Corinth-Holder To Late Fitr I .st Wi •:•!;. heie was a learge crowd at tin* ha oalauiatp sermon Sunday. Dr. Hil ley <_i i Lauily preached a good sermon ! ast week end v - die rettulat pn aching tine at Corinth Baptist ( Ii rch. Then was a large crowd pre sen and a!f enjoyed the sermon jin >cl:ed by the pastor, Rev. W. D St; ncil. Misses Ester and Magdalene Davis si ent the week-end with Mis- Ksthei St;.ncil of near Bethany. . iiss Mollie Morris of Friendship spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mi Virginia Bunn. Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt Maydon Mrs. Helen Maydon of. Friendship and Mr. and Mrs. Webb McClay of neai Salem were among those present at Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Davis’ during the week end. Ailene and Mary Crowder of Earps boro are spending this wek with Mr and Mrs. H. S. Denton. Misses Eidene and Kirvin ( orbett of Emit, visited Miss Maude Wildei during the week-end. Among those visiting at Mr.J. H Hunter’s during the week-end were; Mr. and Mrs. .John Hunter and daugh ter Lillian, of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs Alma Alford and children, Misses Gladys. Lillian and Maggie Hoeutt of Richardson Cross Roads and Miss Annie Ruth Price ot Hales Chanel. Then was a musical entertainmen! at Mr. H. S. Denton’s Saturday night All present •■"ported a fine time. Mrs. C. A. Whitaker, Mr. Henry Whitaker and children, I.ela and Hen ry, Jr. and Miss Myrtle Whitaker of Trenton, returned to their home Tues day after spending their vacation with relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Brantley Richardsoi of Hales Chanel, visited at Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Richardson and family's during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hinnant and children visited at Mr. J. A. Hinnant’s Sunday. Mr. Luthur .Johnson and family of Thanksgiving waited a Mr. H«t'tf~ Johnson’s Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. Ronald Hoeutt of Ral eigh visited at Mrs. Lina Hoeutt'; Sunday. This Weeks Our school yeai mded Friday, Mav 2o. Zebulon, North C arolina ■i aid Mrs. H. s. Denton spent S; ‘ ." night with Mr. and M: - Henrar. Maydon of near Ants /d. d i.-s ii -ien Parker 7 A:•• - on* Wednesday right will M -- L imoT. (- reech. ? ■ 1• ■ •• r ■ I■ i Raleigh vidtel a'. Mr. J. H. Hunte'’ Sunda afternoon. Mi- t Beulah The ne and Gladys i< and Mr. and M •>. Howard D .<;• ton v:stied friends in Wik-.m c .unt;. Monday and Tuesday. They attetided •>art of the commencement exerci-e --at Rttek Ridge High Sch •••!. i i- 4-H Club boys and girl.- spent T ;esda: ’’ Smithfield. They report ed a ft ice time. Miss Esther Flowers of I, J>erty , Cross {toads visited Miss Lounion l <' <• h Saturday night. A’l ’ e members of our school fa culty except Professor and .Mrs." Kel ler have gone to their homes. All-- Mary Kate Hinton of Antioel section gave the seniors a party Fri day night. It was then last meeting as a student body. They all hated tc .say farewell to their teachers, fiieml. and school days but were all glad tha* they are finishing high school thi year. All reported a nice time at the party. Cake, grape juice and cherries were served after they had playei games for a while. j Everybody remember Sunday Schoo every Sunday morning at 10:00. Out Sunday School is growing and we want it and all the other Sunday School; to grow larger and better. Miss Rosa Lee Glover spent Wed nesday night with Miss Gertrude H<>- cutt. , Rocky Cross News Frank Winstead, son of Sam Win stead. stabbed G. B. Whitley, s.m of Greene Whitley, a few days age. Tc [this date, Saturday, May 27 I have not (learned th" full detail'. | The people are chopping cotton in (this section. The l ord Save us another shown in this section Saturday night. There has been a lot of fine grass ’■ the farms but th< peaople worked with such vim that most of it has been thoroughly removed. S ! oncer Strickland who has bu in !.< Park View Hocpital in Roek\ Mount for some tim.e has n-ta home. IP wing Corn and hoeing beans, I The longest day I’ve ever seen, j Covering up grass with all my misiu ! It looks like to me it will never get night. • | Fact tenant on the farm of G. C ! Howell, of Enfield, must agree to hav • a garden, some chickens and hogs, am 1 j Mr. Howell is planting three orchards on the place. THE ZEBULOX RECORD, Zebulon, N. C., Friday, .June 2, 1933 HALES CHAPEL was a large crow : present 1 delivered by the pastor. I guess the parents will have a hard time getting the children interested it; he work at home after being in schoo. all the year. Most of the ehildrer.’- vacation is over. They will have t start to work instead of taking a long rest cure. A number ot the 4-H club girl from our district attended the Rally Day given in Smithfield Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bunn spent Sun day with relatives near Kenly. Earl and Wilbur Creech and Ernes; Price spent Sunday in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parrish and children of Wakefield, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. Brent Parrish Mr. and Mrs. VV. J. Tippette and daughter of Lees Chapel visited in the home of Mr. J. B. Richardson Sundav. Rogers Cross Roads E. Bailey visited Mr. and Mi Avon Hinton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hathaway visited Mrs. W. G. Kemp last week The Willing Helpers Club vva hed for Mrs. J. W. Strickland Mond:»\. Carrol Lewis is spending thi- week with Mrs. J. VV. Strickland, J o Mr. and Mrs. Leon CHamblee and .T. VV. Bailey visited Mrs. Josh Bailey Sunday afternoon. M .'and Mrs. J. M. Driver and 'Tv and Mrs. A. G. Driver spent Suivhn te Holt's Lake. It was Mr. Driver - birthdav Mrs. Sihern Rittenbury is still t -a.-h ing music although school has ..topped She has 8 pupils now. Those visiting Mrs. John Morris Sunday were; Mr. and Mrs. Rail'd Driver and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim mie Macnmbs and family mid Mis Mollie Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Hex Brown visi.ed in the community Saturday. The people of this section enjoyed the ball game Saturday afternoon even though it was rained out hes >r it could be finished. Read the RECORD regularly. \t Dr. Barbee’s office, Zebulon, N ( . every second Tuesday from 1" a m to' •’> P- m. Next Visit will be TTESDAV. .11 NE 13. 1933. Odd But True (do OCEMO ...J .... UK.IMOI ' m WE.CM.It 0 WOftt VW.Olh lttt OF SN\UI THKH ! n tin- Suoerior Court t X< (TICK North Carolina. Walo- County. W. S M ir-hall vs I.orrain.- .Marshall The ilclVnilant. Lorraine I! Marshall \ vlll tah notice that an action entitled asj ,cl„,\ h;.s been l omni. tn - |1 in tin- Superior i 'ourt i ' Wake Count.! ■ North ' 'arolina for ilivirn- anil the saiil defendant nil further iki a .he ■ that she is renutred ti app.-.r a’ Hi office of tin Clerk of Mr e Superior Court of sail! cotintj in tin CourM House 1 laielifh. North Carolina on Mr ,k v of luh lie::! aid answer or demtnt Professional Cards L. L. MASSEY Attorney at Law. Office in Mas.-e\ Building. IRBY D. GILL Attorney awl Counselor at Lav I j Phone 117 Zebulon. N. C. Business Directory \ V teg. I CAROLINA POWER AM) LIGHT COMPANY Investigate Our Combination Rate for Lighting. Heating and Cooking Service. S. G. FLOWERS AND CO. Everything to wear for men. women ami children. C. T. HARPER DRUGS Next Door To Dr. Flowers’ Office ZEBULON SUPPLY CO. We feed and clothe the family and j furnish the home. 1 Funeral Directors. i J. A. KEMP & SON Groceries—Dry Goods I Funeral Directors I ! WEATHERS ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP C. B. Eddins. Manager. i Shoes —We supply all their needs. If it's leather, we repair it. Don’t buy new; let us make it new Evervthing to tlie complaint in said action, or th I'lainti' will p’ >!v to th Com-' forth relief demand-d '’ said I'-mplaint I - Lined Till. ;. Clerk of tlie Superior Cour Mated tip i i -hi of Al y. per: .Tune 'J!\ 7 The largest acreage ever to be seed 'd to pasture grasses in Moore Coun tv will be planted this spring, says the farm agent. DR. CHAS. E. FLOWERS Physician and Surgeon Office Hrs. 8:39-10 a.m.. 1-3 p.m. Phones: Office Xo. TO - Res. No. 91. Back of Citizen’s Drug Store DR. .1. F. COLTRAXE DENTIST Robertson Building Office Hrs. 9-12:30. 1:30-5 CITIZEN'S INSURANCE AGENCY Everything in Insurance DEWEY W. MASSEY. MANAGER Next Door Page Trust Co. FARMER FRIENDS: Bring me your farm products or wood in exchange for dry cleaning and pressing. I will allow you market price. J. L. STEEL DRY CLEANER Phone 2(i. Zebulon. N- C. LITTLE RIVER ICE CO. Quality and Service. Phone 74 .). & M. CHEVROLET CO. Chevrolet' -new and used cars. Factory Trained Mechanics DEBNAM HARDWARE COMPANY Everything in hardware. Lowe Brothers paints ar.d varnishes. Prices to fit the times. THE RECORD AGENCY Insurance all kinds in town or coun try; also loan< on Real Estate. D. D. Chamblee, Manager Record Building THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK The First American Life Insurance Company Your Best Friend in Health, Sickness, Depression and Death Mrs. I.ela B. Horton. Local Agent FfcATENTS ®AND TRADE-MARKS C.A.SNOW&CO. Successful Practice since 1375. Over 25,000 patents obtained for inventors in every section of country. Write for book-* let tel lino how to obtair. a patent, with list of clients in your State. 710 yth St., Washington, D. C WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE — WITHOUT CALOMEL And You’ll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin* to Go If you feel sour »nd sunk *nd the world looks punk, don't swallow a lot of awlta, mineral water, oil, laxative candy or chewing gum and expect them to make you suddenly xweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. For they can't do it. They only move the bowel, and a mere movement doesn't get at. the cause. The reason for your down-and-out feeling l, your liver. It should pour out two pounds of lio.uid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowel* Clas bloats up your stomach. You have a thick, bad taste and your breath is foul. ,km often breaks out in blemishes. Your head aches and you feel down and out. Your whols system is poisoned. It takes those good, old CARTER'3 LITTLE LIVER PILLS to get these two pounds of bile flow-ng freely and make you feel up and up." They contain wonderful, harml -ss. gentle vegetable extracts, amazing when it come- to making the bile flow freely. But don't ask for liver pills. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills. Look for the name Carter's Little Liver Pills on the red label. Resent. 1 »übstitute. 25c at all stores. © 1931 C. M. Co \I)MIMSTR \TOR'S NOTICE Having qualiii >-1 Wake County, X. ('.. this is to noth'-, all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased. to exhibit them to the unde* signed at Zebulon, X. C., on or before * the 7th day of April, 1934, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 7th ilav of April, 1933. C. Y. WHITLEY, Administrator, , tate of W. C. Whitley deceas'd. (May 12.) DAVE I’KIVETTE IS STILL GRIND ING CORN EVERY DAY IN THE M EF.K EXCEPT SUNDAY. TAKE YOl R NEXT LOAD TO HIM AND BE SATISFIED. = j SAVE MONEY—RIDE TRAINS Reduced Fares for Train Travel One and One-Half Cents Per Mile “ Via NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY’ Between All Stations Except Electric Division Effective March Ist i Stopovers allowed in Final Limit Baggage < heekeii Halt Fares For Children Under Twe ve Years of Age jFor Information Consult Any Agent Or Address '• J. F. DALTON. Traffic Manager, * NORFOLK. MR!.INI \ FLOWERS For Funerals and All Occasions THE WENDELL FLORIST MRS. H. F. TUNNELL Phone 5(5 *