Friday, March 17, 1944 Zebulon Society Cpl. Dwight Tant of Fort Dix j New Jersey, recently spent three days with his wife and infant son, Steve at their home, Zebulon, Route 2. Mrs. Braxton Chamblee return ed from the hospital Sunday af ternoon, after having a tonsil op eration from which she is recov ering. Miss Lucy May Curtis of Bal timore is h ?re visiting her parents, the P. G. Curtisses. She is em ployed in an airplane plant. Pvt. Robert P. Curtis has gone back to Oklahoma after a week’s stay with his parents, the P. G. Curtisses. He is a member of the Rainbow Division. The G. R. Masseys entertained at dinner Sunday, guests being Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Herring, Rev. and Mrs. G. J. Griffin and Rev. and Mrs. Theo. B. Davis. Eugene Privette arrived last week on furlough. He is now sta tioned at Ft. Bragg. Jarvis W. Perry of Zebulon R. 3, is recovering from a operation at Duke Hospital, and . expects to return home soon. San Antonia Aviation Cadet Center. Texas.—Potential air crewmen from North Carolina in training at the San Antonio Avia tion Cadet Center’s bombadier navigator preflight school include Ira E. Joyner, Navigation Cadet. Charles Hardison, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jones of Bar bee Street, celberated his eighth birthday. Sunday March 12th. He received lots of gifts. Games were played, then dinne rwas ser ved. A long cake with eight can dles centered the table. Happy birthday was sung then Charles blew out the candles and cut the cake. Those present were, Johnnie Pace. Billy Pace. Hazel Pace, Ed ward Tippett. Evelyn Ruth Tip pet, Reginald Pearce, Barbara Hardison, all of Zebulon; Out of town guests were Misses Ruby Lee. Edna and Margaret Harris of Sanford and C. W. Malone of Raleigh. Mrs. Ila Harris of Sanford is spending a few days with her moth Exc-ss Acid. Sold on I 5 days' trial Asm lor “V .Hard » tVliSStt.e” wuitu iuii explains this treatment—free- at j ZEBULON DRUG CO. Zebulon, North Carolina LUCAS MILLING CO. CORN AND FEED MILLS BEST “HOME GROUND” MEAL I Opposite Fire Station ZEBULON. N. C. ■^*«eiA^.W>/N/WN^^WV Vvvvv .. VWVWWVW* I) • STANLEY j Home Products Eor supplies or information concerning these excellent household appliances ami chem ical aids, call 2821, or see Mils AI, LAN PIPPIN ' or ]i MRS. limit U I Eli, Representatives cv- /V’S^Vs/SA^S^StA/VS/S/seSA^eVS/VSaWVXCsAA/S/S^ ’ Raleigh. The new service flag was j presented in the society. It will be placed in the church with appro priate exercises at a later date. March 20 is the date set for the Mission Study class on “The Church After the War.” Rev. C. E. Vale will teach and the Wen dell society is to meet with the 1 Zebulon organization. Mrs. A. R. ! House is mission study leader. BOY SPRINKLE N. C. Re#. Gas, 22 l zc Gal. Kerosene, 13*/2C Gal Premium Gas, 25c Gal. Motor Oil —l5 c More Miles if Less Cost Jim beivin, Mgr. Main Street Zebulon, N. C. | Wake Builders Supply Co. Inc. J? All Kinds Os Building, . | Supplies Shop Repairs ‘ / | Phone 5321 # % Zebulon, N. C. utf 1 Paper supplies are limited! Subscribe now to make sure of getting newspaper and favorite magazines L «at present bargain prices before paper shortages j interfere! Ijl 164 n.'rs *3= . OUR LUCKY SEVEN OFFER | Pathfinder (weekly) .... 52 Issues A|_l SEVEN ‘True Story ] 2 Issues FOR ONLY i Household Magazine . . . . 12 Issues w Fa r:n Journal & Farmer's Wife 12 Issues > ff jp. P *| American Poultry Journal 12 Issues |l Southern Agriculturist 12 Issues " ■ This Newspaper 52 Issues W j * Instead of TRUE STORY, send me: ( I Open Road ( ) American Girl, 8 Mo. |1 ( ) Send me Frogrcssivc Farmer instead of Southern Agriculturist. REGULAR VALUE SS.OO—YOU SANE $2.00 l * OR YOU CAN GLT THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR AND ANY ■ MAGAZINE LISTED—BOTH FOR PRICE SHOWN American Fruit Crcwcr $1.75 Nature (10 Iss., 12 M 0.).... 3.45 U |r fij American Home, 2 Yrs 2.75 Open Road (12 Iss., 14 Mo.). 2.25 II jy i American P.ouitry Journal .... 1.65 Outdoors (12 Iss., 14 M 0.).. 2.25 || nff. Better Cooking a Homcmaking 3.45 Parent’s Magazine 2.50 I u j Boy : s Life 3.10 Pathfinder 200 [- "• Child Life 2.95 Popular Mechanics 3.25 ja Christian Herald 2.50 Popular Science Monthly .... 3.00 I® Bjfe Coronet 3.50 Poultry Tribune 1.65 ■ E.Country Gentleman, 5 Yrs.... ? r 0 Progressive Farmer 1.65 " r& Farm journal Cr Farmer's Wife 1.65 Reader’s Digest 425 | if*.' Flower Grower 2.50 Screenland 2.50 | fyj Flying Aces 2.75 Silver Screen 2.50 | Forum-Column Review 2.95 Southern Agriculturist 1.65 ■ Household 1.65 Sports Afield 2.25 jt Hygcia 2.95 The Woman 2.50 Liberty 3.95 True Story 225 , National Digest Monthly 3.45 Your Life 3.45 We Can Take Your Subscription For Any Magazine ij Gentlemen: I enclose $ Please send E me Club Offer Number b „n 1 nun Oik Si7«D( «*•*•«•••• MS •••••• •» •••••• •» •• •••••• MS SM • MS SM MS P rosTomoa Washing Greasing Atlantic Service Station Page Three