• Personal Mention i— • * 1| Piease send in persona) and |' j social items. €'all either 27 or !■ if you wish to telephone. i, . ■* ■* . i J he Record erred last week in -tat ■■■£ that \\. K. Ha. - ha.-' been trans- Lujmei't'.n. It i • his' brother S. Harris, who ri moving from ilmington to Lnmbei'ton. Mis. .) hn Norwood. of Raleigh • er.t Tho: ?lr.y night of last w&-k th Mrs. Foster Finch. Miss Anne Kemp arrived on Friday lorning from Fredericksburg. Ya., U stay a few days with her parents. -Mr : id Mrs. .} C. Kemp. St.< returned to v - r school oil Tuesday. Miss Doris Horten had a week at >me from X. C. C. W., andving on uirsday night of last week. Mrs. J. J. Whitlock, of Wendell as the guest <>f Mrs. Hattie Fuller i r a short visit last week. Mrs. C. V. Whitley. Mrs. Dewey .".assev, Robert Daniel Massey, Mr id Mvs. R. H. Herring, Miss Anni Lose Southerland. W. P. Lewis. Roh t Joe Whitley. 7\!r. and Mrs. Stell Misses- Rubv Stell, Ruby Dawson and Marian Whitlock attended, the funer-1 of Mi . John Hill, oi Warsaw, last cek. Dr. a d Mrs. C. E. Flowers attend ; the annual convention id * e Xorti ’ arolina Medical ty in Ralc-gl -jy woe*'*.. I))'. F I owe”* v. ' ! > a m6nib6i ■ the committee on Arrangements Mrs. Flowers was on the program of tht Auxili ry to the Convention, de <’erin{i 1 e iddress oi welcome from e Waki ( ounty organization to tnc omen i .im other counties. Mrs. J. \i Potter and sons, ot Hert ford, arrived on Monday p. m. fm • sit in the home of her parents, Mr . id Mrs. T. B. Davis. They will br ere foi several weeks. Mrs F C. McDowell, of Bonlee, ar c.ved in Zebu lon on Saturday for a ■„ sit with friends, being the house . iest ot Mrs. J. F. Coltrane. On Mon ay she was the dinner guest of Mrs R. H. Herring. Rev. R. H. Herring. M s. Herring '■ i s S M. Finch and Mrs. J. B. Out •:iw attended last week, the meeting f the W M. U., of the Raleigh .iso lation, in Apex. They report a gooil meeting, i resided over by Mrs. J. I /Allen. ot Wendell. The superintendent Its. ,i. I). Berry, of Raleigh, was kept way by her husband’s illness. Mrs Edna Harris, of Raleigh, was the plfecipul speaker for the day. Lunch served in the hotel lobby by the •aches of Apex. The next annual meet ing will be held with the society in Vendell. Mrs. Jethro Stell had as guests tor •he dav on last Sunday, her mother Mrs. Bordeaux, 3F*. and Mrs. N. V* Watkins and children, Louise an• tl < -nui c!as = i m-i .t, Lurie Mb- J .vmuu iiotviii and he: ome - Oris H tito- , vr.' di Hai.tft.iiy entcr tained the senior ela-. are nu mber.- of the faculty of V ;k In . school v nil a ha. Im cut- at L l.e M :.. Before going t*. the Lake Air-. H »r --ton and the ela-- -• cm about :r h u: - vie wi g " i nf Hock- ’’, located r ear hei hf>me. At the lake the Jr-- wanderer! around for some time bes >re earing Several of the girl- and ho- - enjoyed boat-riding, which gave tn a a full view of the lake from every : g!e. The upper was served in the habit ual -tyle. liing carried out with Ea-te. decorations. Tic menu con-i-ted oi barbecue, slr-w, bread, ice cream, cake and tea or coffee. Supper being over, the ela-- yelled for “Jean” and Mr. and Airs. Horton A few games ■were placed afte" which tig crowd deyr rt< ft.' t' c r re-neo tivi homes, everyone declaring that they hav enjoyed to the greatest ex tent the hospitality <>f this family. ( lass Pres. Betty Hales. Announcement Next Wednesday, the 26, will be the time for the meeting of the Horn* Demonstration (lub to met in W ake fi' hi. It is hoped that all members will atu nd. Gilmer Parrish Entertains Guests On Saturday afternoon, April 15 Master Gilmer Parrish. Zebulon. R 2 entertained a number of arty eu sts Rochelle Strickland spent the week end with Alls. M. B. Lew is, of Harps boro. Mrs. Charlie Allen had a quilting Monday. Many of her friends were present. After the quilting she served cakes. Union Hope News Our Sunday Sc'hool was omitted Sunday owing to the rain, but we are expecting a large crowd next Sun day. if it is favorable. Messrs. Larrie Strickland and Prince Katman, of Simms, visited in the home of A. D. Brantley Sunday. Strickland is the brother ot Mrs. Brantley. THE ZEBULON RECORD, Zebulon, X. C., April 21, 1933 Rockv Cross News One of our neighbors has just pul t : r- firs* mode! of the new b invented ■ ••I h rd bb < ! h ; - mule with thi.- -crintion c-». it: “I-.vented b. C. A Bt-an .. An fr. i ill 1 me"' lie sly punished with »•::< ■ jcint- : ng a: •ny.’ - W <> v. a to * * the first v: ’ator? The telief wc.rfc : .a- b-e:i sio: p«o -■• I gues-' we will stop having bis-ui ' ■ hr- akfnst. C. A. Brantley has s Id hr nia! Jersey and ha- pu l chased a mule t< take the place of the one that di > last fall. The lain that fell last Sunday and Sunday night has caused the farmers seal' deiav in their work. All's- Mao, Blanche Strickland went •ver to Mrs. Mallie .Manning's, nea; Spring Hope, on business last Alon da y. E. S. Strickland, of this section, and other- went to th; eastern part of flu -tate la.-t Alondav on a fi-hine tri}>. A' -. F. It. Brantlev visited, he* lather AY. At Li wc J i. manufactured, timber from dogwood tree- i- used for shuttles. T d.- rirnbei iia- the combined properties <>f tough ness, hardnes-. fineness of texture and . m- m : ci ii tiu j pi'*- duct ion of shuttles. t‘> a hijrher than anv other wood. Dogwood is als being' largely used in the manutacturc of bobbins, spool heads, small handles brush hack- , turnpins. mallets, and wood pulleys. M. J. SEXTON INSURANCE ZEBULON, N.C. vou mav have seen j J Eddie Cantor Charlie Chaplin vou may have heard J » John P. Medbury The Mad Marxes vou mav have read ‘Bugs’ Baer 0. 0. Mclntyre you ain’t seen, heard or read nothin’ yet so meet the Merry Makers in “High Frequency' Waketon Auditorium ZEBU LON, N. C. AUSPICES - KEBULON WOMAN’S CLUB Friday , April 21,1933 - BP,M. A dm, 10 & 20c Send S 1 tl'« next > :n ?! - f THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY ! th< most of ;tcc m its History!