2thp Station Mr cor ft VOLUME XIII This, That And The Other. MRS. THEO. B. DAVIS THE FO' H COUNTY NEWSPAPER—WAKE, JOHNSTON, NASH AND FRANKLIN ZpAULON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JANUARY TWENTY-NINTH, 1937. I C hurch News » SUPPER AT PEARCES L There will be a supper at Pearce, ■ F ebruary 13, 1937, The proceeds ■ will be used for building a new ! church. Supper will be served from 4-8 o clock P. M. Please come and enjoy a good supper and help us build our church. Women’s organizations of the Methodist Church have just had printed the names of all hostesses places of meeting, topic for dis eusion and program leaders for the year in their work. At the Baptist church last Sun- lay the budget for the year was idopted after discussion. The pay or’s salary was increased to one lundred dollars a month and a fund s to be provided for building and epairs. An increase was also made n the amount to be raised for ben volences. The Philathea Class, taught by Irs. W. N. Pitts, will have charge f the opening exercises at the Bap ist Sunday School next Sunday. An offering for the flood suffer rs was taken at the close of the ervice at the Baptist church last Sunday. This was in order that .omething might be forwarded at ince. An additional offering will be aken for the same purpose next Sunady. The Northside Circle of the Bap tist W. M. S. met with Mrs. Julian Horton on Monday p. m. The Cen tral Circle met Monday night with Mrs. F. E. Bunn. At the Wakefield church last Sunday the Baraca Class put on a special program of which an ad dress by Supt. E. H. Moser and singing by a male quartette from Wendell were enjoyable features. Notice of this service reached the Record office too late to be prr ed in last week’s paper. If At a meeting of the De-Ella Flowers class cf the Methodist church last week Mrs. S. G. Flow ers was re-elected teacher; Mrs. J. L. Stell was made president and Mrs. G. C. Massey, secretary and treasurer. Mrs. F. H. McGuire was hostess. Birthday Celebration In .February Zebulon Drug Store will in Feb ruary join with other firms in cel ebrating the birthday anniversary of Rexali Co. Special values will be offered at extra special prices in addition to gifts to be made. On Saturday nights “Zebulon Drug” will give to persons present gifts ranging in value from a com plete set of china and silverware to a tube of- tooth-paste. To be eli gible for these one must be in the store and not a curb service patron. There will be several of these oc casions. Watch for further an nouncement. And be sure to read their big ad in this paper. Among words frequently mis spelled are: Tragedy, Minstrel, Me moriam, Consensus. At the Ba Public Character Another of the town's busi ness men is presented this week, though already well known here. Quiet in man ner and speech ,he devotes most of his time to his busi ness establishment in South ' Zebulon, but is ever ready to perform a neighborly deed. Name Millard Howard Alford Native of Franklin County. Came to Zebulon when three years old. Domestic Status—Married Miss BertH# Fully in Dec., 1927. Church Affiliation—Baptist Business General Mer chandise. Has worked in store 20 yrs. Has been proprietor since 1927. NEWS OF THE WEEK FARLEY R 7-1-APPOINTED Although he is expected to re sign within a few months, James A. Ft rley was unanimously con firmet by the Senate for a full 4- year term as Postmaster General. His is the only Cabinet post re quiring confirmation for a full term, all other members serving at the pleasure of the President. TWO PROMINENT VISITORS New Y’ork City—Although it is vigorously denied that their pres ence has anything to do with Bri tain .= debt settlement, financiers lay groat importance to the fact that Sir Otto Niemyer, vice-gov ernor < f the Dank of England, and Walter Runciman, president of the British Board of Trade, arrived in this country within a few days of each other. LAZY STUDENTS PENALIZED Norman, Okla.— Figuring that it would require the service of fifteen full-time instructors to coach the failures during the last semester, William B. Bizzell, president of the University of Oklahoma, work ed out a plan under which backward students should pay $3.00 per hour for each hour failed. The al ternative is dropping from Univer sity rolls. For last semester’s fail ures 450 students will receive bills this week. COUGHLAN BACK ON AIR Dtroit, Mich. —Coincident almost with the death last week of his su perior the Most Rev. Michael J. Gallagher, Roman Catholic Bishop of Detroit, the Rev. Father Charles Coughlin, “Radio Priest” of the Shrine of the Little Flower, resum ed his interrupted Sunday broad casts. Both Bishop Gallagher and Father Couglin denied that pres sure from Rome had anything to do with the temporary suspension of the latters radio program. Club Column The public is invited to attend an art exhibit at the Woman’s Club on Thursday afternoon, February 4. The exhibit is to be composed of the work of local artists and it is the first exhibition of such work now being done at Wakelon school under the direction of Miss Alice Rubenstein. Among the art stu dents. whose pictures will be exhib ited are Thomas Bell, Ruth Win stead, Pauline Kannon, Jack Greg ory and Dorothy Harris. The art department at Wakelon school is newly organized having been begun in the late fall, but the class is growing and the students are progressing rapidly. Miss Rubenstein has studied at Mississippi State Teachers College, Hattiesburg, Miss., at Peace Insti tute, Raleigh and is a graduate in the class of 1936, receiving her A. B. degree in Art from Meredith College. Your cooperation in attending the exhibit will be appreciated. Junior Club Meeting A program of unusual interest was presented at the Junior Wo man’s Club on Tuesday night, Jan. 21. Mrs. Gene Privette had charge of the program which dealt with contemporary women writers. Mrs. Theo. Davis interpreted the life of Pearl Buck from her two most recent books. Mrs. Early Moser talked on Mar garet Mitchell’s life and novel, Gone With the Wind. Folbwing this Mrs. Ghas. Flowers delighted the club with a reading, The Ma jor’s Story, the atmosphere of which was the same as that creat ed by Gone With the Wind. After the program Mises Esther Lqe Cox and Catrina Gill, hostess es .served dainty refreshments. PTA PROGRAM FRIDAY NIGHT On next Friday night, Jan. 29, the Monroe Brothers, Radio artists well-known for broaeasts over WP TF, Raleigh, will appear at Wake lon Auditorium, sponsored by the PTA. This is the first program sponsored by this organization during the present school year, and it is hoped that a good crowd may attend. “Hillbilly Music” will be featured and Boys from Kentucky. Fun is promised all who come. The Farent-Teacher Asociation special ly invites YOU. Admission 15c and 25c. The Study Class spAsored by the P. T. A. and other organizations will meet on next Tumday after noon with the Home demonstra tion Club at Wakefield.Whe day’s lesson will be taught by l(|rs. Ray mond Pippin. All mem*rs are specially urged to be prestlot and others interested in child twining are invited. \ Rotarians Visit Wendell Club Zebulon Rotarians were specially invited guests of the Rotary Club at Wendell on the evening of Wed nesday, Jan. 20. The occasion was greatly enjoyed by the visitors. Wendell Rotarians are wonderful hosts and know how to make friends feel at home. Every min ute of the stay was most pleasant. A Rotarian. NUMBER 30 Lawyers use lots of bumfoozling phrases and wording. For instance they say ex post facto when they mean too late to do any good. But let Dean D. F. Stansbury of the Wake Forest law school tell you about it. Said the Dean: “A lawyer just naturally can’t give a friend an apple and say have an apple’ like an ordinary human. Instead, he must go through the following form— “ln consideration of love and af fection, and one dollar in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknow ledged, I hereby give, grant, con vey, assign, transfer and set over unto you, your heirs, executors, adminstrators and assigns, all of my right, title, and interest in and to this certain apple, together with all and singular the rind, core, seeds, pulp and juice therof, and all rights and privileges of any kind and character, in any manner there unto appertaining, anything to the contrary herein contained notwith standing, including the right to smell, bite, taste, chew, swallow and digest the same or any part thereof; and I hereby warrant that I have good title and right to con vey the said apple and all its parts, and will defend the same against all adverse claims, for you, your heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to your and their use and behoof forever.” “The main idea,” quothe the Dr., “is—‘Never use one word where seventeen can be used to say the same thing’.” 0 “The main reason,” continued M our informant “is, that the pomp and ceremony of these terms are pleasing to both the lawyer and his client.” On