T IjtZEBULON RECORD MEMBER NORTH CAROLINA PRESS ASSOCIATION Published Every Friday By THE RECORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Zehalon, North Carolina THEO. B. DAVIS, Editor Entered as second class mail matter June 26, 1925, at the Post office at Zebulon, North Carolina. Subscription Rates: 1 Year »1.00 6 Months 60c, 3 Months 40c. All subscriptions due and payable in advance Adrartlntns Ratan: Local 25c per column Inch. Foreign 35c per column Inch. Death notices as news, First publication free. Obituaries tributes, cards of thanks, published at a minimum charge of 13c per column Inch. FIREWATER AND FIRECRACKERS o Last week when the liquor question was be fore the legislature certain of the gentlemen who championed the so-called liquor control side, supported this measure to legalize the thing that destroys men, women and children, body and soul. Just a little later, when the measure to outlaw firework was up, these same gen tlemen, with all the zeal and eloquence in their power, championed this measure for humanity’s sake. At Christmas time a few boys were injured and one or two killed in North Carolina by hand ling fireworks. On that day and for 364 other days in the year liquor is being handed out by authority of the state to its people and hundreds of our citizens. Not only men and women but also children are being destroyed in homes and on highways. We sometimes wonder at the perversity of hu man nature; also at its inconsistency. We won der, too, if this interest is not to be found in this instance to one’s liking fire water and having no interest in fireworks. o PRESIDENT RECOMMENDS MORE JUDGES o In an unexpected message President Roose velt recommends that the ‘Supreme Court be in creased from six justices to fifteen, and the lower courts by two additional. When a judge reaches 70 and does not retire, then the Presi dent may appoint additional judges for both low er and Supreme Courts. He sent his bill already prepared for passage to Congress to this end. It is likely there will be bitter debate on the rec ommendation, but in the end Congress will “rub ber stamp” the President’s request. Congress man Bulwinkle and Senator Bailey oppose the new measure while Senatr Reynolds supports it. Other representatives are for it or have not SEEN & HEARD A NEW WAY As a clerk in a store years ago I remember having to take down a stack of overalls and thumb through them t° find the size wanted. The Page Supply Co. has some thing new to find sizes. They have dozens of pairs of overalls stacked *on tfieir shelves. On the fold in front they have marked with chalk the size of each pair. If you see your size, just slip it out and there you have it without disturbing an other pair. SOME EGG Mrs. R. F. Eddins of Wakefield showed us an egg last Saturday that takes the cake, or we better say ‘makes’ the cake. By measure ments and weight this is its descrip tion: Diameter (long way) 3 1-2 inches; Circumference (short way) 6 3-4 inches; weight, one-fourth lb. Now if we only had a dozen or so hens like that one . Has anyone a larger egg? NOT MOCK TURTLE Did you see that mock duck in the City Market last week? Made of a sh°ulder of lamb, it was com plete from bill to tail, the latter be ing former of scalloped bone. Bon ing and making this “bird” requir ed an hour of Mr. Vicker’s time and we are not sure whether ths includes that spent in making the cute little cap from the end of ba nana peel. Ducky as it was, we fan cy it was better for eating than for flying. SOME KITE! If y°u happen to see a huge kite with a c r oss-eyed man painted on the front, flying over town any day there’s wind enough, you may know the Davis boys, with the aid of Jack Potter are flying their Big Bertha which is nine feet high, and six feet wide. The Kite’s pull on the string is equal to a downward pull of fifty p< unds. FAT POSSUMS CAUGHT - - t Mr. A. B. Hocutt of Zebulon Rt. 1 caught two possums in the same tree last week. Directly over the possums was a large deposit of honey which they were living off. The bees being on top °f the sup ply did not molest the fat thieves. They weighed ove r 8 pounds each. GENERAL NEWS STRICK STILL SITS The parley between the strikers and the automobile manufacturers seems to have failed and another has been called. In Flint, Mich., the town crier r ead a court writ to the sit-downers to vacate General expressed themselves. Our own opinion: We are agin it. o HURRAH FOR SCOTT o While we did not vote for him, we felt all along that Commissioner of Agriculture Kerr Scott had some qualities needed in our state af fairs. His firing and hiring on his entrace into his job made us wonder. Now he has gone and done it —appointed a real sure-enough Repub lican to a position in his department for the sole reason that he was the best man available for the place. Now, isn’t that something in this grand old Democratic state when there are 1,150 good Democrats wanting and waiting for the job! If .Commissioner Scott will follow this policy of filling places in his department according to abil ity irrespective of party, he will be the best and biggest man who has ever held the job. And this is not all, his department will be best among all these in a state ruled by Democrats for demo crats. o SITDOWN STRIKERS AND JUSTICE Os course we do not know what it is all about but it seems to us that when a crowd of men sit down in another man’s place of business to ob struct that business and then demand that they be made more comfortable, they are asking too nrtuch. Our sympathies are with the laboring man, for we also eat by the sweat of our brow. However, it is a principle of recognized jus tice that a man has full right to do what he wills with that which is legally his own. He may play the miser and hoard it, throw it broadcast into the crowd, or use it in the hundreds of ways between these two extremes. A man may like wise sell his services for an accepted wage, or spend it in indolence. And so long as either does not encroach on the rights of others or makes him a burden to the state, the constituted law will not interfere. We are told that not only have the strike sitters closed the automobile plants and caused the owners to lose millions, but they have done it when 80 per cent of their number have wanted to work. The government shoud provide speedy arhj®-ation. If either side refuses then the law sWuld be invoked. We do not believe the strik ers have any more right to sit down and stop a business and demand that fires be kept going, than a servant in a private home has to sit down in the company room while demanding more wages and at the same time demand that the room be kept comfortable while she is sitting it out. M u tors plant. A new parley has been arranged and the indications now are that the manufacturers will win. The Sheriff refuses to evict the strickers until he hears from the Governor of Michigan. NEWTON TO COACH STATE William “Doc” Newton, for five years coach at Davidson Col lege, has signed a five-year con tract to coach State C°llege. His salary will be $6,000 a year. Hunk Anderson, his predecessor, receiv ed, it is said, SIO,OOO. He is a son of Rev. J. B. Newton, of Thomas ville, N. C., and is a cousin of Mrs. Falc E. Bunn. GOING PLACES Last Friday night a seven-year old boy was taken from a coal car in Greensbor o . His name was learn ed and his home in Winston-Salem called. His mother answered and when asked if she knew where her son was, replied: “Os course I do. He’s upstairs in bed. I put him there a couple of hours ago just before we started a bridge game. The youngster had slipped out of bed, taken his father’s gun and set f°rth for Washington on his first independent sight seeing tour. He said his father killed birds with the gun and he was taking it along to kill something to eat when he got hungry. HIGHWAY REORGANIZATION BILL A bill will soon be offered t° the General Assembly for the re°T an i" zation of the State Highway C° m ' mission. According to the new nea sure which in all probability wil he passed, the Chairman ill get Jo -500 a year and each of the ten mem bers would get SIO.OO a day for Uii tual time of service. The state will be divided into ten districts. Thel fourth would be c°mposed of the] countes of Wake, Franklin, Har-j nett, Johnston, War r en, Wayne and Wilson. ________ « THE FLOOD j The waters of the Ohio and Missn issippi rivers continue to fall and the refugees are returning to thein homes. Many of them remain home less and relief funds will be need ed f°r weeks yet. It will take! months to rehabilitate the affectedl territory. It is estimated by the! Red Cross that there are at least! 75,000 people who arehomeless ana it will take millions of dollars tol help them to get settled again. Ini many instances all stock, fo°dJ clothes and even homes were swept! away. I MRS. MCKIMMON RESIGNS I Following her declared purposJ of resigning her position as leadeJ of Home Demonstration work ill North Carolina, Mrs. Jane McKiml mon has asked t (> be released fronl active duty. She will, however, coni tinue to act in an advisory capacil ty, givng her successor and other! the benefit of her enthusasm an! wide experience. I Mrs. McKimmon has done mucll for the rural women of her stat! and is most deservedly popula™ Her duties will be assumed by Misl Ruth Current, herself a worker ol efficiency and with years of p r a