■ SPECIAL ELECTION CALLED FOR ADDING 12TH GRADE TO WAKELON SCHOOL Continued from front page afford to add this extra advantage, which will greatly increase the fa cilities of our own school and greatly increase the advantages that our own children can get here at home. Some of the citizens in the com munity who have discussed this plan think that it is the greatest step the community has ever tak en along the line of school advan tages. We believe all of you will see this in the same light that those who have the responsibility of shaping the school policies see it, and if you do we shall have no trouble in uniting our efforts for securing this extra advantage for the children of this community. We are working solely for the twelfth grade, with the advantages it can offer, rather than for a ninth month. In a farming com munity the twelfth grade seems to be more advantageous than a ninth month. The tax rate in Wake County is now seventy-five cents on the hun dred dollars valuation, one of the lowest rates of similar counties in the State. The fifteen cent spe cial tax now submitted would only make a ninety cents rate, which would still be one of the lowest rates in the State. The election wi.l be held Satur day, May 21st, 1938, with the registration book being open on Saturday, April 16th, 23rd, 30th, i HARDWARE f A SPRAYERS o SPRAYER PARTS 4 f A Arsenate of Lead, Paris Green, Napthalene Flakes for A A Plant Beds. _Wire, Roofing, Building Paper, Cement, Lime, A A Windows, Doors. Screen Doors and Windows, Screen Wire, A A Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose, Pruning Shears, Ice Cream A A Freezers, Hinges, Locks, Nails, Hoer, Rakes, Shovels, Fish- A A ing Poles, Hooks and Lines. A % Y V PAINTS AND OILS f | DEBNAM HDW. STORE i V ZEBULON, N. C. Y V v For SMALLER i m BILLS You’ll be AHEAD with a HH H H B B Jfl ip fl g§ ; B| B B Bnu| J M CHEVROLET CO. • ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA THE ZEBULON RECORD, ZEBULON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRIL 15,1938 and May 7th from 9 o’clock A. M. until 7 o’clock P. M. Saturday, May 14th, which is challenge day, the Registrar will be at the polling place at Wakelon School from 9 o’clock A. M. to 3 o’clock P. M. This being a special election everybody must register in order to vote. L. M. MASSEY. P.-T. A. (Continued From Front Page} P.-T. A.’s in Winston-Salem, the Association to defray expenses. Appointment of this delegate was deferred until Wednesday. J. E. Mclntire was elected to head the clean-up drive for the As sociation. Dr. L. M. Massey spoke briefly on “Does Our Community Grow?” emphasizing the responsibilities of development and the challenge to do our best for our young people. Explanation was made of the ne cessity for registering to vote in the election to be held on May 21 and the reasons for desiring twelve grades instead of a nine-months term. An open discussion fol lowed. All present officers will serve another year, having been re-elect ed. SCOUT NEWS Zebulon’s Boy Scout Troop met in the school gymnasium on Thurs day, April 7. Twelve Tenderfoot badges were awarded to boys hav ing passed their tenderfoot tests. A merit system to stimulate com petition among the patrols was adopted. R. H. Brantley was elect ed troop bugler. Plans for second class training were discussed and it was decided to put emphasis upon first aid study and code-work for our im mediate attention. % Massey Lumber Co, COTTAGE