THE ZEBULON RECORD. ZEBULON, NORTH CA ROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY THE TENTH. 1935. Union Chapel Chats Miss Vera Gray Oakley of Beth lehem community spent the week end in the home of her uncle, Mr. J. W. Oakley. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Robertson of Washington, D. C., spent Saturday night with his sister, Mrs. J. W. Oakley, returning Sunday. His mother, Mrs. Jennie Robertson, accompanied them back to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Pate and family spent Sunday in Angier with relatives. Mrs. J. L. Hudson went to Ral eigh Thursday Shopping. Mrs. B. B. Ferrell has the sym pathy of the community in her be reavement in the loss by death of her husband who died Friday night of heart failure and other diseases. Rogers Cross Rds Theer was al arge crowd out for the Baccalaureate sermon Sunday night. We are glad to report that Mrs. W. G. Kemp is improving very rapidly. Mrs. J. W. Strickland was host ess at a quilting party at her home last Friday atfemoon. An iced course was served by hostess. Those present were the members of the “Willing Helpers Club.” Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Driver were Raleigh visitors Thursday. Miss Ruby Bryant spent Monday night with Miss Lee Kemp. Mrs. Rex Davis spent last Mon day night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lee an nounce the birth of a son, Bobbie Ray, on May 1. The advanced class of Lees Chapel held its regular monthly class meeting with Misses Kath leen and Rebecca Lee on Friday night of last week. An iced course and cake was served. The Zebulon Supply Store win dow shows at present probably the most beautiful grouping of rugs ever displayed in this town. They are observing Bigelow Weavers Week the weavers who use the fun ny little curly lambs for a sort of trademark —and readers of this pa per are urged to observe the rugs. Rolesville News The Rolesville school closed May 3 with the largest attendance in the history of the school, looking forward for next year to be even better. Mr. Patrick has done a fine piece of work the few months he has been here. Rev. and Mrs. H. O. Baker spent the week end at Charlotte with relatives. We are sorry to say Mrs. M. Z. Pearce is ill at Duke. Mrs. C. N. Lawrence of Creedmore visited Rolesville Friday. The Woman’s Club met Monday at the Club House, Mrs. Zeb Wil-j liams presiding. Demonstration on preparation of fish was given. All enjoyed a delightful hour together. Elizabeth Pearce of Louisburg visited friends and relatives at Rolesville the past week end ■ Miss Cleo Mitchell of Greens boro visited her mother, Mrs. J. H. Mitchell Friday. Jidge Manning and Mr*. Man ning were Roleerille viators Friday. Earpsboro Events Mrs. J. O. Dudley of Rocky Ml. is visiting Mrs. C. G. Lewis this week and she went to a quilting this week for the first time in years. Miss Ercell Lewis spent Satur day night with Mis Margaret Long of Middlesex. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Lewis visited Mrs. B. T. Long of Middlesex Sat urday night. Mr. J. S. Pulley went to a fish fry this weekend. Miss Dollie Ann Lewis visited Miss Ruby Parrish of Zebulon Sun day. Mrs. Avon Hinton of Zebulon visited her mother, Mrs. M. B. Lewis Tuesday. Mrs. Proctor Temple and Mrs. Belle Faucett of Zebulon were the guest of Mrs. M. B. Lewis Tues day. The little Hood child is improv ing from a sick condition. Sunday at 2:30 there will be a Mother’s Day program at Hales Chapel. Everybody is cordially in vited to attend. Pearce News The Sunday School is preparing an interesting program for next Sunday morning to be given at Poplar Springs church, at the an nual home-coming at the old moth er church. Five churches have gone out from Poplar Springs chu r ch and Pearce is one of the largest. We also have a Mothers’ Day program by the Junior choir here on Sunday afternoon, the Sunday school meets at 1:30 at 2:30 the pastor. H. O. Baker, will fill his appointment, it being the regular hour for our monthly services. The pastor and the church extend a hearty welcome to all visitors. “Mammy’s Lil’ Wild Rose,” a play from Pine Ridge was given here Saturday night. Misses Daphine Upchurch and Rosaline Ray were home for the ceek-end from Campbell College. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Privett of Rocky Mount visited friends here Sunday. The Crazy Tobacco Tags will give an entertainment in Pearce School auditorium May 15 at 8:00., This program is entirely different from any other program they have given in and Around this communi ty. So don’t miss an evening of real entertainment and don’t forget the time and place. Miss Bruce Pearce spent part of last week visiting friends at Roles ville, and attending the commence ment there. The Home Demonstration Club met in the club room in the school building last Thursday afternoon. A meat substitute cooking was dem onstrated by the leader, Miss Anne B. Priest. After the business meeting Mrs. R. M. Johnson gave many recipes and helpful suggestions that she l gathered attending county Federa tion held in the Mills High School in Louisburg in April. There were seventeen present with one visitor, Mrs. F. H. Brough ton of Rolesville. After a social program a sweet course was serv ed by Mrs. L. D. and Mrs. C. L Perry. “Imagination is the salvation of the soul and without it you win be a nothing and a nobody.”—Mr. Ayseoe. Doctors Fear Socialization The North Carolina Medical So ciety held its annual convention at Pinehurst this week. Several of the speakers emphasized the danger of “socializing medicine.” The doctors are somewhat more concerned than other professions about the trend toward socialization of all public services, but there seems little they can do about it. Besides, some of the more prom inent physicians who are also in terested financially in hospitals, asked the legislature of this state to take a step toward “socializing” them when it asked for tax exemp tion on facilities used in treatment of charity cases. Which leads to the conclusion that their fear of , “socialization” is inspired by sel fish interest rather than the public good. Fertilizer Factory To Work Soon Work on the local fertilizer fac tory has progressed to a point that mixing operations may begin the latter part of this week, it was announced to-day. The machinery has been installed and unloading of the supplies has begun. So far about two thousand bags of ma terials have been taken off the freight cars. Mixing guano was supposed to have been started the first of April but the work was delayed because money was not raised for the enterprise. “A word fitly spoken is like ap ples of gold in pictures of silver.” Record Subscriber Insulted “Believe it or not” but when we sent out notices reminding our subscribers that perhaps their subscriptions had expired, many of them immediately sent us SI.OO for another year. Some even took the trouble to tell us how much they appreciated the Record. But not all were so prompt in paying. A number have not yet even returned our postage envelope. One—we are glad to say only one—wrote us a really negative love letter telling us among other things that never before had that subscriber got a dun (referring to our notice) and ordered us to stop the paper at once. We are sorry any subscriber misunderstood our notice of renewal sent along with a special club offer. Now we get a letter every once in awhile reminding us that a bill is past due. We have had dozens of them and have never yet seen where we had any reason to get offended because a man whom we owed took the less expensive way of reminding us of our obligation. Os course we could have gone to see our subscrib ers who are in arrears and asked them personally to pay us but in some instances the expense would have been more than the price of the paper. The editor wishes to assure his subscribers that no offense whatever is intended when a statement or reminder is sent to our subscribers. Hereafter, in order to cut expenses, we shall have to send printed notice of expiration of subscriptions. We’ll send 2 of these—one just before the subscription runs out—and the other immediately afterwards. Then, if payment is not made we shall have to discontinue sending the Record to that person. We appreciate our subscribers and assure them that we shall give them the very best newspaper in our power. We thank each of you, and are your servants. THEO B. DAVIS, Editor THE ZEBULON RECORD A Healthy Appearing Body . . . lease and comfort . . . enhances personal appearance . . . physic al efficiency and competent per formance of duties. 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MEANS healthy blood action, flesh and tissue invigoration and a rejuvena tion of the skin. BLECTROBOL Is Mn-psiaoiroaa, non-irritant, non-eaastie. Contains no Srns or moSlcation of mnj kind—BECAUBE Colloidal Capper eonotitatao part as Um human had?. Its doSelancT throws tho body opon to oeriou skin and undertook oOiction. IT HAS BEEN PRESCRIBED by physicians ths world oror. If you cannot secure ELECTROSOL at your druggist, mail SI.OO or ask that it be sent C.0.D., which will require post-office charges, or write for ELECTROSOL BOOKLET. THIS PRODUCT IS SOLD WITH A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ELECTROSOL CO., INC. 8 EAST 41* STREET NEW YORK, N. Y.