FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1941 SOC: MRS. THEO B. DAVIS, Editor Be sure all personals are in by Tuesday preceding day of publication. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Davis of Bidckheajl, Ga., visited the for mer’s brother, Theo. B. Davis and family the first part of this \yeek, leaving on Tuesday for Hartsville, S. C., where they will stop for a short stap with a niece, Mrs. Otis Radford. Among the newcomers to the community are Mr. and Mrs. Cur rin. Mr. Currin is a nephew of W. N .Pitts. Mrs. Hugh Richardson and lit tle daughter, Nancy, left K n Sun day flcr their home in Santa Fe, New Mexico, afted visiting Mrs. Richardson’s parents, the A. C. Dawsons, and other relatives here and Mr. Richardson’s relatives in Wendell. Mayor Avon Privette left the first of the week for Miami, Fla., where he will spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Harris and children of Raleigh, formerly of Zebulon, were here Monday after noon. Mrs. Harris visited Mrs. L. E. Long and Mary Sue. Miss Evelyn White is in Wood and Herring Hospital, Wilson, where she underwent an appen ded} my last week. Mrs. Bill Strickland and son were in Zebulon for the week-end, coming from Fort Bragg, where they live now. Mr. Strickland came on Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Bowling is in a Rocky Mount hospital, where she was taken the first of the week for an operation. She is thought to be doing well. Mrs. Earl Horton is now able to sit up fbr a while each day, but is still far from being strong. ELLINGTON-PEARCE Mr. and Mrs. Joe T. Pearce an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Ollie Mae, to B. C. El lington on' Saturday, January 11. Mr. Ellington is the son of Mr. Frank Ellington of Franklin County. The couple plan to make their home in Zebulon. MR. AND MRS. BRIDGERS ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bridgers entertained last week with a bar becue supper at the ice plant, hon oring Mr. Bridger’s brother and wife, Mr- and Mrs. A. W. Bridgers of Panama, Canal Zone, now in the States on a visit. Other guests were Zebulon em ployees of the Little River Ice Company and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Bridgers, A. O. Bridgers, Mr. and Mrs. Dover Hinton and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Daniels of Wendell. • CORINTH-HOLDER CLUB WINS In the quarterly standing of .the- Bible clubs taught by Rev. C. F. Allen. Corinth-Holder Club won vcith a high average of 85 per cent. The standing of the clubs is as follows: Corinth-Holder, 85 per cent; Glendale, 79 per cent; Wakelon, 60 per cent. The following made the honor roll at Wakelon Club with a grade of 85: Emma Jean Pa-e. Rachel Horton, Mazie Horton, and Betty King. At Corinth-Holder the follow ing names are ion the honor roll: Dorothy Mae Thomasson, Alice Godwin, Elbert Price, Wanda Wilder, Charles G. Parrish, Eunice Creech, Ruby Godwin, Peggy O’Neal, Dwight Price, Louise Thomasson, Myrtis Mae Wall, Doris Wilder, Vara Wright. Clyde R. Greene of Boone, clerk of the Three Forks Baptist Asso ciation, and his father, N. M. Greene, associatbnal missionary, were pleasant visitors in the Rec ord office Wednesday. Mr. Clyde Greene is having the Record Com pany shop print the centennial edition of his associational min utes. With numerous phiotograps and the history of the Three Forks from its organization to the present, the issue will be of wide and unsusual interest, and Mr. Greene has done his share of the work with care and efficiency. CLASS SOCIAL Mrs. R. H. Bridgers was hostess on Tuesday night to her Sunday school class, lof which Mrs. S. ( Flowers is teacher. Attendai was good and an enjoyable p gram of stunts and contests v directed by Mrs. Fred Page, was decided to hold mont meetings during this year, with business session and short p gram preceding a social hour. The hostess, assisted by 1 daughters, Misses Lorraine r Ruby Bridgers, served refre ments. JUNIOR WOMAN’S CLUB _ Tuesday night, January 21, Zebulon Junior Woman’s held its regular meeting in R Woman’s Club building. Follow* the customary business session } ficers for the year of 1941-42 elected. New officers are: Mj Norman Screws, president; M? Frank Kemp, vice-president; M. George Griffin, secretary; Mrs. Biennie 'Bullock, assistant secre tary; Miss Ruby Stell, program and yearbook chairman. Mrs. Russell Temple and Miss Ruby Dawson were reelected treasurer •and press reporter, respectively. Mrs. Leon Thompson was pro gram leader for the night and pre sented the Rev. Mr. Charles Al len, who spoke on the significance of the Panama Canal in the pres ent world crisis. After the program, Rob ert Daws!;n, Miss Ruby Dawson, and Mrs. Bennie Bullock, hostess es, served ice cream sandwiches. COULD IT HAPPEN TO YOU? W. Banks Horton—-this name is being talked abut by everyone in Yadkinville, N. C. Not only be cause he is a well known and good lawyer but because twice in a row PERSONAL Fred don’t leave home? I just told Mary my prize baking secret, and she’s starting in to day to use Rumford Baking Powder. She’s going to make some marvelous cakes and hot breads. For with Rumford she can use any good recipe with- * ' out worrying about how much baking powder to use. The amount the directions call for is the right amount to use of Rumford. Rumford contains ] no alum never leaves a bif ter taste. FREE. Send for new booklet, containing dozens of bright ideas to improve your baking. Address; Rumford ! Baking Powder, Box J, Rum ford, Rhode Island. E ZEBULON RECORD name w r as called on Bank Night 7 he local theater, and twice he = — there and received the money. | ’hen came the next Bank Night. Out came the man with the barrel of names. As he came out he laughed and called for W. Banks Horton to just come on down and get the money. Mr. Horton got up as if to go down. Then the name was drawn. The man looked at the name, turned red and stuttered for a minute. Then read out the name: W. Banks Horton. The house was silent for a mo ment. Mr. Horton was unable to move, so stunned was he. Then the audience hollered in protest that something was wrong. Mr. Horton got up and went to the front and had them put his name back, and told them to redraw. Everyone cheered Mr. Horton for his sports manship. This time the barrel was turned end over end and over and over the other way, then taken up and shaken up good. Then Yadkinville’s most promi nent citizen was called to the front to draw out the name. He came forward and was blindfolded. Then in went his hand into the barrel and out it came with one little card. The blindfold was removed and he went to read the name. He stopped and looked ojj> at th" aufji ? impeachment was V o.ght, but the | attempt failed. SIDE MEAT, per pound 14c Best Steaks and Stew Beef II I tm fi.our IIH| W Sbs., 40c-24 lbs., 75c-48 lbs, sl,lO-98 lbs. $2.75 UkAySM ELWOOD PERRY, Manager N. C. PHONE 5311 ULL^RlliX.^ II CLUB No. 1 §1 McCall’* Magazine 1 yr. 39 Pathfinder (weekly) I y r . $9 American Poultry journal I yr. £1 Farm Journal-Farmer’* Wife... I yr! > Os Comfort | y r# $1 Southern Agriculturist l_jtr +++4 , +4‘4*++4 , ++*F++++4 , 4 , ++4-^* TOBACCO SEED— RECLEANED f>oc Oz. Canvas, All Grades Fertilizer, Meal, Hay, Hulls A. G. KEMP—ZEBULON, N. C. ❖<- * ❖ •> ❖++❖ *** * * *+*+4. * .j. *4. Bpflg —J | 1 | I I ■ ■ ™ Genuine engraved cords on plain or panelled vellum. Choice of 04 styles of engraving. ■ s]6s J PLATE INCLUDED I Order your sards today. I RECORD PUBLISHING COMPANY C ZEBULON, N. C. HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU WASTE? Well known quiz expert, in an unusual feature, enables women through self-analysis to find out if she makes the most of her time. Don’t miss this feature in the February 2nd issue of The American Weekly the big magazine distributed with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN I On Sale At All Newsstands OUALITY FOOD STORE TOMATOES, 4 No. 2 Cans 25c CORN, 4 No. 2 Cans 25c SUGAR 4 l-2c lb. POST TOASTIES, 4 for 25c SYRUP—IO lb. Bucket, 57c 5 lb. Bucket, 29c CIGARETTES, 2 Pkgs 25c FRESH PORK SAUSAGE 17 l-2c 1 BOLOGNA SAUSAGE 17 l-2c WEINERS, per pound 17 l-2c SMOKED SAUSAGE 17 l-2c PIG TAILS, per pound 10c PORK LIVER, per pound —l5 c | PIG EARS, per pound 7 l-2c fr;?|€K BuNEC, 1 lbs. 25c R<*T BACK, per pound 8c Announcing!! To My Farmer Friends lan ready to serve you with Fertilizer and Supplies to mike your 1941 crop the best ever, yet costing you less By Offering Farming Supplies, including Genuine Coker’s Tobacco and Cotton Seed, Tractors and Equipment, Wagons, Farming Imple ments and Livestock. and TALL MASNESM|ALL-MgNESHIB| [Limestone filler! [limestone fillEßj I Famous Fertilizers tried and tested year after year and found to be better—yet priced right. SPECIAL \ STANDARD I 1 * /VICTOR I > /TIP TOP Johnson Smhctator Joscys all cream ?or TOBACCO i KING For TOBACCO t LUCKY STAR ’Open Formula Open Formula wummmmmmmmaam And Most Important I can arrange for you to borrow money on ac ceptable security, to pay cash for your fertilizer and supplies. The Interest Rate Is So Low You Can Hardly Believe It. You Cannot Afford to Miss This Real MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITY. See Me At Once E. 0. PEARCE Bunn, “The Farmers Best Friend” N. C. Agent For JOHNSON COTTON CO. and JOSEY FERTILIZER CORP. * Dunn, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. PAGE THREE