THE ZEBULON RECORD MEMBER NORTH CAROLINA PRESS ASSOCIATION Published Every Friday By THE RECORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Zebaloo, North Carolina THBO. B. DAVIS, Editor Entered aa second class mail matter June 26, 1926, at the Poetofflce at Zebulon, -i na. Subscription Rates: I Tear SI.OO 6 Months 60c, I Months 40c. All subscriptions due and payable in advance Advertising Rates On Request Death notice* as news, First publication free. Obituaries tributes, cards of thanks, published at a minimum charge of 13c par column inch. A REVIVAL NEEDE IN ZEBULON o Not only for the purpose of getting the children who have reached the age of account ably saved and in the church, but a genuine revival of religion is needed in Zebulon. There are many members of the churches who seldom if ever attend their church services. There are others who are not members nor do they go to church. W know members who take more interest in their lodge or club than they do in their church. Others seem as selfish and grasping as some of the most worldly people. Still others use both intoxicating drink and profanity. A man who professes to be a Christian should either “walk worthily of the calling wherewith he is called”, or get out of the church. The line of difference between the church and the world is about as difficult to locate as the equator. Zebulon needs a revival of the Christian religion. The visiting preacher next week at the Baptist church is a young man and a con secrated one. He is scholarly and a good speak er. We hope the people generally will attend the services and help to bring the town and com munity a genuine awakening and set the stand ard of Christian living on a much higher plane than it rests at present. Pillip R. Bunn In High Position (The following was taken from the Greensboro News Record of May 28.) The appointment of Phillip R. Bunn to the position of assristant manager of the Greensboro district of the North Carolina state em ployment service was announced today. Announcement of the appoint ment was made by Manager Waldo Porter after he had returned from a state-wide conference of employ ment service officials in Raleigh. Mr. Bunn has been connected with the Greensboro district office of the state employment service since March 19, 1936, serving as statis tician for the district. Prior to the time he became con nected with the district office here Mr- Bunn had worked with the state office in Raleigh. The new assistant manager, Mr. Porter stated, will devote part of his time to a further expansion of the employment service program in adjoining counties. The Greens boro district covers Guilford, Ala mance, Rockingham, Caswell, Ran dolph and Chatham counties. A more comprehensive program for private placements of workers will be made in parts of the.district which hitherto have received less attention that the more populous sections. Mr. Porter stated Mr. Bunn will do much of this work. The new assistant manager is an alumnus of Wake Forest college and a native of Wake County near Zebulon. Horned toads are not toads at all, they are lizards. Patronize Our Advertisers. THE ZEBULON RECORD, rv.mnirKt maptb r i. tnira a turntY lITNE THE ELEVENTH, 1937. RUPTURE H. L. Hoffman, Expert Minneapo lis, Minn., will demonstrate without charge his ‘‘Perfect Retention in Raleigh, Saturday, June 26 at the Carolina Hotel, From 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Please come early Evenings by appointment. Your physician will tell you about this serious condition. Any rupture allowed to protrude is dan gerous. My “Retention Shields” will hold your rupture under any condition of exercise and work. They are sani tary, waterproof and practically in destructable. Do not wear trusses that will en large the opening and don’t neglect the children. Many satisfied clients in this community. No mail order HOME OFFICE 305 Lincoln Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the pow ers contained in and in execution of the duties imposed upon me by a certain judgment of the Superior Court of Wake County, North Caro lina, entered in an action therein pending entitled -“Wake County vb Ida Barham and Husband”, I will on Wednesday the 7th day of July, 1937, at 12 o’clock noon, at the i Courthouse door of Wake County , 1 in the City of Raleigh, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and premises, to wit: 3 1-2 acres Bill George, For more i complete description see Book 419, ■ Page 223, Registry of Wake Coun • ty. The above property is sold sub ject to all taxes that have accrued ; since the year 1933. This 2nd day of June, 1937. L. S. BRASSFIELD, (June 11, July 2 Commissioner • SUNDAY BASEBALL This newspaper believes in wholesome sport. It is in full sympathy with the various games played by our young people in gymnasiums and ball parks. We are glad it is possible for Zeb ulon to enter the league recently formed by nearby towns. But it seems that few things of a public nature are able to get along without violating the laws of man or God. And so we understand that there will be a public game at the Wakelon playground next Sunday afternoon. We are surprised and motrified that it should so happen. Aomng those interester we under stand there are church members. An admission charge will be made to all who attend the game. Our own opinion is that this is wrong and should not be allowed. While the town Board cannot regulate such, the school board can. For appearances’ sake, for the good name of our community, for the sacredness of the Sabbath, we believe our people should see that these Sunday baseball games are not played. Let us have one or more good games on week days, and leave off the Sunday games. Yet, we wonder how many of our “leading” citizens will attend next Sunday’s game. If those operating the games charge admission, they might just as well earn money any other way on Sunday. If our people attend the game and pay their money to see it, they might just as well go to a store and buy anything they want, whether it is necessary or not. Personally we are opposed to profes sional baseball on Sunday and hope either that those promoting it will discontinue it or that the public will not patronize it. We are aware of the fact that many will say there is little or no difference between baseball for pay and baseball for sport; but we believe there is a marked difference. In one case the players are out for pleasure only, and no one profits save in relaxation and enjoyment. In the other case business is transacted for a price and the promoters either profit or suffer disappoint ment. Truly “the Sabbath was made for man”, but he is required to use it aright. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the pow ers contained in and in execution of the duties imposed upon me by a certain judgment of the Superior Court of Wake County, North Car olina, entered in an action pending entitled “Wake County vs. Mrs. W. P. Joyner and Husband,” I will on Saturday, the 10th day of July, 1937, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the Courthouse door of Wake County in the City of Raleigh, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and premises to-wit: 103 acres Massey Land, 110 acres Moccasin Creek, For more complete description see Book 531, Page 591, Registry of Wake County. The above property is sold sub ject to all taxes that have accrued since the year 1932. This 7th day of June, 1937. L. S. BRASSFIELD, Commissioner. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the pow ers contained in and in execution of , the duties imposed upon me by a certain judgment, of the Superior , Court of Wake County, North Car olina, entered in an action therein pending entitled “Wake County vs. ■ Mrs. T. M. Conn and Husband,” I ■ on Saturday, the 10th day of i July, 1937, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Courthouse door of Wake t County in the City of Raleigh, N. , C., offer for sale to the highest . bidder for cash the following de scribed lands and premises to-wit: 2 lots Sycamore Street, For more 1 complete description see Book 563, Page 141; Registry of Wake County. The above property is sold sub • ject to all taxes that have accrued since the year 1932. This 7th day of June, 1937. L. S. BRASSFIELD, Commissioner. Rj-11-18-25-jl-2 t SCHEDULE CHANGED VIA RAIL BUS | Effective Sunday. June 6th. X DAIL DM * 6:55 AM Lv. Washington Ar. * | 7:32 AM Lv. Greenville Lv. ™ X 7:51 AM Lv. Farmville -Lv. 6; 20 ™ f 8:27 AM Lv. Wilson Lv. 5:42 PM X 9:11 AM Lv. Zebulon * Lv. 5:02 PM X 920 AM Lv. Wendell Lv. 4:54 PM j 10:00 AM Ar. Raleigh Lv. 4:20 PM Norfolk t Ride for t More Time for Bui X BE YAC« X DISPENS.arJ + Monday, ■ 1 t ■■ ■ -r> I ;< -.V; ty /*'*. ' i + Thursday, * x " -rnre ■/ U/.’ 'y. ' /'*. J t x I ~ - 'y *' J\ t r ”*'*»> i'■* 4> s.-'B'--* 1 1 ■ ■■■: ' r * 'lit.' 'lf Mdi ‘.* ’ 8 t f L.ikc Mv-.i Morj B .. X cl X 'A t*day, luß' t I V*TH h j- "• h- ! : h.idren. *2* pil t t sBhBPHwbIBwhBIHBB . A vou today* ~ y ./’ / I n ri d We won’t have to worry about dust storms in North Carolina if we protect the land with trees and cover crops that conserve moisture and hold the soil in place.