(Ebc lelmlmt tßururh THE FOUR COUNTY NEWSPAPER—WAKE, JOHNSTON, NASH AND FRANKLIN VOLUME XIII This, That, and The Other MRS. THEO. B. DAVIS 1 Jf you ever star* to give a small child a bath, be very sure to pour some cold water in the tub before pouring in the hot, unless you hang on to that child every second. If you turn your back for an instant the chances, are that the little one will try to get in the water; w;ll make ah effort to test its tempera ture; or will slip and fall in. And it doesn’t take boiling water to scald a child painfully and even danger ously: I have personally known two children who died this way and have read of numerous other cases, one today. And a little forethought would have prevented it all. This is National Baby Week and also National Muse Week and next Sunday will be Mother’s Day. Now who fixed that up? of Public Welfare has been reap pointed by Governor Hoey for an- ZEBULON. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY SEVENTH. 1937. Wakelon Finals Ended Last Wednesday Wake Countv To & Vote On Liquor The County Commissioners of Vake county have ordered an elec on on whether 1 quor stores shall 1 established in the county or not. ie probable date will be June 22. ith liquor flowing all around and ake losing its thousands in reve le each year, it is likely the moral pect of the matter will be lost ght of and Wake will go wet. Election Quiet No opposing candidates having jme forward, those who received le high numbers in the primary /ere elected to office on Tuesday without incident and almost with ut d splay of interest. No candidate for any office re eived as high as 50 votes, though one recived less than forty-two. M. W. Cnamblee is the new may or, with Jes* a e K lpatrick, J. D. Hor ton, W. B Bunn, Avon Privette, F. D. Finch, commissioners. Garden Club To Hold Flower Show The Zebulon Garden Club will I hold its annual flovcer show Thurs day, May 13, at the Zebulon Club House under the direct on of Mrs* Charles Weathersby, chairman. The flower show will take the place of the regular club meeting of that week and the hostesses for the show will be Mrs. Chas. Weathers by, Mrs. Chas. Flowers, Mrs. Fred Page and Mrs- J. K. Barrow. Exihbitors may make only one entry in each class and all entr.es j must be grown by the exhibitor, tcept those flowers used in the rtistic arrangement group- Exhib ors must furnish their own con liners and the exhibits must be in ace by 10:30 A. M. Thursday, ay 13. The sponsors of this, flower show sh to make it a success. Flower cers, you alcne may do this by inging your flowers and entering em. Every contribution is accept >le, then, too, may be a prize win ;r. We w.sh to extend a cordial vitation to each and every citizen * Zebulon to visit our flower show (Continued on page five) Red Cross Call Vlrs. Victoria Gill, chairman of local chapter of the Red Cross, been busy this week with the ual enrollment of those who oort this work. When we re iber what it means, what it has ■ in this section and other parts jr country and the world, and i we add to that the fact that •t of all our donations remains for local welfare work, it 1 not be hard to secure our butions. It is hoped that the vear will be ♦*'« 'one-est ZEBULON CHAIR FACTORY ' Zeppelin Burns At Lakehurst As we go to press word comes that the giant dirigible the Graf Zeppelin with 170 people aboard i including Capt. Von Eckner, | caught fire just as she was about to land at Lakehurst, N. J. All aboard were lost. The accident occurred about six p. m. Forrest Alford Dies Thursday Forrest Alford, 21 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. M S. Alford of Zebulon, died in Rex Hospital on Thursday morning at 12:55 after being injured by a fall four weeks ago. Funeral services w.ll be held at 2:30 on Friday afternoon at the ( home of his parents with burial in j the Zebulon cemetery. The deceased is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Bessie Mae Richardson, and an infant son, be sides h s parents and a number of brothers and sisters* He bore an excellent reputation for character and industry and his death is deep ly regretted here. Tobacco Planting Late In Zebulon The setting of the tobacco crop is late this spring Kim *on reports a delay of several weeks as compar ed with other years. A few farmers who set plants early had them k lied by late frost or drowned by heavy, cold rains. The work in the eastern section of the to bacco belt is now beginning in earnest. Plants in many beds have been af fected by blue mold, bitt it is thought that there will be no spe cial scarcity. Erwin Speaks At Wakelon Wednes. Supt. E. H. Moser, Rev. J. W. Bradley and State Superintendent of Schools, Clyde A. Erwin, with 43 young men and women dressed in gray robes formed the setting of Wakelon’s final exercises Wed nesday. The stage was decorated with baskets of syringa banked down either side and a large vase of varied flowers set at the front center. Filling almost every seat in the main auditorium and pouring back into the vestibule were hun dreds of parents and friends of the school gathered to show their in terest and enjoy the day that brings the whole countryside together on this annual picnic-commencement. After the singing of hymns Rev- Mr- Bradley led in prayer. Prof. Moser introduced Supt. Erwin. In a pleasing and happy way Mr. Erwin introduced his subject, Some Problems Facing the Senior Class. He said the world is moving more swiftly than ever before, hanges axe rapidly taking place in vernment. Only two democracies left, England and the United tes. It becomes absolutely essary for young people to take interest in government today. * xe f (Continued On Back Page) SOCIETY NIGHT Society Night on April 30 was the second feature of Wakelon’s j commencement and was, as usual, | largely attended. L Ilian Denton was. the presiding officer and Den nis Brantley was secretary. This was the 27th observance of this occasion. A boys quartette sang just pre ced ng the beginning of the con tests. Bettie Lee Winstead, Philo mathian, won the decision of the judges in reading over Ann e Pearl Liles of the G. M Bell society. In the declaimer’s contest Charles Whitley, Philanthropic, de feated Barrie Dav Ss Erosophian. At this point Meryl Massey played a piano solo. The inter-society debate had for its subject: Resolved: That the Federal Child Labor Law Amend ment Should Be Adopted. Marie Cunningham and Thomas Evdl spoke for the affirmative, rep resenting the G. M. Bell and Phil anthropic societies. The negative was taken by Ruby Br dgers and Charles Winstead of the Philoma thian and Erosophian socieites. The affirmative was awarded the decision with Marie Cunningham being named as best speaker in the debate. Many complimentary comments were heard on the entire program. Attracting much attention was the new Erosophian banner which was proudly placed at one side of the stage- This banner was given the soc ety by W A. Wheless of the faculty. Judges for the night were Mrs. Marshbourne, Miss Bailey and Mr. Renfrow, all of Wendell. Ushers were Louise Baker, Daph nev Johnson, Elizabeth Pearce, G. (Continued On Back Page) Recorder’s Court Has Full Docket Judge Rhodes had a fairly full day in court here Wednesday, sev eral cases being continued. The fol lowing were disposed of: Haywood Pace, colored, was found guilty of reckless driving. H s sentence of 60 days on the roads was suspended on payment of $25.00 fine and costs. W. M. Underhill was found guil ty of non-support of his two chil dren. His sentence was suspended on payment of costs and a promise to pay ten dollars each month un -11 September of this year to the children’s grandmother, Mrs. G. S. Perry; after which he is to pay her $15.00 each month until further or ders from the court. Sam Williams, admitted having driven a car without license. Judg ment was suspended upon payment of costs- Romas Horton plead guilty to a charge of assault with deadly wea pon, but the case was continued to see whether the one assaulted re covers entirely. James Mitchell and Sterling Mit chell, charged with trespass were found not guilty. J. A. Cawthorne was found to have had possession of whiskey. Sentence was suspended upon pay-' men of costs and promise of good' behavior one year. NUMBER 45 rfj OS-SaS I have, through a metamorphosis of the brain come to the conclusion that f a wise man grows a beard, it would be known as. sage-brush. A friend recently went to one of the larger insurance companies and being conscientious about all flings told the investigating medico that h s mother died of an ulcerated stomach at the age of thirty-four. He added the information that his father died of tuberculosis at the age of forty. The insurance man tore up the questionnaire af ter the second question. Seeing the general trend of things, and at the same time de siring insurance, he went to the off ces of another company. The medico asked, “How old was your father when he died?” “Ninety-six.” “What did he die of?” ‘‘He died from injuries received two years before in a professional wrestling match.” ‘‘How old was. your mother when she died?” “Ninety-two.” “What caused her death?” “Childbrth.” (Borrowed from June College Humor.) Then there was the Catholic who wouldn't eat mince-meat pie be cause it was Friday, and no good Catholic eats meat on Friday- Imagine the seeings of the Princeton students when they paid Gypsy Rose Lee SSOO for |an ap pearance on the program of their charity ball and all Gypsy took off was the r SSOO. With all the ado about strip tease dancers, about who originat ed the strip-tease, etc-, no fewer than five of our present day pro ducers and actresses claim the hon or (?) of or ginating it. Far be it from me to belittle anyone. But if I recall correctly, a lass nampd Salome, according to the Bible, did a strip-tease dance for a kng named Herod and the young lady’s dance consisted of doing away with seven veils. The king was so aroused by the dance that he paid for it with the head of a poor fellow named John. Os course today you cau get a front row seat for a little less than that at our modern sttippers, but you’ll be lucky if somebody doesn’t get your scalp before you’re through. And while we’re on the Bible— Ben Franklin once told a beautiful story to a group of Frenchmen. So carried away were they that they demanded to know the author. “Gentlemen,” said Franklin, “the story I have just told is the book of Ruth, I know not the author.” Well, S’long, The Swashbuckler. On last Saturday Mrs. Hunter Bell directed field day exercises at Wakelon. This was a part of the work of the recreation project- Contests and a Maypole dance were featured with a soft ball game be tween the teams of Zebulon and Raleigh.