SALESMEN WANTED N > lav <>fD wage rut* <>i hard time for Hebe lin Drain*. We offer toady-year aroum employment-sell direct to farm trad' full line home remedies and househol product*. Many make *IO.OO wotkl or more Write quickly. G. C. IIKBKKLfM; COMPANY Dept. 1809, Bloomington, 11l iThT^sV iTAVK Tn yon ( om.nunity a very handsome partially paid for, you can have by paying the unpaid balance on saun You will have to act quickly. Credit Department, Maynard Music Co Salisbury, N. 0. 3-3-3 t NOTICE OF RESALE OK REAL PROPERTY’ I'mler and by virtue of the powei and authority contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Dr. F. C. McDow ell and wife, Bettie Mae McDowell to A. 1!. House, Trustee, which Dee' of Trust i recorded in Book 563, Page MO, Wake County Registry, and l>.' virtue of an order of Resale signed by K. Lloyd Tilley, Assistant Clerk o< the Superior Court for Wake C ounty N. C„ bearing date February 28t. Idefault having been made in tin payment of the note secured therein and upon request of the holder of tic An ALL-ELECTRIC H ome '* JW^atTf|KVVi BEGINS In The Kitchen ♦ Ift your imagination exists a home, the home you want to have. Within its walls you will find perfect comfort, livableness, and pleasure dut have you stopped to consider that you can ma n your kitchen you become eligible 1 _ j or our combination residential service Me. This means that a more libera -*■ you'll find every wearying task per formed by a Faithful, electrical servant. While you are savinq tern* and steps this modem means of operation will show a saving in money at well. BUY NOW ON EASY TERMS * TRADE IN YOUR OLD STOVE AS PART PAYMENT Carolina Powerc Light Company PRESIDENTIAL cOMB IN a T ION 5f by J_c l KA T £ \ oni op thi iowcit I f :on iation noutiNO / /•.ATCI IN TMI CAAOiINASI omnmi TOOK iA’ £ AN© HC ATI* » 5 EAVICg \ * r—r £pJJ hWf "**y Sfe; ' —V * u♦ ,Js3* 'ss' u dersigned Trustee will of r so- sale to the highc-t bidder, f'> ash, lit the Courthouse door in th •' of Raleigh, Wake County, North ' rolina, on Friday. Man'll 31at, 1933 * twelve o’clock, M . the follow inti 'escribed land-.: Being Ixit' Nos. 7 and 8 in Block 11, of survey made by 11. A. Chappell end relaid by John J> Briggs-front- T g A rondel I Avenue 50 feet each 01 Toth 100 feet; running westerly 15< fe t to a stake; thence northerly t. .Iclvi.-r Street; thence easterly with iid Street to \ rondel I Avenue; thence southerly with -aid Avenue to the be ginning: Bounded on the South by F C. McDowell’s lot No. 0; on the west by G. M. Bell’s; on the north by Mc- Iver Street and on the east by Aren inll Avenue as shown t>v plot which L recorded in (Book ot Maps IHBS at page 153) in the Register of Deeds office for Wake County, reference t< which map is hereby made for a more perfect description, and also reference t a deed from (i. .M. Bell to F. ( . Me Dowell, recorded in Book .'506, Page 217, in the office of the Register of D eals i. hereby made for a more per fect description. This 28th dav of February, I‘J (it) A. It. HOUSE, Trustee THE ZEBULON RECORD, Zebu lon, N. C„ March 10,19.33 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE — WITHOUT CALOMEL And You’ll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin’ to Co If you M Hour and sunk and tht? world looks punk, don't swsllow s lot of •a!t«, mineral water, oil, laxative candy or chewing sum and aspect them to male# you suddenly ■went and buoyant and full of sunshine. For they can't do it. They only move tl*#- bowels and am« re movement doesn’t g >< at th" cause. The r«*sson for your down-and-out f«'/'l»nir is your liv**r. Ii should pour out t.*A«» pounds of liquid bile into your bowel* daily. If this bile ia not flowing freely, your food doesn't dlg**»t. It just decays in the bowels. <»s» bloata up your atomarh. You have u thick, bad taste and your breath ia foul, skin often breaks out in blemishes. Your head and you feel down and out. Your whob system is poiaoncd. It taken those good, old CAfUT.K’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS to get u„ —two pounds of bile flowing freely and make y«>-i feel "up and up." They contain wonderful, lum miens, gentle vegetable extracts, amazing when it come to making the bile How fret I;.. But don't a-dc forliver pills. Ask for Cartcr*** f.ittle Liver Pills. Look for the name f ‘artci'« IJttle Liver Pills on the red label. Resent a substitute. 26c at all stores. ©19.11 < . M.< o ! A new feeling for men past ! fifty If you’ve let yourself grow syrtem ieally ol«i, here is away t<< stimulate j yourself without the slightest harm, and, in fart, with effects beneficial to Hie entire body. Tins method of stimulating a slug gish system to new life is a doctor's discovery, so no one need hesitate to try ii or believe m it. It is a sane, sensible way to keep keenly alive. The only medicine you take is a most likeable and remarkable ;> made with fresh herbs, active -enna, i and pure pepsin. The benefits are many, and far-reaching Its imme diate effect on the lower bowel gets I rid of lingering poisons better than i powerful laxative. In fart, you 1! need no other laxative, if you tak ■ mi occasional spoonful of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin If you regard yourself in fairly good health now, you might still iind after a week or two of this gentle stimulation that you were onlv in a stale of half-health before It makes an amazing difference in the way one feels, especially at an age when one inclines toward auto-intoxication (Daily headaches, failing appetite and tiring too easily are apt to be svmptoms of a toxic condition.) Women, too. get derided benefit from a few weeks’ regulation with Dr Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin I •<■■■ Drum of Catawba County rais ■i 101 broilei i from 11! baby chick.- i iirclm 1 before Christman and i • v, selling the broihVs on the Char t.' market. Professional Cards L. L. MASSEY DR. CHAS. E. FLOWERSi Physician and Surgeon I Attorney at Law. Office His. 8:30-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m. j Office m Ma.-.iey Building. Phones: Office No. 70 lies. No. 91. Back of Citizen’s Drug Store IRin D. GILL DR. J. F. COLTRANE Attorney a-nd Counselor at Law DENTIST * * l< ,u Robertson Building ; Zebulon, N. (’. Office His. 9-12:30, 1 :GO-5 Business Directory CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY Investigate Our Combination Rate for Lighting. Heating and Cooking Service. HORSE SHOEING AND REPAIR WORK In front of Center Brick Warehouse G. D. Winstead was with M. T. Debnam for a number of years. i j S. G. FLOWERS ANI) CO. i Everything to wear for men, women i and children. C. T. HARPER DRUGS Next Door To Dr. Flowers’ Office ZEBULON SUPPLY CO. Wt feed and clothe the family and ‘ furnish the home. Funeral Directors. J. A. KEMP & SON Groceries —Dry Goods Funeral Directors WEATHERS ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP C. B. Eddins. Manager. Shoes—We supply all their needs. If it’s leather, we repair it. Don't buy new ; let us make it new FfcATENTS "and trade-marks C.A.Snow&Co- I Successful Practice since 1875. ’ Over 25,000 patents obtained j for inventors in every section of country. Write for book ' let telling how to obtain ! a patent, with list of clients in your State. 710 Bth St., Washington, D. C C.fAtan/n^ 1 hnuir and Optician, will be at Dr. Barbee’s office, Zebu ion. N. C., every second Tuesday in each inonth. His next \ Ht will be Tuesday, March 14th. From 10 a. in. to 11 p. m. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain Judgement of the Superior Court of Wake County, en titled R J. Whitley, against J. R Veathersby and wife, Puttie Weathers by. J. E. Gill, et als,, the undersigned - . . CITIZEN’S INSURANCE AGENCY Everything in Insurance ! DEWEY W. MASSEY. MANAGER Next Door Page Trust Co. | FARMER FRIENDS: | Bring me your farm products or i : wood in exchange for dry cleaning and I pressing. I w ill allow you market I price. 1.1. L. STEM. DRY (LEANER Phone 26. Zebulon, N- ('. LITTLE RIVER ICE CO. Quality and Service. Phone 74 j J. & M. CHEVROLET CO. ; Chevrolet*—-new and used cars. Factory Trained Mechanics DEBNAM HARDWARE COMPANY Everything in hardware. Lowe Brothers paints ar.d varnishes. Prices to fit the times. J THE RECORD AGENC V Insurance all kinds in town or coun try; also loans on Real Estate. D. D. Chamblee. Manage r Record Building THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK The First American Life Insurance Company Your Best Friend in Health, Sickness, Depression and Death Mrs. Lela B. Horton. Local Agent i M. H. ALFORD Heavy and Fanery Groceries Happy Feeds Across R. R. Below Depot. Commissioner, will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, on Thurs day, March, 23rd, 1933, at 12 o’clock m., at the Courthouse Door, in th • City of Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina, the following described lands: Beginning at Isaac Perry and I M. Proctor’s corner in the Wakefield j and Louisburg road; thence N. 10 de jgrees, E. 44 poles; thence E. 50 feet X. 25 poles, to Hopkins line; thenc - S 85 degrees, E. 15-1-5 poles to a comer rock; thence N. 10 degrees, F 5 28-1-5 poles to a corner black gum near Beaver Dam Branch; thence S. 02 degrees, E. 92 |>oles to Post Oak on S side of Louisburg road. Hoi ton’s corner; thence westerly with Louisburg road to point of beginning; containing .‘SO acres more or less. This 18th day of February, 19.‘53. A. R. House Cominisioner Feb. 24 Mar 17 ADM IN ISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as the ulminis tratrix of the estate of J. Howard Bunn, deceased, late of Wake county N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of j -aid deceased, to exhibit them to th j undersigned at Zebulon, N. C . R. 3. lon or before the sth day of Feb., 1934. .or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This sth day of Feb., 1933. Mrs. Rosa Bunn, Administratrix oi estate of J. Howard Bunn, deceased Feb. 10—Mar. 17 Frost Proof Cabbage Plants For Sale Cabbage Plants—Charleston, Jersey. Flat Dutch, Succession and Copen hagen Market .60 cents per 1000: 5000 lots. .50 cents per 1000 Onion Plants—White and yellow Bermuda -60 cents per 1000, 5000 lots. .50 cents per 1000 DORRIS PLANT CO. VALDOSTA, (JA. SAVE MONEY—RIDE TRAINS Reduced fares for Train Travel One and One-Hall Cents Per Mile Via NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Between All Stations Except Electric Division Effective March Ist, 1933. Stopovers allowed in final limit Baggage Checked Half fares for children under twelve years of age For information consult any agent oi address .1. F. DALTON. Traffic Manager, NORFOLK. VA. REDUCED ROUND TRIP FARES Presidential inauguration Washington, I). C., March 4th via Norfolk Southern Tickes sold March 1,2, 3, Final Limit March 19. 193.3. individual Tickets 2 cents per mile Parties 25 or more 1 c.nt per mile 1 Pullman reservations arranged on • application. ! Consult agents for further informa tion or address J. F- DALTON, Traffic Alanager, Norfolk. Va. DAVE PRIVKITE IS STILL GRIND ING CORN EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK EXCEPT SUNDAY. TAKE YOUR NEXT LOAD TO HIM AND BE SATISFIED. TRAIN TRAVEL BARGAIN FARES VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R. FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS Until March 2fi, 1933 Final Limit Monday FROM TO Norfolk Va. Beach Raleigh $2.00 2 5< Wilson 2.00 25.0 j Greenville 1.75 2.26 Washington 1.75 2.25 Plymouth 1.75 2.25 Elizabeth City 1.59 2.00 Columbia 2.00 2.5 C . Belhaven 2.00 2.50 Oriental 2 50 3.00 Goldsboro 2.25 2.75 Kinston 2.25 2.75 New Bern 2.25 2.75 Morehead City 2.75 3.25 Beaufort 2.75 3.25 <50..00 Sewing Machine for SIO.OO almost new, and in good condition al J. L. Stell’s Pressing Club FLOWERS r For Funerals and All Occasions THE WENDELL FLORIST MRS. H. F. TUNNELL Phone 56 t N. S. R. R- SCHEDULE Passenger Schedule* From Zebulon j 5:30 p. m. —Raleigh and Intermediate Points 8:05 a. m.—Norfolk. New Bern, Beaufort. Goldsboro, intermediate Intermediate Points For information call on H. E. MANN, Ticket Agent. Zebulen. N. C.