Ev inarm WLvtxuC JR COUNTY NEWSPAPER—WAKE, JOHNSTON, NASH AND FRANKLIN ’.ULON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY NINETEENTH, 1937. A Cannery For Zebulon F THE PEOPLE WANT IT "he editor of the Record and .or Bridgers went to Raleigh Inesday afternoon to see Mr. i. Moore of the State Division Purchase and Contracts about ining a cannery for this com ity. Here are the facts obtain y them necessary to locate a native cannery in Zebulon: Three hundred memberships lecessary to organize. One be s a member by paying SIO.OO gning a note to be paid from ale of vegetables to the can- A member may hold as many >ersihips as he wishes by pay -10.00 for each membership. Contracts are made with the >ers to grow a certain acreage .tatoes, snaps and other vege for the cannery. Others! not ers may sell their vegetables market price to the cannery *ded. The price paid will be jrrent market price for that vloney may be available as a to the members to purchase zersi and market their vege s on the same basis as ad •s made by dealers!. This comes the loan obtained from the rnment to the Association for purpose. The State furnishes the can -j to the Cooperative Asisoeia ion at 40 per cent of its first cost, "he cannery which would be avail rle to this community originally st $4,500. It would be sold to the ssocation for SI,BOO. 5. The government would furnish CLUB NEWS JR. CLUB NEWS fonday night, February 22, at ) o’clock the Junior Woman's ) is sponsoring a Bingo Tourn nt. Admission is only 25 cents, rybody is cordially urged to en this tournament with us. Lo >usiness firms are donating the 2S. le Woman’si Club here held the uary meeting on Tuesday af >on at which time the report le nominating committee was 1 and unanimously adopted, ers for the coming club year )e: dent Mrs. F. E. Bunn president Mrs. F. D. Finch tary Mrs.. Philip Massey urer Mrs. Fred Page Departments: >rature Mrs. Irby Gill fare Mrs. R. H. Herring cs Mrs. R. H. Bridgers ien Mrs. C. E. Flowers i Christiana McFayden of on’s faculty, history depart spoke on International Re , the topic for the day, with mention of the danger of t present and the political >n in Europe. 2mphasized the necessity for ng for peace and the futili ar as a means of settlement >utest between nations. In 1 er first appearance before b, Miss Me Fayden greatly her hearers. ame<* W. C. Campen and F. ntinued on back page.) all the money needed to finance the whole proposition on long term payments and at a very low rate of interest. 6. At the close of the canning season the profits after all ex penses including interest on the loan and first payment had been paid, would be divided among the members according to the amount of vegetables sold to the cannery during the season. The one selling S2OO worth would get twice as much as the one selling SIOO worth. Anyone not a member might sell his vegetables! to the cannery but w'ould not share in the profits. So it w'ould be wise for everyone who expects to grow' vegetables to join the Association. 7. When the government is re paid the loan in full the cannery wdth all its equipment becomes the property of the members, and all profits each year would bg divided among the members according to the number of shares each possess ed. The above ist briefly the plan of fered for a Co-operative Canning Assiciation. It is simple. It gives every one a chance to get in a profitable undertaking with little capital or responsiblity. It provides away for our farmers to get nec essary funds to house other crops at a time when money is hard to get. It gives employment to a great number of people when they have little to do, especially the boys and girls not on farms. It gives Zebu lon an opportunity to build a per manent enterprise without direct ly investing one cent of money, First Aid Course To Be Given At Wakelon The Wake County Chapter of the American Red Cross is offering a First Aid Course free to the peo ple of Zebulon and vicinity, begin ning at Wakelon School next Wed nesday, February 24, at 7:30 p. m. The c lasses will be held two nights a week for a period of three weeks. Most people know very little about First Aid, though each’week that passes practically every per son has an opportunity to render some treatent. Because of the lack of first aid knowledge, many injur ed persons are allowed to suffer or possibly die. Some of the First Aid technicali ties that are covered in this course are: treatment for fainting, shock, burns, scalds, gas, electrocution, or drowning, splinting broken bones, and many other things that every one should know how to do in cases of emergency. Hearty co-operation is urged and hoped for in the community. With out adequate co-operation, this invaluable course cannot do the good it is meant for. MIKA IK) BUYS CARS Detroit, Mich. ln Japan, only members of the Imperial household may use maroon colored motor cars. That is the color specified in an or der for fifteen super-eights just received by the Packard Motor Car Corporation. and one that does not conflict with any other business in the commu nity. The United States government believes in this cooperative associa tion so strongly that it offers to furnish every dollar needed to put it in operation and keep it going. The State of North Carolina be lieves in it to the extent that it of fers to furnish the necessary plant at 40 per cent of its cost. The Zebulon Record has believed for a long time such an enterprise w'ould be profitable to the commu nity and has advocated it on num erous occasions. This is an oppor tunity for the town to establish a new and going business in our midst that will not hurt but great ly help all other business. It gives our farmers a new market, one that will give them more real income from the acreage used than other on their farm. The crop may be planted and harvested in three months. The tomatoes grown in this section have a richer flavor and more beautiful coloring than those grown in the trucking section of the state. Let every citizen, every farmer w'ho is interested in this! proposi tion communicate wth the editor of the Record or Mayor Bridgers. It is necessary to act at once if Zebulon gets a cannery. We heard a man over long distance speaking to Mr. Moore while we were discus sing this proposition with him. When he hung up, he said “That’s another one placed. You had bet ter act quickly if you people want one.” CHURCH NEWS Next Sunday will be Men’s day the Baptist Church. The choir will have men only and other spe cial features will have place or the program for the service. Pas tor Herring desires that all mem bers attend. The Missionary Society of the Methodist Church met on Monday afternoon. The Wakefield Philatheas held their February meeting in the home of Mrs. Joe Knott on the tents. In spite of the bad roads fifteen were present. Devotional was conducted by Mrs. P. P. Pace. Prayer by Mrs. John Broughton. After the busi ness session Mrs. T. C. Pippin di rected the program. Mra. A. N. Jones gave a hefpful reading on Prayer. Mrs Raymond Pippin talk ed on Pioneer Women to the enjoy ment of all. Closing prayer by Mrs. Early Green. The hostess served a sialad course with coffee. The val entine motif was observed. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Willie Bfallock on March 16. MRS. HAG WOOD’S FATHER DEAD Mr. G. M. Freeman, the father of Mrs. Leon Hagwood of Middlesex, died on February 9 at the home of his son, Spurgeon Freeman of Ru therfordton. He was in his 84th year and had not been well for Siome time. He is survived by hjs wife, five sons and three daughters thirty grand-children and twenty great-grandchildren. NUMBER 33 doodle rj > _ THE jNfl SWASH BUCKLER People, as a whole, seem to doubt the veracity of my last week s column. In fact some have the idea I stretched the truth in no little manner. I shall be glad to furnish in disputable proof of every state ment I made last week. Thajw condition being that those of this proof enclose witl ' ter, a self-addressed eru a new one thous«nd do \ cover cost of maiilng, p. I will be glad to fu proof neatly bound in portfolio for $20.00 in f ditional. Kermit Corbett