Phone 2951 THREE DAYS Within my heart three memories Burn with a constant flame That shall endure till life is done; One is the day you came; And one is of day when fair Shone all the skies above; When music swept the summer air The day we told our love; And one, which deepest sears my heart, Is of an autumn day, Death in the fields 'neath lowering clouds— ’Twas then you went away. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Joseph and little daughter of Franklinton visited the A. D. Antones on Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Green and lit tle son of Morganton are here vis iting Mrs* M. M. Faison and Mrs. A- S. Hinton. The R. B. Ducketts and daughter Miss Estelle, of Petersburg are visiting Mrs. Duckett’s parents,! the Pittman Stells. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Brown and children and Mr. and Mrs Z. V. Robertson and children have gone to Carolina Beach w r here they have a cottage for two weeks. The L- R. Harrises will soon move into the house occupied for some time by the Eugene Privettes, which place Mr. Harris recently purchased. Pending the removal of the Privettes to other quarters Mrs. Harris and children will stay with her parents in Rocky Mount. N. B. Chadwick of Raleigh has bought the house owned by L. R. Harris for about two years and has begun some remodelling and re pairing with the intention of mov ing here at an early date. Mr. Chad wick is a retired railway engineer. William Lee, who for several years was with Little River Ice Co., went to Wilson a few weeks ago to open a grocery store. He has not yet moved from Zebulon, but indi cations are that he will do so be fore long, as the new store is mak ing great progress. Clifton Croom, son of J. B. Croom is in Mary Elizabeth hospi tal recovering from an appendec tomy. Mr. Ed. Pippin left Thursday af ftrnoon for Leaksville where he Will visit his daughter, Mrs. Spring blieffield for about ten days. He wl having the RECORD sent to him Sllere. Hwhe following announcement is I special interest here: I Mr and Mrs. Marion Jones of! Os Kannapolis inounce the birth of a daughter Sandra Marian ■ar on July 27 Mrs. Jones was formerly Miss race Fowler of Zebulon. ® Although still unable to have company, Mrs. Ted Davis is able to sit up for meals and short per iods during the day. Mesdames C. E. Flowers, W. C. Campen, G. S. Barbee, F D. Finch, and Fred Page returned last week from a delightful trip to Blowing Rock where they visited Mrs. J. A. Strickland THE ZEBULON RECORD. ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, AUGUST SIXTH, 1937. SO CIE T Y MRS. THEO. B. DAVIS, Editor Mrs.. J. R. Clark of Lyons, Ga. returned home Monday after spend ing two weeks with her father, W. S. Horton. Miss Willa Horton has returned home from tSate College where she has been taking work in the summer school. Mr. John McLeod and Miss Mary McLeod of Elizabethtown were week-end guests of Mr- and Mrs. Howard Bunn. Miss Margaret Bunn is spend ing this week with relatives in Elizabethtown. J. E. Gill arrived on Wednesday from Richmond to visit his mother, Mrs. Victoria Gill, for a few days. Rev. Oscar Creech of Ahoskie was in Zebulon for a while on Wed nesday, having come up to see to some matters connected with his farm in Johnston County. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mettenet and their son, William Mettenet, from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Margaret Dunford of Wins ton-Salem spent the wek-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. House and family. Mrs Mettenet is Mrs. House’s sister and Mrs. Dunford her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Worseley, Mr. Francis Worseley and Miss Nancy Worseley from Oak City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. House and family. The Worsleys are relatives of Mr. House. Mrs. Wallace Temple has been brought home after spending some time at Mary-Elizabeth hospital for treatment Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bunn and daughter, Miss Margaret Bunn, returned on Wednesday from a trip to New York City. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Flowers left on Saturday to visit their son, Chas. Flowers, Jr. at Camp Juna luska. Taking him with them, they made a tour of the National For est in western X. C., seeing Hang man’s dome and other points of special interest. They returned | home on Tuesday night. Charles i will remain in camp two weeks longer. Mrs. Hunter Bell recently visit ed her husband and little son, Bil ly, both of whom are in the State Sanitorium for treatment. She was delighted to find them improving, though Mr. Bell is still wholly con fined to bed. Mrs. L. M. Massey and daughter, Carolyn, are visiting Mrs* John Evans this week in Nashville. A. V. Medlin was last week elect ed to the place on the town board made vacant by the death of J. D Horton. Father of Man Die* J. J. Horton of Knightdale, fath er of Julian R. Horton of Zebulon Drug Co., was buried on Monday afternoon of this week. The ser vice was conducted by the pastor, L. R. Evans, of Knightdale Baptist church, assisted by the Rev. A. A. Pippin. Active pallbearers were deacons of the church. Honorary pallbearers from Zebulon were E j C. Daniel, Dr. G. S. Barbee, M. B. Chamblee. PLAYGROUND NEWS ; The playground is open daily < from 9:30 to 11 30 A. M. and from , 3:00 to 6:00 P. M. Many games are being enjoyed by the children, including box-hock ey, croquet, checkers, ball, sand ! play and quiet games. Attractive | articles are being made from wood 1 paper, etc Some of the girls are < doing pottery designing and print- ! ing. ! Mrs. Hunter Bell, Supervisor. ; Mrs. Screws Entertains , « ~ — . i Mrs. Norman Screws entertained ] at bridge on Wednesday evening of 1 last week honoring her house guest, ( Miss Betty Roselle of Albany, N. Y., and Mrs. Russell Temple, a re cent bride. Miss Ruby Stell won the prize for high score, Mrs. C V. Whitley receiving that for low. Miss Roselle, Mrs. Temple, Mrs. Jimmy Harrell of Buffalo, N. Y., and Mrs. Jimmy Gray, bride of last spring, were presented attractive gifts. Others present were: Mesdames C. E. Flowers, L. E. Long, Rayo Senter, Julian Horton, Claude Pip pin, Wallace Chamblee, L. M Mas sey, H. C. Wade, Miss Frances Monk of Goldsboro, Misses Ruby Dawson, Marion Whitlock, Cabell Campen and Dorothy Jones. Mrs. Flowers Hostess On Tuesday evening of last week Mrs. C. E. Flowers was hostess at bridge, complimenting Miss Betty Roselle of N. Y., Mrs. E. L. Daugh tridge of Rocky Mount, Mrs. O’Con r.ell of Greensboro, Mrs Jimmy Harrill of N. Y., Miss France* Monk of Goldsboro, all visitors in Zebulon, and Mrs. Russell Temple, recent bride. Other guests were from Zebulon. Mrs. Daughtridge made high score. Fruit salad and ginger ale were served. BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAINED The Wednesday Bridge Club held a deferred meeting with Mrs. F. D Finch as hostess on Thursday a! - ternoon of last week. In addition to the members special guests were Mrs. M. E. Shamburger of Rich mond and Mrs. R. B. Ducket of St. Petersburg, Fla., visitors in the Stell home; Mrs. Betty Roselle of New York, guest of Mrs. Screws; Mrs. E L. Daughtridge, guest of Mrs. M. M. Faison; Mes dames Norman Screws, E. H. Mo ser, H. C.. Wade and R. H. Brant ley of Zebulon. I am forced to conclude Politicians are queer; They can run on a ticket — Or that’s what I hear; They stand upon platforms That much might make sense And most of their sitting In done on a fence; They may advance bravely, But sometimes retreat; And on these occasions Their own words they eat. New Hanover dairymen, faced with a shortage of grazing, ensiled their oats and vetch with molasses and have had an excellent succu lent feed with which to maintain a normal flow of milk this summer. Liquor than money is the cause of much vil. Phone 2561 FOR SALE CHEAP SEV EN FOOT WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC ’ * REFRIGERATOR ;; Used Less Than Two Years A Refrigerator Practically I! Good As New Very Reasonably Priced— !! SEE THIS REFRIGERATOR AT ONCE ;; BUNN ELECTRIC COMPANY | f t f Turnip a 1? II Snap eans + Cabbage J Peas, Limas + X" Fruit Jars, Rubbers, Caps, Dynamite, Caps, Fuse, Hay $1.20 | Nitrate Soda, $3.30, Fertilizer $2.20 Bag, Tobacco * Twine, Thermometers, lanterns, Chums, + Jars, Paris Green, Arsenate Lead, ? Bean Beetle Killer f A. G. KEMP ZEBULON, N.C. | \7fou V^fvv xmm you buy the * Why risk discomfort and faulty shaves? Probak Jr -product of the world’s largest S .vs blade maker positively guarantees comfort W and economy - sells at 4 for 1 Os! This double- ..j edge blade is automatically ground, honed j/ and stropped by special process It is made ll**■ to whisk through dense stubble without pull or irritation Enjoy real shaving comfort at | low price. Buy a package of Probak Jr. from your dealer today PROBAKlflft JUNIOR BLADES\Ii/ A rtOOUCI Ol MM WQJttO*ft lAftMST UADI MAKMft JIfMY MUST BE YOoR P « ° 1 If HEAP IS CLEAR?/ K • Tb*v is a modern pleasant way to get relief from • Ilssilnr*- Gas « Stomach. Colds, Heart • bw—. “Morning After'’ and Muscular Pains. Just drop on* or two AIJCA-SELTZER tablets in to a glass of water. Watch U bubble—listen to It fla. 0 As soon as tablet is dissolved, drink the tangy solution. Alka-Seltzer Z (Analgesic Alkalizing Effervescent Tablets) • You will really enjoy the taste mors like spring • water than like medicine. • ALKA-SELTZER, when dissolved in water, coo • tains an analgesic, (Sodium Acetyl-Salicylate), whidi relieves pain, while its alkalizing agent* help to cor • ret everyday ailments associated with hyperacidity/ Your druggist has ALKA-SELTZER. Get s Me • or 60c package on our “satlsfactlon-or-money-back • guarantee.