r 7 2?bulrm ißrttrrlt VOLUME IX. ! [HIS, IHAT i! AND IHE OTHER - — By MBS. THRO. B. DAVIS It's rather odd that a housekeep er who is almost too sick to go at ill will creep around doing- every thing possible before going to bed, ■ven a few minor tasks that might "ye left off. She feels that maybe the neighbors will be coming in be fore she is able to get out again, end the. house will look a little less fisorderly—it only she can keep on » few minutes longer. From a rather high class maga ine I quote statistics which may or nay not be exact. 1 have no means >f knowing. It was stated that dur ng the past six months the sale •f playing cards has decreased fifty er cent. This was not caused by ny religious scruples, but by style, t is now much more fashionable, to the article from which quote, to play other games than • continue with auction, contract •and such, whatever they may be. 11 ve want to be uptodate. we must •lan parties that are largely origi nal. ’ 7T From another magazine I learn ed that rouge and lipstick are out of style, except for that which is used so discreetly as not to be no ticeable. Perhaps it is being left off faces to be put on finger-nails. I have always felt that cosmetics -hould be inconspicuously used, though for a time I belonged to a hopeless and somewhat scandalized minority in thinking that way. ! j never objected to a girl’s using! • nough rouge to make her look j prettier; but did -and do- hate to, -ee a nice looking girl change her- 1 elf into a freak. Mv staid and set-j I tied opinion is that real youth is no re beautiful than any artificial ly and that there’s little one can |ido about old age except to make |j j riends with it. Do you ever stop to think how; f any of the words we use daily are j ew? Even in the memory of com oaratively young persons there was I* a tirm when words common now f veie unknown. For instance: the phrase; “on the air;” as applied to % broadcasting has been in use only I .- ; nce 1927. ‘Talkie’, with reference | to moving pictures, is only five I years old. ‘Fan,’ abbreviated from I fanatic, with reference to sports, has just become a really accepted, word in dictionaries. Science, poli s ties, inventions and spoils are all contributing to the coining of new words and to giving new meanings |L to those that may be old. If you should be interested in the r growth and change of out lan guage. read an article in the Atlan tic Monthly for Match, from which the above examples were selected. Are you prejudiced against cer tain words? Many people are. My husband cannot bear to hear me t awards. The Zebulon Record else where in this issue announces the inauguration of an “Everybody Wins Campaign” in which SSOO SIOO, SSO, and $25 in cash will be distributed to men, women, and children. All these will be distributed to enterprising people of Zebulon and surrounding territory. All these prizes will be given absolutely Free to ambitious men. women, boys and gills of this section within the next few weeks by the Record. It is pTe dVted that this distribution of priz • •5. which is a part of a big circula ion building program for the Re cord, will be successful. The publishers of this newspaper believe in the people in this territory in which the Record circulates. They believe the people appreciate their efforts, in endeavoring to pub lish a newspaper that is unbiased and one that all the people will find helpful. There is no red tape connected do the best work dur ing the eight-week campaign. Any nan, woman, boy or girl, married or single residing in this territory of which Zebulon is the hub. is eli gibl" to enter the campaign and to .-ecure one of these valuable prize . It is not even necessary that the oarticipant be a subscriber to the Record, and every participant is ‘V , u ii'irajiteed one ot the Grand Prizes or a cash commssion of 20 per rent : cording to the rules contained in :• large announcement elsewhere in , hi- i ue. The only stipulation the 1' cord makes in connection vcith ntrant- i> that no employee in it • ■ffic.e or any member of his imme diate family can enter. We are offering you an oppor tunity to profit to an almost unbe ii< cable extent for every minute you devote to this campaign and not even the remotest chance of 1 'i..-ing, for there will be no losers tb< only way you can lose it to not join the campaign. The liberality of thi- oiler, the fact that everybody wins,something and the ease with which even the biggest of the prizes may be won just a little earnest application and effort in vote getting during m ■***■ or even a dog, cat. or some stick animal. I hope that the preacher at my funeral does not refer to me as my hu band's companion -or, if he dog-, I’m glad IH not bear it. spare moments will do it—is ex pected to create genuine interest among our people and there should be a goodly number of entrants. The All-Cash prizes and the very fact that everyone who participates is sure to earn something is expect ed to attract candidates from ev ery section of the territory. Anyone would be proud to win SSOO or any of the prizes which the Record is giving you the opportuni ty to obtain FREE. And anybody can certainly use the cash which this newspaper will distribute on a 20 per cent basis of all subscription money turned in, according to the campaign rules, to those who do not win a cash prize. To become a candidate in the “Everybody Wins Campaign” is an easy matter. To win even the big gest of the prizes is just as easy if you will apply yourself during spare time. Elsewhere in this issue there appears an entry or “nomina tion” blank which properly filled out and mailed or brought to the campaign department of the Re cord will start you in the campaign with 5,000 votes. Turn now to the double page ad vertisement and read the big an nouiieement. See for yourself the opportunity the Record is placing before you. And get an early start for the $500.00 or one of the other prizes by sending your nomination blank or that of a friend today. All the rules governing the cam paign are stated in this issue and they will not be deviated from start lo finish it will be absolutely fair • and above board. The person who works the hardest and most intel ligently should win first prize and remember there will- be no loser. The Record desires to perform as useful a part and function in th<- development arid progress of this section as possible, and to be able to aid in this work, its news, fea tures and other departments might be perfect but if it did not go into tire hands of the readers it would accomplish little or nothing. Realizing this we have made ar-; range merit- with the Piedmont Cir culation Service to conduct this campaign. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Har-j vey will be in direct charge of this| campaign. They have conducted: campaigns of thi- nature in all sec tions of the country and come •high ly recommended for their fair deal ings. The reason things go in one ear and out the other in that there is nothing between to stop them. Sufficient contracts have been signed in Craven county to innure the operation of a tomato canning factory in the county. Last Chance For Poetry Edition The response to our proposal to 1 1 print a special poetry edition of | The Record has met with a grati fying response in that quite a num i ber of original poems have been sent to us for publication. The date will be decided upon soon, and this is the last request for poetry. Re member there are no judges, no 'i prizes, no conditions, except that the poems must be original and . must never have been printed be fore. After our special number we can not promise to print any more local poetry for another year; but we do i hope to make an annual feature of it. S. S. Revival At Bethany : j Beginning next Sunday evening, M arch 4, and extending through •Sunday, March 11. there will be a iunday School Revival conducted at the Bethany Baptist church, located between Roles vi lie and Wendell. Classes will be conducted each eve ' ninß next week from 7:00 to 9:00. Mr. 1.. L. Morgan of the Sunday- School Department will assist the pastor. Rev. R. Evans, with these classes. The entire Sunday School will study “Building A Standard Sunday School.” A community-wide religious cen sus will be taken next Sunday af ternoon. The people in this com munity me urged to cooperate with those vh<» will take the census, and are invited to attend every class possible next week. ’ Farmers’ Meeting The evening class oi Fanners met at Wakolon School on Febru -1 ary 20 with 50 or more farmer in attendance. 'I he topic discussed at this meet ing was the change of law- affect ing manufactuiing and sale of fer-1 tilizers in North Carolina. Mr. E. V. Floyd of Raleigh was expected to be here for the meet ing. but due to other engagements he was kept away. Mr. Reeves was sent in his place to explain the Fertilizei code and answer any questions that the far mers wanted answered in regard to fertilizers. Mr. Massey used charts to show j Production. American Consumption I arid exjKirts of F lue Cured Tobacco also, North Carolina’s deficiencies in production of food and feed crops. These charts indicated what crops should be planted on acreage taken out of cotton and tobacco. The next meeting will lie Mon day night March 12th at 7:.*0 p. m. Please remember the date and invite your neighbor to come with you to the meeting. i The last round-up of tobacco farmers in Caswell county shows ■ that 9*5.5 per cent of the growers have signed reduction contracts. FLAPDOODLE ilk By Th« Swashbuckler Are You Narron Minded? Shorty Narron, the most effi cient of efficient book-keepers and one of the best (self acclamation) office men in the employ of (.’ P & L gives a reason hitherto unheard of for not paying more social calls upon his lady love. More specif ical i ly—She just doesn’t relax when he ! pulls her to his heaving hope chest. And About That Fellow G-oerch, Ihear Lord— I am wondering how many of the victims of Carl prac tical jokes pray each night, a pray er like this—“ Please, Dear Lord, let Carl Goerch throw his cigraette in a man hole and step on it—” I know that if all the lies he tells were time and had been pulled on me. I’d certainly not forget him in my prayers. (Not to mention his truths!l Please Mr. Barbee, May He Wm; A Blush??? Sprite Barbee informed me. over the top of a Ballyhoo, that he in tended giving a fan dance party. F ans would be. used a* the sole ap parel for covering the guests’ bodies and as tickets. Anyone without a ticket, or with more than a ticket would not be admitted. And to top’ the whole matter all tickets would be taken up at the dOor! P. S. The editors join with me in hoping that the weather will warm up a bit before Sprite throws his party. RSV'P. Lib Evidently Doesn’t Know Ihe Country's Off The Gold Standard Lib Cook, that ‘pleasingly plump’ gal with the ‘looks’ (?) informed ‘l’ and a couple of other palookas that when she had gotten a certain young man's ring, watch, frat pin, automobile, wrist watch, scarf pin, gold te- nie) Horton and (Molasses.) Saw yer purchased corn-cob pipes Mon day of this week. Casualties to date number one. Bill ju*t simpiy couldn't take it. The F ight By Rounds The first round was on the pipe. Bill had it getting hot and bothepr-d until the second round which wa > on the house. The third round was on Bill and Bill was on the floor. Latest reports say that Fletcher will call for a return bout 'vh/-n his normal complexion returns. NUMBER 36,