THE ZEBULON RECORD. ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDA t, MAY SEVENTH, 1937. WE ZEBULON RECORD MEMBER NORTH CAROLINA PRESS ASSOCIATION Published Every Friday By THE RECOUP PUBLISHING COMPANY Zohulun. North Carolina THEO. H. HA VIM, Editor Entered as second class mail matter .June 26, 1925, at the Postoffice at Zebulon, North Carolina. Subscription Rates: 1 Year SI.OO 6 Months 60c, 3 Months 10c. All subscriptions due and payable in advance Advertising Rates On Request Death notices as news, First publication free. Obituaries tributes, cards of thanks, published at a minimum charge of 13c per column inch. COLUMBUS HONORS HERSELF o Little Dare county almost won to stand at the head in. North Carol na for sobriety and temperance and putting the taboo on liquor, but lost even after victory for the drys was declared. Now Columbus with a majority that the wets dare not challenge votes dry and saves her self respect and sets an example foT Wake and other counties to follow. One is led to believe that any county knowing the evils of drink, that votes for the sale of liquor under county or state super vision, either loves liquor or “filthy lucre” too well to see the curse that falls on old and young by legalizing its sale. oOo THE HIGHER LAW o The newspapers say that ‘‘every legal ob stacle” has been removed to the marriage of the former king of England and Mrs. Wallis Simp son. To most people this removes every reason why they should not marry. But there are a great many old-fashioned people who believe that there is a higher law than man’s why people may or may not do certain things in business and society. And getting a divorce by some hatched up cause for the purpose of marrying another is a case of the “higher law.” According to our understanding of the Scriptures there is only one cause for divorce and none for re marriage. In some cases it appears a great in justice that it should be so, but we have known of instances in which greater injustices would have been done should such be permitted. To a Christian this higher law of God is more bind ing and exacting than any law of man. To the ‘‘thussaith, the Lord” there is no higher law. LEGAL NOTICES 5062 NORTH CAROLINA— Wake County— In the Superior Court. WAKE COUNTY vsl M. Wallace Chamblee and Wif<* if any. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant Sherlock Bronson. Receiver, American Bank & Trust Company will take notice that an action as entitled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake County, County, North Carolina, for the purpose of foreclosing certain Sheriff’s Certificates of Sale for taxes for the year 1932, owned and held by Wake County, and for oth er taxes*, costs and interest and j penalties due Wake County, which ! are liens upon that certain tract, lot or parcel of land listed for the year 1932 and other years shown in the complaint in said action in the name of M. Wallace Chamblee in Little River Township, Wake Coun ty, North Carolina, described as follows: 1 Lot Barbee Street And the relief demanded consists wholly or partly in excluding all persons from any actual interest or ) : en in or to said lands- And the part es will further take notice that they are required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Wake County, North Carolina, at his office in the City of Raleigh, on the 29th day of May, 1937, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 28th day of April, 1937. SARA ALLEN Assistant Clerk of the Su per or Court of Wake Coun ty, North Carolina. April 30, May 7, 14, 21. 5070 NORTH CAROLINA— Wake County— | In the Superior Court. WAKE COUNTY vs. S. G. Flowers and Wife, Mrs. S. G. Flowers. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendants Textile Mills Co.; U. S. Rubber Products Co,, Inc.; Beacon Falls. Rubber Shoe Co.; Per cy Peacock; Montag Bros.; Ches terfield Hat Corp., ZEBULON’S NEW OFFICIALS o The voters almost wiped the slate clean in the late election. Only one of the old members of the Board was reelected. Shortly a new set of officials will be sworn in. For a half dozen years this paper has urged the importance of a complete auditing and publication of the town’s financial affairs. We understand that an audit , was made, but so far as the people of the town I knowing the status of matters, it might just as well not have been made. We hope one of the first things the new Board does will be to have a complete audit made and published so the peo ple may know exactly how Zebulon’s finances stand. It should be done for the sake of the re tiring officials as welll as for that of the in coming. If we have been correctly informed, the law requires this to be done. In the move to extend the corporate limits of the town sometime ago, one of the chief reasns why many citizens living outside objected ot being brought in was because of their ig norance of the town’s financial standing. And it seems no one was able to give very much en lightenment on the matter. The people would like to know what the town ow’es, how it is financed and how the money being raised each year in tax es is being spent. It is to their interest to know and to the officials’ interest to publish them. oOo THIS NEWSPAPER o For less than two cents a week the Zebulon Record brings to your home each Friday the most important news of Zebulon and the sur rounding country. It is the family’s home news paper. It seeks to give only those happenings that are of general interest and eliminates sen sational and sordid news on the theory that there is already too much of this in the press today. It strives to give each week eight or more pages of well-balanced reading, presented always with a friendly attitude. Many families cannot afford the cost of a daily, costing in one year as much as the Zebu lon Record costs for a half dozen or more years. W e make the price so low that almost every family may find the dollar necessary to pay for a year s subscription. We try to improve the paper as much as possible with our present num ber of subscribers. We solicit your support (subscription). If you do not have the price now. send us your name, saying you wiil pay us one dollar sometime next fall and we shall be glad to put your name on our mailing list at once.} W'e believe we offer the best and largest weekly ! newspaper in the State for one dollar. Send in j >cur subscription and if you do not say at the! end of the year we gave you your dollar’s worth 1 we will gladly refund your money. will take notice that an action as entitled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake County, County, North Carolina, for the purpose of foreclosing certain Sheriff’s Certificates of Sale for taxes for the year 1932, owned and held by Wake County, and for oth er taxes*, costs and interest and penalties due Wake County, which are liens upon that certain tract, lot or parcel of land listed for the year 1932 and other years shown in the complaint in said action in the name of S. G. Flowers in Little River Township, Wake Coun ty, North Carolina, described as follows: 1 Lot Sycamore Street And the relief demanded consists wholly or partly in excluding all persons from any actual interest or lien in or to said lands And the parties will further take notice that they are required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Wake CouitM North Carolina, at his office City of Raleigh, on the 29th dafl May, 1937, and answer or the complaint f led in said actitHßg the Plaintiff will apply to Bim Court for the relief demandeHßj the complaint. BH This the 28th day of April, 1937. SARA ALLEN Assistant Clerk of the Su per or Court of Wake Coun ty, North Carolina. April 30, May 7, 14, 21. 5086 NORTH CAROLINA— Wake County— In the Superior Court. WAKE COUNTY vs. C. M. Kavenaupfi and W’.fe, Mrs. C. M. Kavenaugh NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant N. C. Agricultural Credit Corporation, will take notice that an action as entitled ha'- been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake County, County, North Carolina, for tf* purpose of foreclosing certa | Sheriff’s Cert ficates of Sale f® taxes for the year 1932, owned w held by Wake County, and for er taxesi, costs and interest penalties due Wake County, are liens upon that certain tr®| lot or parcel of land listed for year 1932 and other years in the complaint ir, said the name of C. M. Kavenaugh®| Little River Township, Wake CoHS ty. North Carol na, follows: 52 acres Moccasin Creek 40 acres Hicks H And the relief demanded consi® wholly or partly in excluding H persons from any actual inter® or lien in or to said lands- H And the part es will further ta® notice that they are required to a® pear before the Clerk of the S® perior Court of Wake North Carolina, at his office in me City of Raleigh, on the 29th day of May, 1937, and answer or demur to the complaint f lea in said action or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 28th day of April, 1937. SARA ALLEN Assistant Clerk of the Su per or Court of Wake Coun ty, North CaroKr.a. 1 April 30, May 7, 14, 21. ADM INI ST R A TOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of O. B. Brannon, deceased, late of Wake County, N. C„ this is to notify all persons hav ng claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Zebulon, N. C., on or before the Ist day of Mg| 1938. or this notice will be bar of their recovery. All persflM indebted to sa d Estate will pX®| make immediate >ettic-merit. H| This the 28th day of April, W. M. BRANNON. Administi Estate of O. E\ B.annon. Apr 30-June4. ■ North ( arolina. Wake ( ountyßH In The Superior Court |H NOTICE OF SUMMONS H Wake County vs. H| Louis Martin and Wife. Mrs. ®gf Louis Martin li| The defendants above named I take notice that an action as a®B entitled ha- bee n commenced ,r®||lf Superior Court of Wake Coi® North Carolina, for the purpo®H I -n-em-mg <■< rtaii Sh.-riff- i <®HB '•at* ~ of Sale for taxes for 1933, owned and held by fl® County, and for other taxes.® and penalties due Wake C® which are liens upon that <® tract lot or parcel of land the year 1933 and other shown m the complaint in si tion in the name of Louis M® Wake Forest Township^l notice that they are reqnired to ap pear before the Clerk of the Superi or Court of Wake County, North Carolina, at his office in the City of Raleigh on the 10th day of May, 1937, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action or the pla ntiff wiil apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. This the Bth day of Apr 1, 1937 Sara Allen, Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina i April 16-23-30 May 7 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of State CERTIFICATE JF D.SSOLUT ON ' State of North Carol na, do hereby 1 certify that the said corporation did, on the sth day of April, 1937, file in my office a duly executed i and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders I thereof, which said consent and the . 1 record of the proceedings aforesaid . j are now on file In msr said office as ; provided by laW. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I i have hereto set my hand and as : fiexd my off cial seal at Raleigh, this sth day of April, A. D., 1937. . SEAL OF SECRETARY OF , STATE THAD EURE Secretary of State > Aprii 16 May7 NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND