FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1940. SOCIETY MRS. THEO. B. DAVIS. Editor Plmm aend local or personal item*to the RECORD shop by Tuesday night, if possible Mrs. Clarence Corbett of Dunn visited her parents, the Jo ! hn Broughtons, Sunday. Her sister, Miss Elizabeth Broughton, return ed with her for a visit of some length. Mrs. W. A. Poplin of Rocking ham visited her daughter, Mrs. G. J. Griffin during the last of last week and the first part of this week. Dr. B. W. Spilman and Mrs. Spilman of Kinston visited in the Theo. Davis home Sunday. Dr. Spilman had on the night before addressed the ministerial fraterni ty at Wake Forest College. Bob Kelly of Coats and Wake Forest College spent the week end in Zebulon with Ferd Davis. Mike Eddins came from Nor folk, Va., last week end to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Eddins. Ralph House has been elected president of the Young Democrats at Duke University. Members of this club attended a banquet and student rally at Greensboro last Thursday night. Mrs. C. E. Flowers has returned from a trip to Wilmington. While away she visited Orton and Airlee Gardens, especially beautiful at this season. Dr. C. E. Flowers has for some weeks been taking a post-gradu ate course of lectures in Raleigh, being one of the committee on ar rangements for the series. Ted Pippin is starting a truck ing business of his own and his first advertisement will be found in this issue of this paper. Read it and consult this young man when you need service along nis line. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Barrow, Jr., have returned from their bridal tour and are at home with the J. K. Barrows, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Coltrane vis ited Mrs. Lucy Coltrane of Smith field Sunday. Robert Hughes Herring left for his work last week after a visit here with his parents, the Rev. R. H. Herring and Mrs. Herring. Sherwood Chamblee is distressed over the loss of his watch, a fif teen jeweled Elgin, which former ly belonged to his grandfather, the late Black Horton. It is hoped that the timepiece may be found. It was lost last Friday between the J. M. Whitley home and Stell’s Pressing Club. Mrs. Avon Privette was taken on Thursday night of last week to Rex Hospital where she under went an appendectomy. Her con dition at this time is said to -be fairly good, a cold having some what retarded recovery at first. A good picture of Mrs. Norman Screws appears on the cover of the COORDINATOR, monthly publication of Carolina Power ar.d Light Co. She is posing with one of the new electric ranges sold by the Zebulon Supply Co., and the picture was taken in the store. Ferd Davis has been accepted for graduate work at Wake Forest College and expects to study there next term for his master’s de gree. GARDENERS One of the beauty spots of Zebu lon this spring has been the yellow flower border at the edge of the lawn at the H. C. Wade home. Against a background of green hedge bloomed tulips in tones of yellow, some of the tall types, others lower; around these were dwarf narcissus, ranunculus, cow slips and hyacinths, the nast nam ed in shades of deep cream. Mrs. C. E. Flowers has the most striking display of phlox subulata seen in town. This with candytuft, tulips, and other early blooming plants and shrubs have given pleasure to all beholders. Mrs. Riggsby Massey’s flower garden is newer than many in Zebulon, but already beautiful and shows what it will be later on. One of the largest in the commun ity, there is space for beds anal borders which are rapidly being filled. The grounds of the J. F. Col trane home are being extensively improved, though already among the most attractive in town. At the side of the yard towards the rear a stone chimney witn fireplace has been built, a pergola with vines having been planned for shade. Walks, arches, trellises and seats have been arranged ap propriately and all lawn furniture is painted white. The pool, which was built last year, already looks as if it had naturally grown where it is. Nothing in the comumnity is lovelier now than the pink dog wood tree in the Barbee yard. Say what you will about white dogwood; the pink has a soft charm of its own that cannot be eclipsed. Mrs. Lela Horton’s garden has a fine display of narcissus and tu lips following the hyacinths that lately bloomed there. Mrs. Campen’s bed of candytuft, phlox, tulips and other flowers is a glowing spot of beauty enjoyed by all who pass that way. The long hedges of white spirea at the F. E. Bunn home are at their best now, as are smaller hedges and clumps at the J. C. Debnam home. There are many other plots in and near town equal ly attractive, but those mentioned are in the line of travel between the print shop and the western part of Zebulon. MRS. WADE HOSTESS Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wade enter tained the Double Eight Bridge Club Friday evening. Tulips, iris and spirea were used in the living rooms. Mrs. Irby Gill was high scorer for the ladies and Dr. G. S. Barbee received high score for the gentlemen. Mrs. G. S. Barbee received consolation prize. Sandwiches, pickles, strawberry shortcake and coffee were served to: Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Barbee, Mr. and Mrs. Irby Gill, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Campen, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brantley, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Medlin, and Mrs. Norman Screws. B. Tom Jones of Richmond, Va., was the guest of Mrs. Guy Mas sey and family, and other rela tives in Zebulon a few days this week. THE ZEBULON RECORD GRADE-PARENTS GIVE FEAST FOR SENIORS Wakelon seniors enjoyed to the fullest the supper given them in the lunchroom on Wednesday even ing by their grade-parents, Mes dames C. M. Watson and Guy Massey, and Mr. M. J. Sexton. A sit-down meal of barbecue, slaw, potato salad, pickles, “four kinds of pie”, and tea made a feast in deed. This entertainment was much appreciated by the class. MRS. TEMPLE HOSTESS Mrs. Wallace G. Temple was hostess at four tables of bridge Tuesday evening, entertaining the Friendly Thirteen Bridge Club and additional guests. Tulips, iris and other spring flowers were used in decorating the house. Mrs. R. H. Brantley received high score for guests, table mats. Mrs. H. C. Wade was high score winner for club members and re ceived a linen bridge set and Mrs. J. R. Alford received low score for the club and was presented score pads. A frozen salad, ritz, sandwich es, pickles, and coffee were served to: Mesdames J. R. Alford, M. Wallace Ohamblee, J. W. Narron, N. M. Screw's, B. F. Ivey, 11. C. Wade, L. M. Phelps, R. H. Brant ley, Robert Dawson, L. M. Massey. A. V. Medlin, P. C. Bacon, Jr., A. S. Hinton and Misses Ruby Daw son, Hazel Carowan and Ruby Stell. ENTERTAIN BRIDGE CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Thomp son entertained their bridge club Thursday evening. Iris and pan sies were used in the living room. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Narron were high scorers for the evening. Strawberry shortcake and tea were served to: Mrs. Eugene Privette, Mrs. L. M. Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Temple and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Narron. JUNIOR WOMAN S CLUB The April meeting of the Junior Woman’s Club was held Thursday night. During the business ses sion Mrs. Leon Thompson gave a report on the Red Cross drive; Mrs. Wallace Ohamblee gave a report on expenditures for the Art Room and First Aid Room at our local school. Delegates w’ere chosen to attend the state conven tion which is to be held in Greens boro in May'. A membership com mittee was apopinted to work dur ing the summer months. Plans for a barbecue to be held on May 16th were made. Program leaders for the even ing were Mesdames Robert Daw son, Graham Conn and Miss Ruby Dawson, who had S. J. Austin of the Wakelon High School faculty to speak. His talk was most en tertaining on “Conservation of Natural Resources” and Dorothy Mizelle gave “Trees” as a read ing. Mesdames Cbas. Rhodes, Wil liam Cheeves and N. M. Screws, hostesses, served a sweet with coffee. MRS. TEMPLE ENTERTAINS FOR MISSES FOWLER Honoring Misses Clarice Fowler and Christine Fowler, sisters who will be married in a double cere mony in June, Mrs. Wallace G. Temple entertained Friday even ing. Five tables were arranged for bridge in a setting of iris, tulips and spirea and little Martha Temple presented bridal tallies. . Miss Mary Lacy Palmer receiv ed table numbers for high score, Miss Christine Fowler received bath powder for second high score and Mrs. Helen Gregory was awarded a sewing kit for low score. Madiera pillow cases were presented to each honoree. Bridal ice cream, individual cakes and mixed nuts were served with coffee. Those playing were: Misses Clarice Fowler, Christine Fowler, Mary Barrow, Olena Swain, Ena Dell Anderson, Lee Sitton, Jean Cannon, Mary Lacy Palmer and Jo Dunlap, and Mesdames C. D. Matheny of Rolesville, Robert Dawson, R. Vance Brown, F. E. Bunn, E. H. Moser, Wallace Cham blee, W. D. Spencer, Helen Greg ory, Leon C. Thompson, F. L. Page and J. W. Narron. Mrs. J. R. Fowler, mother of the bride elect, was also present. P.-T. A. PARTY Mesdames R. H. Bridgers, C. V. Whitley and L. M. Massey directed a bingo party at Wakelon on Thursday night of last week. This was the major activity of the Ways and Means committee of the P.-T. A. and profits went into the treasury of the organization. Prizes were won by Miss Ada Lee Sitton, Mrs. A. V. Medlin, Freder ick Corbett and Carolyn Massey, the grand prize going to James Debnam. Refreshments were serv ed by those in charge. LOST: LAST FRIDAY—WATCH. 15-jewel Elgin, between J. M. Whitley home and Stell Press ing Club. Reward for return to Sherwood Chamblee. THE LADIES’ SHOP—Dressmak ing, Altering, Remodeling, and Buttonholes, any size, special ties Mrs. Clifton Pippin, Mrs. Bernice Finch. FOR SALE—Lots on Arrendell Avenue and several houses and lots for sale on terms. —See D. D. Chamblee, Zebulon. ♦+♦♦+♦♦*♦♦*♦++++++*♦*+♦* D f <>THE ELITE BEAUTY SALON;; “ NO 1 and NO. 2 o !! ZEBULON WENDELL ;; Phone 3721 Phone 2716 ;; «* « i “We give te the world the best” !! we have And the beet comes!! ; ’ back to us. • • I T 1 • I eeeeeeeeeeeee.******a*aaa | Wakelon Theatre f ▼ Matinee every day .3:15 p. m. ♦ 7:15 and 9:00 p. m. Sunday shows 9:00 X X Thursday and Friday. April 25 and 26 HENRY FONDA DORIS BOWDIN X "THE GRAPES OF WRATH” T X Saturday, April 27 X X KEN MAYNARD X X “LIGHTNING STRIKES WEST” X ▼ Sunday, April 28— X ♦ NEW AYRES LIONEL BARRYMORE X ♦ “DR. KILDARE’S STRANGE CASE” X X Shows start 3:15 and 9:00 p. m. 4 X Monday and Tuesday, April 29 and 30— X ♦ THOMAS MITCHELL EDNA BEST X ♦ “SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON” X ▼ Wednesday, May 1— X ♦ GLEASON FAMILY ARTURO GODOY X ♦ “GRANDPA GOES TO TOWN** X ▼ Thursday and Friday. May 2 and 3 W ♦ ERROL FLYNN MIRIAM HOPKTNS ♦ ♦ “VIRGINIA CITY” X Next Week: “HOUSE ACROSS THE BAY” ♦ Miss Ruby Stell visited Mrs. W. O. Clayton in Oxford during the week end, making the trip with other friends. PERSPECTIVE How different might out deci sions be could we but peer into some magic glass and see 30, 40, 50 years ahead* Consider the case of a pair of opera glasses on display at the recent U. S. Patent Law Sesquicentennial in Washington. Made of aluminum, they were bought in Paris in 1879 by a young American engineer who wanted to bring home to his fiancee the coat lest gift he could find. Aluminum then cost more than silver or gold, and he took them even in prefer ence to platinum because he felt in the lomg run they would prove costlier. But only a few years later another young man, just out of Oberlin college, found away to make aluminum inexpensively. Today the lightweight metal, sell ing but for 19 cents a pound, has more than 2,000 uses in industry and the home. And the opera glasses are a museum piece, a monument to the scientific re search and industrial progress which has made them valuable on ly as an heirloom. For Old Fashioned + I HOME COOKING I t „ I | | | JIFFY GRILL | + Zebulon’g Newest * + Grade A Case I FACETTING VP NIGHTS \nd Other Functional Symptoms of KIDNEY WEAKNESSES Take KID ANS now and relieve suffering and diacomiorta oi Backache and Lag Paina Frequent. Scanty and Burning Passage— Unnatural Odor—Lota oi Enargy— Haad achee. Dizxineaa. Nervousness —cauaed by functional Kidney and Bladder Diaordere. KIDANS work naturally. They aid kid neya and bladder to function normally efficiently. They keep the blood stream more free from waste matter, acids, poisons They relieve present distress and thus ward off more serioua kidney ills which may fol |>w. They are Efficient, Safe. Reliable Many thousands report entire satisfaction Taken according to directions. KlDANS brings desired results or the trial is FREE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Deposit SI.OO with your druggist for two boxes of KIDANS. Use one hr If no* entirely satisfied with RESULTS, return other box to the same druggist and your money-will be refunded. Start KIDANb Kidney Relief today. KIDANS is sold bv loading Druggists Everywhere. Ad ZEBULON DRUG COMPANY PAGE FIVE