01hv ZiTmlnn ißrmrii VOLUME XIII This, That And The Other. MRS. THEO. B. DAVIS On last Thursday a hurried and worried mother stopped me on the street to ask whether there was an angel’s costume in our home. I had to admit that none of us owns such heavenly garments and she went on to tell me that she simply had to get hold of one or improvise one before night. I remarked that she might use a white nightie as a foundation and drape over it what ever could be found that seemed most suitable and was amazed to be told that there wasn’t a white nightie in that home. Just pajamas. My being surprised is proof that I am old fashioned. » But there is this to be said in favor of the 1 nighties: They can on occasion .double for other apparel as I suggested; and it is certain that even to modern eyes a pa jamaed angel would look queer. When it comes to giving Christ mas presents there are ideas and ideas. Some believe a gift at that time should not be a necessity, but something that the recipient could not otherwise afford: others hold that it is far better to give what is needed. Probably most older mar ried couples belong to the latter school of thought. Those to whom luxuries seem necessities never can realize how luxurious it may seem to possess an article long needed but not owned. I have little patience with the wives who demand to be told in some flowery way that their hus bands love them, when said hus bands are working hard on the job of making a living and have scant time and less money for fancy fix ings. I pity the woman who can not translate the language of kitchen shelves into messages of affec’ion when her husband works extra hours making them for her. Tied roses, jew’elry and boxes of choco lates have their uses —and abuses— but so do winter underthings and cracklings. 1 have been reliably informed that for Christmas I am to receive from the partner of my joys and sor rows a specially constructed wood box with a handle. If he can only be persuaded to add at least one gallon of paint for the kitchen floor, I shall feel tb / .oanta Claus really came • (iff 11 *- 'Ajere is so much of suf fering, and sc ow in the world— wars, knd of wars, earth quakes, v©K-nic eruptions, floods, shipwreck, deaths by violence that one feels callous and selfish to think long of self and purely personal plans. The only possible foundation for joy is the knowledge that Peace on Earth is not an impossibility and that our efforts in that direction, feeble and intermittent though they be, may help to bring nearer that era ‘‘by prophet baTds foretold.” And that joy, through Him who came to bring it, is what I wish for you. THE FOUR COUNTY NEWSPAPER—WAKE, JOHNSTON, NASH AND FRANKLIN ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER THE 25th, 1936 Church News Hephizibah W. M. S. Mesdames Oris Horton and L. R. Evans were hostesses to thirty-one members of the Hephzibah W. M.S. at the regular meeting last week. After the program and business session a social hour was enjoyed with a special program of its own. The home of Mrs. Horton, where the meeting was held, was beauti fied with Christmas decorations among which was a Christmas tree from which each one present re ceived a gift. On Wednesday night of this week there will be a Christmas program with presents for the children of the Baptist Sunday School. Exercises begin at 7 o’clock. Mrs. J. C. Wilson’s class of girls accompanied by some friends went to the Free Will Orphanage at Mid dlesex one day last week to take an offering for Christmas for the children there. ————— ♦ Officers and teachers of the Bap tist Church and Sunday School were installed on last Sunday at the beginning of the worship hour. Methodist Church Church School at the Methodist Church, 10 a. m.. Dr. J. F. Coltrane, Supt. Let everybody be on time. Divine worship at 11 a. m. Con ducted by Rev. J. W. Bradley, the pastor, subject, “ The Wonderful Christ.” Members expected, friends invited. At 7 p. m. a program sponsored by the college students and high school pupils entitled: “Students Recognition Day,’’ will be rendered All prospective college students and every body interested in reli gious educaton should attend. Cor dial invitation to all. Do your Christmas trading in Zebulon. Because this is the last issue of this paper for 1936, the Record office and shop force will for once displace the Public Character that we may extend to all readers best wishes for a joyous Christmas and a glad New Year. We have ap preciated all the cooperation given us in the past and shall try to merit its con tinuation by serving you better in 1937. Most Sincerely, THE ENTIRE RECORD FORCE Wakelon Statement In average attendance our high school has made a slow but steady progress for the last eight years. The average attendance for the last month in the high school was 251.2. This is the largest that the high school has ever recorded. In the grammar school our year ly average attendance has decreas ed for the last two years, on ac count of the establishment of a school at Rolesville. The average daily attendance in the grammar school has remained practically the same for the last two years. We lost two teachers last year in the grammar chool, but this was due to irregular attendance on ac count of sickness and bad weather. In the high school we gained a tea her, and thi 1 -- was due to an in crease average in high school pu pils. The high school, at present, of fers courses es study in Agricul ture, Home Economics, Commercial work, Science, and the regular lit erary course. In all of the courses certain fundamental subects as English, some mathematics, and United States History as required. Each of these courses is given with the idea of special preparation for those who choose to follow work in any of these respective fields. The library is the most efficient this year it has ever been. This is due to the fact that the W. P. A. is furnishing a full time librarian in the person of Mrs. Jones. The li brarian has mended and catalogued the books in our libraries and be sides our own books in the Olivia Raney Library, of Raleigh, and brings hundreds of new books from this library to our library each month. The librarians woTk in co operation with our teachers, has done much to quicken the spirit of reading in the school. We are continuing public school music under Miss White, and this makes possible a high school glee club. We are now allowed to give Club Column * ——— Judges Come Wednesday Night Judges for the outdoor Christmas decorations in Zebulon are: Mrs. E. R. Anderson, Mrs. J. T. Allen, Mrs. M. T. Todd and Mrs. C. S. Hobgood, all of Wendell. They will come to Zebulon on Wednesday night to inspect the decorations as visible from the streets and their decision will be printed in this paper next week. This friendly co-opt-. ation from members of the Carden Club of our sister town is mu h a; predated All residents of Zebulon aie eli gible for entry in the contest and it is hoped that many will take part in this beautification of our town for the Christmas season. Mrs. R. H. Bridgets, Chinn, Civics. one unit of credit for work done in the glee club, under certain restric tions. The lunch room has been remodel t-ti, and is now adequate to accom modate our children in relays: That is, the high school in one group, grammar school in another group, and the primary children in anoth er group. The janitor is required to clean the toilet seats daily. This is done to guard the health of our children. We are making advancement in physical education. Under the direc tion of Mr. Pepper, and Miss Mac- Fadyen this department of our school has gone forward rapidly. Work was again started on the gymnasium Tuesday and will con tinue until finished. The facts as sighted above sho .v some of the things that your school has done to keep abreast of the de mand made on it. Here are some of the things that we need to make the school more efficient. 1— Better roads. 2 More adequate truck facilities —Continued On Page Seven— NUMBER 25 Flap- nm doodle Wj®® By 'esryl THE SWASH buckler Well, today’s the day they give babies away, or something. . Which brings to mind the young man of our town who years ago said that Santa Claus came down the chimney, filled up the stock ings and then got in bed with mama. A local young married man re cently informed me that he had written to Gypsy Rose Lee, and l completely forgot the matter until a few days ago when 1 saw him on the street. Pulling him over to one side I asked— “ Well did you hear from the letter you wrote the Gypsy Rose a few days back?” “And how!” he answered. “Is that so!” 1 ejaculated, “I can hardly believe you hear from her.’’ I didn’t say 1 heard from her, 1 said I heard from the letter,” my friend replied, “my wife found it before I had a chance to mail it. and 1 heard plenty from it!” The other Sunday afternoon the i Ijttle lady and I were coming from Raleigh way when we began to meet amazing phenomena which look more i:ke abh k chalk mark on a sheet of snr / than anytning else. Natu:;.“; puzzled we stopped the e r and watched several appear on the horizon toward Zebulon and djsapvai to vard Raleigh. Finally Riving up, we drove on and stopped at the ih xt filling station to in quire about the steraks of dark. “Oh, them ?” replied our host at the station, “them ain’t streaks, them’s niggers, they just had a shooting over to Zebulon and th,*m is the innocent bystanders gitting out o’ range.” One word descriptions of the famous “three” low priced mo tor cars heard about town : CHEVROLET— Beautiful— Awkward— Keen— Fast— FORD— Fast— Sleek— Smooth— Tough— PLYMOUTH— High- Stuffy— Lovely— Cute—- We come, with this issue, to the time of the year to make resolu tions galore. Any kind of resolu tion you want to make doesn’t mat ter, just so you make them. I always turn over a new leaf or two, but, like the little girl who turned over hers, the wind always blows them back over again, so why waste the effort. Effortlessly yours, The Swashbuckler.