THE ZEBULON RECORD Volu XXIV. No. 43. WHEN ROYALTY MEETS ROYALTY “Where did you get that hat?” 1 was the mutual greeting when Gay Lass, grand champion Ayrshire cow, met Elsie, the famous Borden cow, at Milliron Ranch in Texas. Quarantine Placed on Local Canines by Health Officer In the interest of public health, quarantine of dogs is to be established in that part of Little River Township, Wake County, beginning at the Johnston County line at a point dividing Marks WAKELON TEAMS WIN ONE, LOSE TWO CAGE GAMES The Wakelon girls’ basketball sextet pulled the biggest upset of the season when they romped over Wendell in their first game of the season, 21-15. *C©aehed by -Prin cipal Fred Smith, the Wakelon? team was not given a chance in pre-game predictions, but they demonstrated unexpected finesse on the court to outplay the fav ored Wendell team all the way. Tiny Betsy Driver led the scor ing for the Wakelon girls in their first win over Wendell in six years with 1$ points, Nan Mattox looped 11 points for Wendell. The Wakelon Bulldogs, led by sharp-shooting Bridgers, held on to their lead in the face of a last-minute rally by Wen dell to win a close 33-31 decision in the local quint’s first game. Bill Brantley helped the cause with 9 points, while Bridgers scored 12. Last Friday night Bunn took two close decisions from the Wakelon teams in the local gym, the visiting girls winning, 41-39, and the Bunn boys scoring a 29-25 victory. Betsy Driver hooped 18 points toward the Wakelon total, but the Wakelon guards could not stop Tant and Pearce, who scored 20 and 12 points for Bunn. Bobby Bridgers, badly off his usual form, missed on 18 tries at the basket in the boys game, and, except for Rex Tippett with (Continued on Page 8) \Mar Ape-Year Balloting Enters tint**. 3nal Weeks; More Named Asroalloting for Zebulon’s Man of-the\¥ear entered its final two weeks, more and more votes came through t\e mails .to be counted. Readers oi\the Record will have two more weeks to send in the names of their selections, the fi nal date for balloting being De cember 31. L. M. Massey and C. V. Whitley dominated the voting this week, and other ballots were received for Ralph Talton, president of the Rex Tippet, local agriculture student recently returned from a trip to Milliron Ranch, awarded him by Sears Roebuck for his out standing work with cattle. Creek and Little River Town ships and extending to State Highway No. 64; from this poirft, continuing to the city limits of Zebulon and following the weet line of the city limits and continuing for- two miles south beyond the city limits; from that'point, w#st io the Johnston County line. Quarantine will become effect ive Saturday, December 20, 1947, at 12:00 noon. l During the last week of No vember, a dog was reported mad and running-at-large in this area of Wake County. From the re ports an unknown number of dogs were bitten. Some of these dogs are being controlled as re quired by law, while others are reported to be running at-large, therefore, creating a health haz ard which can be controlled only | by the establishihen of quarantine and notifying the law enforce ment officers of their duties and responsibilities in enforcing the North Carolina Rabies Law. Dog quarantine means that owners of animals in the quaran tined area are required by law to keep dogs on premises or on leashes under the control of the owner or some responsible per son. The law states that every (Continued on Page 5) Dora Pitts Circle The Dora Pitts Circle of the Baptist Woman’s Missionary Soci ety will meet with Mrs. Robert Ed Horton Monday, December 22, at 3:30 p m. Rotary Club and member of the board of directors of the Cham ber of Commerce, and Mayor R. H. Bridgers and Town Clerk W. B. Hopkins. The name of the man selected for doing the most for Zebulon in civic, church, and community af fairs will be published in the first issue of the Record for 1948. Votes for members of the staff of the Record cannot be counted in the election. Zebulon, N. C., Friday, December 19, 1947 Zebulon Prepares Decorations, Programs for Christmas Season LOCAL MERCHANTS OFFERING HOLIDAY BARGAINS IN GIFTS The merchants of Zebulon went all out this week to supply every thing needed to make this Christ mas even better than those of pre-war days. Mechanical toys, long absent from the counters, are back in abundance, and dolls, balls, and other toys are of high er quality. Under the supervision of Wil lie B. Hopkins, the Town of Zeb ulon erected and decorated a Christmas tree on the corner of the lot across from the Town Of fice. Merchants on Main Street dress ed their show windows in gay Yuletide trimmings, and the Mac- Phail-Farmer and Flowers win dows are especially good. Pre-Christmas sales are going on at Tonkel-Silk Dept. Store and at MacPhail-Farmer’s. Merchants in other stores reported sales as brisk with customers eager for the good merchandise being of fered. Christmas programs are sched uled for both the Methodist and Baptist Churches, and Christmas music featured the evening ser vice at the Baptist Church Sun day. Song Festival Planned At Pine Ridge Church A special Song Festival will be held at Pine Ridge Church, Sun day, December 21, beginning at 1:00 p. m. The church is located eight miles east of Zebulon, one mile off Highway 64. Outstanding quartettes who sing in the Wilson and Benson Conventions will be there to par ticipate. Included are Bissett’s Sisters Trio, Wilson; Friendly Four and Wicker Sisters, Durham; Woodall and Royal quartettes, Smithfield; and the Frederick Trio, Goldsboro. The public is invited. An am plifying system will be used. Junior, Senior Clubs Hold Joint Meeting The joint Christmas meeting of the Junior and Senior Women’s Clubs held Tuesday evening in the club house was one of the most delightful and entertaining meet ings ever held there. The club house itself was beautifully dec orated, carrying out the Christmas theme in all its appointments. Mrs. Eva Page, president of the Senor Club which was the hostess, greeted the Junior Club, who had charge of the program. Response was made by Mrs. Cleo Perry, Junior Club president. The guests all joined in singing, “Hark, the Herald Angles Sing,” after which Rev. R. H. Herring read the de votional and led in prayer. Mrs. (Continued on Page 5) W S C S Meeting The W. S. C. S. met in the home of Mrs. J. F. Coltrane, Monday p. m. Mrs. Sibley Fiddner and Sal lie Strickland had charge of the program. Christmas carols were sung and all were reminded of the children in the war tom coun tries. There were fourteen present. On Seal Program £• : - W $ 4V I > Mm V-1 fIjSX; >|£3Bft .*! Q+J details of a Christmas Seal radio broadcast with his director. The noted screen star is heard over Raleigh stations Friday nights. ZEBULON to get NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING IN '4B Southern Bell Telephone Com pany will begin work enlarging and improving the system in Zeb ulon during Jhee early part of 1948, according to Edwin A. Cle ment district manager of the com pany, who was in Zebulon last week checking for suitable loca tion for the new building which will house the necessary central office equipment. Held to a standstill by war-im posed shortages, the Bell System has been unable to expand at the expected rate in the months fol lowing the war, but as equipment and materials are becoming more plentiful, work is moving at a fas ter pace. Mr. Clement told the Record that Zebulon will very likely have their new system and building by summer of 1948, and that by the end of next year, there will be available telephones for all who ask for them. The district manager asked for the continued patience of Zebulon residents, saying that his com pany wanted the good will and business of everyone in its terri tory, and was doing everything in its power to improve the situa tion. Wakefield Cantata Skies Over Bethlehem, a ser vice for Christmas, will be pre sented by the choir, directed by Mrs. Harold E. Pippin, at the Wakefield Baptist Church, Wed nesday night, December 24, jtt seven-thirty o’clock. Howard Beck Describes Occupation; Youth Choir to Sing for Rotarians Rev. Gilmer Parrish, member of the Zebulon Rotary Club, will de liver an inspirational address on the subject of Christmas to local Rotarians tonight, when the civic organization observes its annual holiday meeting. Scheduled to be on the program with the young minister is the Youth Choir of the Zebulon Bap tist Church. Charles Horton, min isterial student at Wake Forest College, is choir director. Theo. Davis Sons, Publishers SPECIAL PROGRAM AT LOCAL CHURCH _ CHRISTMAS DAY Christmas music and worship at the Baptist Church will be led by the pastor, Carlton T. Mitchell, and both choirs, under the direc tion of Charles Horton. A Christ mas cantata, “The Call of the Star,” will be presented at the-, morning worship service. Soloists are Mrs. L. M. Massey, Miss Sarah Anne Eaton, Mrs. Frank Kemp and Elwood Perry. The pastor will deliver a Christ mas message entitled “Peace from on High.” Evening worship services at 7:30 will feature The Christmas Story presented by music, narra tion and color slides. The Adult Choir will sing “Jesu Bambino” and the Youth Choir will sing “Silent Night” and “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing.” Mrs. L. M. Massey will sing “O Lovely Voices of the Sky” and Mrs. Frank Kemp will sing “No Candle Was There, and No Fire.” Miss Edythe Med lin will join the organist, Charles Horton, in a duet with bells and the organ. The “Hallelujah Cho rus” from Handel’s “Messiah” will be presented in piano and organ duet with Mrs. Rodney McNabb at the piano. Ed Ellington, Hilliard Greene, Jr., and Wilbur Conn will sing “We Three Kings of Orient.” The pastor will offer the narration accompanying the slides. A Christmas party will be held in the church basement immedi ately after the evening worship service. Santa Claus will be pres ent with surprises for the children. A candlelight vesper service will be held on Christmas Day at five o’clock. The Youth Choir and the pastor will lead the worship ser vice. Basketball Schedule Given for Wakelon Below is given the Wakelon basketball schedule for this year as released by Principal Fred Smith yesterday. Date: Dec. 12 Bunn at Wakelon Dec. 16 Wakelon at Rolesvillef Jan. 2 Wendell at Wakelon Jan 6 Bunn at Bunn Jan. 9 Wakelon at Wendell Jan. 20 Knightdale at Wakelon Jan. 23 Wakelon at Wake Forest Jan. 27 Rolesville at Wakelon Jan. 30 Millbrook at Wakelon Feb. 3 Corinth at Corinth Feb. 10 Wendell at Wakelon Feb. 13 Wakelon at Millbrook Feb. 17 Wakelon at Knightdale Feb. 20 Wake Forest at Wakelon Feb. 27 Corinth at Wakelon Last week Howard Beck spoke ip the Rotarians on the general of i veneer industry, and s iVx.e in passing on the activities of fa i; own concern, Beck Brothers Veneer Company of Zebulon and Statesville. At the previous meeting Dr. I* M. Massey spoke on the worth whileness of civic organizations in general. There will be no meeting of the local Rotary Club next week.