(Ebr Zehulmt Sprnrb VOLUME XIV. THIS, THAT, & THE OTHER MRS. THBO. B. DAVIS When I dialed the J M Chev rolet phone number on Wednesday of last week and asked for one of those demonstration rides in a 1938 Oldsmobile Claude Pippin an swered. If he thought I was get ting a trip to the shop at the Company’s expense, he didn’t let me know it, and surges‘ed a longer ride that I might better judge the car's good qualities. For at the eighth hour of the thirtieth day I had decided to enter the contest Oldsmobile had been conducting all the month. It would cost me only three cents and it was worth that much not to have to walk to work. Now this column is not written as an advertisement for I know too little of cars to attempt that, even were I going to be paid for it. I don’t know what to call the parts of an automobile, though I have progressed a bit beyond the stage when I delighted my sons by try ing to speak of the differential and saying it was the interference. But I do know the door of a car and the one I rode in Wednesday • opened wide enough to let me enter like a lady and not like a cow try ing to squeeze through a most too-tight gate. I sat down upon a seat that fit ted my back, and there was plenty of space for my feet to be stretch ed out on the floor. And there was not in sight one of those le vers and handles and things that have given me so much trouble in other cars —the kind that hurt your knee when three are on the seat and you are the middleman, and that make you feel you’ll be held responsible for anything that goes wrong with the steering, no matter * who drives. Mr. Pippin said they were all in the steering wheel. They must have been crowded. Those seats are plenty wide for three and when only two go, there’s room for a big fuss and a fit of the sulks and sitting so , far off to one side you needn’t see your companion. No girl who rides in an Oldsmobile 1938 model can claim she couldn’t help sitting close to the boy friend; it will be simply because she preferred that, if she does. Mr. Pippin tried to explain something of the car’s insides to me; but I’d never understand that • anyway, so concentrated upon en joyment of the ride, the lovely day and the spring scenery. In fact we went along so smoothly it did not seem like real traveling to * one who has progressed through farm wagons, iron tired buggies, and so on, to the comparative luxury of a low-priced car. He # showed me the compartments for cigarettes, gloves or small luggage, the radio, the heater, and other improvements. I found that the speedometer sits modestly under a hood where no one but the driver can easily see it. That may be for ' the sake of the nerves of timid souls. It may have been the car, or it may have been the driver, but • I found myself sitting up straight after an almost sudden stop, and without having bowed deeply to the universe in general, which I frequently do when our car stops. THU FOUR COUNTY NUWSFAPKK—WAKE. JOHNSTON, NASH AND FRANKLIN CLUB NOTES LAST P. T. A. FOR TERM TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY The last meeting of Wakelon’s Parent-Teacher Association will be held in the school auditorium on next Tuesday evening at 7:30. At this time term reports from all committees will be heard and pass ed upon. Miss King will present the glee club in numbers prepared especial ly for the state contests, and other features of entertainment will be provided. A full attendance is earnestly de sired. GARDEN CLUB TO MEET The Garden Club will meet on next Tuesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. H. C. Wade. Miss Atwater, interior decorator, now with Weil’s in Goldsboro, is ex pected to be present to speak. All members are urged to attend. AN INVITATION All flower lovers are most cor dially invited to come and see my flowers on Sunday afternoon, April 10. Mrs. Ed V. Richardson, Rose dale Manor, Wendell. State P.-T. A. Convention Winston-Salem, April 2.—Win ston-Salem will hardly be through its annual Easter observance when it will be the scene of the nine teenth annual gathering of the N. C. Congress of Parents and Teachers. The three-day conven tion opens on Wednesday, April 20, and continues through Thurs day and Friday, with all sessions in the Robert E. Lee Hotel. “The Child in the Community” is the theme chosen for that occasion, and prominent educators and pub lic officials will speak on the many ways in which children are being helped or hindered by the forces of modern civilization. 33 Persons Killed During last week 33 persons met death in tornadoes that devastated portions of the middle-west. Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illi nois and Arkansas were chief suf ferers. In addition to wind there was hail and heavy rain. Nearly 300 were injured in addition to the number killed. We went to Wakefield over one road and returned over another. The driver added pleasant conver sation, also free, but attemped no sales talk. I have little idea of the car’s price. I took the sheet of questions and booklet of expla nations that were given me but my answers have nothing to commend them, except truthfulness from my standpoint. If, by any miracle, I should win, it would be an act of mercy and not justice. But I sent in the filled-out paper, all signed and everything. Judd Robertson tried to encour age me by saying they had just had a telegram stating that an Asheville girl had won one of the cars. But she probably knew some of the answers. Anyway, thanks for the ride. ZEBULON, NORTH CA ROLINA, FRIDAY, APRIL 8,1938 SCOUT NEWS Troop 40, Zebulon Boy Scout Troop, held its weekly meeting on Thursday, March 31st, An investi ture service was an impressive part of the meeting at which elev en boys were tested for Tenderfoot rank before the Boy Scout Rotary Committee. Business of the even ing consisted largely of adopting unanimously a demerit system presented by Mr. Mclntire, one of our patrol leaders. Thirteen patrol leaders and as sistants under the leadership of the scoutmaster went on a week end camping trip. Severe weather conditions forced the group to break up camp on Saturday after noon. The newly purchased scout tents proved entirely satisfactory and the various leaders are plan ning some interesting week end camping trips with their patrols. The experience this past week end proved that the Zebulon Boy Scouts are already full fledged camping pioneers, being able to take good care of themselves, de spite disappointing weather condi tions. Dwite Debnam, Tom Ivey, Billy Green, and Allan Marshbum are planning patrol camping trips this next week end. RONALD I. JOHNSTON, Scoutmaster. Killing And Shooting Coleman Tew, 21, of Clinton, shot and killed Randolph Smoalt and wounded Miss Grace Carter, 17, when he found the two in the living-room of the Carter home on Saturday night. Smoalte was a new comer to the community from New York, a friend of the wounded girl’s brother-in-law. About twelve hours after the shooting, officers searching for Tew found his body in about six feet of water in Six Run river. In his pocket was a marriage license issued the day be fore. He is said to have been of jealous disposition. In Smithfield James E. Thar rington, formerly of Raleigh, is being held without bail for the wounding of John McMillan. The cause for this has not been defi nitely determined, but liquor is held to have been a contributing factor. Not So Bad As 23 Years Ago It may be that some residents of Zebulon recalled on last Sunday the snow of the same date 23 years ago. Sunday brought ligfft frost that is thought to have done little damage, if any. Monday’s tem perature was about the same as the day before, and there was con siderable donning of winter wraps. While the cold snap will delay growth, it will still be ahead of the average spring. Seldom have gar dens and plants been so well ad vanced here at this date. Tobac co plants are in many cases large enough to be transplanted. Trees are laden with plums, cherries and peaches that already show plainly through the foliage. A heavy frost would wreak untold havoc on gar den and orchard and would hurt crops severely. Patronize Our Advertisers. CHURCH NOTES ANNOUNCEMENT— RUMMAGE SALE The Circle of the Methodist Church will again conduct their rummage sale, the first opening being set for next Saturday after noon in the F. D. Finch building on Zebulon’s main street. Proceeds will, as heretofore, be used for church purposes. NOTICE TO W. M. S. MEMBERS All members of all circles of the W. M. S. of the Baptist church, and all women of the church who will co-operate, are asked to meet in regular or called session on Mon day of next week, if not earlier, for the purpose of making final plans for the entertainment of the W. M. U. of the Raleigh Association, scheduled to meet here on Thurs day, April 14. A picnic lunch will be served at the noon recess, fur nished by the local church. REV. CARL OUSLEY AT BAPTIST CHURCH Because of the absence on last Sunday of Pastor Her ring, the pulpit of the Baptist church was filled by Rev. Carl Ousley, pastor at Wakefield. Mr. Ousley’s message on The Church In A Changing World was based on Micah 6:8. He emphasized the need for individual and organized revival; the missionary spirit; and the spirit of service, stating that though conditions vary fun damentals are unchanging. Mr. Ousley’s presence and sermon were appreciated by the church. ENTERTAINS S. S. CLASS On Thursday evening, March 31, Miss Nell Johnson delightfully entertained the Intermediate class from Beulah Christian Church. The dining room was attractive ly decorated with spring flowers, the color scheme being pink and green. Present were: Mrs. Arthur Watkins, teacher, Beatrice Perry, Haywood Raybon, Josephine May, S. J. Perry, Sue Mae Raybon, Ra chel Barham, Emma Ruth Milton, Matthew Denton, Claude Johnson, Vance Raybon, Jr., Joseph Moody, Tom Belvin, Fred Johnson, Dicie Price, Robert Lee Barham, Lil lian Bobbitt, Josie Milton, Annie Kathleen Barham, Forest Baker, Virgie Milton, Carster Raybon, Vester Moody, Lester Barham, Fred Johnson, Claude Pulley, Leonard Perry, Nathan Pulley, Frank Watkins, Jr., Johnnie Moody. Visitors were: Messrs Arthur Watkins, Milton, Howard Perry, Gilbert Johnson, Barbee Bunn, Garland Baker, Dock Hopkins, Jack Johnson, Warren Fowler, El ton Capps, Carl Johnson, Lewis Perry, Valti Williams, Mrs. S. R. Johnson, S. R. Johnson. Games were played and music was furnished by Forest and Gar land Baker. Sandwiches and lemonade were served. Virginia has just passed a law forbidding the payment of ransom for kidnaping, with fines or jail terms or both to be imposed upon those who disobey. It also pro vides that immediate report of kidnaping must be made to the po lice. Big “Drive Safely” Crusade Started Statewide Safety Effort Includes $3,000.00 In Monthly Prises For Motorists The most widespread “Drive Safely Crusade” in North Carolina history got under way on Friday, April 1, it was revealed by Wiley L. Moore, President of the Pure Oil Company. Mr. Moore, stating the purpose of the plan ,said that the Crusade is being undertaken in an effort to reduce the accident and death toll on our highways and streets. “Our aim is to get every motorist thinking about safety,” he said, “safe driving, observing road, and highway rules. In 1937, in the United States, 39,700 people were killed on the highways and 1,360,- 000 people injured. In North Car olina alone, the death toll was 1,439. We must make our roads safer for everyone.” Details of the Crusade will be 'announced in newspapers through out the State. This first step for participation in the Crusade, which will be open to everyone without cost or obligation, will come in the signing of a pledge to drive safely and to observe the Golden Rule of the road. Pledge signers will then be given license plate emblems signifying that the car drver has “pledged to drive safely.” “We will make this Crusade a sustained, concerted attack on careless driving,” Mr. Moore said. “As a further incentive, we want suggestions from motorists on what should be done to make peo ple more safety conscious. The newspaper announcements will cover this point in detail, for then will be announced the rules of the contest which will run during the month of April. Seventy-five cash prizes are being offered, with a first prize of $250.00, a second prize of SIOO.OO, and 73 other awards for the best safety slogans of ten words or less. The cash awards for the April contest in North Carolina total $1,000.00. Mr. Moore, long prominent in civic, educational, charitable and industrial circles, is devoting his energy to leading the Crusade- Many organizations and prominent public officials from all parts of the state have promised enthusias tic support as co-sponsors. Drive Safely pledge cards will be ob tainable from Woco-Pep (Purol- Pep) dealers, and contest entry blanks will also be obtainable at the same sources. It is not our thought or intention to permit this “Drive Safely” Cru sade to be commercialized in any way,” Mr. Moore announced, ‘‘and I have instructed all of our dis tributors, dealers, and service sta tion operators not to ask any mo torist to make purchases of any kind when people come to our sta tions to secure pledge cards and prize contest entry blanks.” In Zebulon, N. C., Mr. S. J. No reek, local representative of the Pure Oil Company, is directing the “Drive Safely” Crusade activi ties. DIVING RECORD Max Nohl is said to have re cently dived 420 feet, thus making a record for wearers of diving suits. The greatest depth pre viously was 361 feet. NUMBER 40