7 HEZEBULON RECORD MEMBER NORTH CAROLINA PRESS ASSOCIATION Published Every Friday By THE RECORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Zehulon, North Carolina THEO. I*. DAVIS. Editor Entered as second clasts mail matter June -6, 19iy>, at the Postoffice at Zehulon, 'na. Subscription Rates: 1 Year SI.OO 6 Months 60c, 3 Months 40c. All subscriptions due and payable in advance Advertising Rates On Request Death notices as news, First publication free. Obituaries tributes, cards of thanks, published dt a minimum charge of 13c per column inch. • TRASH AN!) RUBBISH o Last year unused sidewalks in Zebuion grew up in grass and weeds. In a number of places a year ago there were piles of old autos and scrap iron. Japan and Italy had most of this moved away! But the weeds are still with us and growing every day. We hope the new town commissioners will see that the sidewalks are kept cut this summer and that all trash and rub bish is hauled away. We notice that the phone and light poles on the main street are being used generally for sign board posts. Show and other ads may be seen tied or tacked to a number of poles. It may be good advertising to the business but it certainly is not good publicity for the neatness and cleanliness of our town. It would be a fine thing if our incoming mayor and board would adopt the slogan, "Zebuion a clean town everyway”. oOo JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER o The world never saw nor will it ever see again a man who made and spent so much money as John D. Rockefeller. Perhaps no other man has been so criticised for his methods of making money, nor praised more for his generous giv ing. His - philosophy of wealth was expressed thus: “I think it is a man’s duty to make all the money he can; keep all he can and give all he can . Was it not Charles Kingsley who said something like this: ‘‘O Lord, give these hands skill to make money, then teach my heart how to spend it”. In an age when Mr. Rockefeller blazed his way in a new industry and when corporate com- everyway”. Elmer D. Finch, Jr. After a long period of ill health Elmer D. Finch, Jr. died at Rex Hospital last Sunday night He was twenty-five years old. The burial service was held from the home of his parents on Tues day afternoon with interment in! the Zebulon cemetery. A larger, crowd has never attended any • funeral of so young a man in the ' community. Rev. E. H. Davis, former pastor, officiated, assisted by Rev. Carl Ousley, Wakefield pastor. The Junior Order was in charge at the cemetery He is survived by his wife, form erly Miss Vivian Alford; one son; j hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D. Finch; one brother, Douglas Finch; j besides other relatives. He was a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Finch. CARD OF APPRECIATION We wish to express our appre ciation to every one offering ser vice and sympathy and other kind nesses to us in our recent bereave ment The Family of Elmer D. Finch, Jr. A couple tablespoons of sulfur ous (not sulfuric) acid added to each pint of water encourages buds to cut flowers to continue growing and leaves and stems to remain THE ZEBULON RECORD, ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY THE TWENTY-EIGHTH OF MAY^I937 I WILLIS STRICKLAND FALLS AGAIN Have you seen Willis Strickland lately? Readers will recall that Willis had the misfortune some time ago to fail from a scaffold and get himself battered and bruised considerably. We saw him a few | days ago leaning against a post. One arm was in a sling and he seem j ed to be pretty well marked as I though a car had run over him or j possibly he had gone through a I thresher. Besides a broken arm, he had other sundry hurts. While working on a scaffold at I the new Baptist church over at j Pearces in Franklin county the sup -1 ports gave way and Willis got a j tumble to mother earth. The bruis | es and broken arm were the visible l results of his fall. We are glad to | know what might have been very serious resulted in no more injury to his body. FARM LIFE HEALTHY The State Board of Health states that investigation has shown that farm workers enjoy better health than do those in most other occu pations. Especially low is the farm death rate from tuberlocusis as compared with industrial workers. Given the best sanitary conditions, the ratio favorable to the farm would doubtless be still higher. Everyone is bound to bear pa tiently the results of his own ex ample.—Phaedrus. lining of big business was initiated, no doubt he made mistakes and did injustices. Probably heads of departments in the Standard Oil Com pany did things unknown to Mr. Rockefeller that would not have been done or approved had he known. If the millions made and saved by him had been made by others probably they would have long since have been spent sinfully or selfishly. As it is, the nearly a billion dollars he gave away to churches and charities and other objects will go on blessing humanity for cen turies to come. o THAT AWFUL STUFF—TOBACCO o While one cannot eat or wear it, tobacco is considered a necessity to a great many people. In this section it is the main money crop and church members chew, smoke and dip along with others. ‘Way down in New Orleans last week the Baptist folks (strange though it may seem, the younger preachers) introduced a res olution against the use of tobacco by church members. Louisiana has plenty of cotton and sugar but grows no tobacco, but there were enough users of “the filthy weed” present to quickly vote down the good intentions.' And now the State ABC Commissioners have decided that tobacco may not be used by any one while working in a model and modern state operated saloon. Poor old tobacco! Even the home of John Barleycorn is too respectable for his presence. A chew of tobacco may make a man act like a billy goat, but never like one possessed with the drink demon. The State seems to be following in the steps of the liquor makers in trying to make conditions so clean and respectable appearing that the people may see nothing but roses. Do what they will, the character and effect of intoxicating drink will be no more changed than a kid’s skin on the hands of Jacob made him an Esau, or a wolf clothed in the well-fitting skin of a sheep will make him a sheep. Whited sepulchers are full of dead men’s bone; hypocrites may wear long, spotless robes, but their natures are unchanged. And drink anywhere, everywhere, may sparkle and go down smooth, yet “at the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder.” Tobacco may be bad, but just now the worst thing confronting North Carolina and Wake county is the curse of legalized drink. Vote against it for your friends’ and your family’s sake. HUNGER STRIKER Philip Baumgartner, CCC clerk at Ft. Oglethorpe. Ga., has gone on a hunger strike and stopped shav ing declaring that his pay of $lO5 a month is not enough to support his family. He has s x children. He has been warned by a superior of ficer that such conduct will not be tolerated. If the saucepan is well buttered around the top, sirup that is being boiled in it will not boil over the top of the pan. Peanut Cookies—2-3 cup butter, 1 1-4 cups sugar, 2 eggs, 3 cups flour, 1 1-2 teaspoons salt, 2 tea spoons baking powder, 1 cup finely chopped peanuts, Cream butter, sugar and egg.-? together. Mix and sift flour salt and baking powder and add to the first mixture. Add peanuts and mix to smooth dough. Roll out thin on slightly floured board and cut with cookie cutter. Sprinkle with sugar and bake in moderate oven (325) 12 to 15 min utes. If you store eggs with the small ends down they will keep better. It often happens that the fellow who has shouted at the top of his voice about what ought to be done to save the country, drops his voice to a whisper when the mantle of authority falls upon hia shoulders. A liar should have a good mem ory-Quintilian. Thinning Timber Profitable To Wake Farmer F. E Green, Morrisville, Rt. 1. says that he harvested 7 cords of wood from .6 of an acre ot land i without injuring his stand of tim ber or cutting any trees that would develop into good saw logs. ‘ It re quired only 13.5 hours of labor to harvest the wood, ' says, Mr. Green, ‘‘and valuing this wood at $2 per cord, I feel that I was well paid for my labor. The trees that were ta ken had all beer, marked by the co. agent last winter, and I feel sure that I did not take out any trees that would have developed into good timber. According to these figures, I estimate that I harvest ed at the rate of 10 cords, of wood per acre, and left a good stand of trees that should grow and develop much better since the thinning.” Mr. Green states that he is con vinced that it is a good practice to thin and protect young growing timber, and he plans to follow the pract ce of thinning in the future. Most of the trees harvests i were short leaf pines. I A WOMAN’S WAY A citizen was telling me the oth-, er day of a conversation he heard | between another man and a woman j of our town. The man was trying J to persuade her to vote for liquor! in the election on June 22. He said no one was going to vote against! liquor but preachers and boot-leg gers. And after he had gone on his way, she turned to the narra tor and said, “No sir, I'm not going to vote for liquor. If no one else votes but me, I’m going to vote against it.” And she has no chil dren, brother or sister affected by her vote. She is voting as a Chris tian and good citizen who believes she is her “brother’s keeper.” WAITING FOR. & WAITING ON I saw Burt Gay sitting in front of the printing office Wednesday! afternoon. I asked him what he was waiting for. He replied, “I'm wait ing for my wife.” “Then you are not waiting on her?” “No”, he re plied, “I am just waiting for her. She does the waiting on me ” And I I agree that was about the way of it with most, of us men. NORTH CAROLINA LARGEST COTTON PRODUCER Consumption of cotton in North Carolina cotton mills in 1936 sur passed that of all other states. N. C. produced more than a fourth of a.! U. S. made cotton goods. Next in line comes Georgia, then Alabama, and South Carolina. In all, more than 700,000 bales of cot ton were consumed. Massachusetts, New Hampihire, and other New England states, formerly the na tion’s manufacturing leaders, pro duced a negligible of cotton goods. There is quite a diffence between a fair price and a cut throat price. A fair price leaves the seller a fair margin of profit, and a fair return for his services. A cut throat price is bom of a desire to kill off com petition and leaves the seller noth ing for his effort. The best ctitzen for a communi ty is not the one who can make the best after-dinner speech or who ap pears with ease in a formal dress suit. The best c tizen for a commu nity is the fellow who gives employ ment to others and makes possible out of his business other homes and other successful citizens in the community. DUFFEL BAG Advertisement in Georgia paper. COW FOR SALE Slightly used 1931 hay burner, hornless and in wonderful running condition, hits on all four, self fill ing, radiator with four good fau cets. In addition to the stream line, it has a wonderful cream line. The teacher wanted Joe to cor , rect this sentence: Girls is natural ly more beautiful than boys. Joe changed it to: Girls is artificially more beautiful than boys. First College Student: I hear you are go ng abroad this summer. Will you travel on a fellowship? Second C. S.: No, on a cattle-ship Exhorters declare we Should not let life beat us; But we must groan when ehiggers Are trying to eat us, And at other times When we’re bit by mosquitoes,, And over the way That our enemies treat us. j How can we be great I When the world holds such cree- turs ? t r Found in an old autograph album ! ‘ Love me little, love me long; | i)o not fight, for that is wrong.” There are still some of us who always feel when oral hygiene is mentioned that it has, something j to do with clean speech. j We have not yet seen that 50,- ! 000 word novel that was written ! without the use of an “e”, but we ’ know it can’t have any love or af i section in it, nor even friendship. On the other hand it can not have hate nor evil nor malice, so it may be well-balanced after all. We men like to have our wives have complete confidence in us but when we go fishing we know how to appreciate a plate full of pork chops when we return home. Why won’t Joe read a book un less it weighs the same as that ink fountain ? Beacuse he wants, all his reading to be well-balanced. Doctors say that after the age of four a child may do without sleep ing in the daytime. They decide for themselves when they can do with out sleep at night. Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn; Your sheep are in the meadow, your cow’s in the com! “I needn’t go after them,” said Boy Blue; “The corn is my neighbor's; the meadow is, too.” When central gives you numbers wrong, What great relief to fuss; But since they put in dial phones We’ve just ourselves to cuss. The partners weer discussing the hazards of business, and one asked what would be ddne in case of bank ruptcy. “O, that’s simple,” said the other, “we should share equally in the profits.” People who piddle, Are thin in the middle. Some men never reach the point, no matter how great their accum ulations, where they feel they have enough for all their needs and are safe from loss and want- These men are not rich no matter how many thousands they have been able to earn. On the other hand the fellow who has the right atitude toward money, who sees in it a means of living, who can spend it for neces sities and comforts without misgiv i *ngs and a pang, is richer in terms of real living than his more afflu ent neighbor.