t “Little Town, Big Business” Opportunity to profit in every way will be found in Zebulon Visit ZEBULON 4% W ft' Trade in ZEBULON 1 Do business in ZEBULON Zebulon is your home-town. It is the center of the social and business life of the surrounding coun try communities. The business men of Zebulon believe in the town and you. Your interests and theirs are mutual Out-of-town concerns care only for your money and when they get it, it never comes back. Your dollar spent in Zebulon remains to help the whole community. YVhatever you need or desire may be bought or secured through business concerns in Zebulon " 9 Furniture, Dry Goods, Groceries, Farm Equipment Pressing, Barbering, Automobiles, Shop, Garage and 3 Lumber Service, Fertilizers and Seeds. Zebulon also affords a market for your cotton, corn, chickens and eggs, milk and butter, meat, wood, or any other surplus home or farm products you may have to market. The local business man stands behind each sale or purchase. He guarantees it and makes good an Y %£>/ p E dissatisfaction. When you buy in Zebulon you know what you get. Such service is superior to the Js JS$ store or mail-order house in almost every respect. f Taxes for local government, funds for community need, money to expand and develop the town and country life, is provided largely by the business men of Zebulon through your help. By trading in Zebulon you save both time and money. Doing business in a small town makes the over head expenses lowest. The merchant can get quickly any article not in stock. By actual comparison it has been found that the average price charged locally for service or merchandise is less than that in the city or larger town. It is the purpose of the following business men and concerns in Zebulon and of the Zebulon Record to do all possible to make 1936 the best year in every way for all the people who visit or trade in Zebulon. To this end we offer our personal help and public service to you, our friends and neighbors. u --t ■BI A. G. KEMP C.M.HOCUTT MASSEY LUMBER CO. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SEEDS GROCERIES • MEATS BUILDERS SUPPLIES AS.HINTON PAGE SUPPLY CO. u „ .... „ MANUFACTURER OF CHAIRS GROCERIES FARM SUPPLIES HOITie f erilllZer GL ZEBULON SUPPLY CO. j w “R unt ” Gill Che "SS pany EMBALMERS, MERCHANTS REFRESHMENTS HARDWARE, PAINTS ZEBULON DRUG CO. Zel SiS7pSlSS ers JOHN E. COCKRELL DRUGS “ NOTIONS ” NOVELTIES GROCERIES, FRUITS H. C. WADE W. B. BUNN & CO. CHAS H RHODES ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERIES BARBER - BEAUTY SHOP _ T nTTTT T Tno T T arrnTT R. L. PHILLIPS SHORE’S DEPT STORE GROCERIES- MEATS DRY GOODS, FURNISHINGS Peop, i™" k _^S st «■“»S!& & e^Sers J. M. Chevrolet Company A A WELLS Record Publishing Co AUTOMOBILES GARAGE IRON AND WOOD WORKER PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS * “ lAa ilfiouLlUiT x\uMn i?a miA*