TH&MEBULON RECORD W —«■» NORTH CAROLINA PRESS ASSOCIATION '• * 't Published Every Friday By 'mt'BKCOKO PUBLISHING COMPANY Zekalon, North Carolina —frr THIO. B. DAVIS, Editor Ent»-ik»4 aa/aocWd class mail matter June 26, 1826, at the at Zebulon, 'na. Ratea: 1 Year ll.Ot • Months 60c, 3 ifoniHfc 46a All nubscription* due and payable In advance | y E-'- A tit Adreptlalng Rates On Request i>«Ath hotlheh- as news, First publication free. Obituaries trlbtitek. carde Os thanks, published at a minimum charge ■' v i yJ of iSc per column Inch. * '' fry '** " BUSINESS IS IT? Vi o •it u i Wfc'Yeati the other day these lines in an ex- Beautifying this town is the business of those who live here; outsiders and peddlers itffTf nWU /! b& l ''iTiterested.” It sounds like he was talking about Zebulon. Any way, it is just as t(ue if applied to our town as any other, t The mail order house or the peddler who {foes from house to house, cares nothing about me homes, the streets or even the people of Zeb ifllon. Whea be gathers in our dimes, quarters £jhd dollars he has all he wants. He carries it away dnd it witt never come back. He does not leave much as a good wish for the inhabitants. Two things our people should not forget: Zebulon is fyome and we owe it to ourselves to make our tfywn jusras"b*eautiful as possible, and the other iji, our people should trade at home, buy every thing they need to be had in Zebulon. This is the vfay every _<yje of us should feel about our town. And, if there are people who are making their in ou£ community who do not feel as we 4), the sooner they make their departure to oth er climes, the better it will be for those of us who *'t ___ VV-t. SEEN & HEARD U ___________ l ONE WAY TO PUT IT p ’*'*'• • J;On last Tuesday morning some in the shop asked why so many cjfcrs and colored women were abound or - near the courthouse. colored helper replied: “This if the day they get paid for not irking.” 5 BEAtnrV AROUND US i """"" ; At this time Zebulon has beauty. Long sprays of white spirea sway many lawns; dogwoods ini white''or'pnrtt stand stiffly, laden with Ijlpom;.. redbuds have linger ing; tufts of orchid back of pale, leaves; iris in purple, Vbfte and pale tints has followed I earlier abundance of daffodils; t^fe; poet’s narcissus shines from its fojfibge and perfumes the air with I last of the lilacs; early roses jWfcl showing their color; pansies ih£gorgeous Shades open new buds dslfy; tbp.;..petunias that went though the winter are laden with \ylpiite, pink or purple; shade trees showing leafage in colors irath different from the greens tiiiV will wear later; Zebulon with tj*! surrounding section has beauty ftit • all who .will see. Ts« padflyVValue ‘ I‘t(Louis (Graves, Chapel Hill Weekly) j iJSyhen Weil of Goldsboro wii here Mbhday he told me how hd had discovered the degree ol ado ration in which he was held by lii daughter. One day her dog, was killed by an automo bile Her mother, going to schoo her home, expected her to be I overcome with grief at the p<4s; but when the girl was told about the fatal accident she took ty | calmly. A few minutes later, wh«n they had got home, she asked: “Where’s Laddy?” Hei mother said: “Why don’t you re member I told you Laddy had beer run over?” In her amazement the girl wap silent for a moment. Ther THE ZEBULON RECORD, ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRIL 8,1938 she burst into tears and wailed: “I thought you said Daddy.” CORINTH Mr. D. M. Greene spent part of ast week in Raleigh with his son, Mr. Durwood Greene and family. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Taylor and ittle son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Wall for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Callie Powell visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Ercelle Powell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hamilton and son Bernice were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thomasson. Miss Sarah Wellons, a member of the school faculty attended the funeral of her brother, who was killed on the railroad one day last week. We are glad to report that Miss Ethel Ellen is improved enough so as to be able to teach again. Mrs. P. F. Hardy and Mrs. N. A. Wall continue to improve slowly. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Liles attend ed preaching services at Carter's Ghapel Sunday morning and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carter of that community. Miss Magdalene Davis with some friends went to Rex Hospital Sun day to visit Mr. Bill Buffalo who underwent an appendicitis opera tion there. Miss Rachel Cope was home from Raleigh for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Bunch visited ) Mr. Odelle Whitley and family , Sunday. Misses Mozelle Davis, Ina Lee Hinnant and Magdaline Davis at tended preaching services at White Oak Sunday night. The seniors of Corinth-Holder \ “Hi” asked that you be told that all j who miss ‘‘Miss Adventure” will c crtainly miss an adventure. They are certain each one will go away pleased if they only come to the r high school auditorium Thursday r night, April 14 to see them present n their play. e a. Patronize Our Advertisers. expect to remain. Rake, Pile Haul. In a short time clean-up week will be observ ed in Zebulon. Why wait? Now is the best time to clean up outhouses, back yards, storage rooms and other places where trash and junk ac cumulate. It will not take money to make our town a cleaner, healthier and prettier place. Work will do the job. Add flowers and shrubs and there it is! Dig and plant, —then tell the peddler that you buy at home. Make your motto: Zebulon a good town today; a better one tomorrow. THE OBSERVING EXPERT! o Frank Parker Stockbridge, born in New England, now Irving in Pennsylvania, has travel ed over much of our country, we would believe by what he writes. In comparing the nearness of barns to dwellings and dwellings to the highways in North Carolina to the greater distance of buildings from the roads in the South, he has this observation to make: “I drove thousands of miles through fine agricultural country in the South, but seldom saw a farmhouse, only the roads leading to them.” Wonder where that was. It could not be the Dismal Swamp of Virginia or the Everglades of Florida, for while they may be “fine agricultural country”, they will first need a big lot of ditching. It is amusing the way Yank ees (?) get their observations distorted when they come down South. For instance: the con clusions of some specialist “a long ways from home” writing of some problem, or some such picture as seen from the back end of an obser vation car. Or he may be flying along over one of our concrete roads at 60 miles per. In either case one’s conclusions would naturally be more or less distorted, even if he were a Tarheel • swinging through New England. Tomato Plants; Large, Trans planted. 10c Per Dozen. Record Office or Phone 2951 ELEC THRIFT rom COMMISSIONER OF BAPVMM Says “Now’s the time to fill every empty socket and to replace > burned-out or blackened trihs wife bright, new MAZDA lamps. Bor the mv lamps g;ve more light than ever before aad ■tag brighter "longer. 4 !•-■-»*i *i . - v ‘What’s more, sight-saving ferna, TS wait, 100 watt and larger, now mN at new low prints. Theg give you the extra light you need lor vendh*, studying, sewing, cooking, and ptegteg. Por , example: For tobi* tad hridpe leape, IS weit, wm Mb MOW Me tn LEA Better S%M tteepe, MS nett, we Me MOW Me Foe kttebem. pee re—, eta. Ml wwtt, —Me ... NOW Me “Buy a supply of these new, brighter MAZDA lamps today and eajog belter light tor belter right tonight.” CAROLINA POWER j U6HT COMPANY ir V HUGH JOHNSON. OF RALEIGH who has filed as candidate for the Wake County House of Represen tatives. He came to Raleigh from Halifax in 1934. Was connected with the N. C. Cotton Growers for two years; has been State Super visor of the Community and Coop erative Service of the Resettle ment Administration; is now con nected with V. 0. Parker Company in the Real Estate business. He takes an active interest in civic and religious matters. CLASSES ON COUNTERFEIT ING New York City.—As the first unit in a county-wide system for instructing the public in the detec tion of counterfeit money, classes of merchants, cashiers and others who handle paper currency as well as coin has been started at the lo cal office of the Secret Service. The plan is under the direction of Frank J Wilson, Chief of the Ser vice. ■HL jij SHa”. _ < X '/SQZM « | ■ Jjjj > William T. Hatch of Millbrook, announces his candidacy for one of W'ake County's seats in the House of Representatives. Mr. Hatch was an active member of the 1937 Legislature, and served on many important Comir.itees,in cluding Appropriations, Judiciary No. 1, Election and Election Laws, Rules, etc. .i * . DIE FROM TREATMENT Ten women have died in Or lando, Florida, and others are critically ill as a result of treat ment given for cancer. Among (he number is Mrs. Funderburg of LaGrange. N. C. Dr. A. T. Neal said the dead women had been giv en injections of enrol aii from the same bottle. He thinks the bottle had become contaminated, saying that others having had like treat ment from the same bottle were uninjured. Ensol is a recently dis covered serum, and is not in gen 'oral use. Patronize Our Advertisers. MHGNTEK MAZDA LAMPS NEW LOW PRICES oa the itent yom need for better tight The imt, brighter M ABM tamf* act uat - !y give wore light —May brighter km per. Sigbt-eeviaf aieee eee redwood ee tmmk 25%. (Hmrpriem Apr* 1, 19 M). immsuaw •’ e-J few setose lamps For MuJkr smgk mht table f "i £ m 4 bridee IflMpt l If* are ewT •,, • 1 A MLC.S.MTTM sicst LAMP* Par I. S I. table, bride*. and L1 W adNaaotjMetaatlMiidry Q pea t mcec-ljcwt lamps I gr. Three-LHebalb* toe ibrae-light Lti _ T\, lat Better Stebt Laaapa and VI-4vVIJ7 three liebt Sxtare*. tee eee imwwyilf.lOi g- "" BTTj MMeMTOt YOMI KITCHEN yeSriMST" For kite baa*. komr worbabapa. I /tv> I game rooaaa. IE S lamp*. t tee wtw... .pf ... Ibjl LCMBUME LAMPS _ Foe mirror*, airbea. bdk ie L A lightiN. btrfcr* work aaaaa, B Im dacarative lighting. |KV3s Frieea cover ioaidc froat aad KS I color*. Clear laotpa 10c Ina. H (v / aewatt... fLMr.. SI.OO I ■^ r i oewwvT... V FS^.... 9Of e« wwtt ... par:. SI.OO T, STORE. OFFICE. FACTCST Xv/M Far aae ia ataa y existing &»- SJSa. (area ia atorca, officas, ackoola. TWA lactone* aad public baildiac*. XOO WATT* .. jef.. . . 50i It *** mn t * mr JM4:51.20 II Wm *Claar, madiiaa baae.

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