Page Six UNITED WAR FUND DONORS —Continued from page 1— Mr. J. M. Whitley $2.00 Mrs. D. W. Stallings $2.00 Ralph H. Bunn $5.00 Geo. J. Griffin $5.00 L. E. Long $5.00 C. S. Chamblee $5.00 S. M. Whitley $5.00 Avon Privett $25.00 J. W. Gill SIO.OO W. G. Temple SIO.OO Wakelon School $48.00 M. W. Page $5.00 • NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust under date of December 13, 1940, execut ed by Edwin D. Perry and wife Mary Perry, which deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake Coun ty, North Carolina, in book 855 at page 157, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured, the undersigned Trustee, will on Mon day, the 30th day of November, DM Smith GOING BACK. "I just dropped in to tell you we boys in the A.E.F. are grateful to the folks back home who are doing everything possible to help war production. Everything that helps war reduction helps us at the front.' j , helping to keep long distance telephone lines clear for war ca'k you help speed war production. War calls are crowding telephone lines especially the "long haul" lines which are the most heavily loaded with war business. The greater the distance you talk, the greater the likelihood of delaying vital was calls. To keep telephone lines clear for our armed forces, war industries and civilian defense agencies, is our job here at home. We cannot add new lines because materials are more urgently needed to equip our fighters. Therefore, to make more room on crowded long distance lines for important war busi ness, telephone users are urged to make only absolutely essen tial calls and to be brief in all conversations. War takes no holiday, so please do not use "long dis tance" to exchange Thanksgiving greetings. SoiiTHEnn Bell Telephore mid Telegraph Compnna INCORPORATED NOTICE ? TRAPPEK! $ 7, 590.00 in Cash rewards! fellows! Here’s one big EXTRA MONEY opportunity you won't want to mins! Bigger this season than evw with cash awards in Sears 14th National Fur Show maraud to $7.590 00. Now there are 942 awards in all. 600 more than ever before! There are 918 daily awards. A biff $1,000.00 First Major Award. Other bin major awards - and all of them i ouJiiwjt to TOP market prices Sea Roebuck gets you for your furs. All awards are for careful pelt handling kind or value rtf fur doesn't fount. Win your share of th**«* fur dollar:! Every fHt you s**T to Sear? p f) , buck during the fur >now perioa is auto cratically entered, so don’t delay. 1942, at or about 12 o’clock noon, at the Courthouse door of Wake County, in the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said deed of trust, the same being as follows: Lying and being in Little River Township, Wake County. Beginning at a stone, W. A. Perry’s corner; thence N. 86 deg. West, 357 feet to a stake; thence N. 5 deg. East, 200 feet to a stone; thence N. 86 deg. 45 min. W. 350 feet to a stake; thence N. 2 deg.! 15 min. E. 896 feet to a stake, Marshall Perry’s corner; thence S. 87 degrees 45 min. E. 673 feet j to a stake corner of lot No. 5: j thence S. 2 deg. 15 min. W. 1116 feet to the beginning, containing 14 acres, being lot No. 4 in the division of D. H. Perry lands and a map thereof is recorded in book 673, at page 592, of the Wake County Registry. This 28th day of October, 1942. M. W. Page, Trustee. Nov. 6-27 4t Americans buy more U. S. War Bonds than any other nation. ZMv:z +*»**>*' ‘ 4*4*~**t - •'«4lk* 4* 1 '/J ! HfiMr.v vW - 11 * *** • " 4 *± J I ready to SKAKS-M/hHI < K «V iwkur j Marketing Service, Philadelphia. The Zebulon Record MRS. G. S. BARBEE Agent of The Hospital Care Association, Inc., Durham, in vites communications with re gard to Hospital Insurance. NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, ,VAKE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Neva James Huston Vs. Joe Huston. The defendant, Joe Huston, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in ty, North Carolina, to secure di vorce upon the grounds of two years separation; and the said de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at i the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Raleigh, North Car olina, within thirty days after the 7 day of December, 1942, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff wiR apply to the Court for the relief | demanded in said complaint. A'AVW .‘SS-SS/V./._■ fy/- i/' “i’m buying War D j f M feel I'm doing something for my OCH k «iS TOQSy TOP an country and the boys in the service. all-electric Kitchen "Then, when I get down to earth again, I realize that I'm doing tomorrow! something for myself, too. I'm really saving money when I spend it for War Bonds. I get to dream ing about what I'll do when this "It isn't often that I can spend my - war i s over, and about the things money twice but War Bonds let I want to buy. Things like the me do exactly that! rest of the equipment for that di electric kitchen I have my heart set on, but can't get for the dur - t’O'l "They're wonderful, anyway. Every time I buy one, I feel, inside the "That's why, when I buy War way I do when a band plays the Bonds 'till it hurts, it doesn't really Star Spangled Banner! I sort of hurt at all!" • CAROLINA PO’A'GR & LIGHT COMPANY