PREVENT DISEASE; DRAIN STAGNANT WATER VOLUME XVIII. This, That, <S* - the Other By MRS. THEO. B- DAVIS Did I ever advise that tomatoes be canned as quickly as possible after being taken fro mthe vines? If so,, if you paid any at tention at the time. I’ve learned better—by experience. Tomatoes can spoil quicker than anything in the garden, and with me it is far better to pick them at least a day before canning. Spread them them on a table, not letting them crowd each other, and in 24 hours you will be able to detect spots and defects that you might have missed the day before. The sound ones will not hurt at all by . waiting. Sun scald is bad for to p rnatoes and makes decay set in fast; water spots form in a few hours sometimes. None of this is worth putting into a can, but it frequently fails to show up at the time the gathering is done. It does not take the goldenrod to tell us that autumn is on her way. We have felt her cool, sweet breath on our faces as she whispered in the night of her com ing. Weather prophets foretell a an early fall, which will be all » right with many of us. f This has not, according to the ► thermometer, bc«n the hottest summer on record; but it has been one of the hardest to endure and keep at work. The three - year -old grand daughter was industriously scrub bing her knees with a small brush H dipped in soapy water and was at the same time talking what is usually called a blue streak. She wanted to know if there is a “meh go-wound” in Zebulon and if I would not like to see her ride on one. Being told there is not one here, she said, “We’ll have to get a week-end.” Wj Stupidly ! asked, “A what?” Patiently she repeated, “A week-end. They're what you go off on. Then we can go where is a meh-go-wound.” Since her father and mother fwere off on a week-end trip, it 'was easy to understand her defi nition. We had an argument of kinds at our home Sunday afternoon. The head of the family has very | strong convictions against buying anything whatever on that day, and usually I agree. But last Sunday when we went to eat a sandwich supper there was not enough bread. I had thought to plan for it, but Saturday night’s supper took more than had been expected; and dinner the next day likewise left fewer biscuits than I had expected. There were more of us than usual and I just didn’t pleasure appetites right. Anyway, when the sandwiches threatened to run short I consid ered the matter and decided that it would be as little harm to send Barrie down to “Matthews” and buy a loaf as to heat the stove and bake the bread myself. The * trut'o is I hoped he might get off and back without being seen by t*his father, but it was not so to be. LJgTheo insisted and persisted until we had to confess —and then listen to reproof. Probably the fact that I held our youngest grandson in my arms as I explained made my husband more lenient. But, mere ly as a matter of record, remem ber he knew nothing about that loaf of bread until after it was fought and in our kitchen. Electricity Use Increases 7orth noting is the fact that more electric current has been used since daylight saving time has been observed in this section. Carolina Power and Light Co. of fers no explanation beyond the statement. It might be partly be cause many who formerly cooked breakfast by sunlight now must use artificial light, earjy rising not giving the sun time to shine on cooks. £hr Zrbitlnn Svmtrb Rotary Club Has 89th Meeting With All Present The Rotary club held its 89th hundred per cent consecutive meeting on August 15, 1941, pro viding that Albert Medlin, Judd Robertson, Vaiden Whitley and Wilson Braswell make up their at tendance by the next meeting. Vance Brown and Irby Gill are to divide all the members between them to sell government defense bonds. Charles Allen is the cap tain of the two groups. His is an essential undertaking at this time, for us to do our part on the gov ernment defense program. Luther Long had the program and his subject being the “Indis pensable Farmer”. He had for his speaker, Professor E. C. Cunning ham of Corinth Holder school. Mr. Cunningham not bejng a farmer, he talked on observation. He stated that farmers as a rule are not keeping their buildings repair ed and in attractive condition. ' They should use more paint to J cover the unsightly buildings and pay more attention toward beauti fying their homes. He spoke of how the weeds and grass took possession of the farm gardens He told that he had noticed so it any of the farm vegetables were going to waste, and also the fruit. It was very hard for the farmers to do anything about it because e ery member of the household was trying to save their crops. As s( on as the tobacco is all harvest ed, then the family starts prepar ing it for market. He stated how he enjoyed hearing and seeing the people sing and it showed the spirit that they had while they worked. Prof. Cunningham was very interesting and he told many jokes. He has spoken to the Rotary Club many times in the past in which every member en joys. Mr. M. C. Todd of Wendell was a welcome visitor. Mrs. G. C. Lewis Dies On Friday Mrs. C. G. Lewis died last Fri day following a long illness. Funeral services were held at Lee’s Chapel Baptist church con ducted by the Rev. A. D. Parrish of Zebulon and the Rev. Mr. Stan cil of Rocky Mount. Burial was in the church cemetery beside her son. She is survived by her husband and six children, Arthur Lewis of Wendell; Mrs. A. E. Denton of Smithfield; Mrs. J. D. Driver of Middlesex; Roy Lewis of Newport News, Va., and Leonard and Franklin Lewis of Zebulon. Sur viving also are a brother, L. Lewis of Bailey; a sister, Mrs. J. O. Dud ley of Rocky Mount; 19 grand children and three great-grand children. Takes New Step In Cutting Use Os Gas Co-ordinator Ickes states that because more gasoline has been used since his curfew order than before that time more drastic steps for control are contemplated. New England states sold more than 12 per cent increase under night closing. Southern states reported a gair of less than 4 per cent and Middle Atlantic states had a gain of over 8 per cent. Rationing cards have been suggested, but the trouble with them would be the difficulty in deciding who should have priority and why. It would also necessitate dealing al most exclusively with one filling station and would put the burden of decision on operators of those places. INCREASES Since pork prices have been on the upgrade, Wilson County farmers are in' creasing their breeding herds as ZEBULON, N. C„ FRIDAY, AUGUST 22,1911- Town Hall for Zebulon Oiir new town board first voted to work over the back room of the fire station for an office for the town manager. After spending several hundred dollars, what would they have? A small room insufficiently lighted and venti lated on worse than an alley. It could not possibly be more than temporary. Now we understand that two rooms on the ground floor, beneath the Masonic hall have been secured for temporary offices. But, they at most, are only temporary. We have done some investigation and made a few inquiries for our per sonal information which we pass on for the benefit of our officials and fellow towns people; 1. The N. Y. A. will make all blue prints and specifications for a town hall free. They will make an estimated cost of the building. 2. They will examine the material available and let us know the exact cost to the town of other necessary material to construct the building. W'e un derstand that the town can supply as little as 15 per cent of the total cost of the building. 3. —They will supervise all the work, furnish all necessary skilled and unskilled labor, tear down all structures containing material to be used, clean old brick, do all excavating and hauling. Now, look at the other side—what we have belonging to the town that could be used: 1-—The town owns an ideal lot for a town hall on the corner opposite the city market. 2. —The old warehouse back of the depot has a lot of brick and lumber that could be used. There is also another old brick building back of Alford’s Store with a lot of good brick. Then the old light plant has half enough ma terial to build the hall. A single wall will enclose filtration plant, so all the rest of the building could be removed. In it are almost enough steel beams, windows, rolling doors, sheeting and brick to build the hall. So, with a minimum amount expended, Zebulon has the opportunity to build an adequate and much needed town hall. It will provide for police and town offices, court room, fire truck and storage. Never before nor again will such an opportunity be given to us to get a great community need filled at such small outlay. We believe our mayor and board should exhaust every possible means to this end before turning this offer of the NYA down. We invite every citizen of Zebulon to give expression to his opinion in next week’s Record, about whether he approves our commissioners going ahead with this project if at all possible. We believe they should do it. Rocky Mount Has “Good war The Rocky Mount tobacco mar ket “The Dependable Tobacco Market” continues to promote the feeling of good will towards all and herewith expresses it’s ap preciation to all for the loyalty, the support and friendship dis played towards the market, the city and people. It is only natural that a per son should want to visit in a city that is outstanding in a section be cause there are so many more things to do and see. Rocky Mount is such a- well rounded place that every phase of agricul tural, industrial and social life is to be found there. The fact that : “The Dependable Tobacco Mar ket” is in Rocky Mount immedi ately brings to mind that when i tobacco is sold in Rocky Mount ; an opportunity is also afforded to » see a city of railroads, passenger : transport airlines, bus terminals, etc., and a city with the finest of < stores, shops, with a great stock 1 of up-to-date goods, buildings air 1 conditioned for your comfort and < theaters to bring you the very : latest in entertainment. In considering a place to sell your tobacco you may look tow- ards the world’s largest tobacco . market in Lexington, Kentucky, ( or the world’s smallest but if you really want to become acquainted ( with a real market arrange to . visit the Rocky Mount tobacco market and do so early enough to . < get the full benefit of what a really grand market has to offer. When you deliver your tobacco : to any warehouseman in Rocky ) Mount you immediately form a : co-partnership with that ware- 1 houseman. Since he becomes per- 1 sonally responsible for your to- 1 bacco when it gets into his house J naturally he has a very large in- > terest at stake. Since he has this : large interest at stake is it un- < reasonable to assume that he i must do his level best to keep you 1 completely satisfied? Had such a « thought been in your mind? And '■ too you may search the world over i and never find warehousemen < (Continued on Page Three) Economic Highlights National and International Prob lems Inseparable from Local Welfare Germany and Russia In wars, as in horse races, the long shot occasionally upsets the dope and comes through for a win. Some of the experts are now cautiously hazarding the guess that this may prove true of the Russians. When the German-Russian war began, the bulk of the military authorities reluctantly agreed that Hitler was probably right when he said that it would be over in six weeks. Those six weeks and more have now passed, and the Russians, instead of retreating in confusion, are said to be planning gigantic counter-attacks. The Germans have not taken any areas of major importance. The « Red air force, which, according to German claims, was almost total ly destroyed in the early days of the fighting, is still very much in evidence and is giving excellent support to the Soviet land forces. The Red mechanized equipment, which was supposed to be second rate, has, according to some re porters w'ho have seen it in ac tion, actually proven equal and even superior to the German. Most important of all, th* morale of the Russian people—military and civilian alike—seems to have proven far more staunch than anyone expected. Germany has not lost to Rus sia. It would not come as any great surprise if Hitler’s forces yet succeeded in taking Moscow, Leningrad and other key cities. But these would be hollow vic tories unless, at the same time, Hitler was able to destroy Russian military power. So long as sub stantial Red armies remain in existence and fighting, Hitler will not be safe no matter how much Russian territory he succeeds in conquering. On top of that, Rus sian civilians have shown an al most suicidal fervor in destroying areas which have been evacuated, (Continued on Page Two) Wilson Market Enlists Experts Wilson’s eleven huge tobacco warehouses will have staffs of ex perienced tobacco experts employ ed by the warehouse operators to assist in the efficient handling of ! the millions of pounds of the ‘ golden weed when the Wilson 1 market opens on Tuesday morn -1 ing, August 26th. ‘ Last season the Wilson market sold 24 per cent of all tobacco sold in Eastern Carolina and the , Wilson market paid its customers during the 1940 season $1.41 per hundred pounds more than the average paid all tobacco farmers in North Carolina. Wilson not only leads the Eastern Belt in pounds sold but also leads all of the 76 Bright Leaf tobacco mar kets covering six states in pounds sold and average price. Last sea son the Wilson market’s average was $2.35 above that of the South Carolina border belt average. Therefore, the Wilson warehouse men urge the Eastern Carolina to bacco farmers to hold their tobac co until Tuesday, August 26th. and sell it on the Wilson market where for the past three consecu- i tive years it has led all Eastern ; Carolina markets in pounds sold and average price. In order to i handle this vast quantity of to bacco, warehousemen employ large staffs of experienced and ef ficient men to see that the grow- j ers’ interest is looked after. In appreciation of the loyal support of the market’s patrons who brought it to the top, ware housemen and company officials have put forth every effort to em ploy the most capable and out standing men, and company offi cials have put forth every effort to employ the most capable and outstanding men throughout the country to make this year’s sell ing season an unusually success ful one for all parties concerned, the farmers, warehousemen and . factory men. The tobacconists in Wilson full well realize that for the past sev eral years that the farmer has ; had a struggle to make ends meet and live with ordinary comforts. (Continued on Page Three) Wakelon Schools To Have Opening September 9 By E. H. Moser Wakelon schools will open Sep tember the ninth. So far as I know book rent will be the same as last year, $2.40 a pupil in the high school. Book rent should be paid on the opening day of school. Elementary book fees will be the same as last year. This also should be paid on the first day of school. All children six years of age on or before the first day of October are entitled to enter school this year. It is necessary to enter be ginners as early in the school year as possible. We are not allowed by law to accept children who are* not six years old by October the first. Teachers for the year are as follows: E. If. Moser, principal, teaches English eleven. Mayme Beam, English. Dorothy Brake, history and English; librarian. Stuart Black, agriculture. Mary Lacy Palmer, home eco nomics. C. O Armstrong, social sciencp. L. W. Alexander, science. Henry Kirby, science and math. Louise Hocutt, math. Bridget Palmer, Latin and French. Jeannette Peterson, business. Mrs. F. E. Bunn and Mrs. Wal lace Chamblee, seventh grade. Ena Dell Anderson and Nannie Wheeless, sixth grade. Annie Lou Alston and Mrs. Helen Gregory, fifth grade. Virginia Bullock and Mary E. Thompson, fourth grade. Mary Barrow and Vernon Bachelor, third grade. Neal Hardison and Ruby Stell, second grade. Mrs. Fred Page and Mrs. Lois Moore Wall, first grade. Mrs. Robert Daniel Massey, public school music. Joslyn House, piano. Bond Quiz Q. —Why should Americans buy defense bonds and stamps now? A.—Among the reasons are: (1) It is the quickest way in which every citizen can both serve his country and conserve his earnings, and (2) the purchase of the bonds and stamps helps not only to finance national defense but also to prevent high prices and increased cost of living. Q. —Can I pledge a defense bond as collateral for a bank loan? A.—No. Bonds are registered and not transferable. They are payable only to the persons named on the bond. Note —To buy defense bonds and stamps, go to the nearest post office, bank, or savings and loan association; or write to the treas urer of the United States, Wash ington, D. C., for a mail-order form. Tobacco Jamboree The Rocky Mount Tobacco Jam boree will be held again this year the night of August 25th at nine o’clock P. M. and last until two A. M. Daylight Saving Time, in the Easley Warehouse No. one. This jamboree and broadcast is the same we have put on each year the night before the opening of the market and a large group of bands from Eastern Carolina is expected to take part. There will be many prizes of high class merchandise given away, and coupons and numbers will be distributed as you enter the warehouse. This jamboree is absolutely free to all and the Rocky Mount Tobacco Market invites all, and if floor space permits there will be free dancing too. If you are unable to personally attend the jamboree you may join in by tuning in to Radio Station PREVENT DISEASE; DRAIN STAGNANT WATER NUMBER 5 Local Church News Methodist Services for Sunday, Aug. 24: Church school at 10 a. m. Church service at 11 a. m. Young People at 7 p. m. Southside Circle The Southside Circle of the Bap tist W. M. S. met Monday with Mrs. Robert Phillips. Mrs. F. E. Bunn gave the program. Cooling refreshments were enjoyed during the social hour. It was decided to hold the annual picnic at Tipp lon on Friday after the fourth Sunday in this month. Philathea Picnic The Philathea Class of the Ze bulon Baptist Sunday School en tertained its members at a picnic in the grove at Tipplon’s. Each member contributed to the meal. Those present were Mesdames J. G. Kemp, A. N. Jones, E. C. Daniel, C. M. Watson, W. N. Pitts, John D. Horton, W. O. Glover, Cleve Chamblee, C. B. Eddins, A. C. Dawson, C. E. Croom, Zollie Culpeper, Fred Hales, R. H. Her ring, J. W. Cameron, R. G. Lewis and M. T. Debnam. Local Citizens In St. Louis Daphne Johnson, Gladys Raper, Mrs. Bonnie Johnson, W. S. Johnson, A. V. Raper and Donald Raper attended the Theocratic Convention of Jehovah’s witnesses held at St. Louis. Mo., August 6- 10. Upwards of 115,000 attended the convention and 3,707 persons were immersed. On August 9th, J. F. Rutherford addressed the convention on the subject “Com fort those that mourn”, and on August 10th his address was en titled “Children of the King”. Both addresses were broadcast to large radio audiences and were also electrically transcribed for the benefit of the many thousand unable to attend. Tax Situation Grows Worse Congress has again demonstrat ed that a considerable and influ ential bloc of its members are dead set against levying direct taxes against persons in the lower in come brackets. That happened when President Roosevelt requested a number of changes in the new tax bill, one of them being to lower income tax exemptions to $750 for single per sons and $1,500 for married per sons. The House Ways and Means Committee promptly turned this proposal down by a decisive ma jority. That really is something, when you remember that the President’s prestige was never greater. Practically every economist of note is in complete accord with the President’s views, when it comes to lowering exemptions. One purpose of heavy taxation is to reduce consumer purchasing power, as a means of combating price inflation. The bulk of the increased p ari hasing power re sulting from war spending is go ing into the pockets of the labor ing group. Yet it is these groups which will be most favored if our present tax policy is continued, even as the middle-income, white collar groups will take the worst financial beating. There is going to be a big battle on this tax bill in the Senate, where the President’s suggestions ■■■■■■l

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