®be Zebulon Itecorli VOLUME XIV. This , That, and The Other ' ,u « THEO. B. DAVI6 THE FOUR COUNTY NEWSPAPER—WAKE, JOHNSTON, NASH AND FRANKLIN ZEBULON. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, AtJGUST THIRTEENTH, 1937. Water Safety School Ends About five weeks ago swimming aid lif o saving classes were begun at Lake Myra under the supervis 'oi of the Wake County Chapter of ■ American Red Cross. Russell •holson of Raleigh directed the sses. About 40 boys and girls m Zebulon took part. U the close of the school all at ding stood the swimming test 1 passed. Three took the Junior Saving test and passed: Earl one, Elizabeth Pearce and J. K. tson. Mr. F. B Johnson of the 1 Carolina Power and Light ; office took sn active part in ing the boys and girls from ilon interested and the success he school was largely due nterest. trough Mr. Johnson those con ng the school wish to express appreciation to all parents ithers who furnished transpor n to the children during that Without their help which riven without charge, the child ould not have had this import safety training tese swimming classes werv possible by the contributions e different communities, since t of the funds so raised is us conducting these classes and iar benefits to the contributing lunities. iUcius M. Jones ter an illness of some weeks . Jones, formerly of Rolesville, at his home in Wendell on lay, August 8. Burial services 2 held Monday afternoon at the rsville Baptist church, conduct by the pastor, the Rev. H. O. :er, assisted by the Rev. C. B. vard. Interment was in the esville cemetery. Ir. Jones was G1 years old. urviving are his wife, formerly s Claudie Mangum; two sons, il S. Jones of Rolesville and mas G. Jones of near Zebulon; 1 lughter, Mrs. W. A. White of ilon; one granddaughter, Lu- Thomas White; his stepmoth ers. Paul Jones of Wakefield; t brothers, B. T. Jones of Rich 1, L. H. Jones of Wake Forest, Jones of Angier; Edwin Jones, y Mt.; R. P. Jones, Durham; am and Munro Jones, Wake seven sisters, Mrs. C. B. ence, Creedmoor, Mrs. G. C. •y, Zebulon, Mrs. W. A. Gard- Pinetops, Mrs. Woodfin Lee, r, Mrs. E. H. King and Mrs. n Winstead, Raleigh, Mrs. Lowe, Gastonia, burial was largely attended Zebulon. nty Board :ars Complaints e County Commissioners egun their hearings of com from property owners who at they have been assessed nan a just amount, and that axes will thereby be made .han should be paid. The for Little River township ot yet been announced. rent., tor shipping Church News CLASS MEETING The young married ladies class of Wakefield Church held the sec ond monthly meeting July 30 at the home of Mrs. Onnie Carlyle. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. William Jones. After the business hour the meet ing was turned over to the program leader, Mrs. Charlie Jones who had for her subject—Love. The scrip ture lesson read was Cor. 13-1-12; song, Love Divine; Poem, Love that Wilt Not Let Me Go, Mrs. Charles Mitchell. Quotations by Mrs. Proctor Scar boro and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell. Closing prayer—By Mrs. Fred Hood. The hostess served ice cream and cake. PHILATHEAS MEET The Philathea Class of Wake field held their regular monthly meeting August 4 at the home of Mrs. Roland. The speaker was Mrs. Jodie Wells of Wendell who spoke on the ‘‘Authors of Sacred Songs” which everyone enjoyed. Nineteen were present. Miss Matoka Pace was Bible quiz leader and gave a scrambled word Bible Character Contest. Mrs. Charlie Boy Pace was the winner. Hostesses wore Mrs- Alvin Bridges and Mrs. Roland. They served delicious refreshments con sisting of ice cream and cakes. Paralysis At Orphanage Because of one case of infantile paralysis at the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasville the institution has been placed in quarantine and plans for the annua! Homecoming Day have been postponed indefinitely. However the situation is thought not to be critical. W. C. Pulley Dies W. C. Pulley, 59, who died at his home near Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada, Sunday afternoon, was buried Wednesday afternoon. Fun eral services were conducted at Bethany church by Rev. D. M. Clemmons, A. A. Pippin and D. D. Branch. A native of Wake County, Mr. Pulley was one of the best-known tobacconists and farmers of this section. He was connected with the Wendell tobacco market until he moved to Canada eight years ago, where he was engaged in raising tobacco. Surviving are Mrs. Pulley, the former Miss Lula Scarboro, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Scar boro, three sons, Harold, Gordon and Bill, all of Ontario, and one sis ter, Mrs. C. T. Horton, Raleigh. Mrs. Pulley was not well, and was unable to come for the funeral. Active pallbearers at the funeral were G. H. Cox, S. T. Davis, C. R. Weathers, C. H. Horton, L. M. Wat kins and J. B. Hamrick. A total of 21,900 pounds of triple superphosphate was released re cently to Macon County farmers who are cooperating in the Agricul tural Conservation program for Mattox Chosen FCX Supervisor B. G. Mattox, who has been su pervisor of Johnston county for the Farmers Cooperative Exchange & Cotton Cooperative Association for the past three years, has been pro moted to district supervisor. In cluded in his field will be Wake, Johnston and Franklin counties. He plans to visit and work with as many farmers of his district as he can. Mr. Mattox went to Smithlield from Wendell three years ago and allied himself with the cooperative movement of marketing and selling farm produce which has organ ized a county unit of the Farmers Cooperative Exchange which has done in excess of twio hundred thousand dollar business. In ad dition to cooperative selling, he has assisted farmers in shipping out of Johnston county several hundred car loads of hogs, poultry and grain. Mr. Mattox will continue to live in Smith field New Disease Hits Tobacco A South African tobacco disease has been found in Wake county and it is feared that much damage and loss may result. It is called ‘‘ruffle leaf” because it makes the diseased leaf curl down and under at the edge. Smaller leaves may grow out of the backs of main leaves. The dis ease is more to be dreaded by farm ers than if tobacco only were af fected; but it also attacks soybeans, cotton, and tomatoes, and possibly other plants. Wendell Tobacco Market to Open Wendell, August 10 —With twelve buying firms, three tobacco ware houses and with a minimum goal set at seven million pounds, the lo cal tobacco market is expecting the best season in many years. With community-wide coopera tion and with a determination to put over the very best market pos sible, everything is being put in readiness for the opening, August 20. Five companies will be repre sented by salaried buyers and these are the American Tobacco Com pany, the Liggett, Myers Company, the R. J. Reynolds Company, the Imperial Tobacco Company and the Export Leaf Company. Two independent local firms will also operate, the Renfro, Whitley Company and the Monk Henderson Company. Five-out-of-town inde pendents who will buy on the local market as follows: The China- American Tobacco Company, the P. Lorillard Company, Bruce Lee and Company, J. P. Taylor and Com pany and the Person Garrett Com pany. The three warehouses are: the Planters Warehouse, operated by Whitley, Perry and Fleming; the Star Wrehouse, by J. A. Terrell and J. H. Wells; and the Farmers’ Warehouse, by C. F. Hobgood and son and Henry Beam. These will have ample forces for takaur rare & '' I|H V* . mJBk YE Flap doodle By THE SWASH BUCKLER ***** Saw a gentleman in a nearby town last Monday who was accost ed by a lady soliciting advertising for a local beauty contest. I was impressed by the conversation: “Mr. Blank, what about sponsor ing a bathing beauty in our con test?” “Ain’t interested.” “Well, think of the advertising it will give your shoe shop. The ad vertisement alone will be worth the few cents it costs.” “I jest ain’t interested.” “Why you can’t find such an ad vertising value anyw'here. Why the young lady representing your firm will be a walking advertisement for you. With our other routine ads, your place will get more advertis ing than it’s ever had before—” ‘‘Wal, I see I got to tell you like I told Miss Jennie Parsons last year. I been here nigh on to thirty three year now, and I ain’t never advertised yet. I ain’t broke that record in thirty-two year and I don’t aim to now. G’bye ” The young lady murmured her apology and walked off. ITesently our non-advertising friend loaded his pipe and ambled off mumbling to himself. As he passed from sight I turn ed to a man nearby and asked what the gentleman did. “Aw he don’t do nothing much. He’s been running a shoe shop off and on as long as there’s been a town here. He own’s a farm near here and six cottages down at Morehead. He don’t have to do nothing and don’t like to do that.” ***** The more I think of that conver sation, the more 1 think of the fal acy of his statement: “* * I ain’t never advertised * * ” While he was talking, he was advertising his business, his na ture, and possibly his narrowness. Every pair of shoes he ever half soled, whether pegged or sewed loft his shop on the feet of an ad vertiser. Every good half-sole sent forth a good advertisement, and every bad heel stirred up resent ment on his customer’s part. His work is known' far and near as the best to be had. I learned that a water melon in the window of a nearby grocery store weighed ninety pounds and was grown on the farm of Mr. Blank. He was famous for his mel ons of great size. Yet, he never ad vertised in thirty-three years of progressiveness. His cottages never go unrented. People clamor for them because they are modem and clean. They are engaged months in advance by vacationists of this and other states. Since the first year of their existence, he has been paid many times their original cost and yearly upkeep- He pays taxes on them, to the county and state. Both are spend ing thousands of dollars for adver tising our many advantages as a vacation-land, but Mr. Blank never NUMBER 6