PREVENT SKA SE; drain staANt water voLua^viii. Tfs, That, Cr he Other FMRS. THEO. B- DAVIS hilp many persona ax die tejs canning and preserving in- ! t(/>f you. The church school meets each Sunday at 10:00. The young people s meeting is held each Sunday evening,at 7:00. Baptists Special atention is called to the I time of our services for Sunday, August 3. We will meet as we customarily did before Daylight Saving Time came into effect. The hours will be; 10:45 (D. S. T.) Sunday school. 12.00 (D. S. T ) Morning wor- I s i' l P Sermon topic: “Receiving j Without Giving” S.-00 (D. S. T ) Mission Night. All mission organizations with the | exception of the Sunbeams will i meet at this time. Samaria Has New Church Pastor A D. Parrish an nounces the first service in the new church building at Samaria for next Sunday. This building was begun 18 months ago and work has proceeded mainly on the pay-as-you-go basis, only a small debt remaining at present. It is on highway 95. seven -niles east of Zebulon. Cinder blocks and brick were used in the construc tion The house has a seating ca pacity of approximately 700 with adequate space for Sunday school. The public is cordially invited to the first service and to those that may succeed it. Samaria is in the Tar River association. Hot News Direct From the War If one were to believe all re ported by both Germans and Rus sians about their titanic struggle, many thousands have been killed over and over on each side, both have been winning day by day, (Jermans have been making blitz krieg progress while Russia has | stopped them in their tracks. From the best reports, after sifting them, it seems that what | has taken place on a 1,000-mile battle line has resulted in the de struction of much property and many lives. Germany has made gre.'it headway towards Leningrad and Moscow. What was thought to be a matter of weeks at most to win, will lengthen into months with a possibility of Germany’s never reaching Moscow. At pres ent Russia claims to have stopped the German march along the whole battle front. In some sections she [ has actually taken the offensive. On the other hand, Germany ad- I mits a strong resistance. A high military authority has warned the German people that they may ex pect a long struggle before victory comes. The war in other parts of the eastern world still goes on, but makes little news in the face of the greater struggle in Russia. England continues her aerial raids on occupied France and Germany makes little news in the face of gets the necessary war munitions, ! the destiny of Hitler may be set tled there. Japan has occupied Indo-China. England and the U. S. have placed an embargo on all exports. All troops in the Philippine Islands have been called to service and it is said that much of the American fleet has moved into far Pacific waters. If Japan continues her en croachments, war is likely to break out at any time between this country and that. NUMBER 2