VOL. VIII.— 1 THIS, THAT I ■ AND THE OTHER • t lj I By MRS. THEO. B. DAVIS 5L . I Some of us have reached the place; where we are not at all impressed by i accounts of what other states have! done or are doing in the way of spend-1 ing i üblic funds. To us the question; of supreme importance is what North | Carolina can afford to spend. This is ! no time to be making undue effort to keep up with the neighbors. And this is a*- true of slates as of individuals. L Tin wind certainly bloweth where it llisteth these days, and sometimes it to blow into chimneys with so much force that it is highly uncom fortable so. the owners and users of said chimneys. At more or less frequent intervals 1 hear young persons gravely discuss- j ing prohibition, and its failure. They solemnly assert that there is mori drinking now than there has ever been , in our history. I do not question theii sincerity, nor have I incontrovertible proof that they are wrong in theii contention.- The thing I can’t under-; stand is how much more carefu' j drunken folks must be than when 1 | v,as younger—before prohibition days j Then my mother was afraid to let twe , of us little girls go to the postoffice j because we would have to pass a sa- J loon where there was always drunk enness. We knew what i* meant ti see m ,1 “dead drunk” sprawled on’ , beside the road, or even to have one stagger to our door in the night, lost , - and in danger of freezing. And w knew how our father, himself a fer- 1 vent worker for temperance, would go ’ ..ut in the dark to lead the wanderer ! home, or to make him a bed in the | barn until morning. Now, though 1 live in a community far more thickly | settled. 1 do not see such cases once a ; year. It is lather strange, if there real-, Ty more drinking than ever before Tb.. Heme Demonstration Club is n w studying the management of | time, and we are trying to arrange j kitchens so as to saw as much, HtP,,. and strength as possible m prep- j atimi of meals. It is (suit. interest r ing and frequently enlightening. Tha* j is, if we are not like a little girl ' knew who said when t M how she miglu wash dishes and no* waste mo tion: “Well, they’re mv motions, and j . it' 1 choose to waste a few of them, 1 i don’t se, why othet folks should wor ry." Have vou noticed how. in spite o* the weather, plum trees are beginnin to bloom and buds a>-p showing pink on the peach trees? Os course the chances are they’ll he killed, but theii a \*erv brave'".' commands our adnura 1 t'o’i. And hav-' the early daffodils and jonq-'ils ever been lovelier? I F. D. Finch made a fine talk to thi * members of the Civics Department ot 1 , the Woman’s Club last week. I am closing this column with his conclud " ing paragraph. Read it. It sounds well, but tiu re is a lot more to it than mere sound. To me it seems a mighty good platform for a young lawyer tc stand upon. “Government exists for the protec tion and preservation of society, and we owe to it our loyalty and obedience Polities it seems has always played ; big- part in Government. I am not sure 1 that we could operate the Governnion ,1 without politics. But -politics seem-, '• to be gaining; and Government l >sinu ground. We are placing party before government; it seems to be party firs and then Government. This conditior mav prevail, but 1 think only t mpo varily. for it mu ■ ultimately fail. For -after all, Government is w> mere noi 1 less than the personalities who fil 1 its offices of honor and trust, and it we fail in the selection of the propei man or woman to fill the* office, th< Government- our Government —is t< suffer to a corresponding degree. Fo' . the protection of posterity—our chd (Iren, we should seriously consider thi duty which is with us now.” s , ‘ Norfolk Southern Continues One And One-Half Cent Fare a E » 'j’iie Norf .lk Southern Railroad Company announces the continuation of the one and <>n -half cent per milt fare between stations on its lint- Nor folk. Goldsboro, Beaufort and inter [/ mediate points, including branch lines " and effective March Ist, will extend the application of such faros to, from L ‘. l ’ tnd between points located between ec ’ursden, Charlotte. A heboro, Aber deen, Fay el tevillc end intermediate «it, 0: . lts . The usual baggage allowance 1 ill be permitted and stopovers will weiis, he permitted at all stations witli be w. he final limit. The traveling public Mr. find that these reduced fares for spent gr business, or pleasure will afford Durha travel ai a considerable saving Miss ansportation cost. is visit i ________ Miss teacher should use illustration, spent ,he belt* t teaching of the lesson 1 Red.,- to fill up time, to amuse the sptc.Ds, o to display his own genius. Ash' icent. • (Ehr Zclmlon TRerorfi QUICK FACTS ON CABINET, ! I Heie are some quick facts about the new cabinet which takes hold tomorrow State: Cordell Hull, 61. From Ten in see, lawyer, representative and Sen ; ator. Episcopalian. I Treasury: William H. Woodin, (54 ; New York City. Industrialist, musi i cian and writer, collector. Presbyteri ‘an. Hitherto a Republican. | War: George 11. Dern, (50. Utah j Mining executive, former governor ! Congregationalist. I Post Office: James A. Farley, 41 j New York. Buildi lg supply executive 'political leader. Catholic. Navy: Claude A. Swanson, TO. Vir ginia. U. S. Senator. Methodist. Interior: Harold L. Ickes, 58. Chica go. Lawyer and social reform leader Presbyterian. Republican Independent Agriculture: Henry A. Wallace, 44 Farm editor and organization leader Frt sbyterian. Independent of Repub lican background. Commerce: Daniel C. Roper, 65 South Carolina. Lawyer, former gov ernment executive. Methodist. Labo v : Fra ices Perkins, 41*. Nev | York. Sociologist and lawyer. Epi.-co | miliar. PRIVErr THE POULTRY MAN: Avon Privett, who each season gatli- > I (is up the surplus poultry—chickens j ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas—in fact i most anything that grows leathers, is in the market again this season. \ou I will see his ad. elsewhere in this pa per. He is paying- cash, and will be glad, till further notice, to have any , body anywhere to bring in their fuss , feathers and fowls, for which he will pay good money. MASONIC SUPPER Sometime ago Messrs. E. C. Dame’ land S. A. Lee gave a supper to th: local M s ns in the lodge room. There Jwtv-t more than thirty present and th. i ~:> I feasi’’ wa. ; g>-eatlv enjoyed b\ Jail.' On next Tuesday night, the sevent! of March, another of the; ■■ good • i - pel’s will be served in the lodge room j -at seven ’cluck. Ail Masons are invii- 1 led to be present and enjoy a rea’j feast. VI .Masons -enter apprentice ( j fallow craft and master—are request ed to be present. home demonstration club AI EFTS Thf Genia Joynei Home Demonstra tion Club met in the clubhouse at Wakefield, or Wednesday p. m., Feb Mrs I,< uis I ilc-s. vice-president presided. Aj.i-. (i I). Chamblee had charge ot a short program appropriate for the day —Washington’s birthday, aftei which Mrs. Vainness gave a lessor on time maragement or kitchens. r l hi 'ectuie was illustrated with photo ,graphs and pictures dipped from mag i az )nc«. Membeis were urged to pro vide plenty of working surfaces in I kitchens, and to an .cage them so a. to sav pr t 1 :j;is. A. S. Bridges had baked a] large cake in honor of the tenth an niversary of the club’s organization and this was brought in at the close of the leader’s talk. The ten white candles were blown out by the presid ing officer ad enke was served with hot coffee. Mrs. W. A. Joyner gave a short sketch of the dub’s histoiy from tin i I ginning. * 1 n me- -tings were held j in the homes of members. next in the | , ;(K.m bdhv. tin* Junior Older hall, a'i ■ finally in the t lulil ou e, which is now j naid for. Mrs. R. T. Harris was welcomed a.- a new member. 111. total attendance was 27. Surprise Birthday Supper .Mr. and Mis. Eugene Bailey enter taioed Mrs. Columbia Bailcv with a birthday surprise supper honoring hei ■ noth birthday. last Thursday. Th.se enjoying flu l hospitality of i Mr. and Mrs. Bailey were. Mrs. Co lumbia Bailey, the honoi'ee. Mr. and .\i -. ! eon Chainblee and family. A-is Annin Bailey, Miss Elizabeth Hood f Wak< fi M. Mi an 1 Mrs. John Bai I ley, of Whitakers. Miss Hazel Moon i and Mr. William ilanly, ot Whitakers Duiing the evening about thirty ! guests called and "(ring lfiusic wa j enjoyed by all. Aiay Mrs. I.: ti 1 \ havi i manv more happy birthdays. j SURPRISE BOR’I Hl> NA P'l -Id ,i On Friday night. Hob. 24. the chil i dren and wife of Mr. N. R. Mason, ot j Wendell. R.F.D., gave a surprise birth day supper, honoring his forty seventh birthday. As Mr. Mason came from j - work he was usheicd into the di u.ie , room where the guests were waiting ~ and to his great surprise he found a table loaded with good things to ‘"it {Along with his birthday cake bearing .{forty seven inndl--. Ml of Mr. Ma- I 1 son’s children and grand-children wen present with the exception of D. M I Mason and In wife, of Cameron, N I C. Unexpected guests w< v> Mr. an 'Mrs. Newell Mason, of Long Island N. Y. . 1 Wi live in deeds, not years; in i thoughts, not breaths; in 1 clings no | 'in figures on a dial. We u!d (cun time by hemt-throbs, lb most live. , who thinks most, feels the noblest acts the Lest.—P. Bailey. ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA March 3,1933 Senator Walsh Dies I Enroute To Capitol Body Os New Roosevelt Cabinet Member Is Taken From Train At Rocky Mount Montana Senator, Named To Be Attorney Oeneval In Roosev’elt Cabinet, Was More Than 70 Years Old; Flewj To Havana Last Week To Marry Senora Nieve Perez i Chaumont De Truffin, 60; Widow Reported To Be Neaiy State Os Collapse Rocky Mount, Mar. 2.—Sonatoi Thomas J. Walsh, of Montana, died sudd -nly of a heart attack aboard an Atlantic Coast Line train near Wilson today while en route to Washington with his bride whom he married Sat urday in Havana. The Senator, who was named to hi attorney general in the cabinet of President-elect Roosevelt only a lew days ago, was stricken and died with in a few minutes a he lay face down 'ward in a berth in his drawing room ! He was 71 years old. j Senator Walsh died at 7:10 a. in. jas Conductor Herbert Weatherspee 'operating on the train between Flor ence, S. (’., and Rocky Mount, heh his pulse. Only the conductor, Mrs. Walsh and her Cuban maid, and a porter were pi cseni. Ails. Walsh was described as hys terical by Conductor Weatherspee who seal he reached the Senator’s side a 7:02. “The Senator died while ( held his hand,” Weatherspee said. “Mrs. Walsh Washington Current| Comment j Ti i jubilation that attends Inaugu ration Day will I- accompanied by ] just a shade of sadness. Even to thr most anient Democrat it i* no tight matter v.hen a great political organi zation, though an opponent, goes down in inin; not mere defeat at the polls but in a collapse that occurred long h fore the votes were counted. TV Democratic party has no time to spend in exulting over the departing glory of a fallen foe, yet one is forced t,, observe that a Republican exodus is in order. Thera is no place of use fulness to- a party that cannot “dis cern the signs oi the times. Disarmament is getting its share ot attention from pi aliment men. Mr Roosevelt is said to.be ready to carry out Piesid at Hoover’s plans in that i irection, and over in Germany, Mr Hitler, the leader of the hour, thmki tliat the world has had battle a-plenty and that something should be done about it. Speaking of disarming, it is too bad that the gun-artist who se . ted the incoming President as :ij j target, could not have been strippeo j [of his weapons before he had oppor-J tnnity to use them. Mayor (Yrmak j who stopped a bullet intended for Mr j Roosevelt. is a gritty and cons ch eat* I soul. He had himself propped up in J bed, in order that he might sign a pa\ i roll. Now is the time for all good mei j tc come to the elief of the pay roll ' Apropos of good men and pay rolls j J documents of that kind will be ilium - jin ted by two illustrious names if. a j ! is rumored. Senator Swanson o' V v '■ l”inia. and Daniel C. Roper ai to b* i added to the cabinet list, th one Secretary of the Navy, an<l he tin as Secretary of Commerce. J r. Wood in f New York may be S t tary oi th* Treasury. The friends of Silver in Congress intend that he or someone else shall have the necessary meta to make plenty of hard money; a con eu-sional committee has recommende* that the Treasury Department be! authorized U> purchase 250 millim dollars worth of silver bullion. Bu don’t turn the "suiting coin over tc coked bank officials, is the nnplie* advice of Senate investigating com mi' tec. a m* mber of which says tha bar k< > - like Al Capone should j receive what Al got. i Election is over and inaugurate. V lt hand, but the task of compiling a Pew “who's who” is only begun Stretching away in diminishing pei mective from cabinet and high diplo mi ic dne s to the lowly gove.nmenl id at the ( r0,,-roads are many ... Tic - that will have to be hlled. I n b a s nc'iic is move important than the Si akership of the House. The chow, will be made upon the second oi M; rch, a date close at hand, yet fai eir ugh iway so that mt rveiling ev ent • make it impossible to pick th. in* imbent with any degree f e.rtam t> Fortv-three men hav* P ‘ -yd cr the low i The hit mr.ude: such names as Champ < lal Re i Mr Crisp, and many others n ted to hold the ] residency, yet bu lone Speaker, Janus K. Polk. made hi J wav to the White House. Some have be* n call 1. but few chosen. Clay and Bh the ’ le efarn nl*-' of Speakers who tasted the bit tei .ess of defeat when they sought t< (shift th' ii- activities from the Capito to the ex *cu live manr'oii. If history may be relied upon, the Speaker t< be selected shortly before the coming fourth of March stands small chanc was hysterical. Dr. Costello was locat-j ed on the train but he arrived aftei j the Senator died.” I I)r. Costello is from Cambridge Mass. His initials were not known. Mrs. Walsh, who sneaks little Eng lish, told Weatlv.rspee her hushaiu awakened about (5:-'SO a. m., and that v e was “doubled up” in pain. She said :h-- found Senator VValsli holding hi* stomach with his hands. The Senator rose from liis berth I in his drawing room and crossed ovei i to hi* wife’s berth and there collapsed | face down, Mrs. Walsh said. , A Negro porter was called and h< immediately raced seven cars away t< 1 find Weatherspee whom he told the Senator appeared to be dying. Weatherspee said he reached th- Senator’s side in a few minutes, fel* his pulsq and that death came while he held his hand. l)r. Costello had reached thi* draw ing room by this time and, as thi train rolled into W ilson, Dr. M. A Pittman was called to attend Mrs Walsh who was in a highly nervou.* state. —Raleigh Times. ___ 1 LET’S SWAP , J When money gives out business i must be carried on by barter and trade j For sometime now the Record has beer offering subscriptions in exchange foi most anything, even clean rags. We now offer this means of “dairy ing- on” to our subscribers without cost. If you have anything to swap o) nilnen send in your name with whatever you have and we shall be glad to list it in this column free of cost. The only condition is you must boa subscriber. And you can be th;;! by just telling us'to put your name on our mailing list and you will pay us something- worth SI.OO in trad* somtftime b; tween now and Santa i Claus time. What have you to swap? One man teas 111 goats he would like to loan tc; a neighbor to clear out the under growth in pastures. Another has ; J cow to trade; still another a good co\ and calf he wishes to exchange for a | good radio. Sand in your list, and w- j will tell it out from the corners ot I four of the best counties in North ( ar- | oiina. Here’s our first offer; Mrs. Then. B Davis would like to exchange pansy! plan*: for a loot of lathynr- (percn-1 | nial sweat pea). She has the purplish-1 1 icink and wants the white color. j NEW SPEED RECORD I Another record was broken when j <ii Malcolm Campbell, Englishman ! drove his car at Daytona Beach, b la. j at a rate of 272.1 miles an hdiir, on 1 Feb. 22. The former high mark in ! speed was made by the same driven (fist year and was IK miles less than ; this year’s rate. • '*' bei g the central fig re in any in nr. tion .. >ny tl. realtor. , ! .Japan and ( hina are busy beating j .*!i other up. War b< ,veon Jugosla- | via jd Italy is fear d, and Cerm s ’"; is being summon d to proven* uistria | com being made a battle round. Un-| Ess debt arbitrators convene soon :.m j ork fast, suggestions • .mt th* d'-V ;of the war lie cancelle*! will be inter j rui>ted by the question. ‘ Which War .’ When the House confirmed the ac j tion of the Senate and voted for th* ( epeal of th<- Eighteenth Amendment there was a scattering of gram o1 comfort for everyone. On the face o things, the wets are victors since re , cal has received the approval <>f bot> in nnches of Congress. One very wide and turbulent river unquestionably Jias been crossed, and there is reasoi for moist rejoicing. Upon the othei haul, decision has been taken out <> the control of two bodies shown b\ . iht ir votes to be wet, and turned ovei | to the will of the whole people, whos* views on the subject are unknown The wets now must start all °vei again. Constitutional amendment b> what am'ounts to direct |)opular vote though old in theory, is new in prai *■, • There may be many points which t wdl save to be settled in the courts. D • repeal is voted down at the polls, H will he dead for the next hundre* j years. Is the present the most opnoi j i, lie time to test the issue, with a j view to a wet victory? Up to t.ic pre *nt stage, the drys aro whipped, bu' ;is they retire, they draw the wets in tn territory where, in order to win the\ will have to come out on top in Uiirtv-ix out of forty-eight -eoarat* ,-kii liiishcs. Everything considered there is som*- doubt as to who i rally ias the nr-1 worrying to do. ! Evil i : . wrought by want of though' ! j A> well as want of heart. HENRY DELOME KILLED SUNDAY Last Sunday a Mr. Webb and Mr Henry Delome, men connected with the state highway in its construction of the new road to Rocky Mount, wen* down to Moccasin Creek on a trutk tc see about a steam roller that had beer ' carried there the day befoie. The met were ;iding on a (ruck, sitting on ar j oil ban tl. with Delome’s small boy pitting between them. Mr. Webb wa: driving. , . When near the creek. Mr. Delomi fell off, pulling the child with him. I I seems that the truck ran ovcv lm I body. No outside bruises were foum except a small huit on hi head. TL I was brought to Z«bulon, and * xanun eil l)y a doctor who found no serioiu hurts evident externally. A little later Mr. Delome died. H ! was conscious ulmost t<> the *» lan autopsy after his death, it wa I found that three ribs were broken and veins and arteries torn in hi neck, causing internal hemorrhages < ausing his death. His body was carried to Alabama his original home. The child with him was about six years old. Besides m wife, there are four other childnu ' surviving:. Those who knew him hes ! say he was a tjuiet, stea<ly man ant 'one of the best stenm shovel men evei I seen. A MILLION EYES Did you ever see so many at one time? Well, go around to M. C. M“d lin's place and look. Ho ha. b. ug i 500 bushels of Maine grown mod po tatoes to sell on the local market. Jus go around to his place and take a 100 l :c i-in"i> good eyes. 11 not, ho v.'tl sell you some. FISH FRY The Bible S. S. class of Hale., Chap ,,l church had a fish frv at Hilliard , ,i.d ai t l huisday. dr. Hilliard had set. his nets the night befoie. and when ;l,e class gathered at J.OO o'clock that afternoon, nearly fifty pounds of nice mullets, jack and cat fish were ready foi dressing and trying. Thirty-three people enjoyed the fi- 1 along with an abundance of fried chicken, ham, pickles, cake and coffee Hilliard’s pond is one of the best fish i ing grounds nea . alorj. A liunibei of people were out in boats fishing some, coming from Raleigh and W’H SU'T'I. Woman’s Club The general meeting of the Woman’* Club, of Zcbulon, was held on Tuesday :>, m. After singing the chili hymn and repeating the collect, tile presi dent called for reports from chairmen i f committees. Os those, perhaps tlm I most important was that of the norm j nating committee, present! 1 by Mi IK. C. Daniel. The adoption of this iv ! port resulted in the election of thi (following officeis: Pres., Mis. Mcßae j j Faison; Vice-Pros., Mrs. Thin. B. Da-j vis; See., Mrs. F. H. McGuire; Tn a- . ( Mrs. (’. V. Whitley. The following j chairmen of departments wi re elected; . I.it'-i ature, Mrs. W. C. Campon; Alu i ! AT vs. J. G. Kemp; Welfare, Mrs. R. II ( Herring; Gardens. Mrs. C. E. Flowers:) Ways and Means, Mrs. H. C. Wade ( ivies, Mrs. J. D. Davis. Mis. (. if. Chamblee announce' l l that at the next meeting of thi Gar den Department, on March 14, plans will be made for a Flower Show. Mrs. Horton, chairman of Civics spoke of the desirability of having two women on the town’s board ot commis sioners. The club voted endorsement of this idea. Tentative plans for a {public playground were conoid *: ed. 1 The topic for the day was presented Jby Mrs. ( . H. Chamblee, who aniunm* leii that the discussion < f Preparation (of Gain . would be b‘d 1 -v Mrs j \V. C. Campen. Mrs. Campon read a J! ;,r oared pa er and was heaie j.iiiii intoiosl. A i iiformal exchangi , -xj dlowed, (|Uestions ho ling a- !:ed uid an.su -l ed. Ail:-.- Grace Clifford, of Dunn, anilj Mt s. A. S. Hinton were club v isiterrs. ■ I VNNDt NCEMENT i Members of the Wakefield W. M. S are hereby reminded that the March meeting will be held in the home of .Mrs. Clarence Chamblee, on Monday March (5, at 5:00 p. m. The new offic ers will la in charge and a full attend ance is desired. (Surprise Party Fer Herman E. Fddins On Friday night. Feb 24, .Mis e ! Daphne, Lois, Savon, am! Margaret Kridins surprised their brother, Her , man, w ith a party a* their home in jWakefu Id, in honor of his twenty-first (birthday. Games were enjoyed, an 1 (much plhasure wa aft'ordeil by tin Icpf 'ing and displaying f th" nnnmr I mis gifts. The hostesses served j -1L with whipped cream and pound ck*-. Guests were: Misses Kathryn, Liz zie Day and Prentiss Mitchell Ctv.il Eddins, Martha Manning of AHddl sex, Irma Ragan, of New Hill AH Edwin Knott, of Oxford, Htnry an Frederick Hoyle, J. C., James am Paul Mitchell. Robert Gi-'-en, AN ;l -* Broughton, Glen Joyner, P. L. Wihte Jim Wood, ( raven Blown, C B . H«* {eld and Sidney Eddins, Charles Creech j and Ted Davis. NUMBER 37 YE FLAPDOODLE By The SIV IHHBI'CKI.FK Well—There .von’t be much mor. el the legislature this vein They have almost run their sixty days and draw their last pay checks Saturday si they arc ready to go home for a rest—Leaving the poor taxpaveis won mo mg if K. J. Reynolds will explain this Lit of black magic to the evei wondering public, while they are ex plaining the whereof ami whyfor <* ■ magician's most mystifying tricks I know of forty m n who argue an ' rage of sixty hoars ® week end get nothing tor it, put them in offic< two years hence and feed them three tinms a dav, tnev’ll forget about the pav and wc’li still run true to form Ni hits, No runs, No errors—Seems that nothing short of dynamite will awaken the peopli of our S*ete to fin fact that these able bodied doubli lunged litimans an merely laughing at th" people’s jokes and taking the people’s money March has blown in with let" of wind, Apiil will probably appear with the n .cess-try shower :.nd May with her spring flowers, thi Legislature has had both bags of wire, and showers of comment, but if the flowers have come forth, they cannot In seen with the niked eye—-Maybe the 1 lowers have come forth hut arc of the touch-me-not variety- Most oi the representatives went home tor the week-end, that is what I call real move, ninety per cent of the peoples representation should be ashamed to even show their faces in their own home town Still 1 suppose if John Doe would take ten dollars for woik he didn’t do, he could face practically anything And now let’s come home from The Quacktol Hill And pans, to ask who the Wfkelon teacher wa who told the world in George Washington s birthday, tha them should be a law to proven-, the closing of the postoffice so early on I week-days- She may have heenjok ,| ing, but if she whs. v.'c V-’Cr.u-i - -*« i'ladv has ever bail a serious moment And again they are trying to bung up the subject of birth control, personally don’t you think that girth centre ,-hm.ld come first? —And that young ] ,mm who had the accident out on t.u Raleigh highway last vyem., ays lm "It’s the first accident ! vt: ever had ; Says we, "Not bad for an ainateiu. Ami on, of out local shine-hoys tells |, v the smell, and not the t dor when hi* ha dyed bis customer’s shoes t" the right shade — Just read where a man had made *IOOO plaiting a rope 1,-aid for some west*.tier; tny only comment is that that is a lot of money to tie up And that young lady we wond-r if she was a lady. anyway we’ll give her the benefit ot a doubt j who appeared at a party two hours *»|ter it had begun in an . a onated 1 state, maybe she was tiy.ng to impress her boy-friend with her worldlmess wonder if she rose enough in Ins i» tim 'thin to equal her fall in the eyes Othei \vl‘o V Ire there -W-n va- Hie laHy who bummed into town i pot many days ago from one of our I: ading colleges ? Well, everybody. I doing it, and we hope she didn t got l caught short tu fore she had hummed I ell the way back Edna Bum a- I gain -teps into the lime-light when ! llh* requested thut I mention the Ittut | that she yelled across the st eet to John Hill. We were going to let it pass, but Edna made it a point to ask me to publish it (Note: I make m , bulge for til's publication service to Miss Bunn) -When the bankrupt sale opened up last Friday, there wen so many clerks that they bad to b< introduced to each other befort th< sal" began The end of the day show ed that a larger per cent ot the turners had waited on the eh >'ks than vice versa— So many people were then tl at they bad to have two operators .it each iash register Monty came in so fast that they were considering issuing crip in order to make change Had so many bargains that the proprietors’ wives were shopping toe. When they advertised the fixtures f, , Uile someone asked if the sales ladies were part of the fixtures— ! Someone bought tiu geie .val nianag' i . 'ovcie at, they found it on the bar gain count .; Some Scotchman wa. there trying *<> buy a trousseau for hi* daughter, she was only tin months old then, but she might want to get man ied some day His wile was the't because she had heard that they were going to sell things at give-away prices They brought the children along so they could heat the prices smash when they hit bottom; they had told them it was the fourth <>t July And at this moment we are inter rupted bv the telephone’s ringing . . Hillo? . . . Yes this is thi printing otfiie ... Is the Swasbuckler in? Who wants to speak to him? Youi (husband is coming down with the shot | gun ? . . . We didn’t order any shot gun . . . You sav he is coming to shoot the Kwas'ibueklei ? Sony lady, ye must have the wrong number. Oh, ! se-g You got the right number but the wrong answer . . . Well, I’m son v but the Swashbuckler left last wee!; for points south . . . No ma'in, no srt destination* jus* point * south . . . You’re welcome, g’ by, Alamanct farmers who have tanned hides at home following the recom mendations of the State College ani mal husbandry department report good results. Some hides are tanned with the hair on to ht* used for rugs in the home but most arc tanned for leather. -

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