Personal Mention |- * * Piease send in personal and | | social items. Call either 27 or ! | 85, if you wish to telephone. j i. , : Russel Temples was home from .'amrbell College for the week-end '•«) be v ith his family, ami especially to see the new brother. Prof. Thomas B. Kemp has been tome for a short visit with his mother Irs. .Mary Kemp, returning on Sunday to his wo Greenwood) S. C. Mrs. J. G. Kemp spent tho week-end • >th her daughter. Miss Mary Eliza beth at Chapel Hill. Last v.f-.;'.- Rotarv suoper was pre ami b - V fsd&mes C. V. Whitley. < T. Flower . C. H. Chamblee ar.d T rt. Davis. Mr . S. A. Lee assisted with : .he serving. Dr. d Mis. L. M. Massey have t a>ved : :f . their recently purchased (sidenc on Gannon Avenue, just ' eioss the ievidence of Mrs ) lassey s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C . Dawson. Mr. ; V ,J. H. Fowler, and their ■mghte,, Mi-s Grace and grandson imn !e - .ipenfie’d. ail of Kanna ’is, snent several days the first of' i w< ek ' lim* relatives and friends and near Zebulon. Last's Xews and Observei ■ irried a picture of Mrs. Hermon Cone | . • -i-embt bride o! a former Zebulon an. Mr. and Mrs. Cone now reside in Mo ganton, the former being an em r.f the State Highway Commis 1 -ion. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Farr have moved nto an apartment at Mrs. J. D. Davis’. Mr. Farr is an employe of the Caro a I’owi-i- and Light Compny. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Eaton and lit he daughter recently attended the celebration of the fiftieth wedding an iversary of Mr. and Mrs. Z. 11. Wil or of Franklinton, who are Mrs. Eat in's relatives. Announcement has been made oi *r- marriage last October of Miss Bes sie Lee Hodges to Joseph Howard Mims of Raleigh. Mrs. Mims is a laughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hed ges, of Zebulon, R. F\ D. A. S. Hinton, operator of the for ner Debnam Wood Shop, sprained or 'trained a muscle of his back last Monday. Although he is able to get ibout, he can do no work of any kind The Junior-Senior banquet for the n-esent school term * is a special Wakelon function last week. To writer of items from Bunn Road: All communications to the RECORD mist be signed with the writer’s name f they are to be printed. Please do not -end news unsigned.—Editor. Mrs. Will Liles is rebuilding on the v the social com- . mittee. I Our sympathy goes out to Mr. Joel Jones and family in the death the old h<>me place! of Mr. M. B. Lewis. Horace Kemp was a Raleigh visitoi ; Thursday. Mrs. M. K. Lewis of Earpsboio visit-; ed in this section Friday. V vs. Sis Morris is back at horn a-j : gain after visiting her sister, Aunt; Kate Tisdale of Earpsboro. Mrs. Columbia Bailey, of Earpsboro j visited in tbb section last week. Mi's Beulah Mae Pi rtf enteitain-j ied :t number of her friends Saturday 1 night by giving them an Md fashioned Candy cooking. I .Vr. J. J. Strickland and family of j : Selma visited Mr. Jack Morn.- and i ; family Sunda.v. i Mr. J. J. Kernp and daughter, Jet- | [tie, were Wilson visitors Monday. The people of our sect:on attend- j ! (>tl the P. T. A. at Middlesex High ; | School Auditorium Monday night. | Mr. J. W. Strickland. Jr. -pent a j ■few days with her mother last week. | Webb Kemp -pent Saturday night i with his sister, Mrs. Rex Brown, oil Ilaios Chape! section. Mr. Dock Deans and family of Bur ilington visited Mrs. Sebern Ritten bury Sunday. Mrs. Yannie I-ewi- is spending th: I week with her son, Rocher Lewis, o 1 Burlington. Miss Lillian Lewis spent the week 'end with Mildred Murray of Samaria j Babe Ruth has signed up for anoth er year with the New York Yankee' - 1 at the meagre salary of 852.000. H< held out for 860,000, but failed to con- j vince the league be was worth it, or ; possibly the league was not able to pay it. sides to show that this container is empty. Closing it up, he places a screen between it and the audience. ~W~ It / After a short period of i ..,:ic i:u nutations he remove M 7 t*" f the screen. The astounded audit nee sees a beautiful XX V 77//A/ 77/7 f / f// 77/J girl, covered to the shoulders in lovely flowers, rising —X -X AX jl. v.' Ir v.X -Xt y m J-t from the “empty”container. Where did she come from? EXPIAHAT,O^:,:„ C wa *. *. P . *. ... ITS MORE ElfiV TO £nOW 1 here i- a trap door in the bottom of the flower pot, with a hole large enough t" allow her to crawl through. _ _ _ The flowers, called “magicians'feather flowers, re A trick f requent iy worked in cigarette sive treatment than choice, ripe to* a regular part of a meg on outfit. Ihe flower gni advertising is the illusion that mildness baccos. neats .1 rul bt rt me and a 1 athing cap to keep the . . . ... . . compressed into small « p;iC e. she slides the in a cigarette comes from mysterious 1 he real ddlcrcncc.comes in the to tunic down and the flowers expand when she emerges. processes of manufacture. baccos that are used. The belter the EXPLANATION: All popular ciga- tobacco, the milder it is. rettes today are made in modern sani tary factories with up-to-date machin- ** » a c soct ' well known by leaf p*. KmijcMs Tobacco _ NO TRICKS IN A MATCHLESS BLEND THE ZEBULON RECORD, Zebulon, N. C., March 24,1933 Flat Rock News Miss Elsie Wiggins spent last Sun dav with Misses Lorraine and Hazel Roberts. Among tiie people who caiieu to) see Mrs. J. F. Murphy iasi Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Williams of I.ouisburg, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Thin ington and daughter Maxine, of Ral eigh, and Mr-. Yetis Wiggins and son, Marsh. We are all glad t< krr v | that Mrs. Murphy is still inn roving j from her illness. t Mr. Robert Luthur and Roy Tim-i L"vlake were visitr • of Raleigh las: Thur day. Amo g ttie ,c• .J.- i.j tbi« funimu utv j vho attended th- Franklin Cou ty Obo did i .mtc : at Edward B o , High School 'ast Friday night, were Mr. < R iberts, Mi -: Helen Hill Misses Hazel. Helen. Mae. ;-id Louis* Roberts. See me. tor ’m.-]o\y v hok -a!- c<> i ' r, nStalk Cutters. Disk Harrows, Peg Harrow.-, >pi ing Tooth Harrows. I also he Ye a number of u-ed Planters, Distributors, Harrows, Plows. Riding Cultivators aiulTwo-Horse Wagons that I will sell very cheap. Good tirade Corn @ b 0 Cents Per Bushel M. B. ( limitblee Wakefield News Miss Lucille Harris, who is teach • ;t I c . and Mr. Ray Harris i( : ; r : P. agg spei t the week-end V ;!•.<: ur t. in V* a ■ ic'd. I On Sunday* morning the people o; j Wakefield enjoyed a sen .on deliver ' ed by Rev. E. H. Davis of Louisburg | formerly pastor of the Zebub a Me-, thodist Church. We wish that Rev : Davis might be with u rr -e often, j Mr. and Mr.- - . Willi: - i Honeycutt! 'announce the birth os a baby girl. Miss Josephine Ferre 1 spent part j of the week end with Vivian .i'oyne* The newly organized B. Y. P. l : . or j (Wakefield has now enrdle ' : : ■ j j 1 crs. With the support of the commit .iiv, v c tec-1 'uve th:u nianv m-r will ; < ;■ : 1,-' to th pns-!l‘ V . I V. . and Mi M, . andi children spent a few hours Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Mai ic H. Kim ball. Victims of Airplane Ucidents Emerson Faggr/rt, Thomas Prid gen :::id Cecil Pridgen were killed last S’afui lay v. !.en tlu ir airplane crashed -r ar the airport at Salisbury. Maj. James A. Willis, his M>n. Lieut. Jamc. Willis and Maj. John A. Parker were killed on Sunday when an army trans port crashed near Petersburg, Va and l.ur't into flames. They were said to be on their- way from Pope Field Fayetteville, to Washingt n. clavest to ecum - SI in owe mmisli'? "In c.U my life 1 new rereired it surprise erpud to the tnif tfiis iiimiiiitf* usu n • *tni * h*'< k i* much to any family, and ail 'Jr'. Bil tinger irne'ted was a 3p stamp uiul her spare time. This same opportunity is open to von, THE PARI NTS' M VG \ZI.\E is the outstanding publication in the field of child study and parent education. It deals with rveiy phase of child care and training from crib to <- Tt-gc. The magazine now reaches more than 300.000 homes throughout the country hut there ure scores ol fam ilies in your vicinity who need atid want the guidance it offers. The rewards for their new and re newal subscriptions can easily hring you that tame happiness, com fort and security each month throughout the year! Mail your re quest for details today. This 3(* in vestment can yield enormous divi dends ! Dept. IS, The Parents’ Magazine 114 East 32nd St., New York, N.Y. Additional earth tremors have been felt in California during- the past week A:i earthquake in northern Greece tonified the inhabitant'. NOTICE TO F! BLN Those owing M. < amblee and Sons art* hereby notified that I have bought all the accounts of said firm, and parties owing them, will make payment to me M. B. Chamblee WmM- ! ll Mr • ° -*?i?sfv ' '- ■■