I Dietician on Airline Bedtime Beverages "Bedtime lunches have become one of the important meals of the day in air travel,” declares Mme. Pearl Metzelthin, American Airlines dietician, who plans the quarter million meals served yearly on the airline’s fast ships, "The increase in night travel due to the new sleeper planes has given the late "Kaffee-Hag Coffee insures a restful sleep for night plane travelersdeclared Mme. Pearl Metzelthin, chief dietician for A meri ca n Airlines, who is shown brewing a pot of the de caffeinated coffee in her Sew York testing kitchen. "Kaffee-Hag Coffee insures a restful sleep for night plane travelersdeclared Mme. Pearl Melzelthin, chief dietician for A meri c a n Airlines, who is shown brewing a pot of the de caffeinated coffee in her Sew York testing kitchen. snack an official status that piay change our traditional three squares a day to four meals a day,” states the charming air food consultant, who brings to her job the tradi tions of fine hospitality acquired in years of entertaining as wife of a foreign diplomat. We recommend three beverages with our bedtime snacks on night ships and all of them are chosen for their relaxing quali- Accented Shoulders Boxy Lines Shown in Newest Fur Coats Although the treatment of the furs in the presented by a leading fur house, in their fail collection, is generally more verti cal in manipulation than last year, there is a definite accent on the studied styling of the silhouettes featured. Many swagger coats are included, in the skirt and broader in the made with a hilhouette less flared shoulders. Some shoulders so full that an appearance of soft puffed tops is given, achieved by a care ful manipulation of the skins to almost eliminate padding. Sleeves are open and moderately wide at the wrist with a circular treatment of the skins in some models. Mink, caracul, Persian lamb and ermine are made in swagger styles, particularly noteworthy in the er mine which has a very small collar and pouch shoulders. Hodice Pockets m Princess Types Princess coats are next in importance to the swaggers, being styled in caracul, and Persian lamb in lines designed to accentu ate the fined bodices. Pockets, buttons and inserts create individual details oa coat bodices. A double breasted model and one with a fur belt are some of the most in teresting. Jigger and tuxedo coats continue this trend along simple lines similar to models presented last season. Circular Motif in Silver Fox As a type appropriate for cocktail or eve ning wear, silver fox is presented in a cape accenting the circular manipulation of the skins to create a rounded line at the front and a wide sunburst between the shoulders at the hack. ties. For men, who make up the bulk of night passengers, we offer steaming Kaffee- Hag, a coffee, with the caffeine removed. For children and other passengers who pre fer a sweet drink, we have a chocolate milk combination, also served hot. Lemonade takes care of those who prefer a cold drink at night.” With the bedtime drinks, Mme. Metzel thin serves crackers, cookies, jellies, cheese and other light snacks. "Our menus are tested and studied with the idea of keeping thg air traveler entirely fit at all times,” says this solicitous food ex pert, "and of course, restful sleep and com plete relaxation in air travel is all-impor tant to this end.” Handy Flowers (Q Imagine having five little glass flower vases caught tog«*ther about your wrist into a blossoming bracelet. Well, you can have exactly that, if you like. Irene Hayes, noted for her unusual floral ideas, has created rust such a lovely affair. The tiny circular vases hold water in away that it never flows out, and into that water you place small living flowers. Then you fasten the silken cords and you have a bracelet. For flowers in the hair, this is an ideal arrangement. And for lapel or neck with th* tailored suit, it is unusual and smart in a very fragrant way. The affair is not sc terribly expensive, either. Make Your Own Ice Cream Warm weather and automatic refrigera tors seem to have an understanding about suggesting ice cream with practically no effort. In planning to include wholesome frozen desserts in your summer menus, re member that the cream, fruit and sugar used are all food, and therefore the rest of your menu need not be so heavy and nour ishing as though your dessert were just a fruit. Peach Marlow: 4 to 6 servings. Thirty marshmallows, 34 cup milk, 1% cups cream, whipped, 2 cups peach pulp, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon almond extract. Melt marshmallows in hot milk. Cool. Add peaches and flavoring. Chill. When mixture begins to thicken, turn in the whipped cream and pour into tray of your automatic refrigerator and freeze without stirrjng. Raspberry Ice Cream: 4 to 6 servings. One cup red raspberries, Yz cup sugar, % tea spoon salt, cup milk, 1 cup cream, whipped not too stiff. Combine mashed and strained berries, sugar, salt and milk. Fold slowly into whipped cream. Pour into freezing tray of Start Now to Save Charms For Beauty in Later Years BY MRS. PENROSE LYLY The youth and loveliness of their daugh ters often cause mothers to sigh privately for the beauty they feel they have lost. But maturity has its own charms and a few thoughtful questions and intelligent answers might help restore that beauty of middle age. What can be done about those streaks of yellow which are so ugly in gra* hair? To that question, Mile. Reif, in Charge of a New York salon for women past 40, ans wers: "Sometimes it is caused by the wrong kind of soap for shampoos or by permanent wave done by unskillful operators. A be low par condition of the body may cause it. In any case, I recommend a violet rinse to restore the evenness and add silver high lights.” Is there a special treatment for graying hair? Mile. Reif gives this answer: "Groom ing, more than anything else, makes gray hair attractive and becoming. Tousled blonde hair on a slip of a girl may look carefree and attractive—but if gray hair is casually kept it looks wild and old.” She adds that gray hair must be kept scrupulously clean, be brushed to bring out sheen and life, and be treated frequently with oil. What type of coiffure is best for gray hair? "That’s a n individual problem,” she says. "But in general it must be shaped to the head and be used as a flattering frame for the face. Some thing very simple with swirls and flat waves for the woman with a full face and short neck. For the thin face and long neck, something softer with curls.” This expert believes that even though a wom an has neglected care of her skin up to the age of 40, she can still get it back to freshness. "The skin is constantly renewing itself,” she be lieves, "so the texture of the new skin is up to her if she is willing to de vote time and thought to it. Spasmodic treatments are not enough. She should visit a salon and be instructed in her exact needs, take treatments there under the direction of a reliable expert, and continue those treatments at home regularly. "These treatments should consist of three :- I \ \. We st more draws a very fine line on the upper eyelid, just above the lashes, to increase the appZfent size oj Madeleine C.arroll'% eyes. refrigerator and freeze 2 to 3 hours. Whether you use an electric, gas or kero sene operated refrigerator, here are a few. good rules to follow in making frozen desserts, to get the best results: Chill the mixture before turning into freezing tray, do not open and close the door often, do not try to freeze trays of water at the same time with desserts, do not whip cream too siff. In preparing fruits, mash and run them through a sieve to remove any large pieces, set temperature regulator at coldest point. Butter Pecan Ice Cream: 1 quart. Two cups milk, I package vanilla arrowroot pud ding, Yz cup granulated sugar, 2/3 cup pecans, 1 tablespoon melted butter, Y\ tea spoon salt, 1 cup cream, whipped. Mix vanilla pudding with milk, then bring to boil, stirring constantly. Remove from fire and add sugar. Cool slightly and pour into refrigerator tray to chill. Let freeze about l hour or until thick but not hard. Brown pecans in shallow pan in hot oven for 6 minutes. Add melted butter and salt and stir until nuts ire well coated. Cool and chop. AiM to pudding mixture with whipped cream. Freeze about 3 hours more. parts —building the underlying contours, stimulating the cells of the epidermis and refining the texture of the skin. You can build the underlying contours by manipulations which stimulate the circu lation and relax the nerves. These 'exercises’ out the sagging and drooping lines by toning the muscles of the face. And of course, the skin is helped by these manipu lations, too. The increased circulation brings blood coursing through the capillaries and thereby renews the cells and gives elasticity to the skin. The proper so called nourishing creams and cooling lotions will help, also." Fresh air, moderate outdoor exercise, plenty of water to drink and a bountiful sup ply of vegetables and salads every day will do quite as much to restore the tone and charm of the woman past 40 as will cos metics and manipulations. Salon treatments and home beauty care plus faithful adher ence to normal health and diet routines will go far in banishing from the modern mother’s mind those silent regrets over her "lost beauty."