THE ZEBULON RECORD MHIIBEU NORTH CAROLINA PRESS ASSOCIATION Published Every Friday By THE RECORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Zebulon, North Carolina THEO. B. DAVIS. Editor Entered aa second class mail matter June 26. 1925, at th* Postoffice at Zebulon, ' ''na. Subscription Rates: 1 Year SI.OO 6 Months 60c, 5 Months 40c. All subscriptions due and payable in advance Advertising Rates On Request Death notices as news, First publication free. Obituaries tributes, cards of thanks, published at a minimum charge of 13c per column Inch. “THE BOOK NOBODY KNOWS” o Under the above caption Bruce Barton has written a book on the Bible which probably many have read with interest and then gone on neg lecting reading the Bible as they had done before At least one reason why the world today is in the condition it is, is because of the neglect of the Bible by mankind. If people would read it and conform their lives to its teachings, most of their problems would be solved. It is our intention to give a series of short articles each week on this, the most neglected yet the most needful book ever published. We give the first on this page. Please read it. If you have a Bible take it down from the shelf, dust it and open its pages. You may not find the long lost keepsake, but you will find on its pages something of far more value. Read each of the articles as we publish them. If you do not have a copy of the Bible or New Testament, see us. We have lately made ar rangements with the American Bible Society by which we will be glad to furnish any one with Testaments and Bibles at actual cost of printing them. o WHAT IS THE BIBLE? By DANIEL A. POLING o What is the Bible? It is inspired common sense. The humblest man reads it because it meets his various needs; it appeals to his sound judgment; it is reason able. What is the Bible? It is common sense adapted to every walk of life. It not only has a ministry for gladness and for sorrow, but it speaks with equal felicity to the tradesman and to the banker, to the man who runs the elevator and to the most brilliant pas senger he carries. And in all particulars its effec tiveness has not diminished since its first edition came from the press. Human publications have their day and become obsolete; but God’s Word is like himself, —“the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Open Forum MORE EGGS About a year ago 1 went to the guinea nest to pet the eggs and findinp a real larpe epp I thoupht it was a two yolk epp as I had found hen epps, but wh'en I broke it, I found one epp inside besides the white and yolk—another hard shelled epp just the size of other puinea epps. I was tellinp one of my brothers about it and he listened till I finished and pulled his pocket knife out and said here you’ve pot the knife. I really didn't know what he meant till he told me the joke about tw r o little boys findinp a knife, each one saying he saw it first so they decided to see w'hich one could tell the bippest lie to pet it, and a preacher happen ed to come by and ask what they were doinp and when they told him he said boys, that is WTonp, I nev er told a lie; and the boys said, "here the knife is yours; so I un derstood why he gave me the knife; he wanted to make me think he didn’t believe it. —Mrs. T. Y. Puryear. THE ZEBULON RECORD, ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER EIGHTH, 1937. TO OPEN OWN SHOP Mrs. Louise Hales Parker, popu lar operator at the Zebulon Beauty Shop for many months, will shortly open a shop of her own in Middle sex, Mrs. Parker has many friends in Zebulon who will miss her, while wishinp for her success in her new venture. This will be the first beau ty shop in Middlesex. HAWAIIAN TEACHERS LTD. TO OPEN STUDIO HERE Hawaiian Teachers, Ltd., will op en a ipusic studio in Zebulon at an early date. This is an unusual opportunity for local people to obtain a musical education right at home under per sonal instructions of a graduate musician; for only graduates are employed as members of the facul ty. Mrs. Kathleen Lee, A. 8., M. M , will teach the class being formed in Zebulon. She is conducting classes in Wendell, Goldsboro, Smithfield, and Clayton. Mrs. Lee is popular with her pupils, who enjoy every lesson. Many are being heard over Raleigh, Wilson and Rocky Mt., ra dio stations. But how inadequate would be any statement failing to emphasize the intimate and affection ate place of the Bible in the soul of man! There are many who seem to see only its severe pass ages; but preeminently the Bible is a love letter —God’s love letter. The Bible is God’s Word; and because God is different from every other father, so His Letter is different from every other pa rental epistle. The Bible is God’s Word about Himself. It tells us who and what He is. It describes His purpose and explains His plan. No man can ever find the fullness of knowledge of God who does not search the Scriptures. The Bible is God’s Word about His supreme creation. If man would know himself, he must know the book that Tyndale died to open. You may dispute with the biologists of many schools, but with them all you will find yourself at last quoting the textbook that declares, “In the be ginning, God ...” The Bible, alone of all the books opened to human thought, dares chart the course for both the body and the soul from the beginning to the end and into the beyond. It alone tells us whence and how and why we came, and whither we go. And because the Bible does reveal God; be cause it does explain man, his creation, his rise, his fall, his struggles, and his destiny; because it does introduce and interpret Jesus Christ, man’s only sufficient Saviour.—the Bible is and ever shall be the Book for the Ages. And now you will allow me. I am sure, a personal testimony. I found its pages, first, wet from the tears of my mother. I took it from her tender hands. In the morning long ago, when I saw its worn vol ume opened upon her low chair behind the stove of our humble cottage, it seemed to bear upon its silent face a gracious calm; and in a later year, upon distant field of war, when I read its mes sage to a lad whose body held a dozen wounds and whose heart as many hurts, it had still a voice of comfort and assurance. Always associated with it are the strong and reverent words of my father,—“Never have I turned to it in vain.” It has been for me the book of the valley of sorrow and death, the book to answer my questions, to solve my deepest problems, to stimulate my ambitions, to feed my heart, to satisfy my mind, and to challenge my soul. It has never failed, and it is forever rich and new. Let me honor it, then; honor it and myself by giving it the central place of my library; hon oring it with the obeisance of a mind that ac knowledges and salutes its exquisite beauty, that draws upon its infinite wisdom, and that bows down before its divine inspiration. Ah, and let me honor it beyond all words and all sentiments, —honor it by giving to it the central place of my life and by making it the guide of my daily living. PLEASANT HILL NEWS Week before last on Wednesday night Mrs. O. N. Phillips was sur prised to find supper on a table in the yard in picnic style in honor of her birthday when she returned from Wendell. All her children pre pared supper and were present to enjoy it with their mother. of farmers haven’t gotten their cotton out yet! some picking peas; working tobacco; everyone busy. In the column This, That and the Other, Mrs. Davis did not tell us what to do when we are using the last flour in the house and make our biscuit dough too soft. I guess we are all about alike—take a lit tle corn meal to finish and it makes the biscuit short if we have much. BiiSlil POWER HAY IL4LeII|B| Have you seen E. O. pHttUjU power hay baler? It operaß||j||| a tractor and turns out a h|HH minute. It keeps seven men VHB operating it, and compresses ■■ hay into one-fifth the space oH| pied by stacked hay. It A£| "cans” the hay so it holds its fHj value better. Business Cards ZEBULON SUPPLY CO. We Feed & Clothe The Family And Furnish The Home FUNERAL DIRECTORS J. M. CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLETS OLDSMOBiLES New and Used Cars Factory Trained Mechanics J. A. KEMP AND SON Groceries Dry Goods FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 2171 i LITTLE RIVER ICE CO. Quality and Service Phone 2871 CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY NOW Electricity is Cheap Phone 2511 A. A. WELLS Wood and Iron Worker Horsehshoeing—Repairing of any tool oi implement on the farm Zebulon, N. C. PIANO: Good used upright piano to be sold to reliable party for unpaid balance of original ac count. Cash or liberal terms to reliable party. For information as to location, address Lee Piano Company, Lynchburg, Va. Sept. 24 - Oct. 8 JOHNSON BROTHERS JEWELERS Watch Makers Jewelry Zebulon, N.C. Everything To Build Anything MASSEY LUMBER CO. Zebulon, N. C. i I goo^ 1 Liquid or Soothes irritated n®f| j|L sleep, helps you to Hfl ki EARLY everyone iJ IN worries, street andßfi work and exciting rorr J crus system that brings oil ■ ache, Nervous Indigestilj[§| An attack of nerved ff