PAGE EIGHT AT CHURCHES (Continued From Page One) E. Bunn. After the business the hostess served refreshments. Y. W. A. The Y. W. A. of the Zebulon Baptist Church met on Thursday night in the home of Mrs. J. B. Outlaw with Mrs. Russel Temple assistant hostess. The devotional was led by Medames Outlaw and It. H. Herring. Mrs. Russel Temple directed a “Candlelight Easter Program.” Miss Marie Watson gave “The Message of Easter” and Miss Ruby Dawson read an Easter poem. CHURCH SUPPER Women of the Wakefield church will serve supper in the basement of the chureh on Thursday even ing, March 21. A barbecue plate followed by dessert may be had for fifty cents, all profits going into the church fund. Tickets are on sale, or may be had at the door. METHODIST W. M. S. The Ida Fisher Missionary So ciety met with Mrs. G. S. Barbee with Mrs. J. L. Stoll assistant hostess. Plans for an educational building on the church grounds were dis cussed. Mrs. M. .T. Sexton had charge of the program. The life cf Isabelle Thoburn was discussed by Mrs. Mik' Whitley, Mrs. Percy White and Mrs. A. R. House. The devotional was led by Mrs. F. D. Finch with praver by Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Jethro Stell gave a topic from the Missionary Voice. The Upp°r Room for the quarter was distributed by Mrs. Coltrane. Sev eral had heard from their Pollv annas during the month. Refreshments were served by the hostesses at the close of the meeting. NORTHSIDE CIRCLE The Northside Circle of the Baptist. W. M. S. met with Mrs. C. V. Whitley on Monday p. m. RECORDER’S COURT (Continued From Page One) Felix Green was charged with A. W. D. W. (assault with a dead ly weapon), to wit: a rifle. He claimed his wife came at him with a switch knife when he remon- j strated with her for too intimate! relations with another man. In self defense he used his rifle (the butt,! and not the barrel). Result: a broken arm. She spent .10 days in the hospital. He must pay that bill, the doctor’s bill, and the court costs or work the roads for 90 days, and behave himself for two years without choice. Ike Richardson was also charged with A. W. D. W. on one Janies Pace with a big stick (and he said it was a BIG stick). Pace said he j chased him more than a mile. For; the race Ike got three months on the roads which sentence was sus pended on condition that he pay a fine of $lO and the costs and be good for two years. G. F. Walker, a white man from an adjoining county, was accused of drunken driving. The court sus tained the charge, fining him SSO and the costs, and taking his li cense away for one year. He ap pealed. The man has a govern ment job, and, as appears lately, such jobs at least pay enough to supply the needy with their drinks. Raleigh Bert Lamb was accused of having a concealed weapon at the Blue Parrot, famous (?) re sort east of Zebulon. Found guil ty, taxed SSO and costs or work the roads for 60 days. Hugo Owens for competing with ; ABC store: six months on high ways. Abrom Fowler drove his car without a license. Must work on the highways 30 days or pay the cost and get a license before driv ing again. Joe Holder borrowed (?) some money off C. B. Eddins Shoe Shop. He will work it out on the roads, serving three months ! The last case on the docket was Floyd Pearce for non-support. Floyd was absent, so a capias was issued for hirq, If caught he must, | give a justified bond of S2OO to the | effect that he will pay back ali-; mony and meet future payments. MORE COLD The weather prediction of “mist, probably freezing rain Tuesday with snow” was not received with enthusiasm here. And when on Tuesday the mercury kept falling the cold pinched worse because of a few pretty days. The mist came and was, in fact, an inter mittent drizzle that never turned to real rain. Before night icicles were forming at eaves and the general discomfort was greater. Wednesday morning found a fairly heavy sleet enlarging itself and shrubs and bushes were bowed to its will and weight. Swollen buds gleamed faintly throgb ice buds gleamed faintly through iec and plowed ground showed gray. Thursday was rainy and cold, but not freezing. “REPEATED BY REQUEST” The first item below is reprint ed from This, That and the Other in a Record dated several years ago. The information it contains has been requested by a number of housekeepers and Mrs. Jethro Stell, who had saved the clipping, b ought it in, asking that it be given space this week. To save the associate editor the time and trou ble of hunting up the item, Mrs. Stell brought the clipping which she had saved all this time. That’s the finest kind of cooperation. Mrs. Stell also brought the re cipes given below, both of which are specially good. It will be well for those interested to clip these for filing in their cook-books. J They have been requeued by many I in this community. B. D. ■ ..... If you are bothered with those i little things that are called silver j fish, you probably want to get rid J of them. They look like tiny drag ' ons, are pale, silvery gray in color, and live in bookcases, closets and such places, preferring darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil. They eat glue, pa per and anything that has starch in it, being specially fond of or gandy collars. Mrs. Mclnness looked up direc tions for killing them. You must take ten level spoonfuls of flour | and mix with it one table spoonful j of white arsenic. Stir this into a ' paste with boiling water and spread it on something flat so that the silver-fish can get to it. i Cotton clothing stored in closets • should be well-aired and sunned at intervals to prevent damage by this pest. Chocolate Cake 1-2 cup butter 2 cups sugar 4 egg yolks 1 cup sweet milk 2 2-3 cups flour 5 tsp. b. powder 1-2 tsp. salt 4 egg whites 4 sq. chocolate 1 tsp. vanilla Method Cream butter and add sugar. Beat yolks of eggs well and add j THE ZEBULON RECORD alternately milk and flour mixed and sifted with baking powder and salt, then add egg whites (beaten stiff), melted chocolat * and vanilla. Bake in layers or loaf. If baked in loaf use slow «.v n and bake 60 minutes. Oat Meal Cookies 1-2 cup butter 1-2 cup sugar 1 egg 3 tsps. sweet milk 1-4 tsp. cinnamon 1-2 cup raisins 1-2 cup nut meats 1 cup oat meal 1 tsp. soda Cream butter ,add sugar and beat. Sift together dry ingredi ents and add oatmeal. Beat egg and add to butter and sugar. Com bine the two mixtures, add the milk a little at the time, add nuts and raisins, then drop from a spoon and bake in moderate oven. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE j Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Ada Florence i Bunn late of Wake County, North: Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es- j ta‘. of said deceased to exhibit | them t. tli' undersigned at Zebu-. lon, North Carolina, on or before ! the 15th day of March, 1941, or this j notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate wlil please immediate payment. This, the Bth j day of March, 1910. I. F. Bunn, Administrator Estate Ada Florence Bunn, deceased, t Mar. 16—Apr 19-1940) YOU CAN MY MORE] -iof why f fll'-?.'' ? . __J' . ~-i lifij iilh ♦ i id *i * p b a»i [ n g BgMW M based on rail rates, state El JEf W Crr /C S and local taxes any^ m ® *gii optional equipment and JFJRST | J. M. CHEVROLET COMPANY Zebulon North Carolina Ei/e FOR RENT TWO HOUSES One Four Rooms, One Seven Rooms. See R. F. EDDINS in Wakefield, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the terms and conditions contained in a certain deed of trust from Eula Dunston Perry and others, dated the 15th day of December, 1938, the undersigned, at the request of the holder of the note therein secured, held a sale on the 16th day of February, 1940, and the bid having been raised and a re sale ordered, I will, at the Court house door, Raleigh, Wake Coun ty, North Carolina, at public auc tion on Monday, the 25th day of WKNEBHKi lif I LIKE MY SMOKING |§r YOU SAID IT_*\ 5811 fpl Pm S-LO-W. CAMELS BURN Pf AND THERE'S extra I 4 SLOWER-TASTE MILD f-ri FLAVOR AND feir'Ww V AND COOL I EXTRA SMOKING .;V // 1 x 0r CAMELS j; ' * Y> ’'n In recent laboratory tests, j j FOR EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA CAMELS burned 25% slower j a COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR thantheaverageofthelsotherof i )} the largest-selling brands tested atffe am sgs ffjf M H -slower than uuy of theta. That ,3 ■■ fB M I IfUifsHLv SZXTR4 SMOKES TER PACK/ slow-burning costlier TOBACCOS FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1940. March, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon* offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described tract or parcel of land lying and being in Little Riv er Township or Wake Forest Township, Wake County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Located in Little River Town ship and or Wake Forest Town ship, Wake County, adjoining the lands of Luther Dunston on the North; E. C. Dunston on the South; Nannie Saunders on the West; and Vernon Mitchell on the East, containing 74 acres, more or less. IRBY D. GILL, Trustee. This 29th day of February, 1940. March 15-22