Union Hope News We are sorry to know that Swim- Pox is raging in our community. We are also sorry that Mr. Barley Brantley’s baby vbo h-•>> been sick for a long time with infantile paraly sis is not any better. Mr. and .Mrs Buddie Brantley, Mes damt s Mary Ferrell and C. B. Whit ley visited Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Bunn of Auburn Saturday. L. F. Brantley’s baby is in a set ion- condition with eolith . Tell Mr. Swashbuckler that I hav« had some of his experiences. I hav just been bawled out over a name < mentioned in the It•'.f OKI) last vuin . Brantley weighing TC> , ounds Little Cad ill Strickland, age thret -iiiging in perfect harmony. Mis. Os ha Va-.- y smoking cigar ettes. Howard Brantley, Dorsey Striek- . land and Annie Mae Bryant standing est on seventh grade arithmetic. Hula .Mae Brantley being so prissy , Hazel Murray shooting pool. George Bryant being so clever ? Union Chapel News I Mrs. W. P. Robertson was surprised and entertained bv several of her old friends from Wakefield Church las ! Friday night in honor of her 16 birth day. At the home of her daughter M is. .1. W. Oakley. They all enjoyed; friendly chats and sang together. Mr- i Robertson was asked by her daughte: to lead the way to the dining room: where tiler found the table waiting prepared by Mrs. Oakley and Mi Matoka Pace and were served boiled custard and cake. Mr. Frank Gay’s family enjoyed ; birthday dinner Sdutda- with hi (lav’s sister. Mrs. Ollie Gay, of Hop bin’s Chapel. Tin boys went fishing in the evening and caught enough fish with hook and line for the family sup per. ;\i, J. \V. Oakley surprised her lit ■ th daugi.t‘*r, Lillian Pace, on her e h venth birthday last Saturday by in viting several of her little friends t<- n party in the evening. They played several game in the yard and w-n | server! peanuts and popcorn ball also lollipops. Alma Doris Jones spent Saturday night with Lillian Pace. Masses Sybil Hopkins and Evelyn Carrol u ent f lit night with. M.\ and Mrs. Ark-ell Phillip-; am! daughters Miss Johnnie Bell Woodrutt spent last week with Mrs. Joe Hopkins at the home ol her mother. Mrs. Russe. Brantley in Bunn. Mi-. Joe Hopkins and children are visiting friends and relatives in this neighborhood this week. Several girls from Pearces section visited Myrtie Ktta Gay Sunday, ac companying her to Sunday School m the afternoon. S \ 1.1: OF V \I,F \»! ERE \L ESTVTK Crider and by virtu; ot the powei & and authority contained in a certain “Meal Mixture for tobacco 9—2 3-4 —- (500 lbs. Cotton Seed Meal to the ton.) Leave Orders Now J. A. KEMP & SON Zebulon, N. C. Higyster FIELD TESTED FERTILIZERS ders for cash, the following described; In d. situate in the Town of Zeb loti o-l more particularly describ; u a ! follows: Beginning at the Northeastern m erseetion of Pine Street and North S*ieet; runs thence in an easterly tli • ection 100 feet to the Northwest cor ner ot Lot No. 5; thence in a South nriy direction along the dividing line 'of Lots No. 5 and No. 6,200 feet to 'he Northeast corner of Lot No. 12; bene in a Westerly direction IOC. ... e t to the Fast, line of Pine Street:, thence in a Northerly direction along the East line of Pine Street 200 fret to the point of beginning, being I/>t \o 6, according to map of Zebulon •e >led in Book of Maps 1885, Pag* r,g. in the office of the Register of [tends of Wake County, and being the same lot conveyed to Luther M. Mas i>v deed from Pittman Stell and •vile. November 28. 1019, and record ed in Book .’’s2, Page 240. Thi- the 15th day of March, 1 D-'i-L J. W. Bunn, Trustee. (3 24-4 t.) Raleigh, N. C S \ l K OF V M.F MSI F REAL est \ ri: Lnder a'. This the 15th day of March, 1933. ■J. W. Bunn, Trustee. (3-24-40 Raleigh, N. C S M E OF V M.F MILK REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the powerj d authority contained in a certain deed of trust made and executed by j A. N. Jones and wife, Annie Pace! lone , to Leßov L. Massey, 1 rustee (which Trusteeship has been changed I . Bunn. Trustee,) of date April l 23, 1927. and duly recorded in the Register’s office of Wake County n Book 510, Page 172, the undersign ed Trustee will, on Thursday, April 20 1933, at twelve o’clock noon, at the Court Inal sc door of Wake ( ounty > Raleigh. North Carolina, offer for sah and sell to the highest bidder or bid be s for cash, the following described '.id; in the Town of Zebulon: ’ A certain tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in Wake County, Stati I' North Carolina, described as fob. !0..5, to-wit: Being Lot No. 1 and 2 | Block “D”. Wakelon property, a map | the same in ing recorded in Book; of Mai s, 1885, Page 153, in the Reg-1 is ter of Deeds for Wake f ounty. which will bear out the following descip | lion: Beginning at the intersection ot Glenn St. and Arendell Ave. on th west side of Arendell Ave.; thence north along said Ave. 100 feet; thence! os! along the line of lots No. 2 and 3 • i Vi f'e !; them e . •••ibh along the line | - ! lot No. 28, 100 feet to a stake j Glenn St.; thence along the north line p Glenn St. 150 feet to the begin , ng, being known as lot No. 27 in THE ZEBULON RECORD, Zebulon, N. C., March 24,1933 ; Block 24 of the Zebulon Companv prom.' tv. See Book of Maps 188a ' K ge 08. Being further known as the M. O Holton property and conveyed by thi ; id Ilolton and wite, Lucy Holton, to T. M. Conn and by the said T. M. Conn end wife, to W. M. Duke and wife \ rteagoi . W. M. Duke and wite, t< C. V. Whitley, Mortgagee, C. V. Whit l .. Mortgagee, to A. S’. Jones, Book "l Pago 10, Business Lot No. 27 Block 24. , Being known as Lot No. 2i in Block -21 on tr ■ mop of the Zebulon Co. I- .vp >• *h ■ Zr-buhm Co., filed in th* office of Register of Deeds for W ik. • . untv. N. « , in Book of Maps 1885 Pag'- (is. to which 1 •fert-nce is ru-uh for a more particular description; said b.t I cing - ita-rc ; the town of Zebu I'on. a,cl I cing the D. it "egg i rmit i j ing Arendell Avenue 50 feet each <>: [both DMi fee running westerly 15( : so; t to a ake: thence northerly ti .Mdver Sti et: thence easterly with Street i" A “ndell Avenue; thence ufhcrly w : th r :id A' enue to the be i ginning: P, mded »n the South b v F i M (Dowell’s lot No. 6; On the iby G. M. Bell's; on the north by Me- J Ivor stred and on the east by Aren- : dull Avenue as shown by plot which is , refolded in (Book of Maps 1885 a! | page 153) in the Register of Deeds office ('■•>■ V. ake C ■: nty. reference t* bio.: man is hereby made for a mor< de-cription, anti also reference t, a and 6 in Block IL as i surveyed and plotted by 11. A. ( hap ! pell and relaid by John D. Briggs | i routing 50 feet cast on Arendell Ave one: • hence running back westerly 1">( feet to lot owned by B. M. Bell; foi further reference see Book of Plat whore it is registered in the office ol j the Register of Deeds in Wake County N. C.. which plat is recorded in Book I of Maps 1885. page 153; rei'ereifiv i also made to a deed from G. M. Bel and wife, to F. C. McDowell, recorded i in Book 305, page 142. in the office ol the Register of Deeds for Wake ( oun , t.v. This 28th dav of February, 1933. (3-3-40 V R. HOUSE, Trustee Bethany News • riioic was an unusually large crowd for Sunday School but not as many for reaching Sunday night. M r -< -.f Durham, came w ith Rev. I, r Evans for preaching Sunday Mght. Miss Kathleen Robert.-on spent Sun day with Miss Helen Watson. Mr. and Mr-. Ralph Vaughan ot Reiiigh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Williford. There is much whooping cough in our community. Mr. Robert L. Scarborough spent the week-end with Mr. Billie McCul lers. PATENTS TRADE-MARKS ■ C.A.Snow&Co. Successful Practice since 1875. Over 25,000 patents obtained for inventors in every section of country. Write for book let telling how to obtain a patent, with list of clients in your State. 710 Bth St„ Washington, D. C» -iss and Optician, will be at Dr. Barbee’s office, Zebu lon. N. C., every second Tuesday in each month. 1 iis next, \ i-it will be Tuesday, April 11th. 19.T1 From 10 a. m. to 3 p. m Professional Cards L. L. MASSEY Attorney at Law. Office in Massey Building. IRBY D. GILL Attorney and Counselor at Law Phone 117 Zebulon, N. C. Business Directory v— : w |BtR VICE] C A R OLINA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY 1 Investigate Our Combination Rate for Lighting, Heating and Cooking Service. S. G. FLOWERS AND CO. Everything to wear for men, women : and children. C. T. HARPER DRUGS Next Door To Dr. Flowers’ Office— ZEBULON SUPPLY CO. We feed and clothe the family and 1 i furnish the home. * Funeral Directoi-s. .1. A. KEMP & SON Groceries —Dry Goods Funeral Directors WEATHERS ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP C. B. Eddins, Manager. Shoes —We supply all their needs. ! If it’s leather, we repair it. Don’t buy new; let us make it new and children. ; PEARCES (I The Pearces P. T. A. met Wednes i day night at 7:00 in regular session : Mr. Moser and Prof. Massey made ! short talks. Little Miss Mary Lee Martin lias returned from the hospital after an Operation for appendicitis. * Miss Ora Medlin and Miss Annu Rue Pearce spent the week-end with Miss Myrtie Etta Gay. Miss Una Gray Gay and Pauline ! Ray spent last week end with Mr and Mrs. Albert Bunn. —rrr- J 4 n, A ■' 'f- ‘' - re-, r ?' > * j- v * Oi - H <■- +& * ! * l ;. Oi * yd How to train BABY’S risbii.'s. boltie-fcd or lirc.v with :.nv tendency to be v --ist< v.'ii’d thi ive if ihev rt . - I , ;iy . ;nt .1 ! saspoonful of tliis nid fa: .dy tlict i's |>.--.scriplion for the b "lie sure v:r, to train liny bov. to lieallhv regularity. Fo avoid tli;' fret fid ness, vomiting, crying, failure ; » gain, and other ilLs of constipated )> L)r. C.-n’d'Aell’s >\ruji iVpsm is p" od fur baby. 1 r Hi:':. y>u hurt the V'or / of a /(Minus drrtor I'i.rty v. ’. -■• need to keep nr little bivvcls Hc'ivu, regular; - •• HUle. bn'!.. | am: , and tiealttp. For D Cai'i izc'l in the treat n-at of v. • i. n an I iiltle ones. He tilt- aied i n'- birli;i without 1- . 0...; r.i ilie;- or baby. —^ f>» U B Caluw i< i N : SYRtP PE PS 11-j A Doctor 's Family Laxative DR. CHAS. E. FLOWERS Physician and Surgeon Office Hrs. 8:30-10 a.m.. 1-3 p.m. Phones: Office No. 76; Res. No. 91. Back of Citizen’s Drug Store DR. .1. F. COLTRANE DENTIST Robertson Building Office Hrs. 9-12:30, 1:30-5 CITIZEN’S INSURANCE AGENCY Everything in Insurance DEWEY W. MASSEY. MANAGER Next Door Page Trust Co. FIRMER FRIENDS: Bring me your farm products or wood in exchange for dry cleaning and pressing. I will allow you market price. J. L. STEEL DRY (LEANER Phone 26. Zebulon, V ('. LITTLE RIVER ICE CO. Quality and Service. Phone 74 J. cV M. CHEVROLET CO. Chevrolets new and used cars. Factory Trained Mechanics DEBNAM HARDWARE COMPANY Everything in hardware. Lowe Brothers paints ar.d varnishes. Prices to fit the times. THE RECORD AGENCY Insurance all kinds in tov.n or coun try; also loans <>n Real F. stale. D. D. Chamblee. Manager Record Building THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK !he First Xmerican Life Insurance Company | Your Best Friend in Health, Sickness, Depression and Death 1 Mrs. Lela B. Horton, Local Agent > -r, > ... ■ t jll ; i !l / j - iFE! j ( . rvol :.e accepts the fact that Bayer ' i, the swiftest form of re he. ~ i;ll -!,cs, neuralgia, neuritis. I pain, and oilier suffering, i tried it. you know. But n< nrcfl hesitate to take these tie- use of their speed. Tim: sa/e. They will not . heart. They have no il • of anv kind. 'Hie rapid relief bring is due to the rapidity a it ii which they dissolve. So. keep these tablets handy, and eeii your engagements—free from pain or discomfort. Carry the pocket tin for emergencies; bus the bottle of 100 for its economy. Ihe ness reduced price has removed the last reason for trying any substitute for genuine Bayer Aspirin—each tablet stamped with this cross: vy SU.E OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain deed of trust made and executed by G. G. Massey, (unmarried), E. D. Masses- and wife. Maggie Massey, and L. L. Masses- and wife, Mary Massey , to R. B. Less is, Trustee (which Trusteeship has been changed to J. W. Bunn. Trustee.) of date March Bth 1023, and dulv recorded in the Regis ter’s office of Wake County in Book 415, Page 39, the undersigned Trustee will, on Thursday, April 20th, 1933 at tsvelve o’clock toon at the ( ourt house door of Wake County. Raleigh North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highs ■ bidder or bidders, foi cash, the following described land ir. Town of Zebu'on. North Carolina: Being I.ot Number 42 in Block No 13, ns shown on the man of the tosvr. of Z< liuloii, North Carolina, which map is recorded in the Register of Deeds office for Wake County in Book of Maps 1885. Page 08, said lot front ing on Vance Avenue 25 feet and hav ing a back of 125 feet. .J. W. BUNN. TRUSTEE, Raleigh. N. G. ' March 15, 1933 4 t DVVK PRIVKTTE IS STILL GRIND ING CORN EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK EXCEPT SUNDAY, TAKE YOUR NEXT LOAD TO HIM VND BE SATISFIED. TRAIN TRAVEL BARGAIN FARE? VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R. FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS Until March 2fi, 1933 Final Limit Monday FROM TO Norfolk Va.Beacl Raleigh $2.00 2 50 Wilson 2.00 25.0 | Greenville 1.75 2.25 Washington 1.75 2.25 i Plymouth 1.75 2.25 Elizabeth City 1.59 2.00 Columbia 2.00 2.50 1 Belhaven 2.00 2.50 j Oriental 2 50 3.00 Goldsboro 2.25 2.75 Kinston 2.25 2.75 New Bern 2.25 2.75 Morehead City 2.75 3.25 ! Beaufort 2.75 3.2" $50..00 Sewing Machine for SIO.OO almost new, and in good condition, at J. L. Stell's Pressing Club FLOWERS For Funerals and All Occasions THE WENDELL FLORIST MRS. H. F. TUNNELL Phone 56 N. S. R. R. SCHEDULE Passenger Schedules From Zebulon 5:30 p. m.—Raleigh and Intermediate Points 8:05 a. m.—Norfolk, New Bern. Beaufort, Goldsboro, intermediate Intermediate Points For information call on H. E. MANN, | Ticket Agent. Zebulon, N. *•