THIS, THAT, & THE OTHER Continued from page one. Os course it is absolutely none of my business. I just feel that if we women play, and play “free for nothing” so much of the time for we are prone to go only at the free hours we ought to be extra careful to be as good sports as possible. No score means enough to be won by the slightest unfair- 5™ birthday offer IH SOUVENIRIKB TEASPOONSffIS EACH SPOON ONIY lo< IrW 1 A AND A BLACK BAND FROMHhHI PALMOLIVE SOAP ASK FOR ORPCR BLANK OUR PRICE Palmolive Soap, 3 for 20c Super Suds (for washing dishes) Regular size, 3 for . . 27c Giant size, 2 for 38c Con. Super Suds (washing clothes) Regular size, 3 for __ 27c Giant size, 2 for .... 45c Giant Octagon Soap, 4 for ... 19c Special Octagon Soap, 2 for .. 5c Large Octagon Powder, 3 for 14c Special Octagon Powder, 2 for 5c Octagon Cleanser, 2 for 9c Octagon Granulated Soap, 2 . 19c Octagon Soap Chips, 2 for ... 19c Crystal White Toilet Soap, 3 . 14c Hollywood Toilet Soap, 3 for . 14c Octagon Toilet Soap, 3 for ... 14c Klex (Pumice) Soap, 2 for .... 9c Universal Toilet Soap, 3 for .. 14c Vogue Toilet Soap, 3 for .... 14c Fair Sex Toilet Soap, 4 for . . 16c PHILLIPS MKT. ZEBULON, N. C. LOOK ! 200 bu. Milling Corn, 75c bu. Tobacco Sticks, $8.60 per M. Velvet Beans, Soy Beans, Peas. A. G. KEMP Zebulon, 0. K. WELLS WELDS O. K. EXPERT WELDING General Repair Work Horse-Shoeing Wendell N. C. IPnffll Concentrated Kud4 SUPER SUDS Palmolive Soap, 3 for 20c Super Suds (for washing dishes) Regular size, 3 for .. 27c Giant size, 2 for 38c Con. Super Suds (washing clothes) Regular size. 3 for __ 27c Giant size, 2 for .... 45c Giant Octagon Soap, 4 for .. _ 19c Special Octagon Soap, 2 for .. 5c Large Octagon Powder, 3 for 14c Special Octagon Powder, 2 for 5c Octagon Cleanser, 2 for 9c Octagon Granulated Soap, 2 . 19c Octagon Soap Chips, 2 for ... 19c Crystal White Toilet Soap, 3 , 14c Hollywood Toilet Soap, 3 for . 14c Octagon Toilet Soap, 3 for ... 14c Klex (Pumice) Soap, 2 for .... 9c Universal Toilet Soap, S for .. 14c Vogue Toilet Soap, 3 for .... 14c Fair Sex Toilet Soap, 4 for .. 16c CITY MARKET I neaa; and the chances are that thoae who overstep are wholly un conscious of it. Since writing the foregoing lines I have been told that men are fully as bad as women about sliding their feet over the line when bowling. I won't take back a word, though. Even if the King of England and President Roosevelt slide, it still is not fair. Abide by rules, or change them. Don’t break them. Amasses I MEMORIALS OF BE AUTY & DISTINCTION We have no agents and can save you from 30 per | cent to 40 ner cent. Markers. SIR 00 Each IM/ A RNAI7 I Marble & Granite Works “Makers of Supreme Quality Memorials” Corner Scawell Ave. and E. Lane St. Phone 4392 J B RALEIGH, N. C. TWO EXCEPTIONAL I &MI& fktnt Ram. P / X 1 I Designed by 7SSO Wome f v rn»w.Khtii«i'MJWiirwiit,i,j rt ., | 1 (RI6IIAIRE s MHIR-MIStB I BK— sav=~ ■ Rmit on am Entirely New fltftfCWft ]■ rfUed with i ts 2es *> I 1 I £% I ■ Ijg ®IB gffffi. 1 B| Co°me i„ f J lIP U 5J~2?.55 /range MODELsNsiii«SsB!Q I5?£X. fc S22 I PHI H highly perishable / SS low S 9 'P^*.^ d ,e "o how truly Bhl ’|B their original / 1«) CIV F Y «.' fl| ever \ c . / What a pair of kitchen companions! Most talked-of P H ,JS before. See this sen- \. t<#Sy payment S Electric Appliances of the year! We are happy to I sational refrigera- terms join Frigidaire and General Motors in presenting tor now ... at our them to you. Come in and learn how they’ll save you store. I time, work and money .. . how they will add new beauty in | M*®®* 1135 , ovw as 25c a day _ -1 your kitchen. Easy to buy, easy to pay for on our convenient, Convenient terms as time-purchase plan. NOW AT Zebulon Supply Co. N. C. PLAYER PIANO BARGAIN! Instead of reshipping to factory, $500.00 Player Piano, like new ran be had for unpaid balance of $38.46 remaining on contract. Write at once to Edgar O. Net zow, (Department of Accounts), 4743 North Sheffield Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who will advise where piano can be seen. Kindly furnish refer ences. 2tpd. For Awnings of Comfort, Beauty and Value Phone, Write or See THOS. R. WILLIAMS and SON “The Oldest Awning Concern In Raleigh’’ Tel. 1550 - 816 S. Blount Garden Seed, C F] E D S Peanuts, All Kinds ° Spanish & Valencia By weights or packages. Early corn, pole or bush beans, peanuts, peas, soy beans, velvet beans, Sudan, Rotone, arsenate lead, Baricide, hay, meal, hulls; chicken mash, 3c; chick feed, 21-4 c; scratch, 2c. A. G. KEMP - Zebulon. N. C. JWMV HEAD-ACH E'sT{MOST BE YOUR ! P . „ fl gone! MY . AIKA-SUTTER 1 « ° • 1 l H^^^^j/(_ v PEAR 1K „ ,V There is a modern pleasant way to get relief from Headache, Gas on Stomach, Colds, Ileart • burn, “Morning After” and Muscular Pains. 0 Just drop one or two ALKA-SELTZER tablets in -0 to a glass of water. Watch it bubble—listen to it fizz. 0 As soon as tablet is dissolved, drink the tangy solution. Alka- Seltzer • (Analgesic Alkalizing Effervescent Tablets) You will really enjoy the taste—more like spring • water than like medicine. • ALKA-SELTZER, when dissolved in water, eon • tains an analgesic, (Sodium Acetyl-Salicylate), which • relieves pain, while its alkalizing agents help to cor • red everyday ailments associated with hyperacidity/ • Your druggist has ALKA-SELTZER. Get a 30c or 60c package on our “satisfaction-or-money-back” • guarantee. • kAAvAAAA4AA A A A a a A A A