PAGE EIGHT Sport Light By the Swashbuckler Basketball Schedule Below is given the calendar of the basketball team at Wakelon for the next two months. Feb. 9—Wendell here Feb. 10— Clayton—there Feb. 15—Methodist Orphanage —here Feb. 17—Fuquay Springs —there Feb.2o—Spring Hope—there Feb. 21—Rolesville at Millbrook Girls play Millbrook Feb. 24—Winner of other brack et of tournament —if we defeat Millbrook at Millbrook. Feb. 28— Knightdale—there Mar. 2—Bunn —here Mar. 3—Middlesex —here Boys Win 14th W T akelon took its 14th win Fri day night in a dull low-score game. Hinton, Alford and Kimball led the Bulldogs to a 17-13 triumph over Middlesex. The first score of the game was made by Dudly of Middlesex by a foul shot. The half-time score was 6-3 in favor of Wakelon. Johnson and Dudly with 4 and 3 points led Middlesex. The lead ing scorers for the game were: «Mrddlesex; J. Ballentine 4, Dudly 3; B. Ballentine, 2; and Johnson, 4* For Wakelon: Kimball, 3; Hin ton, 5; J. Joyner, 2; Alford, 3; and Clark, 3. Girls Win 8-6 The Wakelon girls dragged through four quarters to take an 8-6 triumph from Middlesex. At the half the score stood at 4-6 with Middlesex on the long end of the score. However, neither end was very long. With Ruby Mae Alford ab sent the Wakelon girls only added 4 more points to their score in the third quarter. Middlesex added 2 to theirs. The last quarter was scoreless. Hales starred for the losers. Suffer Defeat Zebulon All-Stars lost to Bunn 35-25 Saturday night. Bulock led the Bunn boys with 15 points. Richardson featured on defence for Bunr. Ralph Bunn and Chich Manning led the Zebulon boys. Locals Take Win On last Saturday night the local All-Stars won over Federal 31-16. Worth Hinton and Duck Strick land led the Zebulon Stars with 11 points each. Hinton scored eight points in the last four minutes of play. The Federal boys started out in a huri y but were soon checked by Zebulon. Zebulon led at the half 10-8. The locals ran rings around the Federals as Sam Narron and Jesse Fulghum fed the ball to Strickland and Hinton to run the lead up to 15 points. All-Stars Drop Tw o On Wednesday night the Zebu lon All-Stars lost two straight to Federals of Raleigh. In the preliminary' the girls lost 29-15. D. Jones led the local girls in scoring with 8 points. Geraldine Parker came next with three. Sally Young starred in both guard and forward positions. At the half the score was 20-5 in favor of Raleigh. | But in the third quarter the locals allowed the winners only 2 points. Shirley with 11 starred for Fed erals. PNEUMONIA TREATMENTS NOW VERT MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE Bat Coughs From Colds Break Down Resistance The scientists and doctors of the world have made great strides in the diagnosis and treat ment of the dreaded pneumonia. They have learned the various types and almost every city has hospital facilities that are fast re ducing the death rate. 'Most doctors agree that when a person’s resistance is low he is much more susceptible, and that *» / / ■•a*#*, WNgcaaacr Maroßooo,x jvv: ~ • rrnri~ ~~ - ~ "BfJIQU'UiDI ' < m V. .ymi jaumamam jpir- '' tfthh my. ... V'-‘> ■>V ; :# s : ffll I CHEVROLET'S THE CHOICE!” Chevrolet outsells all others because Chevrolet / Wmtmg t out-indues all others! That’s the verdict of dis- / 1 J _ ceming buyers in all parte of the country, and it / M will be your verdict, too, when 'y ou weigh the / If m £ n many extra-value features Chevrolet ie offering. J § Modern features—important features—exclusive / ** /■ features like Vacuum Gearshift*, Valve-in-Head / 1 V # Jf jh _ j I Engine, New "Observation Car" Visibility, Per- / ft£Yy * Q / fected Knee-Action Riding System t, and Tiptoe- / Matic Clutch—features available nowhere else at as / such extremely low prices! Only Chevrolet gives « / so much for so little, and that is why—" Che- / rolet’s the Choice!" 4# / SsS&B *Aittilahlr on all motel. at «light extra eomt. . T Amdahl* on MM, Or Luxe motel, mix. * O«wrol Motor. Vatu. # J * ' JM CHEVROLET CO. ZEBULON. NORTH CAROLINA THE’ZEBULON RECORD In the final the local All-Stars lost to Federal 37-25. Bill White with 15 points led the Federals to the victory. The two Hintons star red in the Zebulon line-up. At the half the losers were ahead, 18-15. But Federals pulled ahead at the end of the third quart er and went on for a 12 point lead at the end of the game. Although the Zebulonites did some nice play ing and were ahead during the coughs following a cold certainly break down your resistance. At the least suspicion of pneu monia, call your doctor at once, end at the first sign of a cough due to a cold start taking Mentho- Mulsion immediately. Mentho-Mulsion is that time tested cough remedy, made from ingredients used by many doctors for years. Now fortified with both Vitamins “A” and “D.” Mentho- Mulsion, at only 75