THE ZEBULON RECORD, ZEBULON, NORTH CA ROEINA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER TWENTY-SIXTH, 1934 —— 1 1 | State Theatre Reunited for the first time since their initial co-starring venture, made “State Fair” memorable, Janet Gaynor and Lew Ayres will be seen again as the gay young sweethearts of “Servants’ En trance” which is showing at the State, Raleigh, again today and Saturday. Unlike anything in which they have appeared befare, the story of “Servants’ Entrance” will afford spectators the opportunity to laugh at the troubles as they thrill to the romance of the madcap lovers whose young lives it depicts. Foi while “State Fair” bordered on the heavy drama in spots, “Servants’ Entrance” is mostly in the roman tic-comedy class. In their newest roles Janet por trays a merry million-heiress of an automobile manufacturer who goes from riches to poverty, and back again, while Lew is a chauf feur who goes from poverty to riches. Starting from opposite rungs of the social ladder, they meet at the bottom. The climb up ward is fraught with humorous and fascinating adventures. Janet’s descent to poverty is mo tivated by a desire to become a useful woman to learn to cook, sew, bake a cake and take care of babies. So she disappears through the front door of her own pala tial home, and makes her way to the servants’ entrance of another, masquerading as a maid. It is thus that she meets Lew, a chauffeur with an inventive turn of mind whose passion is a new type of motorboat. To win his love, and to make him capitalize his inven tion without revealing her identity, become Janet’s amusing problems. A color classic, “Poor Cinder ella,” a musical act with Gertrude Neissen and a news complete the program. Will Rogers—in the most human and lovable role he has yet played! That is the screen fare promised at the State Theatre, where Will’s latest picture, “Judge Priest,” will be show n all next week. According to advance reports the star has never been so well suited as by this screen character, the j shrewd, kindly but strong-willed; Kentucky jurist, who is already famous in the stories of Irvin S. Cobb, perhaps America’s most not ed humorist. Py/ AND SEE A FACTORY EXPERTISE DEMONSTRATE this WONOERFUI NEW APPLIANCE ... VW il ENDORSED ar.d SOcD THROUGH \l j the PROFESSION \ Wovire / temd CALL AT ZEBULON DRUG CO. Zebulon, N. C. SATURDAY, OCT. 27 10 A.M. TO 1 P.M. MADAM ARTHUR GIFTED PHRENOLOGIST READER tells just what you are adapted for. and how to make a success in all affairs of life; such as business, love, marriage domestic troubles, investments law-suits, divorces, how to re-unite the separated. Call and be convinced; tomorrow may be too late. Private life readings confidential. You leave her parlors a different being. Good advice saves many worries and many dollars. Don’t fail to consult this gifted reader; she is different. Satisfaction guaranteed. SPECIAL $2.00 FULL LIFE READINGS SI.OO Readings Daily from 9:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. Open Sundays Also 3016 Hillsboro Road Raleigh, N. C~ With his characterization of the “Judge ” Rogers is said to add a new and original figure to his all | American gallery which includes such memorable portraits as David Harum, Mr. Skitch, Dr. Bull and ithe Connecticut Yankee. This time he plays a wise old fellow who, following the Civil War, has settled down in his na tive Kentucky village with his Con federate cronies. The story opens in his court room on a lazy spring day in 1890. One does not expect drama in a village, perhaps, but in “Judge” Priest” plenty of it transpires, ac cording to advance accounts. The Judge’s nephew, a novice lawyer, and his sweetheart, a girl whose birth is shrouded in mystery, fig ure importantly in the touching and dramatic story. Always there is Judge Priest, who dilutes justice with the milk of human kindness and who helps to shoulder the trou bles of the town. A Popeye cartoon “Two-Alarm Fire,” a musical comedy and a news completes the program. MIRTH CAROLINA. WAKE COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Wake County vs. William George and Wife, Mrs. William George. NOTICE To All Persons Claiming Any In terest in the Subject-Matter of This Action. The above-named defendants ind all other persons claiming any interest in the subject-nattei thereof, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake County, North Caro'ina to foreclose certain certificates of tax sales and liens for taxes held by Wake County against certain tracts or lots of land in Little River Township, Wake County, de scribed as follows: 84 acres Mill Branch. For complete description, see Book I page 44 Wills Wake County. Owned or formerly owned by William George and Wife or being listed for taxation in this name for 1930, and other years shown in complaint filed in said action. And all of whom will iurther take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in the Courthouse in Raleigh, said Wake County, and present and defend their respective claims within six months from date hereof, or be forever barred from any interest therein or claims in or to the pro ceeds from a sale thereof. This the 23 day of Aug., 1934. E. LLOYD TILLEY, Clerk Superior Court. Sept 28-Oct 19. NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Wake County vs. C. G. Weathersby and Wife Mrs. C. G. Weathersby. - NOTICE To All Persons Claiming Any In terest in the Subject-Matter of This Action. The above-named defendants, and all other persons claiming any in terest in the subject-matter there of, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina to foreclose certain certificates of tax sales and liens for taxes he’d by Wakt County against certain tracts or lots of land in Little River Township, Wake County, described as follows: 1 Lot Sycamore St. Ll 2 816 Book 327 Page 182 1 Lot Gannon Ave. 1 Lot Gannon Ave. Book 438 Page 271 (lo's 4 and 12) Book of Maps 1885 Page 68 Owned or formerly owned by C. G. Weatherby and Wife or being listed for taxation in this name for 1930, and other years shown in complaint filed in said action. And all of whom will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of thf Superior Court at his office in the Courthouse in Raleigh, said Wake County, and present and defend their respective claims within six months from date hereof, or be forever barred from any interest therein or claims in or to the pro ceeds from a sale thereof. This the 28th day of Sept. 1934 E. LLOYD TILLEY, Clerk Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Wake County vs. Mozella Pearce ant’ Husband if any. NOTICE To All Persons Claiming Ary In tuest in the Subject-Matter ot 1 his Action. The above-named defendants and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject-matte) thereof, will take notice that an action entitled as above has beer commenced in the Supei.'or Court of Wake County, North Carolina, to foreclose certain certificates of tax sales and liens for taxes held by Wake County against certair tracts or lots of land in Litth River Township, Wake County, de scribed as follows: 00 acres Raleigh-Wilson Road. For complete description, see Book 195, page 499, Registry of Wake County. Owned or formerly owned by Mozella Pearce and Husband if any or being listed for taxation in this name for 1930, and other years shown in complaint filed in said action. And all of whom w*ill furthei take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office In the Courthouse in Raleigh, said Wake County, and present and defend their respective claims within si> months from date hereof, or be forever barred from any interest therein or claims in or to the pro ceeds from a sale thereof. This the 22 day of Aug., 1934. E. LLOYD TILLEY. Clerk Superior Court Sept 28-Oct 19. NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Wake County vs. Julia Foster and Husband Foster NOTICE lo All Persons Claiming Any In terest in the Subject-Matier of Ihis Action. The above-named defendants, and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject-matter thereof, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Supertc' Court of Wake County, North Carolina to foreclose certain certificates of tax sales and liens for taxes held by Wake County against certain tracts or lots of land in Little River Township, Wake County, de scribed as follow’s: 5 1-2 acres near Wakefield. For complete description, see Book 118, page 524, Registry of Wake County. | Owned or formerly owned by Julia Foster and Husband or being > listed for taxation in this name : for 1930, and other years shown in complaint filed in said action, si And all of whom will further take notice that they are required I to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in the Courthouse in Raleigh, said Wake Councy, and present end defend heir respective claims within six months from date hereof, or be forever barred from any interest herein or claims in or to the pro ceeds from a sale thereof. 'This the 23 day of Aug., 1934. E. LLOYD TILLEY Clerk Superior Court. Sf pt 28-Oct 19. NORTH CAROLINA, VAKE COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Wake County vs. T udson Mangum and Wife Mrs. Judson Mangum. NOTICE To All Persons Claiming Any In erest in the Subject-Matter of '"his Action. The above-named defendants, and 11 other persons claiming any in nest in the subject-matter there of, will take notice that an action mtitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Vake County, North Carolina to reclose certain certificates of tax •:les and liens for taxes held by Wake County against certain tracts >r lots of land in Wake Forest ownship, Wake County, described ■is follows: Lo s 21 22 23 24 Mull Subdivision Book of Maps 1928 Page 31 ’or complete description, see Book 33, page 445, Registry of Wake Aunty. Owned or formerly owned by ua’son Mangum and Wife or be 'g listed for taxation in this name lor 1930, and other years shown in complaint filed in said action. And all of whom will further ake notice that they are required o appear before the Clerk of the 3 uperior Court at his office in the ’ourthouse in Raleigh, said Wake Aunty, and present and defend their respective claims within six months from date hereof, or be orever barred from any interest therein or claims in or to the pro ceeds from a sale thereof. This the 28th day of Sept., 1934 E. LLOYD TILLEY, Clerk Superior Court. ,’ORTH CAROLINA, TAKE COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Wake County vs. Nathan Baker and Wife. NOTICE Fo All Persons Claiming Any In erest in the Subject-Matter of This Action. The above-named defendants, and ’ll other persons claiming any in erest in the subject-matter there- j f, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com nenced in the Superior Court ofj Wake County, North Carolina, to oreclose certain certificates of tax ales and liens for taxes held by Wake County against certain tracts mr lots of land in Little River Township, Wake County, described as follows: 1 lot Zebulon Lot No. 1 B 12 Book of maps 1885-68 For complete description, see Book 260, page 456, Registry of Wake County. Owned or formerly owned by Nathan Baker and Wife or being listed for taxation in this name for 1930, and other years shown in complaint filed in said action. And all of whom will further, take notice that they are required j to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in the j Courthouse in Raleigh, said Wake \ ! County, and present and defend their respective claims within six 1 months from date hereof, or be (forever barred from any interest therein or claims in or to the pro ceeds from a sale thereof. This the 28th day of Seut., 1934. E. LLOYD TILLEY, Clerk Superior Court. 'NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Wake County vs. W, C. Whitley and Wife Mrs. W. C. Whitley. NOTICE To All Persons Claiming Any In terest in the Subject-Matter of This Action. The above-named defendants, and all other persons claiming any in terest in the subject-matter there of, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina to foreclose certain certificates of tax sales and liens for taxes held by Woke County against certain tracts or lots of land in Little River Township, Wake County, described as follows: 14 acres W’hitley Land (adjoining the lands of C. L. Long, J. E. Gill, B. C. Cone and E. Broughton) 1 Lot Sycamore St. L7 810 Book of Maps 1885 Page 68 1 Lot Horton St. Ll 6 810 Book of Maps 1885 Page 68 Owned or formerly owned by W. C. Whitley and Wife or being list ed for taxation in this name for 1930. and other years shown in complaint filed in said action. And all of whom will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in the Courthouse in Raleigh, said Wake County, and present and defend their respective claims within six months from date hereof, or be forever barred from any interest therein or claims in or to the pro ceeds from a sale thereof. This the 28 h day of Sept., 1934. E. LLOYD TILLEY, Clerk Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Wake County vs. R. J. W’hitley Jr. and Wife, Mrs. R. J. Whitley Jr. NOTICE To All Persons Claiming Any In terest in the Subject-Matter of This Action. The above-named defendants, and all other persons claiming any in terest in the subject-mater there of, will tak notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina to foreclose certain certificates of tax sales and liens for taxes held by W r ake County against certain tracts or lots of land in Little River Township, Wake County, described as follows: 35 acres Proctor Land Book 553 Page 225 4 Lots Vance St. Lots 1 2 3 4 B 18 Book of Maps 1885 Page 68 1 lot North St. Book of Maps 1885 Page 68 Lots No. 4 and 5. C acres Wakefield Book of Maps 1918 P 75 Owned or formerly owned by R. J. Whitley Jr. and Wife or being, listed for taxation in this name for 1930, and other years shown in ccmplaint filed in said action. And all of whom will further take notice that they are requirec to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in the Courthouse in Raleigh, said Wake County, and present and defend theii respective claims within six months from date hereof, or be forever barred from any interest therein or claims in or to the pro ceeds from a sale thereof. This the 28th day of Sept., 1934. E. LLOYD TILLEY, Clerk Superior Court.

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