FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1910. ! j SOCIETY 11' J MRS. THEO. B. DAVIS, Editor * * * X ie: '*c send local or personal item* , the RECORD shop by Tuesday n:<-ht if ;> ,;•)!, f 4* f I X •H~'*.V4-++++ ++v-<-4*4*++4-4*4*<*4*+++4*+4-4*++4-++4*++ . ■•:* William Hoyle was home f r th week end from Laurinburg, where he is a member of the high school faculty. Mr. and Mrs. S. I\ Gill nnd baby son came from Wake Forest Sun day to visit Mrs. Victoria Gi l. N. P. Stone of Winston-Salem and his friend, Mr. Troutman, were in Zebulon during the weekend, vis iting the J. M. Whitleys, the C. V. Whitleys and Mrs. Will Wiggs. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Weathersby and son, Charles Allen, spent the weekend in Clever, Va., with Mrs. mother, Mrs. A. L. Williams. Mrs. Kenneth Kennedy of Che raw, S. C. was here with her par ents, the J. K. Barrows, from Wed nesday of last week until Sunday, returning with Mr. Kennedy who came up for the day. Editor and Mrs. Davis appreciate an invitation from Mrs. M. Mcßae Faison to be present at the cele bration of the one-hundredth anni versary of the founding of St. Mary’s Female Seminary, St. 1 Mary’s City, Md. Mrs. Fais n is j a member of the faculty t>f this; school, which is built upon the site of the first settlement and the first capital of the state. Open House will be held with afternoon tea and an appropriate program. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Muse and sons of Raleigh visited the J. V. Coxes here on Sunday afternoon. Miss Grace Southall, formally with the Elite Beauty Salon, is now employed in Baltimore. She is stay ing with her sister who, before marriage, v as M : ss Ruth Southall. Miss Blanche Bryant came here recently from Tarboro to take the place in the Elite Beauty Salon formally held hv Miss Southall. Miss Margaret Barrow of Char lotte was here for the week end with her parents, the ,T. K. Bar- ( rows. Mrs. Zellie N. Culpepper left for New York Friday of last week to visit her sister, Mrs. Joseph Kot zum, and to attend a week of grand i opera. Mrs. Culpepper will visit relatives in Baltimore and Rich mond cn her return home which i will he the latter part of next w-eek. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Garland Godwin! and baby of Henderson were the week-er.d gimsts cf Mrs. Godwin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Fere bee. Mrs. Harold Griffin of Glendale School spent the week-end with Miss Ruby Stell. Mrs. Clifton Pippin is attending the annual meeting of the Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union in Wilmington this week, repressi ng the Wakefield societies. Mr. and Mrs* Johnnie Hilliard have moved from near Garner back to their home in the Friendship section. This is good news for their many friends. Mr. Hilliard was in the office on Friday of last week to renew his Record subscrip tion. From Mrs. W. P. Howard (nee Iris Massey) comes a note saying, ‘Please change my address from Toldsboro to 94 Gleason Rd., Lex- ; ington, Mass... I just can’t do; without my Zebulon paper. We ire living in Mass, now, and it is aretty up here, but right now we have about four feet of snow on i the ground. I went skiing last ; Thursday.” | Mrs. Hoyle at the Jiffy Grill offers Sunday dimers that give the h usekeeper without a mad a chance to rest and en joy the com panionship of her family. This aft* has an A grade. 1 ' " t | JACK HINTON FIFTEEN Ja k Hinton entertained at the I home of hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. | A'. S. Hinton, Friday evening cele-j brating Ids fifteenth birthday. Punch, cakes and mints were served to: Missis Virginia Brid get, Jean Flowers, Elsie Bunn, Kitty Cox, Dot Horton and Court ney Allen, and Wilbur Debnam, Billy Green, Jack Gregory, J. K. Watson, Wilbur Hales, Dave Finch and R. 11. Brantley. DOUBLE- EIGHTS ENT F R TAIN Mr. and Mrs. Irby D. Gill enter tained the Double Fight Bridge Club Friday evening. The living and dining rooms were ensuite and decorated with spring flowers. Mrs. Wallace Chamblee received I ladies high score prize and Robert | Daw-son recieved high score for men while A. V. Medlin was award ed the consolation prize. Ham sandwiches, baked scotch pie and coffee were served to: Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Barbee, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Flowers, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Campen, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Modlin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daw son and Mrs. Wallace Chamblee. NARRONS ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Narron en tertained their bridge club Thurs day night. Mrs. Julian R. Horton received ladies high score prize, silver salt and pepper shakers, and Russel Temple was awarded high score for men, playing cards. Date roll and coffee were served to Mrs. Julian R. Horton, Mr. and ■ Mrs. Russel Temple, Mr. and Mrs. ' Eugene Privett and Mr. and Mrs. leon Thompson. BA RAC AS HAVE FISH FRY Baptist Baracas under the lead ! ership of W. D. Spencer have made notable progress in the last few months. They celebrated w-ith a j fish fry in the Masonic Hall on ; Wednesday right. With William ' Cheaves and B h Sawyer cooking, jL. E. Long and W. D. Spencer serving the hot fish, Zollie Cul pepper pouring coffee, and every member helping to make the oc casion a happy one, “a good time was had by all.” The blessing was asked by Prof. Hamrick. Special guests [ were: the pastor, G J. Griffin: | former pastor, R. H. Herring; S. S. Supt., L. M. Massey; Commis- j sinner Jesse Kilpatrick. Approxi mately 75 were present. Every Baraca is proud of his class and wants to make it still better. Dug Spencer promises another grand surprise in the near future. Every man in the com munity not affiliated with anoth er class is cordially invited to join us next Sunday morning at 9:45. A Member. ***++*****❖**+*•>**•> I | THE ELITE BEAUTY SALON* t NO 1 and NO. 2 % , * ZEBUI/ON WENDELL % + Phone 3721 Phone 2716 * 2 2 + We give to the world the best4* we have And the best comes£ * back to ns. * t f AAAAAAAAAAAA A A .t. A A A A A A A TTVTx WTT VYYTVW T W’Pttt'S* THE ZEBULON RECORD MISS DEBNA red ,\T BIRTHDAY SOCIAL Honoring Misses Martha and Mo bile D.jbnam, Miss Loitie Debnam I and Mrs. Lorni.- Strickland enter tained at a birthday social in the home of Miss Martha Debnam on j Tuesday night, Match sth. Many games were c :joyed. Re- I freshm-.-nts -.ere .cry .! to the fol- I liwing: Misses Martha, Mozelle, 1 anfl Lottie Di-bircn, Virginia and i Elizabeth Alford, Violet and Helen Chamblee, Ruth and Arlene Stal lings, Hazel Mur ay, Mr. and Mrs. L.omi Strickland, Mr Vincent and Odell M- i ray, Daniel Brantley, and Craig Chamblee. Berdon Eddins is kept in this week because of an injury suffered last Saturday night when he slip ped and cut his arm badly by run ning it through the glass in the gymnasium door at Wake) n. A main artery was cut and he lost considerable blood. First aid was given by Coach Austin and in a short while Dr. Flowers V : taken the necessary stitches in the in jured arm. His condition is as good as could he expected. ' SURPRISE PARTY ■ * Misses Dimock Stalling-;. Merle ! Lewis, Hally Ray and Jemaria j Lewis gaave Ned M dlin a surprize party Thursday night at the home - of Mrs. W. T. Phelps. Punch and ’ make were served to: Juatina * Jones, Clida White Brantley, Nellie • Rose Stalling-?, Foy Williams, Alice , Bunn, Rachel Pearce, Hally Ray, - Merle Lewis, Jemaria T-ewis, Di m-ck Stallings, On-al Phillips. Ne 1 Medlin, Bernice Brooks Williams, Hilton Gay. Cameron Stallings, Cadwin Cone and Bill Jams. After the party they all went to see “Swanee Rive _ .. j Reddy CONFUCIUS Kilowatt say: j . “Better eating makes stronger body. 'L ect r i c Cooking making better eating cheap er all the time!” | ' ★ * * SEE YOUR ELECTRIC DEALER ★ < CAROLINA POWER A LIGHT < COMPANY " < i BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ) Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eddins announce the birth of a son, Hu bert Franklin, at thei*- home in I j Wakefield n Friday, March Bth. MRS. E.L. PERRY Mrs. E. L. Perry, <57, died at her home in the Pearce communi ty, Zebulon, Route 3, Wednesday morning at 10:30, following a brief illness. Funeral services were held at the home Thursday at 2 o’clock. Survivors are three sons, L. D., J. W. and C. I>. Perry; a sister, Mrs. Z. B. Johnson; a brother, Willie Pearce, and several grand children, all of Zebulon Route 3. i HE LADIES’ SHOP—Dressmak ing, Altering, Remodeling, and Buttonholes, any size, special ties. Mrs. Clifton Pippin, Mrs. Bernice Finch. FOR SALE! Good I sod 6-Foot Kelvinafor A Bargain at *25.00. W. D. SPENCER Zebulon, N. C. IDEAL LAUNDRY Wendell, N. C. Thrif-T Wash sc lb. We call for and deliver Mondays and Thursdays 4* -I* 4* 4* *> 4* v 4* 4* ■> 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* •> 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* v* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4. 4* For Old Fashioned 4- • f 4- 4* | HOME COOKING t ; * I 1 t lr y ;; : -> ►* *> % JIFFY GRILL 4* 4. J Zebulon’s Newest 4 ] A * * Grade A Case 4. ’ T* ' **4**4**4*4*4***4*v•>* *• v > * 4- 4* 4* 4* <• ' ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ ♦ WEEKEND SPECIALS AT X ! CITY MARKET ! % PHONE 5191 ZEBULON, N. C. ♦ % 2, No. 2 1-2 Cans PEACHES 29c Z ♦ 3 Cans TOMATO JUICE 25e j f 3. 1 lb. Boxes CRACKERS 20c X J 3 Boxes VANILLA WAFERS 20c Z Z 1,46 Oz. Can of ORANGE JUICE 15c ♦ « FAT BACK 7c lb. ♦ I RIB MEAT 9c lb. | % WE ALSO HAVE AN ELECTRIC POLISHER ♦ ♦ FOR RENT l | Wakelon Theatre ! A Matinee every day 3:13 p. m . A shows 7:00 & 9:00; Sunday ni<>ht 8:30 p. m. A ' ~~~ : ♦ X Friday, March 15— ♦ 2 SPENCER TRACY HEDY LAMARR ♦ | I TAKE THIS WOMAN” f Saturday, March 16 — A THE THREE MESQUITEERS + t “HEROES OF I Hi. SADDLE” ♦ ♦ Sunday, March 17— X Y PRISCILLA LANE THOMAS MITCHELL 2 ♦ "THREE ' 111 KUS FOR THE IRISH” t 0 Monday and Tuesday. March 18 & 19— A DORIS DAY DON WILSON ▲ And a Galaxy of Radio Stars ▼ ♦ “ VILi A(il: BARN DANCE" ♦ 2 Wednesday, March 20— 4 2 JANE WYMAN DICK FORAN ♦ Z “I'KIVATE DETECTIVE” 2 ♦ Thursday and Friday, March 21 & 22 A Y CLARK GABLE JOAN CRAWFORD A ♦ "STRANGE CARGO” X T Next Week— A ♦ "OF MICE AN!)' MEN” X RUPTURE Shield Expert Here Again E. J. M EINIIARDI, widely, known Expert of C hicago, will p rsenally be in Raleigh. N. C., at the Sir Walter Hotel, Wednesday. March 20th, from 10 A. M„ to 4 P. M. only. MR. MEINHARDI says: The Meinhardi Shield is a tremendous improvement well known for producing immediate results. It prevents the Ruptme from pro ti tiding in 10 days on the average —regardless of size or location of Rupture and no matter h< w hard you work or strain. It has no leg straps or cumbersome arrange ments. (No Surgery or Injection Treatments used.) Mr. Meinhardi has been coming here for 15 years. Caution: If neglected—Rupture may cause weakness, backache, constipation, nervousness, stomach p iins, etc., or sudden death from strangulation. Men having large Ruptures which have returned after Surgical Operations or Injection Treat ments are also invited. When ail others fail see MEINHARDI. He will be pleased to demonstrate to you privately, without charge. (Only men invited.) White only. WANTED Cotton Seed Meal, $1.50, Soy Beans, Corn, Onions, Also have Dynamite, Caps, Fuse. A. G. KEMP Zebulon, N. C. -4* 4* 4* 4* 4*+4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4 • 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* | HAZEL’S BEAUTY SALON J X Will Appreciate Your Pat- I a|. T 4* ronage. All Lines of Beau- Z 4* 4* 4* ty Culture. X + Work Guaranteed. Phone 5281 7 4* 4*4**M++**4-*4-+4-*4*4-*4+4-+4*+4- PAGE FIVE