Page Four VOCAL UNION Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kemp at' tended the vocal union at Lee’s Chapel last Sunday afternoon and report a good attendance with eight choirs taking part. Among the singers were the Lone Star Quartet, originally of Texas, now of Raleigh. NOTICE OF SALE OR REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior, Court, of Wake County, made in the special pro' ceding entitled, Roxie L. Bunn, administratrix, et al , Vs. James Howard Bunn, et. als., the same being No. 6955, upon the special proceeding docket of "said Court, the undersigned commissioner, will on FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1942 between the hours of twelve o’' clock noon and one o’clock P. M., offer for sale at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door in Raleigh, North Carolina, the fol lowing described real property: Tract No. 1. Beginning at a stake in the main Public Highway, North and South into Hopkins Cross Roads and just a short dis tance South of said Cross Roads and at the extreme Northeast corner of the tract of land here in described, and at the Corner of W. B. Hopkins; running thence along the Southern line of said Hopkins, North 87 degrees West 1672 feet to a stake, the North west corner of the tract of land herein described, and being at the corner of W. B Hopkins and being just South of Terripin Road; running thence .South along the Eastern line of W. B. Hopkins, South 3 degrees West 1340 feet to a stake, corner of L. A. Perry; running thence along the North ern line .of the said Perry, South 27 degrees East 1508 feet to a stake in the center of the old Road, running thence North 20 degrees East along the Center line of said Old Road, 300 feet to a stake in the center line of the present Highway, which divides the lands of W. B. Hopkins on the East and W R. Bunn on the West, thence along the center of said Highway, North 3 degrees, East 1060 feet to the point of beginning, containing 51 acres, and being the same land contrac ted to be conveyed to said W. R Bunn by W. K. Phillips on Sep tember 10, 1898, and the same land conveyed to said W R. Bunn by W. K. Phillips and wife by deed dated July 17th, 1905, and recorded in Book 202, Page 48, Wake County Registry, esti mated value of which is $3365.00.' Tract No. 2. Beginning at an iron pipe (W.E. corner of tract No. 13), runs S. 23 degrees 30 minutes West 330 feet to center line of Procter Street; thence North 66 degrees 30 minutes West along center line of said Street 100 feet; thence North 23 de grees 30 minutes East 330 feet to cement monument; thence S. 66 degrees 30 minutes East 100 feet to beginning* Containing 76 acres, and being the same lands conveyed to W. R Bunn by C. V. Whitley and wife as recorded in Book 541, page 31 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake County, the estimated value of which is $35.00. Tract No. 3. Beginning at a st ke on Arcndcll Avenue 225 feet from the North-East inter section of Arendell Avenue with North Street; Thence in an East erly direction, parallel with North Street 150 feet to a stake! Thence in Northerly direction and par allcll with Arendell Avenue 75 feet to a stake; thence in a Westerly direction and par allel with North Street 150. feet to Arendell Avenue; Then in a Southerly direction with Arendell Avenue 75 feet to the point of beginning. The same being one half of lot No. 5 and all of lot No. 6 in Block “A" as shown by map made by H A. Chappell and relaid by Jno. D. Briggs and recorded in the Book of Maps in the Register of Deeds office of Wake County, and lying just North of the Town of Zebulon, North Carolina. And being the same lands conveyed to W. R. Bunn by J. H Williams as recorded in Book 348, at page ( 61 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake County, North Carolina. Estimated value of same being $50.00. Tract No. 4 Beginning at a corner at a point in the South West corner of lot No. 4, said point being 150 feet Northward from N. E. intersection of Aren and from this point go Easterly dell Avenue, with North Street parallel with North Street 150 feet thence Northerly parallel with Arendell Avenue 75 feet; thence Westerly parallel with North 150 feet to Arendell Ave nue, thence Southerly along East side of Arendell Avenue 75 leet to point of beginning. Said lot being lot No. 4 and j half of lot No. 5 in Block “A” as shown by map of G. M. Bell property siguated just North of the Town of Zebulon, North Carolina, in Book of Maps 1885 at page 153 to which reference is hereby made. Arendell Avenue and North Street referred to above intersect each other in the Northern por tion of the Town of Zebulon, North Carolina, and being the same lands conveyed to W. R Bunn by S. B. T. Chamblee, as lecorded in Book 356, at page 517, Wake County Registry. The estimated value of same being $50.00. Tract No. 5. Beginning at a stake on the North Side of Syca more Street, D. W. Earley’s corner, running thence in an east erly direction with Sycamore Street 126 feet to the corner of Sycamore Street and Whitley Avenue; thence in a Northerly direction with Whitley Avenue 61 1-2 feet to C. T. Williams' corner; thence in a Westerly di rection with C. T. Williams line 100 feet to a stake, D. W. Ear ley’s corner; thence in a South erly direction with D. W. Ear ley’s line 133 feet to the beginning. Being the same lands conveyed to W. R. Bunn by A. L G. Stephenson and wife as shown by a deed recorded in Book 364, at page 523, Wake County Registry. The estimated value of same be ing $150.00. This the Bth day of December, 1941. A. R. HOUSE, Commissioner Dec. 12-Jan. 2 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the Consolidated Statutes, the undersigned will on SATURDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1942, between the hours of 12 o'clock noon, and 4 o'clock P. M , offer tor sale at public auction, for cash, on the premises in said Town of Zebulon; the sale com mencing at the corner of Horton and Arendell Avenue, in said Town of Zebulon, the following described property: Tract 1. Being all of lot No. 2 j in Block No. 29 as shown on the map of the Town of Zebulon, j recorded in Book of Maps 1885 at Page 68, Wake County Regis try, the same fronting on Gannon Avenue 100 feet, and going back parallel with Church Street 200 feet, and being one of the same lots conveyed by Mrs. Annie E. Chamblee (a widow), to Mrs. Emma R. Dawson, recorded in Bixik 711, Page 527 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake County, reference to which map and deed is hereby made for a more perfect description hereof. Tract 2. Being all of Lot No. 6 in Block No. 16 as shown on the map of the town of Zebulon, recorded in Book of Maps 1885, Page 68, fronting 100 feet on Arendell Avenue and running back 185 feet parallel with Gan non Avenue, and being the same lot conveyed by A. R House, Trus tee, to I D Gill by a deed re corded in Book 729, Page 291, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made for a more perfect description hereof. Tract 3. Beginning at a point on cast side of Arendell Avc. 185 feet from Sycamore Street runs thence South with Arendell Ave. 55 feet to a stake; thence easterly parallel with Medlin and Ferrell line 185 feet to an alley; thence along said alley 5 5 feet to a stake;; Medlin and Ferrell’s comer; thence with Medlen and Ferrell’s 185 .eet to the beginning and be ing the Same lands conveyed to J H Williams by Deed recorded in Book 451,.at page 240, in the office of the Register of for Wake County. Tract 4 Beginning at a point on the east side of Arendell Avc. in line of south alley and runs with said alley eastwardly 50 feet to line of lot No. 36; thence with said line south 50 feet; thence westwardly 50 feet to Arendell Avenue; therjee with said ave nue in a northerly direction 25 feet to the point of beginning be ing a part of lots 37 and 38 in Block 14 as shown on the map of the Town of Zebulon, accord ing to Book of Maps 1885, Page 68, and facing’ 50 feet on Aren dell Avenue. Tract 5. 1 lot on the east side of Arendell Ave. a short distance from the corner of Barbee and Arendell Avenues, near the filling station occupied by E. H. Green, and being listed for taxation in the year 1932 in the name of Horton and Whitley. Tract 6. Beginning at a corner of the lands of C. B. Eddins and runs south 76 degrees E. 632 feet along C. B. Eddin's line to a cor ner in C. B. Eddin's and Marion Whitlock's lands, thence south 26 degrees E. 140 feet to the corner of Marion Whitlock's land, thence south 64 degrees W. 630 feet to C. V. Whitley's corner on Aren dell Avenue, thence North 26 de grees West along the East side of Arendell Avenue 258 5-10 feet to the point of beginning the same containing 2 8-10 acres, more or less, and being a part of the land formerly owned by Channey Whitley and willed to Marion Whitlock as shown by the will recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Wake County, and being located on the East side of Arendell Ave nue in the Town of Zebulon. U. S. APPROVED 1 PULLORUM CLEAN BABY CHICKS Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, English White Leghorns MASSEY’S HATCHERY ZEULON, N. C. knows the answer to f gift shopping problems flEHI^r She s a wise, thrifty shopper every day so, of course she knows ali the angles. That's the reason she / planned far ahead of this Christmas to make her / ’**-» gifts electrical, and, confidentially, you'll find elec- / trical things on her personal "want'' list, too. / / 7 Unfortunately, because of the National Defense / / t>, / P r^s ram < plcins made several months ago may have / / JfMs < I to be changed Electrical Dealers may not have / / s '*»v* t * / / enough electrical appliances to go around. So, / / / here s a suggestion—instead of that Electrical Gift / /<«[■ * / / r o » wan ted to give but couldn't get, / / / y\ invest the funds in United States / . / UST Savings Bonds and Stamps and / * / W 1 x when you put them in the Christmas / jS&jTSLSw*. . / that this investment is intended for / *'fk £°‘< J y' \ A an electrical appliance when pro- r * e /L.* /y / / duction returns to normal. ake J /y / / * , CAROLINA POWER 6- LIGHT COMPANY 7 i— , Ov The Zebulon Record Tract 7. Being lots No. 18 and 17, in Block 17, and lots No. 4 and 5 of the Caviness and Daniel Property on Arendell Ave., as and Book 393, page 538, also Book 740, page 85, and being listed for taxation in the year 1932 in the name of Caviness and Daniel. Tract 8. Being Lot No. 51 in Block B, on Gill Ave. same as recorded in Book 318 at page 434, and Book 740, page 77, and being listed for taxation in the year of 1932 in the name of Thomas Jones. Tract 9. Being part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 39, on Barbee St., as recorded in Book 354, page 259, and Book 740, page 74, Wake County Registry, and be ing listed for taxation in the year 1933, in the name of H. A. Pearce. Tract 10. Being Lots 1,2, and j 3, of the Caviness and Daniel property on Horton Street, as re corded in Book 390, page 94, Wake County Registry, and be ing listed for taxation for the year 1932, in the name of J. W. Long. Tract 11. Being Lot No. 15, Block 14, on Barbee Street, as re corded in Book 348, page 430, and Book 740, page 76, Wake County Registry and being listed for taxation in the year of 1932, in the name of C. M. Thoms. Tract 12. Being Lots 25 and 26, Block 31, on Vance St., as recorded in Book 579, page 27, and Book 740, page 86, Wake County Registry, and being list ed for taxation in the year 1932 in the name of Mizell Motor Company. Tract 13. Being Lot No. 6 of the Caveness and Daniel proper i ty on Arendell Ave., as recorded in Book 354, page 499, and Book 740, page 88, Wake County Registry, and being listed for tax ation in the year 1932, in the name of C. S. Chamblee. Tract 14. Being lot 25, Block 14, and lot 5, Block 19, on Barbee Street, as recorded in Book 356, page 478 ( and in Book 268, page 38, also Book 740, page 91, in the Wake County Registry, and being listed for taxation in the year 1932, in the name of Claude Whitley. The property above described will be offered in separate tracts and the right is reserved to offer same for*sale as a whole, and to accept or reject any and all bids offered for same, either individu ally or as a whole, or to accept the bids offered for a part of same and to reject the bids offered for a part of same. The bidder or bidders will be required to make a deposit of 10 per cent of his or her bid or bids ’' ' ' rpm 12 STUNNING I If EEL ■ CHRISTMAS CARDS Printed in bright, gay colors! On paper of rich vellum and antique weave! 12 handsome, white, double-fold envelopes to match! fcjT IfOU-tJ FOR |T] ' -ft Tflkbt FREE! 3 Exquisite. Full- FREE’Beautiful Decorated AISU 1 -if 111 \ S' l * Dinner Plates! Spe- Casserole! a superb gift \r Jfc ’ —aIIT ll " 1 cial Value! Delicate ivory for mother! Lovely, em- I X-AU ■ <r/* I / glaze— on a fine, domestic bossed pattern! Brown, iilfTS ! dinnerware body, deco- or light blue! y diameter! V Llf I rated with famous Rose P UI *° Wl *bstand oven ■ and Poppy pattern! Each beat. n m P late 9” wi <Tel Three Only 70 Octaoon Coupons! /*** "ji Only 65 Octagon Coupons! FREE! Sturdy Saucepan hV'T' y//V \ and Cover! 4K-qt. porce- ideal gift— to'match the ' Um enameled saucepan i*, aut ir u i caaaerolel 9" Vwl with tin cover—enameled wide! Embossed! Brown. jaMJ in a pleasing mottled bi ue ( E onf» n 9o Octsoon Coupons! 0nl » 50 Ocl.osn Coupons! BRING YOUR COUPONS TO THIS STORE AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF 1000 FREE GIFTSI Zebulon Supply Co. Friday, December 12,1941 : to show good faith. The bid or bids for said lands will stand open 10 days for a raised bid thereon, that is to say. I if the said lands are sold in in dividual parcels, the bid on each tract or parcel will stand open 10 days for raised bid thereon, I and in the event said lands sell higher as a whole, the bid for the whole of said lands will stand open for 10 days for a raised bid there on. This the 9th day of December, 1941. THE TOWN OF ZEBULON By L C. THOMPSON, Town Manager and Clerk A. R. House, Attorney 307 Lawyer’s Building Raleigh, North Carolina

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