THE ZEBULON RECORD, ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1938 SOCIETY MRS. THEO. B. DAVIS, Editor Please send local or personal items to the RECORD shop by Tuesday night, if possible. SELF-SUFFICIENCY The soul who dines on secret bread In drouth or famine, still is fed. No matter what the leaven be, It quenches hunger utterly. The soul who travels in secret shoes May visit any land he choose. Ethereally sustained and shod He treads the universe, a god! LOUIST CRENSHAW RAY in The FORUM. A. V. Medlin has returned home, improved in health after a stay of several weeks at Hot Springs, Arfl. Miss Grace Reitzel of Siler City visited Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Denton during the past week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lewis and son, Shelton, of Wendell, visited in the W. N. Pitts home Sunday. Frank Pitts of Enfield visited on Sunday in the home of his bro ther, W. N. Pitts. Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Massey went to Hookerton last Sunday after noon to see Mrs. Palmer. Don’t forget that March 10 is the last day that you are allowed to take the coupon from last week’s RECORD and use it as part payment for a regular 50c oil shampoo and finger-wave at the Zebulon Beauty Shop. Miss Tapscott of Burlington visited Miss Savon Eddins here last week. The graduating recital of Miss Jocelyn House will be given in the auditorium of Meredith College on Friday night of this week. Miss House is a pupil of Miss May Crawford in piano, and her friends are much pleased with the progress she has made in her chosen art. Ushers for the recital will be Miss es Eunice Outlaw, Mary Barrow, Curlena Godfrey, Jean Davis and Mary Mathis Turner. Miss House was honor guest at a tea given by Miss Mary Barrow at Carolina Pines on Saturday of last week. Avon Privette has returned home after a stay at Hot Springs, Ark., which seems to have been of benefit to him. Miss Edna Earle Sexton was Home for the w r eek end from Duke University. Miss Sexton has again won the distinction of being on “The Dean’s List,” which de notes outstanding work and as sures special privileges. Miss Elizabeth Ferrell, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ferrell, was among the few' making the honor roll at King’s Business Col lege for the month just closed. Mesdames W. C. Campen, E C. Daniel, C. E. Flowers, A. N. Jones and F. D. Finch attended the dis trict meeting of federated garden clubs in Warrenton last Friday. In addition to the meeting they en joyed seeing places of special in terest in Warrenton, particularly the home of Mrs. Kate Arrington and her collection of paintings, which is said to be one of the fin est in the state. Mrs. Clyde Rives has returned to Orlando, Fla., after spending about ten days here with her sis ter, Mrs. E. C. Daniel, and in Wil son on business matters. She was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. Fannie Jones, who will spend some weeks in Florida. Bobby, small son of the Willard Gills, has gone to spend some time with his grandmother, Mrs. J. B. O’Neal, in Johnston County, while his mother is ill. Miss Thelma Bunn is nursing Mrs. Gill. James Creech returned home Monday morning after spending several days in Rex hospital for diagnosis and treatment. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Southall and Mrs. William Southall of near Louisburg, were in Zebulon Mon day to see Miss Grace Southall at the Elite Beauty Salon. The annual Junior-Senior Ban quet at Wakelon will be held this year on March 17. There are 48 seniors, which comes near being a record for the school. Want a new permanent? See the Zebulon Beauty Shop ad in this paper. Rev. J. W. Bradley and Mrs. Bradley had both their children home for the week end; the son from Raleigh, and the daughter, Miss Josephine, from Greensboro, College, where she is a member of the senior class. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Faulkner and daughters, Ann, Shirley Jean, Alice Faye, and Mrs. Link Cox and daughter, Elva Jane, recently visited relatives in Oxford. Miss Annie Dizor was at home here a part of last w T eek. Miss Di zor, who has for years been buyer in the Children’s Department of the Ellis-Stone Store in Durham, is opening a similar department in Baldwin’s having resigned at the former place. Mrs. Mullen of Wilson, the for mer Miss Doretha Land, was in Zebulon on Thursday of last week, visiting Miss Annie Dizor. Miss Helen Bunn has returned to her work in Wilson and James Bunn has returnd to Quantico, Va. Both were called home by the death of their father, E. H. Bunn. Joseph Joyner of Ft. Bragg vis ited at his home here during the week end. ' Mr. and Mrs. Prescott M. Jones and children, Wallace, Doris and Bobby, of near Wake Forest, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jethro Stell. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allen Baker announce the marriage of their daughter, Ruth 8., to Mr. Kress Allen, the son of Mrs. Nannie Al len, on Saturday, Feb. 26, 1938. The editor and Mrs. Davis acknowledge w’ith pleasure the re ceipt of the following announce ment, and extend best wishes to the young couple: Mrs. Lettie Upchurch Finch announces the marriage of her daughter, Marie Sanford, to Mr. Donald Snaken burg, on Sunday, February the twentieth, nineteen hundred and thirty-eight. Apex, North Carolina. Wheless-Denson Os special interest here is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Undine Denson of Rocky Mount to W. C. Wheless on Feb ruary 16. The ceremony was per formed in Bailey. Mrs. Wheless is a member of the faculty of the Middlesex school. Mr. Wheless is the son of Mrs. S. M. Wheless and the late Mr. Wheless and was reared near Zebulon. Friends of the family are glad that the couple will make their home here. Cawthorne-Love The marriage of Miss Eunice Love of Wilson to Allan Caw thorne took place on February 16. They are now making their home with the parents of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cawthome, on Gannon Ave. Mrs. Gene Privette was hostess to the Friendly Thirteen Bridge Club Monday night. At the end of the progressions, prizes for high and second high score went to Mrs. Irby D. Gill, guest of the club and to Mrs. Robert W. Daw son. Mrs. Ed Bunn and son, Harold, are moving this week into the house next the J. G. Kemp home. Mrs. Bunn will be glad to rent a part of the house to another fam ily, and will be willing to lease either the upstairs rooms, or a part of the downstairs. If interested, see her. The house is the one va cated by Mrs. Jones when she moved to Zebulon, and has six rooms. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Barrow ar rived home last Saturday after an enjoyable stay at Hot Springs, Ark. Miss Ruby Ross of Leesville, is nursing Mrs. Rena Young, who re cently returned from a stay at Duke Hospital. Hudson-Brantley Miss Millie Eureta Brantley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Brantley, of Zebulon, w'as married to Hershall Mac Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hudson of Washington, D. C., on Thursday, February 10, in Alexandria, Va. At home, 717 A. Street, S. E. Washington, D. C. Mrs. C. T. Robbins and Mrs. J. S. Brown, both of Plymouth, vis ited in the L. R. Harris home this week. Mrs. Robbins is Mr. Harris’ sister. The Butcher Boy YIoHGW HfcW’el MetTSNTS af'-' MA y 9 : vit howto/ M |P^ Besides our meats and staple groceries, we pride ourselves up on our fresh vegetables and fruits. Here you may find everything for your table needs, all carefully chosen and reasonably priced. For this week end we offer as our SPECIAL Fresh Tomatoes 71-2 c per lb. CITY MARKET ZEBULONS FOOO CENTER Patronize our advertisers. iA aA aA aA A .4, .4, .4. .4. .4. VvWWWVWWV vV’rVVvVVVv^ii j* Bring This Ad and $1.50 to the J* X ZEBULON BEAUTY SHOP for a $2.00 Permanent £ Not Good After March 12 f i ZEBULON BEAUTY SHOP | A EVELYN ANTONE, Owner i » 1 DRY GOODS SHOEN SHOES, ALL MARKED DOWN PRICED DOWN Special Cut Prices this month. Tobacco Canvas, 2c Yard; Hoes, Rakes, Shovels, Mauls, Axes, Cow Chains, Barbed Wire, Poultry Wire, Churns, Pots, Kettles, Stoves, Suit Cases, Trunks, Rubber Boots, Tennis Shoes, Well Wheels, Chains. Wanted—Potatoes, Onions, Corn, Peas, Cotton Seed Meal. A. G. KEMP Zebulon, N. C. Professional Cards IRBY D. GILL Attorney & Counselor at Law Phone 2281 Zebulon, North Carolina DR. J. F. COLTRANE Dentist Office Hrs. 9-12:30—1:30-5 M. J. SEXTON INSURANCE DR. CHAS E. FLOWERS Physician and Surgeon Office hv. 8:30 - 10 a.m. l-3 p.m. Phone Off. 2881 Res. 2961 Back of Frank Hannans* DR. L. M. MASSEY Dentist Phone 2921 Hrs. 9 a.m. to 5 p. m. Office in Zebulon Drug Bldg. For Insurance of All Kinds and FARM LOANS see D. D. CHAMBLEE PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE Anywhere Anytime BILL STRICKLAND Patronize our advertisers. :: CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ** | Norfolk Southern Railroad $ \\ Beginning February 1, 1938 o 2:06 P. M. Lv Washington Ar. 11:50 A. M. o 3:07 P. M. Lv Greenville Ar. 10:52 A. M. \\ 3:32 P. M. Lv Farmville Ar. 10:18 A. M. o 4:27 P. M. Lv Wilson Ar. 9:25 A. M. o 5:26 P. M. Lv Zebulon Ar. 8:25 A. M. o 5:36 P. M. Lv Wendell Ar. 8:15 A. M. 6:20 P. M. Lv Raleigh Lv. 7:30 A. M. Travel for 2 cents a Bile - \ ECONOMY SPEED SAFETY Business Cards ZEBULON SUPPLY CO. We Feed & Clothe The Family And Furnish The Home FUNERAL DIRECTORS J. M. CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLETS OLDSMOBILES New and Used Cars Factory Trained Mechanics J. A. KEMP AND SON Groceries Dry Goods FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 2171 LITTLE RIVER ICE CO. Quality and Service Phone 2871 CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY NOW Electricity is Cheap Phoae 2511 A. A. WELLS Wood and Iron Worker Horsehshoeing—Repairing of any tool or implement on the farm Zebulon, N. C. JOHNSON BROTHERS JEWELERS Watch Makers Jewelry Zebulon, N.C. Everything To Build Anything MASSEY LUMBER CO. Zebulon, N. C.