in To The Record Telling C A Given j le With These Firms” i*PtJ\/Awayj first week in July. Send in your Letter NOW! ! T ! 1.1 1 1' 1' il' |i 1 [ 1 .fr .f .j. .|. ij, ,|, | ,|. 4 4.4, g, 4 4.j. 4.j ,|,,|, ,|, 4,4. ,|. .|. 4. 4. 4. 4. 44.4. 4 K 1 1 1# * i ****44+44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 * X 4 FELL WHY | TELL WHY * TELL WHY J | You Enjoy These Programs | The people of Zebulon and vicinity depend on the | Zebulon Beauty Shop J WEDNESDAY- i TI Jf I ! ■ - + SUNDAY- PARK AVENUE LOGGER t I J f\J A/l rtYW + BTffiTPTfflfjfynß | DAVID HARUM GEORGE O’BRIEN f XI iC V-/ llj IVXtI I IVC t | » ‘ + WILL ROGERS THURSDAY-FRIDAY | f fmfaSm-'&S I STEPIN FETCHIT MAYTIME J “Zebulon’s Food Center” J t MONDAY TUESDAY— NELSON EDDY f for the best in Fresh Meat, Vegetables, * { MONDAY- UES AY JEANETTE McDONALD + * t KJD GALAHAD SATURDAY— Z and Groceries. Our stock is always complete. \\ v u .. . .. X EDWARD G. ROBINSON TRAIL OF VENGEANCE I '.I sou choose the method, we style it to your satisfaction I B ETTE .DAVIS JOHNNY MACK BROWN f k , Orrm Hf A nrrnrr <* OUR PERMANENTS RANGE FROM $2.00 UP. I * CIl I MARKET v , Shampo ° and cau 20M Waves - 25 c j- , NASH THEATRE ' f «“•«•> f 7 Zebulon Beauty Shop + SPRING hope, north CAROLINA | zebulon, north Carolina £ ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA | t | TELL WHY - | TELL WHY , ! TELL WHY | Thrifty Housewives of This Section Choose + * It Pays To Buy I | People of this section see 4 + HOCUTT’S GROCERY CO. ! n. , n n I s Petroleum Products i n ”*2181 | Zebulon Dry Cleaners J from the | ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA | For Better J Square Deal Store ! For Everything That’s Good To Eat. t 4 n Z We Carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy Gro- % CLEANIN( * PRESSING ALTERING | KEROSENE —ll l-2c per gal. retail I ceries,’ Fresh Meats, Country Produce and Fruits of * A Completely New Plant In Our New Building | 0 Z 0«r are kept fr“ modern refrigerating ! Teiephone 272, . | firestone. Tire, & Tuheo | plan, and you are assured the best the market affords J Zebulon Dry CleEnCrS | ~ ~ P | HOCUTT’S GROCERY CO. ! Wor,h H,nton ' Prop I PAUL V. BRANTLEY OIL CO I ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA Z v ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA v | ZEBULON, NORTH CAROI IN A # l p4+’ J A 4 | f * J I TELL WHY % ‘ + TELL WHY 4 You Enjoy The Better Pictures At The % Z .adies and Misses of this section prefer patronizing * Cool *■ ““' [' + Dawson-Mewborn Beauty l WENDELL THEATRE 4 1 I|| I L :; tell WHY 4 Sshnnnp Z thurs.-fri. june 1011 _ I Ift mfl Z Oliuppe * with TUESDAY JUNE 15 4| f yM You can cut 4 Our operators are thoroughly trainer! in all lines of f WAIKIKI WTSDDINC KATHARINE HEPBURN £ ■ t beatify work. —We give permanents ranging in Z BING CROSBY FRANC HOT TONE | I Your Electric Hill With ♦ price from $2.00 to SB.OO. The most impor- | MARTHA RAYE - | ♦ tant thing in permanents is QUALITY. % and 808 BURNS QLAIJIY SIKLhI * M I ijM F f f SATURDAY, JUNE 12 This picture played for * ■ WM Thrift Refrigerator Permanents, facials, finger waves, manicures, etc. £ GENE AUTRY ixinefit Wendell Girl Scouts. 4 ■ 3 2 Call 114 For Appointment | QH g I jg ANAH WED. (Bargain Day, June 16 ! I H S ‘ >W hy i Dawson-Mewborn Beauty | SUN ™V^™ 3l4 ™ SST TO ? HKI M spring HOP S F h S Carolina ! g RcsctT™ | Bunn Electric Company jj SPRING HOPE, NOKIH CAK JLL A + ANITA LOUISE MARSHA HUNT • Z ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA Ji 4 T O ■ ~.t . .| . 4.4.4. + * TELL WHY— Z ;; TRY J. WHY 4 Over 9,000,000 People Pause 4 TEI Ja WHY \; • • | Daily & Refresh Themselves . People of This Section Always Get Best Values at JJ People in this Section Like to Trade at the + With | J; Sfed^^J° res I II FRESH MEATS & GROCERIES X From Sterilized Bottles + Wire Fencing Ice Cream Freezers \\ J x DELICIOUS REFRESHING | Roofing Windows t m Rvprvthimr Tn Fat t Buy It By The Case From Your Neighborhood Dealer. | Lawn Mowers Doors Z EaveryuuiiK . + * Lawn Ho se Lime & Cement J _ 4 Bottled By + Avolite Paints & Varnishes 4 STEDMAN STORES CO. j CAPITAL COCA-COLA | DEBNAM’S HDWE STORE. \ ZEBUIX)N, NORTH CAROLINA + dUI A vU» J 7FRI J/)\ v r | RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA + ’ * Z THE ZEBULON RECORD, ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JUNE EIGHTEENTH, 1937.