SOCIE T Y MRS. THEO. B. DAVIS, Editor Please send local or personal items to the RECORD shop by Tuesday night, if possible. SONG OF GRATITUDE I am enraptured of all blossoming things— Os fields, new-green, and all leaf laden trees; And gazing at them something in me sings In gratitude for even the least of these. And I forget the barren, sunless days That seemed much like a long and dreary night— But words grow futile when I try to praise, This world so full of wonder and delight. MARGARET E. BRUNER, In Christian Science Monitor. Misses Inez Pitts, Magdalen Brummitt and Miss Watson spent the week end here, coming from the Educational Association meet ings in Raleigh to Miss Pitts’ home. They returned on Sunday afternoon to their schools. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pittman were here for the week end with Mrs. Pittman’s sister, Mrs. F. E. Bunn. Bobby Horton has returned to U. N..C. at Chapel Hill after spend ing spring holidays here with his mother, Mrs. J. D. Horton. Mrs. Rena Young, who came home from Duke hospital some weeks ago, has been taken back there for continued treatment. Members of Wakelon’s dramatic club who presented ‘‘Riders to the Sea” in the recent district tourna ment and won the privilege of contesting at Chapel Hill went this week to the University where they were to compete with winners from other schools. On Tuesday night they presented the play here in fi nal dress rehearsal, which was free to all who attended. Mrs. Johnny Joseph and little daughter, Barbara Anne, of Frank linton, visited Mrs. Joseph’s par ents, the A. D. Antone’s, here Tuesday. R. E. Pippin arrived last week from Washington to be at home until the last of this month. Mrs. W. B. Farmer left last Fri day for Gladys, Va., after spend ing some weeks here in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Theo B. Davis. Mrs. Ebbie Stallings, who has not been in good health for some months, was taken to Mary-Eliza beth hospital on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Fannie Jones returned to Zebulon Monday after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Rives, in Orlando, Florida. Mary Iva Gay and Ralph House, Wakelon graduates ai d members of the sophomore class at Campbell College have parts in the class play to be presented April 1. Miss Gladys Yancy of near Zeb ulon made the honor roll for the first month of the present semes ter at Campbell College, where she is a member of the commercial class. Rev. W. J. Jones and Mrs. Jones of Pineland College were in Zebu lon for a while on Saturday and were pleasant visitors in the Rec ord Office. THE ZEBULON RECORD, ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MARCH 25,1938 Mrs. Julian Horton arrived in Zebulon from Florida on Sunday evening and was here for a few days with Mrs. Lit Jones and other friends. She made the trip with her sister, Mrs. Cox, and will visit for some time before returning to Florida. Misses Ruth Massey and Juanita Rhodes arrived last Wednesday from E. C. T. C. to spend spring holidays at their homes, leaving to resume school work on Thursday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Jones and baby of Raleigh were here Sunday to visit Mrs. Jones’ parents, the M. T. Debnams. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Crowder of Raleigh spent Sunday here with Mrs. Crowder's mother, Mrs. C. E. Parker. Mrs. C. E. Parker received news of the death of her sister, Mrs. Florence Bass of Spring Hope, R. F. D. on last Friday. Mrs. Bass, who was a widow, is survived by ten children. Mrs. Algie Jeans and little son, Cameron, of Louisburg are visiting Mrs. Jeans’ parents, the Kader Brannans, this week. Robert Phillips is among the latest sufferers from measles. His two little daughters are also ill with the same disease. As is usu al in such cases, the father is sick er than the children, measles be ing harder on adults than on those younger. Sam Croom, who recently re turned from a stay at the Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem, is not so well this week as he has been, and is again in bed. James Belvin, who was taken to a Raleigh hospital last week, has improved sufficiently to be ex pected home by the middle of this week. A housekeeper of Zebulon who has had a mattress remade by Ja bers Mattress Co. of Raleigh says she is enirely satisfied with the work and that the mattress is hold ing up well. C. E. Seawell is another of Zebu lon’s business men now sick from measles. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Manning of Zebulon, announce the birth of I Get Your Clothes uftSPITAI CLEAN Writ !JHhe blue box OUR RRICE 2 for 19c Palmolive Soap 3 for 20c Super Suds (for dishes) 2 for 19c Gt. Octagon Soap 4 for 19c Ocatgon Toilet Soap 3 for 14c Octagon Granulated 2 for 19c Octagon Chips 2 forl9c Gt. Octagon Powder 4 for 19c Octagon Cleanser 2 for 9c Crystal White Toilet Soap 3 for 14c Klex Soap 3 for 14c Hollywood Toilet Soap 3 for 14c Hocutt’s Grocery And Market a son, Rudie Davis Manning on March 18. Mrs. Manning former ly was Miss Ruby Davis of Mid dlesex. Austrian Rotary Clubs Quit Chicago, 111. Because their meetings are contrary to Nazi for mula, International Rotary an nounces the disbanding of its elev en groups in Austria. Since Octo ber, 42 Rotary Clubs have been dissolved in Germany because of Nazi opposition. Pacific War Game Starts Honolulu, H. I.—‘‘Problem 19” of the W&r Department meets its test in Hawaiian waters this week, when 150 fighting ships and 500 aircraft, manned by 3,600 officers and 55,000 men assemble to defend a theoretical defense line running from Alaska to Samoa. On this axis depends the entire Pacific Coast defense of the Western sea board. JUNIOR-SENIOR BANQUET The annual Junior-Senior Ban quet at Wakelon was held this year on March 17 in the gymna sium and cafeteria of the school. The circus motif was emphasized in the arrangement and decora tions of the gymnasium and in the service at the tables. Balloons and vari-colored crepe paper were used, and the waitresses were dressed as clowns. Annie Pearl Liles as ringmas ter spoke words of welcome. The junior class song was sung by a chorus. Toasts were given as fol lows: To those on Reserved Seats— Margaret Phillips; response by Evelyn Carroll. To Circus Sponsors—Evelyn Pace; response by Dr. L. M. Mas STATEMENT PEOPLES BANK & TRUST COMPANY ROCKY MOUNT NASHVILLE WHITAKERS ZEBULON NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 1938 from Report to North Carolina Commissioner of Banks) RESOURCES: Cash and I>ue from Banks $1,431,370.05 U. S. Government Securities 207,000.00 State of North Carolina Bonds 248.000.00 Municipal and County Bonds 303,000.00 Premium on Bonds 13,481.00 Accrued Interest on Bonds 6,196.60 Listed Stocks 49,953.36 Loans and Discounts 1,003,182.93 Real Estate NONE Furniture and Fixtures 21,121.69 Interest Earned—Not collected 176.35 Prepaid Insurance 1,583.60 Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance of Officers 4,745.00 Overdrafts * 25.53 Advance to Trusts 163.40 TOTAL $3,289,999.51 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Common $ 120,000.00 Capital Stock Preferred 80,000.00 Surplus ________ 100,000.00 Undivided Profits and Reserves 52,732.76 DEPOSITS 2,937,266.75 TOTAL ->- $3,289,999.51 The Above Does Not Include Trust Assets of $2,198,253.13 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation R. VANCE BROWN, Cashier Zebulon Branch sey. * To Circus Patrons Charles Whitley; response by Mrs. Willa Marshburn. To Animal Trainers Robert Lee Kimball; response by Mr. Moser. To Circus Cooks—Louise Row land. * Features of the program were a quartette by “The Bao Sisters”; special act by Alma Doris Jones; a dance by clowns; fortune tell ing by Lillian Wells; duet by “Staff-wood Aces”; an act by “Marx Troupe”; with a final num ber, “The Merry-go-round Broke Down’’ by the chorus. The menu consisted of grape fruit cocktail, chicken salad, pota- ARE YOU TOO LATE W for an appointment with Mis* \ Bess Park Not yet! But you will be unless you make an appointment now. Ever since the news of Miss (Cara Nome Specialist’s name)’* visit flashed around town our telephone ha 3 v, been humming with calls for appointments. Naturally no modern woman wants to miss such an opportunity to attain the smartness and beauty demanded by today’s fashions. Miss (Cara Nome Specialist’s name)', Cara Nome Specialist, comes here at our expense, N V to demonstrate creations of Langlois, [y world-famous beauty authority. Without charge or obligation she will give you a 45-minute consultation, including a /y—lt Cara Nome facial, a skin analysis, and a / 0 glorifying make-up and will outline your daily complexion care. \ / Remember! Only 10 consultations /A can be given daily —9 A.LI. to 4:45 \— — »*- P.M. Make your appointment now. j Zebulon Drug Co. toes, peas, glazed apples, ice cream, cake, lemonade, salted nuts. Members of the faculty, mem bers of the school board, and the grade representatives in the P.-T. A. were special guests. The senior class has 27 girls and 21 boys; the juniors number 36 girls and 30 boys. Miss Cox and Miss Palmer of the' high school faculty had charge of the evening’s entertainment and menu. ——————————————————— # FLOWER SEED A full cabinet, most any kind. The largest assortment ever of fered. Get your needs, plant now A. G. KEMP—ZEBULON, N. C.