard at his brother’s W. R. ■ Bunn. We acknowledge a great loss in this community. For who hath known the mind of the Lord or who hath been his ( (’ouncellor ? One interest of the resurrection and Eternity will be the mysteries that will he revealed. Card of Thanks Wife and chidren wish to thank each one for their kind sympathy tender love, and immediate help. They hav. rendered, the now deceasd, ,i’. Howard Bunn, was 57 yars, 4 months 10 days. The bereaved family is as ■ liJows: wife, Rosa May Doyle Bunn < ildren. Thelma, Libby, Iris Bunn Pearce, Colonel H., Hoyle and Royle Noble, Dahlia, Barbee N., Rosa Lee ] Union Chapel News Think we can re-echo Happy New Year,” in one thing, we have not lost but one family so far from our church and Sunday School work. And we have with us this year, several new members who already; .low their willingness to help by I taking active parts with us which we appreciate. We had an excellent attendance the first Sunday, also second. Every one ' seems to enjoy the message that our j Pastor, Rev. A. D. Parrish, brought both Saturday night ami Sunday j P. M. Every member of the church is to | he present at services the fourth Sun-, day night as the pastor is coming to ] give the church a present. We are sorry that there is so much j sickness around now. Air. Joe Hopkins of Raleigh spent Sunday with his father, W. R. Hop kins. I'o is confined to his bed. We h"pe Mrs. B. H. Rhodes a speedy recovery to health. Mr. Fernie Richards who is serious-1 ly ill in Duke Hospital is some better. Mi”. Jennie Robertson had an oc casion the past week to make this .mark. “Oh I have to get. sick once in awhile to see who my friends are For their benefit 1 am glad to say she is much better now. Sitting up to- i day. (Tuesday). Lila Leans is spending afew days with Mrs. J. S. Woodruff. Estelle Richards is spending soniPj i her time with her grand ma, Mrs. \Y. F. Richards, while her grand pa is in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ferbee called to I see Mrs. Jennie Robertson Sunday j night. | Sorry that Melvin Bunn and family j are moving to Samaria. We extend our sympathy to ourj next door neighbor, Mrs. Rosa Bunn and family in the loss of husband and, father at Hopkins (hapel. EAUPSBORO EVENTS We are very glad indeed to sei these pretty days, most of the people are busy on tobacco beds. Mr. and Mrs. Saxton Richardson were visitors of Mr. ami Mrs. Dora Richardson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Faucette and lamily visited Mrs. Faucette s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Price of Emit sec tion. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chamblee ..pent Saturday with Mr. Chamblee’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cham blee. Mr. Macon Richardson was a visitoi in uur community Saturday. Miss Annie Bailee 1 i- return* l . ino a Her spending sometime with f; ends in Franklin county. Mr. and Mrs. Avon Hinton, of Hales .-c tion, spent Saturday nito and Sun day with Mr. and Mr-. Eugene Bailey We Lave quite a number of new neighbors in our community and are vei v glad indeed to welcome them int our midst. Mrs. "-'ill Tippetle visited her sis ter, Mi s Julian Pope of Corinth sec-' •ion, Tue-day. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Privette of Pilot were visitors in our community Mon day. Mr. Bunk Denton was a visitor in Corinth section Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tippette were Raleigh visitors Tuesday afternoon. Mitchell Mill News i Remember Sunday School next Sun day at 1:30 and preaching at 2:30. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Barham are visiting this week in Raleigh. Mr. Rescue Richards has returned to his home aftei' spending sometime with relatives and friends in Raleigh and Danville, Va. Mr. Worth Pearce and Mr. Louis Edward. , of Raleigh, visited friends and relatives here Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Ferney Perry is on jury duty this week in Raleigh. Wo regret Mr. and Mrs. Henry King’s moving from our community. Miss Alice Mae Johnson spent the week end with Miss Evelyn Johnson. Mi. Dalton Pulley and Miss Betty Mae Martin visited Miss Mabel Perry Thursday night. The people in this community were shocked to learn of the sudden death of Mr. Howard Bunn. Mrs. H. E. Perry and daughter. Kathleen, and Mrs. M. L. Fowler spent Saturday in Wendell. Mr. Austin Perry and Miss Vera Belle Lloyd visited Miss Mary Frances M ithchell Monday night.. Miss Addie Mae Wall is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. Pit Rogers, of RolevHle. Pleasant Hill News Quite a nunibe* are sick with flu in this community. Everetto Strickland of near Wendell, visited S. L. Whitaker Sunday afte*- inoon. We v < Dome Talvis Sherron and THE ZEBULON REC ORD, Zebulon, N. C., Friday, January 13, 1933. Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Puryear and. Ennis and Orlando Puryear were visi tors at Mr. J'oe Moody’s Sunday as-s temoon. W. A. Puryear, who has moved r or, with Mr J. R. Wood, call ed at T. Y. Puryear’s a while Satur day afternoon. . Ihe smoke house where Mr. Rick| Jackson lives, was burned by one ofi his smal boys Sunday. I Mrs. Berbon Richards spent last) Friday with her mother, Mrs. O. NL; Phillips. Miss Lena Pearce, of Union Chapel j spent the week end with Miss Estelle Whitaker. Miss Dora Catlett, of Edgemont j spent a few days laat week with her, sister, Mrs. Dolma Whitaker. Hubert Lee Price is staying at .J i W. Guv's now. A. N. Phillips was visitor at Duke Hospital one day last week to see Mr.; Fernie Richards, who is real sick there j Mr. and Mrs. T. Y. Puryear, C. D.j Puryear and Mr. and Mrs. O. W.i Thorne and children were visitors at J. M. Thornes, near Zebulon, Saturday J Miss Bettie Bell Rhodes, of Wake-j field, spent the week end with Miss! Miriam Horton. Colored Column ! I The third year class of the Zebul on-Wakefield school was disappoint ed greatly in the closing of school a week earlier than was expected for the Christmas holidays. Several ac-j tivities had to he postponed or given j up entirely. The class had planned accepting a couple ot “opportunities” among col - ored people of the community. When school reopened the class carried out this particular plan. The students brought meal, Hour potatoes, meat, soap, canned tiuit. Sufficient was brought to divide be tween two worthy families. The fami- ; lies were surprised, f riday ot the past week and were graciously pro fuse in their thanks to the students. K. A. Carroll Jr., is class advisor. On Friday afternoon on the schoo grounds the Zebulon-Wakefield school split two basketball games with the Berry O’Kelly Training School of Method, The local girls lost to the, • tune of 8-2 and the boys won 10-8 j Dorthv Hopkins scored the only field ! goal for the local team. Sonnie Weav- 1 er chalked up the first talley for the ; bovs. Both games were tense and ex j citing through out. The visiting boys ! team dragged at the halt 8-2 but came back with a fighting spirit. Local fans | sighed with relief when the whistle J j blew for the end of the game, For j ! indications pointed toward the no- ; cessity of playing an extra period. , i The local team will invade the lair | oi the v isitors Friday, January 13. j The coach, R. A. Carroll has been; ! working with both teams to iron out 1 1 all kinks. The game of last week was j the first of the season. All future games will be played in- , i doors at the school building. Admis- i j sion for students will be ten cents and j for adults fifteen Cents. The students' f the seventh grade : were glad to welcome back their 1 teacher Miss Mildred Taylor who dur- j ing the first week of school aftei i the Xmas vacation was forced to be , absent because an attack of influ enza. i R. A. Carroll tile local principal was kept quite busy during the holi- | davs. Being one ponding secretary j of' the North Cai >lina Negro High School Athletic Association and re , entlv appointed chairman of the com- ‘ mittee to direct debating among ac- . credited Negro High Schools. This is the fourth year Mr. Carroll j has as.-csted in the direction of de-j baring m the state. Formerly he was j secret ar. of the committee. The subject was deleased to school I during’the latter part of the vacation | period. The question this year is; Re-[ solved. That North Carolina Should j Adopt Sales Tax as a Feature of its j System of Revenue. The question is one that will he discussed much dur-1 ing the coming months. __ i On Saturday January, 11 the local prill -ipul will attend the annual meet ing of ihe Negro Athletic Associa tion t he held at the Johnston Coun ty draining School in Smithfield. Mr. Carroll as secretary of the committee on the revision of the consolidation I \. iiJ make the report of the com mittee. The acereditment of the Zebulon- Wakefield School this year can be as sure,) only thru the cooperation, sacri fices and assistance of both white and 'colored friends and patrons of the school. Help in money or books is solicited. Parents, patrons and friends are gladly welcome at anytime they visit the school. Many students both in the ele mentarv school and the high school heal'd to see if their names appear as honor students or as students who have attended school each day. Hongy students must have an av erage of B. Many have declared they will he on both lists for the fourth school month. Boys are in the ma jority "n the honor roll at present. On Tuesday January Seventeenth the program committee of the P. T. A. has planned for a community affaii at which you will be highly enter tained. Admission will be five cents. Negro history week will he cele hi.itiu the second week in February ned by Mr. Hunt who has charge of interesting programs have been plan the program. On Tuesday January 24. the Young Brother’s workers in the Wake For est Industrial School will present a concert at the Zebulon-Wakefield school. These musicians who ac complished with the piano, cornet, trombone will offer entertainment v-Inch-will he quite enjoyable. Seats re served for white patrons. All affairs given at the school are efforts to raise money toward the acci "ditment of the school. Since the recent birth of a daughter to Mrs. Howard Flood, her 16-year old daughter. Mrs. Betty Rogers. 31 y. urs old. of Battlefield, claims t" he I H-e cungest grandmother in Mis- 'M' |&nwni\w>* l\ /voosms VtUCMt —-= % *«. ( -- j w in* no*.u>» .; r - £ <- . k'A bKH'i \Ntu\g I I i-Uwt A?7ER. ms J S' l V /? V FOURS' \ i A V|V „ •A I - v-s frn c-R “"fr' A. rj-L A. J., 7*~/) _ - - -a i " iVNDtIL UKEiy OULV To, L THE" ou.t CL\H, 'WHICH -'.ST'iCS OU v ’ w \ V \ H c / vnj'V T) .__ . g> i OF M-L /l " __ kUfc &u WHO c jf \ /fw &24 ' tmwt Him in ™ w_ ' & \ ;4 WbELV S. 232.000 CvWkCHEG Or THE USEt' EOOD /y OU\TEt> OWN PRC?S?CW WOSI.TH (qV f\3ooT THfcEE fcU-UOt'tt * OE T>OU ACIS r- - '" T1 t -V- 1 I _ ,' v- • • V ,Kt kw< !H ' - 3 ‘ '* v#! 'S S&V\K.b TV.c --k-SV.. >- • v- - - ? v 2 ***** - T I .':r.~~. ~~~ " ' f“ 3* m - T1 a ill mm i i■ ■ « ■ \ (C% MCOHOL l4> THI '•aOb'! V’DliPL't UStb t_i A v SN W.AK) ODD BUT TRUE! __ t __ “ ot - a »► ( \UKfc \ \WtA WGfrJ i €mzm wurm .ML -TriE Hfcrivt* .# ®< p at /v Vs ' & CfcOSS fc^SibS. * & PVttOE* ON ll k f£|K THt fc&ujßT * THt /'/ WMWB Rtvw. ‘irlw- VA.R\(X>^ y* CP»Uu;WvE^

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