©be Zrlmlmt Siecorb VOLUME XIII ++**++•*• i This, That And i ♦ The Other. | THE FOUR COUNTY NEWSFAFER—WAKE, JOHNSTON, NASH AND FRANKLIN ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY FIFTH, 1937. Club Column The study class sponsored by the churches, clubs and P. -T. A. met on Tuesday afternoon with the 'ome Demonstration club at Wake •ld as hostess organization in the jbhouse. The lesson was taught 1 Mrs. Raymond Pippin who dis issed problems caused by fear, lger, jealousy and destructiveness i children. This was a continua on of the course in Everyday roblems of the Everyday Child. Members of the hostess club serv i refreshments. The March meeting will be held Wakelon school, the P. -T. A. •ing the hostess group. GARDEN CLUB The February meeting of the arden Club will be held on Thurs ay of next week, Feb. 11, in the ome of Mrs. C. G. Weathersby at iree o’clock in the afternoon, embers will note the changed date ■om Tuesday, which was made Ivisable because of the speaker’s ability to attend at the regular me of meeting. Mrs. Ben Law nce of Raleigh, enthusiastic ex it, will address the Garden Club Perennial Borders and will also iduct a round table for the so ion of personal problems of the mbers. ne Response To Call For Help rs. Victoria Gill reported at the itist Church last Sunday that a •t generous response had been le in this community to the call help for the flood sufferers in Mid-west. Mrs. Gill has re eiv many articles of good, warm hing which she in turn deliv to the Red Cross workers in ■igh to be forwarded with do oms from other places. Cash ributions from Zebulon orga tions and from individuals proven the depth of sympathy for those more unfortunate, ivvever, the need is still urgent ie flood takes its course south to the Gulf of Mexico. Louis is; beginning the work of re ruction and rebuilding, as are nnati, Paducah and other ci but there is yet no way of ing how much more of disas id calamity may be in store iose living in the areas to be ed by rising waters and forc icuation of homes. The need 'ief is far from over and may well begun. at least, it is very well be rld’s Record Mass-Flight 1 Harbor, Hawaii—The arri e of twelve huge twin-mo ydroplanes from San Diego, edited the U. S. Navy with ’s record flight in mass for- The ships covered 2,533 i 22 hours, and the flight racterized by naval officials outine” delivery of a new quadron to the Hawaiian base. With 200 patrol-boat on order, further squad -1 be delivered to other Pa es as rapidly as completed. jntify the stork, just re that he ia the bird with the till. Public Character This week's sketch is of an adopted Tar Heel whose work has been in Zebulon since he left school. He is a graduate ojf Jones-Gupton School of Embalming, Nashville, Tenn. His parents live in Selma. He belongs to no organizations, his work and his home occu pying full time and attention. Name: Norman Meadors Screws. Native of: Denmark, S. C. Came to North Carolina in 1921; to Zebulon in October, 1933. Domestic Status: Married Maiy Helen Monk of Golds b. io, March 4, 1934. Church Affiliation; Baptist. Profession: Mortician with Zebulon Supply Company. Has been in this profession since graduation in 1933. Weather Prophet The groundhog, favorite weath er prophet with many, saw his shadow clearly in this section, if he ventured forth on Tuesday morn ing. Which may or may not pre cede six more'Wbeks of rough weath er. At any rate, if the groundhog saw his shadow, we saw ours, too, which is something we have had few chances to do this year. All told, the month of January had less than fifty hours of sun shine, breaking all records here for cloudiness and rain coupled with high temperature. Tuesday was much colder with some ice. U. D. C. Scholarship Through the Educational Fund contributed by members of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy two scholarships will be avail able for young women next year. In addition to these another, the Jeff Davis Prize Essay Scholarship, is open to any senior in high school whose essay is judged best. Appli cations for these scholarships must be sent to Mrs. J. D. Bivins, Albe marle, N. C., the blanks must be filled out and returned to Mrs. Bivins before May 1, together with extra references. Seniors in high school and others interested are urged to give attention to this an nouncement. For further details consult the leader in your local chapter of the TT. D. C. Mrs. J. B. Outlaw or Mrs. F. H. McGuire will give information to Wakelon seniors, if requested. P T A Mrs. Victoria Gill, president of the Parent-Teacher Association, announces that" Senator Clarence Beddingfield of Cary, will speak tp the P..-T. A. in Wakelon audi torium on Tuesday night of next week. Ail members are urged to attend and others are invited. A pastor is said to have an nounced that he would be pleased to hear of any sickness in the com munity. Church News Next Sunday is the time for reg ular preaching services at the Bap tist Church. Pastor Carl Ousley will preach at Wakefield next Sunday morn ing on “The Church Faces the World.” At night he will begin a series of sermons on “The Twelve Disciples”. Wakefield Baptist Church has contributed over SIOO in money and clothing to the Red Cross for flood relief. Union Hope has contributed $15.00 in money for flood relief. v Methodist Church Church school, 10:00 A. M., Dr. Coltrane, General Supt. Let’s break the record in attendance. First Quarterly Conference 1937 at Wendell, 7:30. Dr. J. 11. Barn hardt, P. E., will preach and hold conference. Hope all officials will attend from both churches and that we may have encouraging reports. Everybody invited. J. W. Bradley i Schools Closed Both Wakelon and Zebulon- Wakefield school for Negroes were closed for Monday and Tuesday of this week to allow time for the school buses to be repaired and j tested. The unusual condition of, roads has helped make necessary this step, although Wakelon was j probably in better shape to continue work than for some time. The in creasing number of accidents to school buses has caused public at-; lention to be focused upon this ; phase of the transportation prob lem. Supt Lo.khart was most like ly right when he chose delay in preference to possible rei ret. School work was resumed on I Wednesday. Most of the teachers from out of town went to their \ homes for the vacation of four days including the weekend. Recorder’s Court — » (In this column we try to report what actually occurs in the Zebu lon Recorders Court in an interest ing way to our readers. We try to do it in an impartial way. If there is any deviation from the facts it is unintentional and we shall be glad to cowect any error, and make due apologies for any in justice done to any one. The Edi tor.) The State essayed to separate Genatis Spivey from his liberty or some of his good money, but failed to make its case. He was accused of making an assault on some one with a deadly weapon. O. F. Ivey went where he had no right to go and laid hands on a female in a less affectionate way. He was caught and convicted. Ver dict: Four months on the road to be suspended on the payment of costs and a fine of SIO.OO. He must have been behaving himself in court for the judge also made his freedom contional on his remaining in good behavior. Morris High forgot a pocket (ontinued on page two) NUMBER 31 doodle The Swashbuckler has a slight touch of spring fever this week and is letting two college gels lead his column astray with clipped bits from here and there. A girl can sing, A girl can dance, A girl can play crokay; But she can’t strike a match On the seat of her pants, ’Cause she ain’t built fnat way. Most of us aren’t troubled with improper thoughts, in fact, we rather enjoy them. She—Gutting real cold, isn’t it? He—(Poetically) Ah, Winter draws on— She—Sir! There was a young fellow named Davey, Who enlisted himself in the navy; He was fed such tough steak, That it made his side ache, So he soon found a watery gravy. I’m the Tac in Tacoma. I’m the San in San Francisco. Who re you ? I’m from Asfuria. Marriage is an institution. Marriage is love. Love is blind. 1 herefore, Marriage is an Insti tution for the ITlind. How did that get in here? y I sneezed a sneeze into the air; It fell to ground I knew not where; But hard and cold were the looks of those Into whose faces I snoze. My boy friend likes to see me drink More than a little bit, Because I’m his flame, I guess, He wants to keep me lit. Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet Drinking a pousse case. Along came a spider And sat down besider And drank wilh Miss Muffet all day. Johnnie killed his little sister, She was dead before they mister, Johnnie’s always up to tricks, Ain’t he cute, he’s only six. Wh&t is this, Duffel Bag? Hey mister! Your engine's smoking. Well, it’s old enough. Bachelor girls live and yearn. Newest swing tune-— " They’re hanging Dannie Deaver in tfi* morning.” Keeping a stiff upper lip r be all right, but it's lots more kissing a limber one! Well, I’m glad that’s over. Youra, The Swashbuckler. WSI